Example #1
def getNLP_LfD_LandmarkDisplacement(nlp_grounder, user_id, exp_id, n_demos):
    relation_offset = 11  #hard coded offset to get back to relations in range 0:8
    relation, object_info = nlp_grounder.predict_goal(user_id, exp_id, n_demos)
    print(len(relation), len(object_info))
    #get lfd to use along with language or in place of language if ambiguous
    lfd_shape_color, lfd_displacement = lfd.getMostLikelyLandmarkDisplacement(
        user_id, exp_id, n_demos)

    #check if we have one relation and one object
    if len(relation) == 1 and len(object_info) == 1:

        #print "grounding both"
        #first check if nlp grounded landmark is actually a possible landmark
        nlp_shape_color = (object_info[0][3], object_info[0][4])
        yaml_file = lfd.getYamlFile(user_id, exp_id, 0)
        landmark_coord = lfd.getFeatureCoordinates(nlp_shape_color, yaml_file)
        if landmark_coord is None:

            #print "NLP returned invalid landmark"
            return lfd_shape_color, lfd_displacement
        else:  #use valid landmark and displacement to guess placement location

            #get shape,color
            nlp_shape_color = (object_info[0][3], object_info[0][4])
            #get displacement from learned gmm
            gmm_filename = "../data/gmm_params.yaml"
            model_data = lfd.getYamlData(gmm_filename)
            nlp_displacement = model_data['mu'][relation[0] - relation_offset]
            return nlp_shape_color, nlp_displacement
    #check if we have only one object and can ground on that
    elif len(object_info) == 1:
        #print "grounding on object only"
        nlp_shape_color = (object_info[0][3], object_info[0][4])
        nlp_displacement = lfd.getDisplacementFromLandmark(
            user_id, exp_id, n_demos, nlp_shape_color)
        return nlp_shape_color, nlp_displacement
    #if we have one relationship and multiple items, figure out which item by using relationship
    elif len(relation) == 1 and len(object_info) > 0:
        #print "grounding on relation only"
        #get predicted displacement based on relationship
        gmm_filename = "../data/gmm_params.yaml"
        model_data = lfd.getYamlData(gmm_filename)
        nlp_displacement = model_data['mu'][relation[0] - relation_offset]
        #get placement data and object locations
        #TODO which demo should I pick from, what should n_demos be??
        yaml_file = lfd.getYamlFile(user_id, exp_id, n_demos)
        placement_coord = lfd.getPlacementCoordinates(yaml_file, user_id,
        min_dist = 10000
        for obj in object_info:
            shape_color = (obj[3], obj[4])
            landmark_coord = lfd.getFeatureCoordinates(shape_color, yaml_file)
            predicted_placement = np.array(landmark_coord) + np.array(
            placement_error = np.linalg.norm(predicted_placement -
            if placement_error < min_dist:
                min_dist = placement_error
                best_landmark = shape_color
        return best_landmark, nlp_displacement
    #TODO case where only relationship is grounded?
    #elif len(relation) == 1:
    #fall back on pure lfd as a last resort

        #print "ambiguous grounding"
        return lfd_shape_color, lfd_displacement
def main():
    #set up train and test
    #train_data = [(u,e) for u in range(30) for e in range(1,4)]
    #test_data = [(u,e) for u in range(30) for e in range(4,5)]
    #train_data = [(u,e) for u in range(25) for e in range(5)]
    #test_data = [(u,e) for u in range(25,30) for e in range(5)]
    data = []
    sub_user = []
    for u in range(30):
        for e in range(5):
            if(u%2 == 1 or e != 0):
        if(u%2 == 1):
            sub_user = []

    total_demos = 10  #total number of demos possible
    max_demos = 4     #maximum number of demos given to robot to learn from
    thresh = 125
    #training code here
    num_folds = 10#len(data)
   #kf = KFold(n=len(data),n_folds=num_folds)
    kf = KFold(n_splits=num_folds)
    #for all folds
    all_lfd_errors = []
    all_nlp_errors = []
    count = 0
    for train,test in kf.split(data):#kf:
        count = count + 1
        print("Cross validation round " + str(count))
        train_data =[]
        test_data = []
        for i in train:
            train_data = train_data + data[i]
        for i in test:
            test_data = test_data + data[i]

