def __init__(self, home='.'): """Creates a new task processor operating out of the current working directory. Uses processor.cfg as the config file. home -- The directory to run the processor out of. """ self._home = os.path.abspath(home) # Once we have home set up, do everything in a try and log the error if # we get one try: self.config = Config(self.getPath("processor.cfg"))['processor'] allowed = [ 'taskDatabase', 'pythonPath' , 'threaded', 'rconsole' ] for k in self.config.keys(): if k not in allowed: raise ValueError( "Processor parameter '{0}' unrecognized".format(k)) connection = Connection(self.config['taskDatabase']) connection._ensureIndexes() self.taskConnection = connection # Add other path elements before trying imports for i,path in enumerate(self.config.get('pythonPath', [])): sys.path.insert( i , os.path.abspath(os.path.join(home, path)) ) self._tasksAvailable = self._getTasksAvailable(self._home) self._monitors = {} self._cleanupThread = None self._cleanupThread_doc = """Thread that cleans up the _LOG_DIR""" self._startTaskQueue = Queue() self._stopOnNoTasks = False self._useRConsole = self.config.get('rconsole', False) except: self.error('During init') raise
def __init__(self, processor): multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self) self._processor = processor self._connection = Connection(processor.taskConnection) self._processorHome = self._processor._home self._taskClasses = self._processor._tasksAvailable self._processorPid = os.getpid() self._queue = multiprocessing.Queue() self._running = [] self._running_doc = """List of running task threads""" self._isAccepting = multiprocessing.Value('b', True) self._runningCount = multiprocessing.Value('i', 0) self._startTime = time.time() # No need to check kill right away, after all, we would have just # accepted something self._lastKillCheck = self._startTime
class _ProcessorSlave(multiprocessing.Process): MAX_TIME = 3600 MAX_TIME_doc = """Max time, in seconds, to accept tasks.""" def __init__(self, processor): multiprocessing.Process.__init__(self) self._processor = processor self._connection = Connection(processor.taskConnection) self._processorHome = self._processor._home self._taskClasses = self._processor._tasksAvailable self._processorPid = os.getpid() self._queue = multiprocessing.Queue() self._running = [] self._running_doc = """List of running task threads""" self._isAccepting = multiprocessing.Value('b', True) self._runningCount = multiprocessing.Value('i', 0) self._startTime = time.time() # No need to check kill right away, after all, we would have just # accepted something self._lastKillCheck = self._startTime def execute(self, taskData): """Queue the task to be ran; this method is ONLY called by the Processor, not the ProcessorSlave. It's a little sloppy to increment _runningCount here, but the worst case scenario is that we'll overwrite immediately after they update their running count (in which case we'll overestimate) or immediately before, in which case they'll pick up the queued item from Queue.qsize() anyway. """ self._queue.put(taskData) self._runningCount.value += 1 def getTaskCount(self): """Returns the number of running tasks from either the Processor or the _ProcessorSlave.""" return self._runningCount.value def isAccepting(self): """Called by Processor to see if we're still accepting""" return self._isAccepting.value def run(self): # If we can, replace lgTaskProcessor with lgTaskSlave in our title try: import setproctitle title = setproctitle.getproctitle() if 'lgTaskProcessor' in title: title = title.replace('lgTaskProcessor', 'lgTaskSlave') else: title += ' --slave' setproctitle.setproctitle(title) except ImportError: pass # We're in our own process now, so disconnect the processor's # pymongo connection to make sure we don't hold those sockets open self._processor.taskConnection.close() # Also, ensure that the global talk variables weren't copied over. # This only affects testing situations - that is, the normal processor # process won't use talk. import canQsize = True try: self._queue.qsize() except NotImplementedError: # Oh Mac OS X, how silly you are sometimes canQsize = False self._fixSigTerm() # rconsole? if self._processor._useRConsole: import lgTask.lib.rfooUtil as rfooUtil rfooUtil.spawnServer() # Any tasks that we start only really need a teeny bit of stack thread.stack_size(1024 * 1024) try: while True: try: # See if we should be marked as accepting new tasks from # the Processor if self._isAccepting.value: self._checkAccepting() # Check tasks are running self._checkRunning() # Get new task taskData = self._queue.get( timeout = self._processor.KILL_INTERVAL ) taskThread = InterruptableThread( target = self._runTaskThreadMain , args = (taskData,) ) # Remember the ID so that we can check for "kill" states taskThread.taskId = taskData['_id'] taskThread.start() self._running.append(taskThread) # Update running count newCount = len(self._running) if canQsize: newCount += self._queue.qsize() self._runningCount.value = newCount except Empty: pass except Exception: self._processor.log("Slave error {0}: {1}".format(, traceback.format_exc() )) # After each iteration, see if we're alive if not self._shouldContinue(): break except: self._processor.log("Slave error {0}: {1}".format(, traceback.format_exc() )) finally: pass def start(self): """We override multiprocessing.Process.start() so that the Processor can gracefully exit without waiting for its child process to exit. The default python multiprocessing behavior is to wait until all child processes have exited before exiting the main process; we don't want this. """ result = multiprocessing.Process.start(self) multiprocessing.current_process()._children.remove(self) return result def _checkAccepting(self): """Stop accepting new tasks to execute if: 1. We've run for too long 2. Our parent process is no longer our processor (this means that the processor has executed, so we won't get more) """ if ( time.time() - self._startTime >= self.MAX_TIME or os.getppid() != self._processorPid ): self._isAccepting.value = False def _checkRunning(self): """Check on running threads""" now = time.time() if self._lastKillCheck + self._processor.KILL_INTERVAL <= now: self._lastKillCheck = now allIds = [ t.taskId for t in self._running ] killIds = self._connection.getTasksToKill(allIds) for t in self._running: if t.taskId in killIds: t.raiseException(KillTaskError) # And prevent us from trying to kill again for a slightly # longer interval self._lastKillCheck = now + self._processor.KILL_TOLERANCE for i in reversed(range(len(self._running))): t = self._running[i] if not t.is_alive(): self._running.pop(i) def _fixSigTerm(self): """Register our SIGTERM handler - that is, convert a sigterm on ourselves into a KillTaskError on all of our tasks, and stop accepting once we get a sigterm. """ def handleSigTerm(signum, frame): for t in self._running: t.raiseException(KillTaskError) self._isAccepting.value = False signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handleSigTerm) def _runTaskThreadMain(self, taskData): """Ran as the main method of a spawned thread; responsible for running the task passed. """ taskCls = self._taskClasses[taskData['taskClass']] try: _runTask( taskCls , taskData , self._connection , self._processorHome , isThread = True ) except Exception: self._processor.error('In or after _runTask') def _shouldContinue(self): """A slave should stop running if it is not currently running any tasks and it is no longer accepting new tasks. """ if len(self._running) == 0 and not self._isAccepting.value: return False return True