def test_CartToSph(self):
     """CartToSph shuld give known output for known input"""
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(Lgm_Vector.CartToSph(1, 0, 0),
                                   (0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
         Lgm_Vector.CartToSph([1, 1], [0, 0], [0, 0]),
         [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
Example #2
def _doConversion(pos_in, cdict, cTrans):
    Function that does the conversion

    .. warning::

        This function is not called by the user

    pos_in : Lgm_Vector
        the input position to convert
    to_str : str
        a string giving the acronym for the output coordinate system
    cdict : dict
        the coordinate transform dictionary
    cTrans : Lgm_CTrans
        the Lgm_CTrans object used in the conversion

    out : Lgm_Vector
        vector of the new position

        Pin = Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector(*pos_in)
        Pin = pos_in
    Pout = Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector()
    Lgm_Convert_Coords(pointer(Pin), pointer(Pout), cdict, pointer(cTrans))
    return Pout
 def test_dotProduct(self):
     """dotProduct gives known output"""
     self.assertEqual(26.0, self.vec1.dotProduct(self.vec2))
     self.assertEqual(14.0, self.vec1.dotProduct(self.vec1))
     vec3 = Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector(1, 0, 0)
     vec4 = Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector(0, 1, 0)
     self.assertEqual(0.0, vec3.dotProduct(vec4))
Example #4
 def test_pos2Lgm_Vector(self):
     """pos2Lgm_Vector should have known output"""
     a = [1.2, 3.4, 4.3]
     self.assertEqual(Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector(*a), utils.pos2Lgm_Vector(a))
     self.assertEqual([Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector(*a)] * 2,
                      utils.pos2Lgm_Vector([a] * 2))
 def testLgm_Vector_Type(self):
     """Lgm_Vector should be of type LgmDouble"""
     vec1 = Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector(3, 1, 0)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(vec1.x, float))
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(vec1.y, float))
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(vec1.z, float))
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector, 'bad', 0, 1)
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector, 1, 'bad', 0)
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector, 5, 3, 'bad')
Example #6
 def test_Pin_pos_in(self):
     """I don't understand why this is here but here is a regression test"""
     in_pos = Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector(-4, 0, 0)
     ans = [-3.608026916281572, 4.163336342344337e-17, -1.7268878861662331]
         magcoords.coordTrans(in_pos, datetime.datetime(2009, 1, 1), 'SM',
Example #7
 def test_Lgm_Convert_CoordsBack(self):
     """Lgm_Convert_Coords should give known output (and back)"""
     # taken from CoordQuickStart.c
     Date = 20040812
     UTC = 12.34567
     Ugsm = Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector(x = -6.6, y = 3.4, z = -2.3)
     Usm = Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector()
     c = Lgm_CTrans.Lgm_CTrans()
     Lgm_Set_Coord_Transforms(Date, UTC, ctypes.pointer(c))
     Lgm_Convert_Coords(ctypes.pointer(Ugsm), ctypes.pointer(Usm),
                        GSM_TO_SM, ctypes.pointer(c))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(-5.5352494753370127, Usm.x, places=5)
     self.assertAlmostEqual( 3.3999999999999995, Usm.y, places=5)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(-4.2674363786448328, Usm.z, places=5)
     Lgm_Convert_Coords(ctypes.pointer(Usm), ctypes.pointer(Ugsm),
                        SM_TO_GSM, ctypes.pointer(c))
     self.assertAlmostEqual(-6.6, Ugsm.x)
     self.assertAlmostEqual( 3.4, Ugsm.y)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(-2.3, Ugsm.z)
 def test_SphToCart(self):
     """SphToCart should known known output (regression)"""
     invals = [[0, 0, 5], [90, 0, 5], [90, 90, 5], [90, 180, 5]]
     ans = [[5.0, 0.0, 0.0], [3.061616997868383e-16, 0.0, 5.0],
            [1.8746997283273223e-32, 3.061616997868383e-16, 5.0],
            [-3.061616997868383e-16, 3.7493994566546446e-32, 5.0]]
     for i, val in enumerate(invals):
         vec3 = Lgm_Vector.SphToCart(*val)
         for j, val2 in enumerate(vec3.tolist()):
             self.assertAlmostEqual(ans[i][j], val2)
     # test an input check
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, Lgm_Vector.SphToCart, [1] * 2, [2] * 3,
                       [3] * 2)
     # test putting in lists
     ans_tst = Lgm_Vector.SphToCart(
     for i, v1 in enumerate(ans_tst):
         for j, v2 in enumerate(v1.tolist()):
             self.assertAlmostEqual(ans[i][j], ans_tst[i].tolist()[j])
Example #9
 def NO_test_pos2Lgm_Vector(self):
     """pos2Lgm_Vector should have known output"""
     a = Lgm_TS04.Lgm_TS04(self.pos, self.dt,
     self.assertEqual(list(a['Position']), a._Vpos.tolist())
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(a._Vpos, Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector))
     b = Lgm_TS04.Lgm_TS04(a._Vpos, self.dt,
     self.assertEqual(a._Vpos, b._Vpos)
     # above tested thought __init__ below is raw
     self.assertEqual(a._pos2Lgm_Vector([1, 2, 3]),
                      Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector(1, 2, 3))
     self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, a._pos2Lgm_Vector,
                       numpy.array([1, 2, 3]))
Example #10
    def test_mul(self):
        """mul gives known output"""
        ans = Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector()
        ans = self.vec1 * self.vec2
        self.assertEqual(-2.0, ans.x)
        self.assertEqual(4.0, ans.y)
        self.assertEqual(-2.0, ans.z)

