Example #1
def test_dynamic_bucketing_sampler_cut_pairs_shuffle():
    cuts = DummyManifest(CutSet, begin_id=0, end_id=10)
    for i, c in enumerate(cuts):
        if i < 5:
            c.duration = 1
            c.duration = 2

    sampler = DynamicBucketingSampler(cuts,

    epoch_batches = []
    for epoch in range(2):

        batches = [b for b in sampler]
        sampled_cut_pairs = [cut_pair for b in batches for cut_pair in zip(*b)]
        source_cuts = [sc for sc, tc in sampled_cut_pairs]
        target_cuts = [tc for sc, tc in sampled_cut_pairs]

        # Invariant: no duplicated cut IDs
        assert len(set(c.id for c in source_cuts)) == len(cuts)
        assert len(set(c.id for c in target_cuts)) == len(cuts)

        # Same number of sampled and source cuts.
        assert len(sampled_cut_pairs) == len(cuts)


    # Epoch 0 batches are different than epoch 1 batches
    assert epoch_batches[0] != epoch_batches[1]
Example #2
def test_dynamic_bucketing_sampler_filter():
    cuts = DummyManifest(CutSet, begin_id=0, end_id=10)
    for i, c in enumerate(cuts):
        if i < 5:
            c.duration = 1
            c.duration = 2

    sampler = DynamicBucketingSampler(cuts,
    sampler.filter(lambda cut: cut.duration > 1)
    batches = [b for b in sampler]
    sampled_cuts = [c for b in batches for c in b]

    # Invariant: no duplicated cut IDs
    assert len(set(c.id for b in batches for c in b)) == len(sampled_cuts)

    # Same number of sampled and source cuts.
    assert len(sampled_cuts) < len(cuts)
    assert len(sampled_cuts) == 5

    # We sampled 4 batches with this RNG, like the following:
    assert len(batches) == 3

    assert len(batches[0]) == 2
    assert sum(c.duration for c in batches[0]) == 4

    assert len(batches[1]) == 2
    assert sum(c.duration for c in batches[1]) == 4

    assert len(batches[2]) == 1
    assert sum(c.duration for c in batches[2]) == 2
Example #3
def test_dynamic_bucketing_sampler_cut_pairs_filter():
    cuts = DummyManifest(CutSet, begin_id=0, end_id=10)
    for i, c in enumerate(cuts):
        if i < 5:
            c.duration = 1
            c.duration = 2

    sampler = DynamicBucketingSampler(cuts,
    sampler.filter(lambda c: c.duration > 1)
    batches = [b for b in sampler]
    sampled_cut_pairs = [cut_pair for b in batches for cut_pair in zip(*b)]
    source_cuts = [sc for sc, tc in sampled_cut_pairs]
    target_cuts = [tc for sc, tc in sampled_cut_pairs]

    # Invariant: no duplicated cut IDs (there are 5 unique IDs)
    assert len(set(c.id for c in source_cuts)) == 5
    assert len(set(c.id for c in target_cuts)) == 5

    # Smaller number of sampled cuts than the source cuts.
    assert len(sampled_cut_pairs) < len(cuts)
    assert len(sampled_cut_pairs) == 5

    # We sampled 3 batches with this RNG, like the following:
    assert len(batches) == 3

    bidx = 0
    sc, tc = batches[bidx][0], batches[bidx][1]
    assert len(sc) == 2
    assert len(tc) == 2
    assert sum(c.duration for c in sc) == 4
    assert sum(c.duration for c in tc) == 4

    bidx = 1
    sc, tc = batches[bidx][0], batches[bidx][1]
    assert len(sc) == 2
    assert len(tc) == 2
    assert sum(c.duration for c in sc) == 4
    assert sum(c.duration for c in tc) == 4

    bidx = 2
    sc, tc = batches[bidx][0], batches[bidx][1]
    assert len(sc) == 1
    assert len(tc) == 1
    assert sum(c.duration for c in sc) == 2
    assert sum(c.duration for c in tc) == 2
Example #4
def test_dynamic_bucketing_sampler_too_small_data_can_be_sampled():
    cuts = DummyManifest(CutSet, begin_id=0, end_id=10)
    for i, c in enumerate(cuts):
        if i < 5:
            c.duration = 1
            c.duration = 2

