def test_from_stream(self): ae = self.assertEqual ar = self.assertRaises data_le = b"\x00\x0E\x15\x91\xC4\x95\xC2\x01" data_be = data_le[::-1] data_bad = b"\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF" stream = ByteIStream(data_le) filetime1 = FILETIMETodatetime.from_stream(stream, byte_order=LITTLE_ENDIAN) filetime2 = FILETIMETodatetime.from_stream(stream, 0, LITTLE_ENDIAN) stream = ByteIStream(data_be) filetime3 = FILETIMETodatetime.from_stream(stream, byte_order=BIG_ENDIAN) filetime4 = FILETIMETodatetime.from_stream(stream, 0, BIG_ENDIAN) ae(filetime1, datetime(2002, 11, 27, 3, 25, 0)) ae(filetime2, datetime(2002, 11, 27, 3, 25, 0)) ae(filetime3, datetime(2002, 11, 27, 3, 25, 0)) ae(filetime4, datetime(2002, 11, 27, 3, 25, 0)) stream = ByteIStream(data_bad) ar(ValueError, FILETIMETodatetime.from_stream, stream)
def test_from_stream(self): ae = self.assertEqual data_le = b"\x07\x04\xE1\x9C" data_be = b"\x9C\xE1\x04\x07" stream = ByteIStream(data_le) lcid1 = LCID.from_stream(stream, byte_order=LITTLE_ENDIAN) lcid2 = LCID.from_stream(stream, 0, byte_order=LITTLE_ENDIAN) stream = ByteIStream(data_be) lcid3 = LCID.from_stream(stream, byte_order=BIG_ENDIAN) lcid4 = LCID.from_stream(stream, 0, byte_order=BIG_ENDIAN) ae(lcid1.rsvd, 0x9CE) ae(lcid1.sort_id, 1) ae(lcid1.lang_id, 0x0407) ae(lcid2.rsvd, 0x9CE) ae(lcid2.sort_id, 1) ae(lcid2.lang_id, 0x0407) ae(lcid3.rsvd, 0x9CE) ae(lcid3.sort_id, 1) ae(lcid3.lang_id, 0x0407) ae(lcid4.rsvd, 0x9CE) ae(lcid4.sort_id, 1) ae(lcid4.lang_id, 0x0407)
def test_from_stream(self): ae = self.assertEqual data = bytearray() data.extend(b"\x00\x01\x02\x03") # unknown1 data.extend(b"\x04\x05\x06\x07") # unknown2 data.extend(b"\x05\x00\x00\x00") # size data.extend(b"\xFF\xD8\x08\x09\x0A") # data stream = ByteIStream(data) thumb1 = Thumbnail.from_stream(stream) thumb2 = Thumbnail.from_stream(stream, 0) for thumb in (thumb1, thumb2): ae(thumb.size, 0x5) ae(, b"\xFF\xD8\x08\x09\x0A") # end for data = bytearray() data.extend(b"\x00\x01\x02\x03") # unknown1 data.extend(b"\x05\x00\x00\x00") # size data.extend(b"\x04\x05\x06\x07") # unknown2 data.extend(b"\x08\x09\x0A\x0B") # unknown3 data.extend(b"\xFF\xD8\x0C\x0D\x0E") # data stream = ByteIStream(data) thumb1 = Thumbnail.from_stream(stream) thumb2 = Thumbnail.from_stream(stream, 0) for thumb in (thumb1, thumb2): ae(thumb.size, 0x5) ae(, b"\xFF\xD8\x0C\x0D\x0E")
def test_from_stream(self): ae = self.assertEqual attrs = FileAttributes.from_stream(ByteIStream(b"\x55\x55\x55\x55")) ae(attrs.read_only, 1) ae(attrs.hidden, 0) ae(attrs.system, 1) ae(, 1) ae(attrs.archive, 0) ae(attrs.normal, 0) ae(attrs.temp, 1) ae(attrs.sparse, 0) ae(attrs.reparse_point, 1) ae(attrs.compressed, 0) ae(attrs.offline, 1) ae(attrs.not_content_indexed, 0) ae(attrs.encrypted, 1) attrs = FileAttributes.from_stream(ByteIStream(b"\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA")) ae(attrs.read_only, 0) ae(attrs.hidden, 1) ae(attrs.system, 0) ae(, 0) ae(attrs.archive, 1) ae(attrs.normal, 1) ae(attrs.temp, 0) ae(attrs.sparse, 1) ae(attrs.reparse_point, 0) ae(attrs.compressed, 1) ae(attrs.offline, 0) ae(attrs.not_content_indexed, 1) ae(attrs.encrypted, 0)
def test_from_stream(self): ae = self.assertEqual data_le = (b"\xFF\xFF" b"\x03" b"\x01" b"\x01\x02\x03\x04" b"\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0A\x0B\x0C") data_be = (b"\xFF\xFF" b"\x03" b"\x01" b"\x04\x03\x02\x01" b"\x0C\x0B\x0A\x09\x08\x07\x06\x05") value = (0x04030201 << 64) | 0x0C0B0A0908070605 value = -value value = Decimal(value) / Decimal(10**3) value_le = DECIMALToDecimal.from_stream(ByteIStream(data_le), byte_order=LITTLE_ENDIAN) value_be = DECIMALToDecimal.from_stream(ByteIStream(data_be), byte_order=BIG_ENDIAN) ae(value_le, value) ae(value_be, value)
