def separate(): gpu_count = 1 chat = PASTE_GROUP_ID screenshots_path = "/home/alex/storage/shop_screens/video/" processed_path = "/home/alex/storage/shop_screens/video/processed/" shop_names = ["Altuf", "Avangard", "Mar", "Tag"] if host_check(""): print(" - Ok") else: print(" - Unavailable. Exit") exit() if host_check(""): print(" (images server) - ok") else: print(" (images server) - Unavailable. Exit") send_to_telegram( chat, " (images server) - Unavailable. Unable to terminate records. Exit" ) exit() if host_check(""): print(" (SQL) - ok") else: print(" (SQL) - Unavailable. Exit") send_to_telegram( chat, " (SQL) - Unavailable. Unable to terminate records. Exit") exit() files_total_count = 0 print("files count..") #send_to_telegram(chat,"files dividing started..") for shop_id in range(4): files = os.listdir(screenshots_path + shop_names[shop_id] + "/grabs/") files = natsorted(files, alg=ns.PATH) files_total_count += len(files) print(files_total_count) #send_to_telegram(chat,str(files_total_count)+" in queue") files_count = 0 gpu_id = 0 conn = pymssql.connect(server='', user='******', password=PASTE_PASS, database='shopEvents') cursor = conn.cursor() # reset all to Not processed state query = "delete from files_to_process" cursor.execute(query) conn.commit() for shop_id in range(4): print(shop_names[shop_id]) files = os.listdir(screenshots_path + shop_names[shop_id] + "/grabs/") files = natsorted(files, alg=ns.PATH) bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=len(files), widgets=[ progressbar.Bar('=', '[', ']'), ' ', progressbar.Percentage() ]) bar.start() for file_id in range(len(files)): bar.update(file_id + 1) file_full_path = screenshots_path + shop_names[ shop_id] + "/grabs/" + files[file_id] if os.stat(file_full_path).st_size == 0: #empty os.remove(file_full_path) continue if file_full_path.find(".jpg") == -1: #not jpg continue query = "INSERT INTO files_to_process (file_id,file_full_path,shop_id,gpu_id,file_name) VALUES (" + str( files_count) + ",'" + file_full_path + "'," + str( shop_id) + "," + str(gpu_id) + ",'" + files[file_id] + "')" cursor.execute(query) conn.commit() if (gpu_count > 1): if files_count > files_total_count / ( gpu_count) and gpu_id < gpu_count: print(file_full_path, shop_id, gpu_id) gpu_id += 1 files_count = 0 else: files_count += 1 else: files_count += 1 bar.update(len(files)) print("\nprepared:", files_count, "files")
sys.path.append("../../..") from utils import label_map_util from utils import visualization_utils as vis_util from lex import host_check, send_to_telegram, filedate from data_prepare import terminator, separate from natsort import natsorted, ns import shutil #chat = "-1001448066127" chat = "-227727734" if host_check(""): print(" - Ok") else: print(" - Unavailable. Exit") exit() if host_check(""): print(" (images server) - ok") else: print(" (images server) - Unavailable. Exit") send_to_telegram( chat, " (images server) - Unavailable. Unable to add records. Exit") exit() if host_check(""):
def terminator(): life_day_lenght = 60 chat = "-1001448066127" if host_check(""): print(" - Ok") else: print(" - Unavailable. Exit") exit() if host_check(""): print(" (images server) - ok") else: print(" (images server) - Unavailable. Exit") send_to_telegram( chat, " (images server) - Unavailable. Unable to terminate records. Exit" ) exit() if host_check(""): print(" (SQL) - ok") else: print(" (SQL) - Unavailable. Exit") send_to_telegram( chat, " (SQL) - Unavailable. Unable to terminate records. Exit") exit() date_current = #send_to_telegram(chat,"Removing old files..") conn = pymssql.connect(server='', user='******', password='******', database='shopEvents') cursor = conn.cursor() time_limit = ( date_current - dt.timedelta(days=life_day_lenght)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # === Remove files with SQL query = "SELECT path FROM files where date<'" + time_limit + "'" cursor.execute(query) answer = cursor.fetchall() count_of_files_to_delete = len(answer) log_message = "SQL: Removing " + str(count_of_files_to_delete) + " files" print(log_message) send_to_telegram(chat, log_message) bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=count_of_files_to_delete, widgets=[ progressbar.Bar('=', '[', ']'), ' ', progressbar.Percentage() ]) i = 0 bar.start() file_not_found_count = 0 file_removed_count = 0 for file_name_to_delete in answer: if os.path.isfile(file_name_to_delete[0]): os.remove(file_name_to_delete[0]) file_removed_count = file_removed_count + 1 else: file_not_found_count = file_not_found_count + 1 bar.update(i + 1) i = i + 1 bar.finish() log_message = "Removed: " + str(file_removed_count) + " files" print(log_message) if file_removed_count: send_to_telegram(chat, log_message) if file_not_found_count: log_message = "Not found " + str(file_not_found_count) + " files" print(log_message) send_to_telegram(chat, log_message) # === Remove SQL reocords: files print("Removing SQL records: files") query = "DELETE FROM files where date<'" + time_limit + "'" cursor.execute(query) conn.commit() # === Remove SQL records: events print("Removing SQL records: events") query = "DELETE FROM events WHERE eventDate<'" + time_limit + "'" cursor.execute(query) conn.commit() # === File system: remove files #print("File system: Removing old files") file_date = filedate() files_removed_count = 0 shares_path = "/mnt/shares/" for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(shares_path): list_file_path = os.path.join(root, 'my-directory-list.txt') with open(list_file_path, 'wb') as list_file: log_message = "Processing " + str( len(files)) + " files in directory: " + list_file_path print(log_message) #send_to_telegram(chat,log_message) bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=len(files), widgets=[ progressbar.Bar('=', '[', ']'), ' ', progressbar.Percentage() ]) i = 0 bar.start() for filename in files: if ".jpg" in filename: #print(filename) file_date.update(filename) file_path = os.path.join(root, filename) #time_difference=(date_current-datetime.fromtimestamp( os.path.getctime(file_path) )).total_seconds() #day_difference=int(time_difference/60/60/24) time_difference = date_current - file_date.dateFormat() day_difference = int(time_difference.total_seconds() / 60 / 60 / 24) if day_difference > life_day_lenght: os.remove(file_path) files_removed_count += 1 #else: # print("New file "+str(time_difference)+": ("+str(day_difference)+"<="+str(life_day_lenght)+"): "+file_path) bar.update(i + 1) i = i + 1 bar.finish() log_message = "Removed by file system: " + str( files_removed_count) + " files" print(log_message) #send_to_telegram(chat,log_message) files_removed_count = 0 log_message = "Terminator job complete. normal exit" print(log_message) send_to_telegram(chat, log_message)
import cv2 sys.path.append("../../..") from utils import label_map_util from utils import visualization_utils as vis_util from lex import host_check, send_to_telegram, filedate #from sql_check_file_exist import file_exist_check from natsort import natsorted, ns import shutil chat = "-1001448066127" if host_check(""): print(" - Ok") else: print(" - Unavailable. Exit") exit() if host_check(""): print(" (source images) - ok") else: print(" (source images) - Unavailable. Exit") send_to_telegram( chat, " (source images) - Unavailable. Unable to terminate records. Exit" ) exit()