        #TODO learn the gmm componenets and label the data
        print( "--learning gmm components--")
        gmm.labelTrainingDataDisplacements(train_data, total_demos)
        #learn groundings with training data
        print( "--grounding language--")
        nlp_grounder = nlp()
        #testing code
        print( "--testing generalization error--")
        #matrix of zeros where each row is new test case and cols are ave errors for learning from 1:max_demos demonstrations
        lfd_errors = np.zeros((len(test_data), max_demos))  
        nlp_errors = np.zeros((len(test_data), max_demos))  
        for i in range(len(test_data)):
            user_id, exp_id = test_data[i]
            for n_demos in range(1,max_demos+1):
                #get best guess of landmark and displacement using pure LfD
                lfd_shape_color, lfd_displacement = lfd.getMostLikelyLandmarkDisplacement(user_id, exp_id, n_demos)
                #guess landmark and displacement using pure NLP
                nlp_shape_color, nlp_displacement = getNLP_LfD_LandmarkDisplacementDoubleCheck(nlp_grounder, user_id, exp_id, n_demos, thresh)
                #print nlp_shape_color, nlp_displacement
                #compute accuracy over a test demo specified by demo_id
                for demo_id in range(max_demos, total_demos):
                    lfd_errors[i, n_demos-1] = averageDistanceError(lfd_shape_color, lfd_displacement, user_id, exp_id, max_demos, total_demos)
                    nlp_errors[i, n_demos-1] = averageDistanceError(nlp_shape_color, nlp_displacement, user_id, exp_id, max_demos, total_demos)
                    #TODO add random
                    #TODO add average baseline
    #plot errors
    lfd_errors = np.zeros((len(test_data), max_demos))  
    nlp_errors = np.zeros((len(test_data), max_demos)) 
    for validation_error in all_lfd_errors:
        lfd_errors = np.add(lfd_errors, validation_error)
    lfd_errors = np.divide(lfd_errors,num_folds)
    for validation_error in all_nlp_errors:
        nlp_errors = np.add(nlp_errors, validation_error)
    nlp_errors = np.divide(nlp_errors,num_folds)
    print( "lfd")
    print( lfd_errors)
    print( "nlp")
    print( nlp_errors)
    yerr = 10
    plt.errorbar(range(1,max_demos+1),np.mean(lfd_errors,0), yerr=np.std(lfd_errors,0), fmt='bo-', label='lfd')
    plt.errorbar(range(1,max_demos+1),np.mean(nlp_errors,0), yerr=np.std(nlp_errors,0), fmt='go--', label='nlp+lfd')
    plt.xlabel('number of demonstrations')
    plt.ylabel('generalization L2 error')
Example #3
def getNLP_LfD_LandmarkDisplacementDoubleCheck(nlp_grounder, user_id, exp_id,
                                               n_demos, thresh):
    relation_offset = 11  #hard coded offset to get back to relations in range 0:8
    relation, object_info = nlp_grounder.predict_goal(user_id, exp_id, n_demos)
    #print len(relation), len(object_info)
    #print relation
    #get lfd to use along with language or in place of language if ambiguous
    lfd_shape_color, lfd_displacement = lfd.getMostLikelyLandmarkDisplacement(
        user_id, exp_id, n_demos)

    #check if we have one relation and one object
    grounded_prediction = False  #flag to check if we think we've found a grounding
    if len(relation) == 1 and len(object_info) == 1:

        #print "grounding both"
        #first check if nlp grounded landmark is actually a possible landmark
        nlp_shape_color = (object_info[0][3], object_info[0][4])
        yaml_file = lfd.getYamlFile(user_id, exp_id, 0)
        landmark_coord = lfd.getFeatureCoordinates(nlp_shape_color, yaml_file)
        if landmark_coord is not None:

            #get shape,color
            nlp_shape_color = (object_info[0][3], object_info[0][4])
            #get displacement from learned gmm
            gmm_filename = "../data/gmm_params.yaml"
            model_data = lfd.getYamlData(gmm_filename)
            nlp_displacement = model_data['mu'][relation[0] - relation_offset]
            grounded_prediction = True