def test_from_ctype(self): ae = self.assertEqual stream = ByteIStream(bytes([x for x in range(16)])) uuid1 = guid_be.from_buffer_copy( uuid1 = GUIDToUUID.from_ctype(uuid1) ae(uuid1, UUID(bytes=bytes([x for x in range(16)])))
def test_from_stream(self): ae = self.assertEqual data0 = bytearray() data0.extend(b"\x14\x00\x00\x00") # volume id size data0.extend(b"\x01\x02\x03\x04") # drive type data0.extend(b"\x05\x06\x07\x08") # drive serial number data0.extend(b"\x10\x00\x00\x00") # volume label offset data0.extend(b"abc\x00") # data data1 = bytearray() data1.extend(b"\x18\x00\x00\x00") # volume id size data1.extend(b"\x01\x02\x03\x04") # drive type data1.extend(b"\x05\x06\x07\x08") # drive serial number data1.extend(b"\x14\x00\x00\x00") # volume label offset data1.extend(b"\x14\x00\x00\x00") data1.extend(b"d\x00\x00\x00") # data stream0 = ByteIStream(data0) stream1 = ByteIStream(b"".join([b"\x64\x53", data0])) stream2 = ByteIStream(data1) stream3 = ByteIStream(b"".join([b"\x64\x53", data1])) volid0 = VolumeID.from_stream(stream0) volid1 = VolumeID.from_stream(stream1, 2) volid2 = VolumeID.from_stream(stream2) volid3 = VolumeID.from_stream(stream3, 2) ae(volid0.size, 0x14) ae(volid1.size, 0x14) ae(volid2.size, 0x18) ae(volid3.size, 0x18) ae(volid0.drive_type, 0x04030201) ae(volid1.drive_type, 0x04030201) ae(volid2.drive_type, 0x04030201) ae(volid3.drive_type, 0x04030201) ae(volid0.drive_serial_num, 0x08070605) ae(volid1.drive_serial_num, 0x08070605) ae(volid2.drive_serial_num, 0x08070605) ae(volid3.drive_serial_num, 0x08070605) ae(volid0.volume_label_offset, 0x10) ae(volid1.volume_label_offset, 0x10) ae(volid2.volume_label_offset, 0x14) ae(volid2.volume_label_offset, 0x14) ae(volid0.volume_label_offset_uni, None) ae(volid1.volume_label_offset_uni, None) ae(volid2.volume_label_offset_uni, 0x14) ae(volid3.volume_label_offset_uni, 0x14) ae(volid0.volume_label, b"abc") ae(volid1.volume_label, b"abc") ae(volid2.volume_label, "d") ae(volid3.volume_label, "d")
def test_from_stream(self): ae = self.assertEqual data_le = b"\x4C\x27\xF6\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF" data_be = data_le[::-1] value_le = CURRENCYToDecimal.from_stream(ByteIStream(data_le), byte_order=LITTLE_ENDIAN) value_be = CURRENCYToDecimal.from_stream(ByteIStream(data_be), byte_order=BIG_ENDIAN) value = Decimal("-64.53") ae(value_le, value) ae(value_be, value)
def test_from_stream(self): ae = self.assertEqual stream = ByteIStream(bytes([x for x in range(17)])) uuid1 = CLSIDToUUID.from_stream(stream, byte_order=LITTLE_ENDIAN) uuid2 = CLSIDToUUID.from_stream(stream, 1, byte_order=LITTLE_ENDIAN), SEEK_SET) uuid3 = CLSIDToUUID.from_stream(stream, byte_order=BIG_ENDIAN) uuid4 = CLSIDToUUID.from_stream(stream, 1, byte_order=BIG_ENDIAN) ae(uuid1, UUID(bytes_le=bytes([x for x in range(16)]))) ae(uuid2, UUID(bytes_le=bytes([x for x in range(1, 17)]))) ae(uuid3, UUID(bytes=bytes([x for x in range(16)]))) ae(uuid4, UUID(bytes=bytes([x for x in range(1, 17)])))
