Example #1
def liwc_results(str, _name):
    liwc_lexicon = Liwc()
    #Count the number of words in each Category
    category_counts = Counter(liwc_lexicon.read_document(str))
    print 'Basic category counts: {}'.format(category_counts)
    #Calculate the score for each category
    full_counts = liwc_lexicon.summarize_document(str)
    liwc_lexicon.print_summarization(full_counts, _name)
Example #2
print "TODO: upload the LIWC analysis result to the user prof entry? No LIWC should be done on a static set"

for username in usernames:
    results = tweets.find({'user.screen_name': username})
    textmass = ""
    for result in results:
        textmass = textmass + " " + result['text'].encode('utf8')
    #textmass = unicode( textmass, errors='ignore')
    textmass = ' '.join(re.sub("(@[A-Za-z0-9]+)|([^0-9A-Za-z \t])|(\w+:\/\/\S+)"," ",textmass).split())
#    outfile = open(username + ".txt","w")
#    outfile.write(textmass)
#    outfile.close()
    result = Liwc.summarize_document(liwc, textmass)
    Liwc.print_summarization(liwc, result)
#infilename = "all_text_Content.txt"
#infilename = "lincoln.txt"
#infile = open(infilename,"r")
#sample = ""
#for line in infile:
#    sample = sample  + " " + line
#liwc = Liwc()
#result = Liwc.summarize_document(liwc, sample)
#Liwc.print_summarization(liwc, result)