    #check if we have only one object and can ground on that
    elif len(object_info) == 1:
        #print "grounding on object only"
        nlp_shape_color = (object_info[0][3], object_info[0][4])
        nlp_displacement = lfd.getDisplacementFromLandmark(
            user_id, exp_id, n_demos, nlp_shape_color)
        grounded_prediction = True

    #if we have one relationship and multiple items, figure out which item by using relationship
    elif len(relation) == 1 and len(object_info) > 0:
        #print "grounding on relation only"
        #get predicted displacement based on relationship
        gmm_filename = "../data/gmm_params.yaml"
        model_data = lfd.getYamlData(gmm_filename)
        nlp_displacement = model_data['mu'][relation[0] - relation_offset]
        #get placement data and object locations
        #TODO which demo should I pick from, what should n_demos be??
        yaml_file = lfd.getYamlFile(user_id, exp_id, n_demos)
        placement_coord = lfd.getPlacementCoordinates(yaml_file, user_id,
        min_dist = 10000
        for obj in object_info:
            shape_color = (obj[3], obj[4])
            landmark_coord = lfd.getFeatureCoordinates(shape_color, yaml_file)
            predicted_placement = np.array(landmark_coord) + np.array(
            placement_error = np.linalg.norm(predicted_placement -
            if placement_error < min_dist:
                min_dist = placement_error
                best_landmark = shape_color
        nlp_shape_color = best_landmark
        grounded_prediction = True

#TODO case where only relationship is grounded?
#elif len(relation) == 1:

#see if I have a grounded prediction or if I should go with pure lfd
    if grounded_prediction:
        #check if grounding prediction seems to match what's been demonstrated
        ave_error = averageDistanceError(nlp_shape_color, nlp_displacement,
                                         user_id, exp_id, 0, n_demos + 1)
        #print "ave error", ave_error
        if ave_error < thresh:
            #print "confident in grounding"
            return nlp_shape_color, nlp_displacement, relation, object_info
    #fall back on pure lfd as a last resort
    #print "ambiguous grounding"
    return lfd_shape_color, lfd_displacement, relation, object_info
def experiment(train_data, test_data):
    total_demos = 10  #total number of demos possible
    max_demos = 4  #maximum number of demos given to robot to learn from (the rest are used to test generalizabiltiy)
    thresh = 150
    #TODO learn the gmm componenets and label the data
    print("--learning gmm components--")
    gmm_model = gmm.labelTrainingDataDisplacements(train_data, total_demos)
    gmm.labelTestingDataDisplacements(test_data, total_demos, gmm_model)
    #learn groundings with training data
    print("--grounding language--")
    nlp_grounder = nlp()

    #testing code
    print("--testing generalization error--")
    #matrix of zeros where each row is new test case and cols are ave errors for learning from 1:max_demos demonstrations
    lfd_errors = np.zeros((len(test_data), max_demos))
    nlp_errors = np.zeros((len(test_data), max_demos))
    random_errors = np.zeros((len(test_data), max_demos))
    aveplace_errors = np.zeros((len(test_data), max_demos))
    lfd_correct = np.zeros((3, max_demos))
    nlp_correct = np.zeros((3, max_demos))
    nlp_lfd_correct = np.zeros((3, max_demos))
    """lfd_spatial_correct = np.zeros(max_demos)
    lfd_object_correct = np.zeros(max_demos)
    lfd_both_correct = np.zeros(max_demos)
    nlp_spatial_correct = np.zeros(max_demos)
    nlp_object_correct = np.zeros(max_demos)
    nlp_both_correct = np.zeros(max_demos)
    nlp_lfd_spatial_correct = np.zeros(max_demos)
    nlp_lfd_object_correct = np.zeros(max_demos)
    nlp_lfd_both_correct = np.zeros(max_demos)"""