def main(): usage = "%prog [options] thumbsdb id" description = "\n".join([ "Extracts raw thumbnail data from a thumbs.db file." "", "If thumbsdb is '-', then stdin is read." ]) parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, description=description, version=VERSION_STR) parser.add_option("-c", dest="catalog_name", action="store", help="The name of the catalog stream (def: %default)", default="Catalog") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) < 2: parser.error("You must specify a thumbs.db file or '-' and an id") # end if if args[0] == "-": cfb = CompoundFile(ByteIStream( else: cfb = CompoundFile(RawIStream(args[0])) # end if tdb = ThumbsDb(cfb, options.catalog_name) entry_id = int(args[1]) sys.stdout.buffer.write(tdb.thumbnails[entry_id].data)
def test_from_stream(self): ae = self.assertEqual item1 = b"\x06\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04" item2 = b"\x05\x00\x05\x06\x07" item3 = b"\x04\x00\x08\x09" little_item = b"\x01\x00" big_item = b"\xFF\x00\x64\x53" null_item = b"\x00\x00" itemid1 = SHITEMID((6, 6, b"\x01\x02\x03\x04")) itemid2 = SHITEMID((5, 5, b"\x05\x06\x07")) itemid3 = SHITEMID((4, 4, b"\x08\x09")) little_itemid = SHITEMID((2, 1, None)) big_itemid = SHITEMID((2, 0xFF, b"\x64\x53")) null_itemid = SHITEMID((2, 0, None)) data = bytearray() data.extend(b"\x00\x01\x02\x03") # block size data.extend(b"\x04\x05\x06\x07") # block signature data.extend(b"".join([item1, item2, item3, null_item])) stream = ByteIStream(data) vaaidlp1 = VistaAndAboveIDListProps.from_stream(stream) vaaidlp2 = VistaAndAboveIDListProps.from_stream(stream, 0) ae(vaaidlp1.size, 0x03020100) ae(vaaidlp2.size, 0x03020100) ae(vaaidlp1.sig, 0x07060504) ae(vaaidlp2.sig, 0x07060504) id_list = [itemid1, itemid2, itemid3, null_itemid] ae(vaaidlp1.idlist.mkid, id_list) ae(vaaidlp2.idlist.mkid, id_list)
def test_from_stream(self): ae = self.assertEqual stream = ByteIStream(bytes([x for x in range(12)])) cfep1 = ConsoleFEProps.from_stream(stream) cfep2 = ConsoleFEProps.from_stream(stream, 0) ae(cfep1.size, 0x03020100) ae(cfep2.size, 0x03020100) ae(cfep1.sig, 0x07060504) ae(cfep2.sig, 0x07060504) lcid = LCID.from_stream(ByteIStream(b"\x08\x09\x0A\x0B")) ae(cfep1.code_page, lcid) ae(cfep2.code_page, lcid)
def test_CtypesWrapper(self): ae = self.assertEqual class TestDataType(LERecord): field1 = int8 field2 = uint8 # end class TestDataType ctype = TestDataType._ctype_ class CtypesWrapperTest(CtypesWrapper): _ctype_ = ctype _fields_ = [x[0] for x in TestDataType._fields_] # end class CtypesWrapperTest cwt1 = CtypesWrapperTest.from_stream(ByteIStream(b"\x64\x53")) ctype_with_val = ctype.from_buffer_copy(b"\x64\x53") cwt2 = CtypesWrapperTest.from_ctype(ctype_with_val) cwt3 = CtypesWrapperTest.from_bytes(b"\x64\x53") for cwt in (cwt1, cwt2, cwt3): ae(cwt.field1, 0x64) ae(cwt.field2, 0x53) ae(cwt, (0x64, 0x53))
def test_from_stream(self): ae = self.assertEqual data = bytearray() data.extend(b"\x00\x01\x02\x03") # block size data.extend(b"\x04\x05\x06\x07") # blog sig data.extend([0x41] * 260) # darwin_data_ansi data.extend([0xEB, 0xFE] * 260) # darwin_data_uni stream = ByteIStream(data) dp1 = DarwinProps.from_stream(stream) dp2 = DarwinProps.from_stream(stream, 0) ae(dp1.size, 0x03020100) ae(dp2.size, 0x03020100) ae(dp1.sig, 0x07060504) ae(dp2.sig, 0x07060504) ae(dp1.darwin_data_ansi, b"\x41" * 260) ae(dp2.darwin_data_ansi, b"\x41" * 260) darwin_data_uni = bytes([0xEB, 0xFE] * 260) darwin_data_uni = darwin_data_uni.decode("utf_16_le", "ignore") darwin_data_uni = darwin_data_uni.split("\x00", 1)[0] ae(dp1.darwin_data_uni, darwin_data_uni) ae(dp2.darwin_data_uni, darwin_data_uni)
