Example #1
    def split_text_on_lines(self, text: str):
        self.estimate = ParsedTextQualityEstimate()
        proc = LineProcessor()
        self.lines = [
            for l in proc.split_text_on_line_with_endings(text)
        self.estimate.avg_line_length = proc.line_length

        for line in self.lines:
Example #2
class ParsedTextQualityEstimator:
    Estimates the probability of the text passed being somewhat corrupted

    sentence_break_chars = {'.', ';', '!', '?', ','}
    reg_numered_header = re.compile(
    reg_paragraph_start = re.compile(r'(^\s{2})|(^\t)')
    minimal_paragraph_line_length = 250

    def __init__(self):
        self.estimate = ParsedTextQualityEstimate()
        self.lines = []
        self.proc = LineProcessor()

    def estimate_text(self, text: str) -> ParsedTextQualityEstimate:
        Let's assume the text is:
            Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical
            Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at

            Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a
            Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered

            the undoubtable source.
        :param text: a text containing a number of \n\n sequences, see above
        :return: ParsedTextQualityEstimate: {'avg_line_length': 103, 'extra_line_breaks_prob': 66, 'corrupted_prob': 66}

        # does the text contain unnecessary line breaks?
        # wrap up the estimate
        self.estimate.corrupted_prob = self.estimate.extra_line_breaks_prob
        return self.estimate

    def split_text_on_lines(self, text: str):
        self.estimate = ParsedTextQualityEstimate()

        self.lines = [
            for l in self.proc.split_text_on_line_with_endings(text)
        self.estimate.avg_line_length = self.proc.line_length

        for line in self.lines:

    def estimate_extra_line_breaks(self):
        lines_total = len(self.lines)
        if lines_total == 0:

        longest_seq = 0
        current_seq = 0
        total_extra_breaks = 0

        for indx in range(0, len(self.lines)):
            if self.check_line_followed_by_unnecessary_break(indx):
                total_extra_breaks += 1
                current_seq += 1
                longest_seq = max(current_seq, longest_seq)
            current_seq = 0

        if total_extra_breaks > 1:
            p1 = 100 if longest_seq > lines_total / 3 else int(
                100 * longest_seq * 2.5 / lines_total)
            p2 = int(100 * total_extra_breaks * 2 / lines_total)
            self.estimate.extra_line_breaks_prob = min(100, max(p1, p2))

    def check_line_followed_by_unnecessary_break(self,
                                                 line_index: int) -> bool:
        line = self.lines[line_index]
        if line.ending.count('\n') <= 1:
            return False
        if len(line.text
               ) > ParsedTextQualityEstimator.minimal_paragraph_line_length:
            # the whole line could be a paragraph
            return False
        prob_needs_extra = line.type == LineType.header
        if not prob_needs_extra:
            next_line = self.lines[
                line_index + 1] if line_index < len(self.lines) - 1 else None
            prob_needs_extra = next_line is not None and next_line.type != LineType.regular
        return not prob_needs_extra

    def determine_line_type(self, line: TypedLineOrPhrase):
        p_head = self.estimate_line_is_header_prob(line.text)
        if p_head > 50:
            line.type = LineType.header
        p_par_start = self.estimate_line_is_paragraph_start_prob(line.text)
        if p_par_start > 50:
            line.type = LineType.paragraph_start

    def estimate_line_is_paragraph_start_prob(self, line: str) -> int:
        if ParsedTextQualityEstimator.reg_paragraph_start.search(line):
            return 100
        return 0

    def estimate_line_is_header_prob(self, line: str) -> int:
        line = line.rstrip(' \t')
        if len(line) == 0:
            return 0
        if line[-1] in ParsedTextQualityEstimator.sentence_break_chars:
            return 0
        if ParsedTextQualityEstimator.reg_numered_header.search(line):
            return 100

        if len(line) < self.estimate.avg_line_length * 0.6:
            return 65  # 65% chance the line is a header

        return 35