    for i in range(len(test_data)):
        user_id, exp_id = test_data[i]
        for n_demos in range(1, max_demos + 1):
            #get best guess of landmark and displacement using pure LfD
            lfd_shape_color, lfd_displacement = lfd.getMostLikelyLandmarkDisplacement(
                user_id, exp_id, n_demos)
            #guess landmark and displacement using NLP+LfD
            nlp_lfd_shape_color, nlp_displacement, nlp_relation, nlp_shape_color = nlp_lfd.getNLP_LfD_LandmarkDisplacementDoubleCheck(
                nlp_grounder, user_id, exp_id, n_demos, thresh)
            world = lfd.getYamlFile(user_id, exp_id, 0)

            lfd_relation = gmm_model.predict(lfd_displacement)[0]
            nlp_lfd_relation = gmm_model.predict(nlp_displacement)[0]

            with open(world, 'r') as f:
                world_file = yaml.load(f)
                landmark = world_file["objects"][0]
                with open(
                        "../data/user_" + str(user_id) + "/experiment_" +
                        str(exp_id) + "/displacements0.yaml", 'r') as g:
                    disp_file = yaml.load(g)
                    disp = disp_file["objects"][0]
                if len(nlp_shape_color
                       ) == 1 and nlp_shape_color[0][3] == landmark[
                           3] and nlp_shape_color[0][4] == landmark[4]:
                    nlp_correct[0][n_demos -
                                   1] = nlp_correct[0][n_demos - 1] + 1
                    if len(nlp_relation
                           ) == 1 and nlp_relation[0] - 11 == disp[0]:
                        nlp_correct[2][n_demos -
                                       1] = nlp_correct[2][n_demos - 1] + 1
                if len(nlp_relation) == 1 and nlp_relation[0] - 11 == disp[0]:
                    nlp_correct[1][n_demos -
                                   1] = nlp_correct[1][n_demos - 1] + 1
                if lfd_shape_color[0] == landmark[3] and lfd_shape_color[
                        1] == landmark[4]:
                    lfd_correct[0][n_demos -
                                   1] = lfd_correct[0][n_demos - 1] + 1
                    if lfd_relation == disp[0]:
                        lfd_correct[2][n_demos -
                                       1] = lfd_correct[2][n_demos - 1] + 1
                if lfd_relation == disp[0]:
                    lfd_correct[1][n_demos -
                                   1] = lfd_correct[1][n_demos - 1] + 1
                if nlp_lfd_shape_color[0] == landmark[
                        3] and nlp_lfd_shape_color[1] == landmark[4]:
                    nlp_lfd_correct[0][n_demos -
                                       1] = nlp_lfd_correct[0][n_demos - 1] + 1
                    if nlp_lfd_relation == disp[0]:
                        nlp_lfd_correct[2][n_demos -
                                           1] = nlp_lfd_correct[2][n_demos -
                                                                   1] + 1
                if nlp_lfd_relation == disp[0]:
                    nlp_lfd_correct[1][n_demos -
                                       1] = nlp_lfd_correct[1][n_demos - 1] + 1

            #guess placment randomly
            rand_placement = lfd.getRandomPointOnTable(user_id, exp_id,
            #guess placement as average of demonstrated placements
            ave_placement = lfd.getMeanPlacementCoordinates(
                user_id, exp_id, n_demos)

            #compute accuracy over a test demo specified by demo_id
            for demo_id in range(max_demos, total_demos):
                #pure lfd error
                lfd_errors[i, n_demos - 1] = nlp_lfd.averageDistanceError(
                    lfd_shape_color, lfd_displacement, user_id, exp_id,
                    max_demos, total_demos)
                #nlp+lfd error
                nlp_errors[i, n_demos - 1] = nlp_lfd.averageDistanceError(
                    nlp_lfd_shape_color, nlp_displacement, user_id, exp_id,
                    max_demos, total_demos)
                #random baseline error
                random_errors[i, n_demos -
                              1] = nlp_lfd.averageDistanceToPointError(
                                  rand_placement, user_id, exp_id, max_demos,
                #average placement pos baseline error
                aveplace_errors[i, n_demos -
                                1] = nlp_lfd.averageDistanceToPointError(
                                    ave_placement, user_id, exp_id, max_demos,

    return (lfd_correct, nlp_correct, nlp_lfd_correct)