def main(): usage = "%prog [options] lnkfile" description = "\n".join([ "Displays information from shell link (.lnk) files.", "", "If file is '-' then stdin is read." ]) parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, description=description, version=VERSION_STR) parser.add_option("-f", dest="full_output", action="store_true", help="Display full output for binary attributes", default=False) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) < 1: parser.error("You must supply a file name or '-'") # end if if args[0] == "-": lnk = ShellLink(ByteIStream( filename = "-stdin-" else: lnk = ShellLink(RawIStream(args[0])) filename = args[0] # end if output = ["File: {0}".format(filename)] output.append("") output.extend(format_output(lnk, options.full_output)) print("\n".join(output))
def test_from_stream(self): ae = self.assertEqual data = bytearray() data.extend(b"\x00\x01\x02\x03") # block size data.extend(b"\x04\x05\x06\x07") # blog sig data.extend([0x41] * 260) # target_ansi data.extend([0xEB, 0xFE] * 260) # target_uni stream = ByteIStream(data) esdb1 = ExpandableStringsDataBlock.from_stream(stream) esdb2 = ExpandableStringsDataBlock.from_stream(stream, 0) ae(esdb1.size, 0x03020100) ae(esdb2.size, 0x03020100) ae(esdb1.sig, 0x07060504) ae(esdb2.sig, 0x07060504) ae(esdb1.target_ansi, b"\x41" * 260) ae(esdb2.target_ansi, b"\x41" * 260) target_uni = bytes([0xEB, 0xFE] * 260) target_uni = target_uni.decode("utf_16_le", "ignore") target_uni = target_uni.split("\x00", 1)[0] ae(esdb1.target_uni, target_uni) ae(esdb2.target_uni, target_uni)
def test_from_stream(self): ae = self.assertEqual data = bytearray() data.extend(b"\x00\x01\x02\x03") # block size data.extend(b"\x04\x05\x06\x07") # blog sig data.extend([0x41] * 260) # target_ansi data.extend([0xEB, 0xFE] * 260) # target_uni stream = ByteIStream(data) iep1 = IconEnvironmentProps.from_stream(stream) iep2 = IconEnvironmentProps.from_stream(stream, 0) ae(iep1.size, 0x03020100) ae(iep2.size, 0x03020100) ae(iep1.sig, 0x07060504) ae(iep2.sig, 0x07060504) ae(iep1.target_ansi, b"\x41" * 260) ae(iep2.target_ansi, b"\x41" * 260) target_uni = bytes([0xEB, 0xFE] * 260) target_uni = target_uni.decode("utf_16_le", "ignore") target_uni = target_uni.split("\x00", 1)[0] ae(iep1.target_uni, target_uni) ae(iep2.target_uni, target_uni)
def test_from_stream(self): ae = self.assertEqual data_le = b"\xBD\x42\x57\xAE" data_be = b"\xAE\x57\x42\xBD" stream = ByteIStream(data_le) hresult1 = HRESULT.from_stream(stream, byte_order=LITTLE_ENDIAN) hresult2 = HRESULT.from_stream(stream, 0, byte_order=LITTLE_ENDIAN) stream = ByteIStream(data_be) hresult3 = HRESULT.from_stream(stream, byte_order=BIG_ENDIAN) hresult4 = HRESULT.from_stream(stream, 0, byte_order=BIG_ENDIAN) ae(hresult1.s, 1) ae(hresult1.r, 0) ae(hresult1.c, 1) ae(hresult1.n, 0) ae(hresult1.x, 1) ae(hresult1.facility, 0x0657) ae(hresult1.code, 0x42BD) ae(hresult2.s, 1) ae(hresult2.r, 0) ae(hresult2.c, 1) ae(hresult2.n, 0) ae(hresult2.x, 1) ae(hresult2.facility, 0x0657) ae(hresult2.code, 0x42BD) ae(hresult3.s, 1) ae(hresult3.r, 0) ae(hresult3.c, 1) ae(hresult3.n, 0) ae(hresult3.x, 1) ae(hresult3.facility, 0x0657) ae(hresult3.code, 0x42BD) ae(hresult4.s, 1) ae(hresult4.r, 0) ae(hresult4.c, 1) ae(hresult4.n, 0) ae(hresult4.x, 1) ae(hresult4.facility, 0x0657) ae(hresult4.code, 0x42BD)