        vec3 = self.vec1 * 3
        self.assertEqual(3, vec3.x)
        self.assertEqual(6, vec3.y)
        self.assertEqual(9, vec3.z)

        self.assertRaises(ArithmeticError, self.vec1.__mul__, 'bad')
def getLatLonRadfromTLE(epochs, TLEpath, options):
    """ Reads Latitude and Longitude from TLE.

    epochs : 
        List of Ticktock objects.
    TLEpath : 
        Path to TLE file.
    options : optparse.Values
        Organized options from the command line.

    testlat, testlon, testrad : list, list, list
        Latitude, Longitude, and Radius, respectively, each being
        a list of float values.
    # now do Mike's setup for getting coords from TLE using SGP4
    pos_in = [0, 0, 0]
    s = _SgpInfo()
    TLEs = _SgpTLE()

    # loop over all times
    testlat = np.asarray(epochs).copy()
    testlon = testlat.copy()
    testrad = testlat.copy()
    testtdiff = testlat.copy()
    print('Fetching TLEs & converting for range {0} to {1}'.format(
        epochs[0].isoformat(), epochs[-1].isoformat()))
    for idx, c_date in enumerate(epochs):
        #print('Doing {0}'.format(c_date))
        # put into JD as SGP4 needs serial time
        c = Lgm_init_ctrans(0)

        # now do Mike's setup for getting coords from TLE using SGP4
        dstr = int(c_date.strftime('%Y%j')) + c_date.hour / 24.0 + \
            c_date.minute / 1440.0 + c_date.second / 86400.0
        globstat = os.path.join(TLEpath, '*.txt')
        TLEfiles = glob.glob(globstat)
        if not TLEfiles:
            raise IOError(
                'No TLE files found in {0}. Aborting...'.format(TLEpath))
        Line0, Line1, Line2 = fTLE.findTLEinfiles(

        # print("{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n\n".format(Line0,Line1,Line2))
        nTLEs = c_int(0)
        LgmSgp_ReadTlesFromStrings(Line0, Line1, Line2, pointer(nTLEs),
                                   pointer(TLEs), 1)
        LgmSgp_SGP4_Init(pointer(s), pointer(TLEs))
        date = Lgm_CTrans.dateToDateLong(c_date)
        utc = Lgm_CTrans.dateToFPHours(c_date)
        JD = Lgm_JD(c_date.year, c_date.month,, utc,
                    LGM_TIME_SYS_UTC, c)