    # 10 cuts with 30s total are not enough to satisfy max_duration of 100 with 2 buckets
    sampler = DynamicBucketingSampler(cuts,
    batches = [b for b in sampler]
    sampled_cuts = [c for b in batches for c in b]

    # Invariant: no duplicated cut IDs
    assert len(set(c.id for b in batches for c in b)) == len(sampled_cuts)

    # Same number of sampled and source cuts.
    assert len(sampled_cuts) == len(cuts)

    # We sampled 10 batches
    assert len(batches) == 2

    # Each batch has five cuts
    for b in batches:
        assert len(b) == 5
Example #5
def test_dynamic_bucketing_sampler_max_duration_and_max_cuts():
    cuts = DummyManifest(CutSet, begin_id=0, end_id=10)
    for i, c in enumerate(cuts):
        if i < 5:
            c.duration = 1
            c.duration = 2

    sampler = DynamicBucketingSampler(cuts,
    batches = [b for b in sampler]
    sampled_cuts = [c for b in batches for c in b]

    # Invariant: no duplicated cut IDs
    assert len(set(c.id for b in batches for c in b)) == len(sampled_cuts)

    # Same number of sampled and source cuts.
    assert len(sampled_cuts) == len(cuts)

    # We sampled 10 batches because max_cuts == 1
    assert len(batches) == 10
    for b in batches:
        assert len(b) == 1
Example #6
def test_dynamic_bucketing_sampler_too_small_data_drop_last_true_results_in_no_batches(
    cuts = DummyManifest(CutSet, begin_id=0, end_id=10)
    for i, c in enumerate(cuts):
        if i < 5:
            c.duration = 1
            c.duration = 2

    # 10 cuts with 30s total are not enough to satisfy max_duration of 100 with 2 buckets
    sampler = DynamicBucketingSampler(cuts,
    batches = [b for b in sampler]
    assert len(batches) == 0
Example #7
def test_dynamic_bucketing_sampler_cut_triplets():
    cuts = DummyManifest(CutSet, begin_id=0, end_id=10)
    for i, c in enumerate(cuts):
        if i < 5:
            c.duration = 1
            c.duration = 2

    sampler = DynamicBucketingSampler(cuts,
    batches = [b for b in sampler]
    sampled_cut_triplets = [
        cut_triplet for b in batches for cut_triplet in zip(*b)
    cuts1 = [c1 for c1, c2, c3 in sampled_cut_triplets]
    cuts2 = [c2 for c1, c2, c3 in sampled_cut_triplets]
    cuts3 = [c3 for c1, c2, c3 in sampled_cut_triplets]

    # Invariant: no duplicated cut IDs
    assert len(set(c.id for c in cuts1)) == len(cuts)
    assert len(set(c.id for c in cuts2)) == len(cuts)
    assert len(set(c.id for c in cuts3)) == len(cuts)

    # Same number of sampled and source cuts.
    assert len(sampled_cut_triplets) == len(cuts)

    # We sampled 4 batches with this RNG, like the following:
    assert len(batches) == 4

    bidx = 0
    c1, c2, c3 = batches[bidx][0], batches[bidx][1], batches[bidx][2]
    assert len(c1) == 2
    assert len(c2) == 2
    assert len(c3) == 2
    assert sum(c.duration for c in c1) == 4
    assert sum(c.duration for c in c2) == 4
    assert sum(c.duration for c in c3) == 4

    bidx = 1
    c1, c2, c3 = batches[bidx][0], batches[bidx][1], batches[bidx][2]
    assert len(c1) == 2
    assert len(c2) == 2
    assert len(c3) == 2
    assert sum(c.duration for c in c1) == 4
    assert sum(c.duration for c in c2) == 4
    assert sum(c.duration for c in c3) == 4

    bidx = 2
    c1, c2, c3 = batches[bidx][0], batches[bidx][1], batches[bidx][2]
    assert len(c1) == 5
    assert len(c2) == 5
    assert len(c3) == 5
    assert sum(c.duration for c in c1) == 5
    assert sum(c.duration for c in c2) == 5
    assert sum(c.duration for c in c3) == 5

    bidx = 3
    c1, c2, c3 = batches[bidx][0], batches[bidx][1], batches[bidx][2]
    assert len(c1) == 1
    assert len(c2) == 1
    assert len(c3) == 1
    assert sum(c.duration for c in c1) == 2
    assert sum(c.duration for c in c2) == 2
    assert sum(c.duration for c in c3) == 2