def main(): usage = "%prog [options] thumbsdb" description = "\n".join([ "Lists the entries in an thumbs.db file.", "", "If thumbsdb is '-', then stdin is read." ]) parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, description=description, version=VERSION_STR) parser.add_option("-p", dest="pretty_output", action="store_true", help="Display details in 'pretty-print' format", default=False) parser.add_option("-l", dest="long_output", action="store_true", help="Display details in long format", default=False) parser.add_option("-m", dest="mactime_output", action="store_true", help="Display details in mactime format", default=False) parser.add_option("-c", dest="catalog_name", action="store", help="The name of the catalog stream (def: %default)", default="Catalog") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.mactime_output and options.long_output: parser.error("You can't specify both -l and -m") elif options.mactime_output and options.pretty_output: parser.error("You can't specify both -m and -p") elif options.long_output and options.pretty_output: parser.error("You can't specify both -l and -p") elif len(args) == 0: parser.error("You must specify a thumbs.db file or '-'") # end if if args[0] == "-": cfb = CompoundFile(ByteIStream( else: cfb = CompoundFile(RawIStream(args[0])) # end if tdb = ThumbsDb(cfb, options.catalog_name) output = format_output(tdb, options) print("\n".join(output))
def main(): usage = "%prog [options] info2file" description = "\n".join([ "Lists the entries in an INFO2 file.", "", "If info2file is '-', then stdin is read." ]) parser = OptionParser( usage=usage, description=description, version=VERSION_STR ) parser.add_option( "-R", dest="rifiuti_output", action="store_true", help="Display details in Rifiuti-style format", default=False ) parser.add_option( "-l", dest="long_output", action="store_true", help="Display details in long format", default=False ) parser.add_option( "-m", dest="mactime_output", action="store_true", help="Display details in mactime format", default=False ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.mactime_output and options.long_output: parser.error("You can't specify both -l and -m") elif options.mactime_output and options.rifiuti_output: parser.error("You can't specify both -m and -R") elif options.long_output and options.rifiuti_output: parser.error("You can't specify both -l and -R") elif len(args) == 0: parser.error("You must specify an INFO2 file or '-'") # end if if args[0] == "-": i2 = INFO2(ByteIStream( else: i2 = INFO2(RawIStream(args[0])) # end if output = format_output(i2, options) print("\n".join(output))
def main(): usage = "%prog [options] -i sid olefile" description = "\n".join([ "Displays OLE property sets from a stream in an OLE compound file.", "", "If file is '-' then stdin is read." ]) parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, description=description, version=VERSION_STR) parser.add_option("-r", action="store_true", dest="raw_stream", help="Input is just a stream (not an OLE compound file)", default=False) parser.add_option( "-i", action="store", dest="sid", help="Stream to analyze", ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) < 1: parser.error("You must specify an olefile (or '-' for stdin)") # end if if (not options.raw_stream) and (not options.sid): parser.error("You must specify either -i or -r") # end if if args[0] == "-": input_stream = ByteIStream( else: input_stream = RawIStream(args[0]) # end if if options.raw_stream: output = format_output(input_stream, options) else: cfb = CompoundFile(input_stream) sid = int(options.sid) if sid not in cfb.dir_entries: print("Can't find sid {0}".format(sid), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(-2) # end if output = format_output(cfb.get_stream(sid), options) # end if print("\n".join(output))