        # Set up the trans matrices
        Lgm_Set_Coord_Transforms(date, utc, c)
        # get SGP4 output, needs minutes-since-TLE-epoch
        tsince = (JD - TLEs.JD) * 1440.0
        LgmSgp_SGP4(tsince, pointer(s))

        pos_in[0] = s.X
        pos_in[1] = s.Y
        pos_in[2] = s.Z

        Pin = Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector(*pos_in)
        Pout = Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector()
        Lgm_Convert_Coords(pointer(Pin), pointer(Pout), TEME_TO_GEO, c)
        PoutPy = Pout.tolist()
        PoutPy[0] /= WGS84_A
        PoutPy[1] /= WGS84_A
        PoutPy[2] /= WGS84_A
        nlat, nlon, nrad = Lgm_Vector.CartToSph(*PoutPy)
        testlat[idx] = nlat
        testlon[idx] = nlon
        testrad[idx] = nrad
        testtdiff[idx] = tsince / 1440.0
    return testlat, testlon, testrad
Example #12
def coordTrans(pos_in, time_in, in_sys, out_sys, de_eph=False):
    Convert coordinates between almost any system using LanlGeoMag

    position : list
        a three element vector of positions in input coord system
    time : datetime
        a datimetime object representing the time at the desired conversion
    system_in : str
        a string giving the acronym for the input coordinate system
    system_out : str
        a string giving the acronym for the desired output coordinate system
    de_eph : bool or int (optional)
        a boolean stating whether JPL DE421 is to be used for Sun, etc.

    out : list
        3-element list of the converted coordinate

    >>> from lgmpy import magcoords
    >>> import datetime
    >>> magcoords.coordTrans([-4,0,0], datetime.datetime(2009,1,1),'SM','GSM')
    [-3.60802691..., 2.5673907444...e-16, -1.72688788616...]
    >>> magcoords.coordTrans([-3.608026916281573, 2.5673907444456745e-16, -1.7268878861662329], datetime.datetime(2009,1,1),'GSM','SM')
    [-3.99999999..., 4.0592529337...e-16, 8.8817841970...3e-16]

    extend interface to get necessary args from a MagModel or cTrans structure
    # change datetime to Lgm Datelong and UTC
    ct = Lgm_CTrans.Lgm_CTrans(0)
    if de_eph:
        Lgm_Set_CTrans_Options(LGM_EPH_DE, LGM_PN_IAU76, pointer(ct))
        datelong = Lgm_CTrans.dateToDateLong(time_in)
        utc = Lgm_CTrans.dateToFPHours(time_in)
            datelong, utc, pointer(ct))  # don't need pointer as it is one
    except AttributeError:
        raise (TypeError("Date must be a datetime object"))

        conv_val = trans_dict[in_sys] * 100 + trans_dict[out_sys]
    except KeyError:
        raise KeyError(
            'One of the specified coordinate systems is not recognised')

    ## do this as WGS uses Cartesian but needs to be converted from desired spherical input
    if 'WGS84' in in_sys:
        XYZ = Lgm_Vector.SphToCart(*pos_in)
        SPH = Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector(XYZ.x, XYZ.y, XYZ.z)
        Pout = _doConversion(SPH, conv_val, cTrans=ct)
        Pout = _doConversion(pos_in, conv_val, ct)

    if 'WGS84' in out_sys:
        nlat, nlon, nrad = Lgm_Vector.CartToSph(*Pout.tolist())
        Pout = Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector(nlat, nlon, nrad)

    return Pout.tolist()
Example #13
def Lvalue(*args, **kwargs):
    Function to return the L-value of a position using either McIlwain or Hilton

    pos : list
        3-element position int he specified coord_system
    time : datetime
        date and time for the calculation
    alpha : float, optional
        the pitch angle for the L calculation, default=90
    Bfield : str, optional
        the magnetic field model to use, default=Lgm_B_T89
    method : str, optional
        the L-value formula to use, McIlwain or Hilton, default=Hilton
    Kp : int
        Kp index value for the calculation
    coord_system : str
        the input coordinate system, default=GSM
    extended_out : bool
        keyword specifying short or extended output, default=False

    out : dict
        dictionary of the values, see examples for documentation of dictionary