def main(): usage = "%prog olefile sid" description = "\n".join([ "Displays statistics about entries in an OLE compound file.", "", "If file is '-' then stdin is read." ]) parser = OptionParser( usage=usage, description=description, version=VERSION_STR ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) < 2: parser.error("Must specify both a file and stream identifier") # end if if args[0] == "-": cfb = CompoundFile(ByteIStream( else: cfb = CompoundFile(RawIStream(args[0])) # end if sid = int(args[1]) last_sid = len(cfb.dir_entries) header_sid = last_sid + 0 difat_sid = last_sid + 1 fat_sid = last_sid + 2 mini_fat_sid = last_sid + 3 if sid in cfb.dir_entries: entry = cfb.dir_entries[sid] if cfb.is_valid_dir_entry(entry): output = format_entry(cfb, sid) else: print("Invalid sid {0}".format(sid), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(-2) # end if elif sid == header_sid: output = format_header(cfb) elif sid == difat_sid: output = format_di_fat(cfb) elif sid == fat_sid: output = format_fat(cfb) elif sid == mini_fat_sid: output = format_mini_fat(cfb) else: print("Invalid sid {0}".format(sid), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(-3) # end if print ("\n".join(output))
def test_from_stream(self): ae = self.assertEqual data = bytes([x for x in range(28)]) stream = ByteIStream(data) kfp1 = KnownFolderProps.from_stream(stream) kfp2 = KnownFolderProps.from_stream(stream, 0) ae(kfp1.size, 0x03020100) ae(kfp2.size, 0x03020100) ae(kfp1.sig, 0x07060504) ae(kfp2.sig, 0x07060504) kf_id = GUIDToUUID.from_stream(ByteIStream(data[8:24])) ae(kfp1.kf_id, kf_id) ae(kfp2.kf_id, kf_id) ae(kfp1.offset, 0x1B1A1918) ae(kfp2.offset, 0x1B1A1918)
def test_from_stream(self): ae = self.assertEqual data = b"\x00\x01\x02\x03" stream = ByteIStream(data) coord1 = COORD.from_stream(stream, byte_order=LITTLE_ENDIAN) coord2 = COORD.from_stream(stream, 0, byte_order=LITTLE_ENDIAN), SEEK_SET) coord3 = COORD.from_stream(stream, byte_order=BIG_ENDIAN) coord4 = COORD.from_stream(stream, 0, byte_order=BIG_ENDIAN) ae(coord1.x, 0x0100) ae(coord1.y, 0x0302) ae(coord2.x, 0x0100) ae(coord2.y, 0x0302) ae(coord3.x, 0x0001) ae(coord3.y, 0x0203) ae(coord4.x, 0x0001) ae(coord4.y, 0x0203)
def test_from_stream(self): ae = self.assertEqual datetime_3_25 = datetime(1900, 1, 2, 6, 0, 0) data_le = b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0A\x40" data_be = b"\x40\x0A\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" stream = ByteIStream(data_le) value = \ VariantTimeTodatetime.from_stream(stream, byte_order=LITTLE_ENDIAN) ae(value, datetime_3_25) value = VariantTimeTodatetime.from_stream(stream, 0, LITTLE_ENDIAN) ae(value, datetime_3_25) stream = ByteIStream(data_be) value = \ VariantTimeTodatetime.from_stream(stream, byte_order=BIG_ENDIAN) ae(value, datetime_3_25) value = VariantTimeTodatetime.from_stream(stream, 0, BIG_ENDIAN) ae(value, datetime_3_25)
def setUp(self): name = ("abcdefghijklmnop" * 2).encode("utf_16_le") name_size = b"\x40\x00" bogus_name_size = b"\xFF\xFF" btime = b"\x00\x0E\x15\x91\xC4\x95\xC2\x01" mtime = b"\x90\xCB\xAE\x00\x51\x69\xC5\x01" data1 = bytearray(b"".join([pack("B", x) for x in range(128)])) data2 = bytearray(b"".join([b"junk", data1])) data1[0:64] = name data1[64:66] = name_size data1[100:108] = btime data1[108:116] = mtime data2[4:68] = name data2[68:70] = bogus_name_size data2[104:112] = btime data2[112:120] = mtime self.stream1 = ByteIStream(data1) self.stream2 = ByteIStream(data2)
def test_from_stream(self): ae = self.assertEqual data = bytearray() data.extend(b"\x00\x01\x02\x03") # block size data.extend(b"\x04\x05\x06\x07") # block sig data.extend(b"\x50\x00\x00\x00") # length data.extend(b"\x0B\x0A\x09\x08") # version data.extend(b"abcdefgh") # machine_id data.extend(bytes([x for x in range(32)])) data.extend(bytes([x for x in range(31, -1, -1)])) stream = ByteIStream(data) tp1 = TrackerProps.from_stream(stream) tp2 = TrackerProps.from_stream(stream, 0) ae(tp1.size, 0x03020100) ae(tp2.size, 0x03020100) ae(tp1.sig, 0x07060504) ae(tp2.sig, 0x07060504) ae(tp1.length, 0x50) ae(tp2.length, 0x50) ae(tp1.machine_id, b"abcdefgh") ae(tp2.machine_id, b"abcdefgh") droid_stream = ByteIStream(data[24:56]) droid = DomainRelativeObjId.from_stream(droid_stream) ae(tp1.droid, droid) ae(tp2.droid, droid) droid_stream = ByteIStream(data[56:]) droid = DomainRelativeObjId.from_stream(droid_stream) ae(tp1.droid_birth, droid) ae(tp2.droid_birth, droid)
def test_from_stream(self): ae = self.assertEqual stream = ByteIStream(b"\x0A\x00\x00\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x64\x53") sp1 = ShimProps.from_stream(stream) sp2 = ShimProps.from_stream(stream, 0) ae(sp1.size, 0xA) ae(sp2.size, 0xA) ae(sp1.sig, 0x04030201) ae(sp2.sig, 0x04030201) ae(sp1.layer_name, "\u5364") ae(sp2.layer_name, "\u5364") stream = ByteIStream(b"\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x64\x53") sp1 = ShimProps.from_stream(stream) sp2 = ShimProps.from_stream(stream, 0) ae(sp1.size, 0xFF) ae(sp2.size, 0xFF) ae(sp1.sig, 0x04030201) ae(sp2.sig, 0x04030201) ae(sp1.layer_name, "\u5364") ae(sp2.layer_name, "\u5364")
def test_from_stream(self): ae = self.assertEqual stream = ByteIStream(b"\x0A\x00\x00\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x64\x53") edb1 = ExtraDataBlock.from_stream(stream) edb2 = ExtraDataBlock.from_stream(stream, 0) ae(edb1.size, 0xA) ae(edb2.size, 0xA) ae(edb1.sig, 0x04030201) ae(edb2.sig, 0x04030201) ae(, b"\x64\x53") ae(, b"\x64\x53") stream = ByteIStream(b"\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x64\x53") edb1 = ExtraDataBlock.from_stream(stream) edb2 = ExtraDataBlock.from_stream(stream, 0) ae(edb1.size, 0xFF) ae(edb2.size, 0xFF) ae(edb1.sig, 0x04030201) ae(edb2.sig, 0x04030201) ae(, b"\x64\x53") ae(, b"\x64\x53")
def main(): usage = "%prog thumbsdb id" description = "\n".join([ "Displays statistics about a specific entry in a thumbs.db file." "", "If thumbsdb is '-', then stdin is read." ]) parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, description=description, version=VERSION_STR) parser.add_option("-c", dest="catalog_name", action="store", help="The name of the catalog stream (def: %default)", default="Catalog") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) < 2: parser.error("You must specify both an thumbs.db file and an id") # end fi if args[0] == "-": cfb = CompoundFile(ByteIStream( else: cfb = CompoundFile(RawIStream(args[0])) # end if tdb = ThumbsDb(cfb, options.catalog_name) entry_id = int(args[1]) entries = tdb.catalog.entries key_values = dict([(getattr(entry, "id"), entry) for entry in entries]) ids = list(key_values.keys()) ids.append(ids[-1] + 1) # $Catalog if entry_id not in ids: parser.error("Unknown id {0}".format(entry_id)) # end if if entry_id == ids[-1]: output = format_catalog(tdb) else: output = format_entry(tdb, key_values[entry_id]) # end if print("\n".join(output))