    >>> from lgmpy import magcoords
    >>> import datetime
    >>> magcoords.Lvalue([3, 0, 1], datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1), extended_out=False)
    {'I': 0.2434969602..., 'L': 3.195481841...}

    The ``extended_out=False`` output is:
        - I : I value at the given point
        - L : L value at the given point

    >>> from lgmpy import magcoords
    >>> import datetime
    >>> magcoords.Lvalue([3, 0, 1], datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1), extended_out=True)
    {'Blocal': 1024.1142193703838,
    'Bmin': 921.8869150...,
    'Bmirr': 1024.1142193...,
    'I': 0.24349696021...,
    'L': 3.1954818410...,
    'M': 30119.614287...}

    The ``extended_out=True`` output is:
        - I : I value at the given point
        - L : L value at the given point
        - Bmin : minimum B at the input position (nT)
        - Bmirror : mirror B at the input position (nT)
        - M : TODO what exactly and I, magnetic moment?
    defaults = {
        'alpha': 90.,
        'Bfield': 'Lgm_B_T89',
        'method': 'Hilton',
        'Kp': 2,
        'coord_system': 'GSM',
        'extended_out': False

    #replace missing kwargs with defaults
    for dkey in defaults:
        if dkey not in kwargs:
            kwargs[dkey] = defaults[dkey]

    method_dict = {'Hilton': 1, 'McIlwain': 0}

    # change datetime to Lgm Datelong and UTC
    mInfo = Lgm_MagModelInfo.Lgm_MagModelInfo()
    mInfo.Kp = kwargs['Kp']
    except KeyError:
        raise (NotImplementedError("Only Bfield=%s currently supported" %
        datelong = Lgm_CTrans.dateToDateLong(args[1])
        utc = Lgm_CTrans.dateToFPHours(args[1])
        Lgm_Set_Coord_Transforms(datelong, utc,
                                 mInfo.c)  # dont need pointer as it is one
    except AttributeError:
        raise (TypeError("Date must be a datetime object"))
    #ans['Epoch'] = datamodel.dmarray([args[1]])

    if kwargs['coord_system'] != 'GSM':
        in_sys = kwargs['coord_system']
        Pout = coordTrans(args[0], args[1], in_sys, 'GSM', de_eph=False)
        Pgsm = Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector(*Pout)
        Pgsm = Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector(*args[0])

    Iout = c_double()
    Bm = c_double()
    M = c_double()
    ans = Lgm_McIlwain_L(datelong, utc, pointer(Pgsm), kwargs['alpha'],
                         method_dict[kwargs['method']], pointer(Iout),
                         pointer(Bm), pointer(M), pointer(mInfo))

    #TODO: decide on format for output -- perhaps use datamodel and have method as attribute?
    #maybe only return I for extended_out flag=True
    if kwargs['extended_out']:
        sunPos_GSM = coordTrans(mInfo.c.contents.Sun, args[1], 'MOD',
        SunMlon = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(sunPos_GSM[1], sunPos_GSM[0]))
        SunMlon += 180.0  # flip to midnight

        MLON = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(Pgsm.y, Pgsm.x))
        if (MLON < 0.0):
            MLON += 360.0

        MLT = np.mod((MLON - SunMlon) / 15.0 + 24.0, 24.0)
        return {
            'L': ans,
            'I': Iout.value,
            'Bmin': mInfo.Bmin,
            'Blocal': mInfo.Blocal,
            'Bmirr': mInfo.Bm,
            'M': M.value,
            'MLon': MLON,
            'MLT': MLT
        return {'L': ans, 'I': Iout.value}
Example #14
 def setUp(self):
     super(Lgm_VectorTestsWrap, self).setUp()
     self.vec1 = Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector(1, 2, 3)
     self.vec2 = Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector(3, 4, 5)
Example #15
 def test_str(self):
     """str has known output"""
     self.vec1 = Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector()
     self.assertEqual(str(self.vec1), '[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]')