Example #1
    def findDeltaD(self, ego, npc):
        d = liability.findDistance(ego,
                                   npc) - 4.6  # 4.6 is the length of a car
        deltaD = self.maxint  # The smaller delta D, the better
        deltaDFront = self.maxint
        deltaDSide = self.maxint

        # When npc is in front
        if npc.state.transform.position.x + 4.6 < ego.state.transform.position.x and npc.state.transform.position.x + 20 > ego.state.transform.position.x:
            if npc.state.transform.position.z > ego.state.transform.position.z - 2 and npc.state.transform.position.z < ego.state.transform.position.z + 2:
                deltaDFront = d - self.brakeDist(ego.state.speed)
                util.print_debug(" --- Delta D Front: " + str(deltaDFront))

        # When ego is changing line to npc's front
        if npc.state.transform.position.x - 4.6 > ego.state.transform.position.x and npc.state.transform.position.x - 20 < ego.state.transform.position.x:
            if npc.state.transform.position.z + 2 > ego.state.transform.position.z and npc.state.transform.position.z - 2 < ego.state.transform.position.z and (
                    ego.state.rotation.y < 269 or ego.state.rotation.y > 271):
                deltaDSide = d - self.brakeDist(npc.state.speed)
                util.print_debug(" --- Delta D Side: " + str(deltaDSide))

        deltaD = min(deltaDSide, deltaDFront)

        return deltaD
Example #2
    def runSimulation(self, scenarioObj):

        now = datetime.now()
        date_time = now.strftime("%m-%d-%Y-%H-%M-%S")
        util.print_debug("\n === Run simulation === [" + date_time + "]")
        sim = self.sim
        npcList = self.npcList
        ego = self.ego
        init_degree = ego.state.rotation.y
        numOfTimeSlice = len(scenarioObj[0])
        numOfNpc = len(scenarioObj)
        deltaDList = [[self.maxint for i in range(numOfTimeSlice)]
                      for j in range(numOfNpc)]  # 1-D: NPC; 2-D: Time Slice
        dList = [[self.maxint for i in range(numOfTimeSlice)]
                 for j in range(numOfNpc)]  # 1-D: NPC; 2-D: Time Slice
        spawns = sim.get_spawn()

        # Add NPCs: Hard code for now, the number of npc need to be consistent.
        # Add NPCs: Hard code for now, the number of npc need to be consistent.
        self.addNpcVehicle(lgsvl.Vector(1610.6, 88.38, -620.9))
        self.addNpcVehicle(lgsvl.Vector(1640.6, 88.38, -608.9))

        for npc in npcList:
            npc.follow_closest_lane(True, random.randint(1, 9))

        self.isEgoFault = False
        self.isHit = False

        def on_collision(agent1, agent2, contact):
            #util.print_debug(" --- On Collision, ego speed: " + str(agent1.state.speed) + ", NPC speed: " + str(agent2.state.speed))
            if self.isHit == True:
            self.isHit = True
            if agent2 is None or agent1 is None:
                self.isEgoFault = True
                util.print_debug(" --- Hit road obstacle --- ")

            apollo = agent1
            npcVehicle = agent2
            if agent2.name == "XE_Rigged-apollo_3_5":
                apollo = agent2
                npcVehicle = agent1
            util.print_debug(" --- On Collision, ego speed: " +
                             str(apollo.state.speed) + ", NPC speed: " +
            if apollo.state.speed <= 0.005:
                self.isEgoFault = False
            self.isEgoFault = liability.isEgoFault(apollo, npcVehicle, sim,
            # Compute deltaD when it is ego fault
            if self.isEgoFault == True:
                self.egoFaultDeltaD = self.findCollisionDeltaD(
                    apollo, npcVehicle)
                util.print_debug(" >>>>>>> Ego fault delta D is " +


        # Frequency of action change of NPCs
        totalSimTime = self.totalSimTime
        actionChangeFreq = totalSimTime / numOfTimeSlice
        hitTime = numOfNpc

        for t in range(0, int(numOfTimeSlice)):
            # For every npc

            i = 0
            for npc in npcList:
                self.setNpcSpeed(npc, scenarioObj[i][t][0])
                turnCommand = scenarioObj[i][t][1]
                #<0: no turn; 1: left; 2: right>
                if turnCommand == 1:
                    direction = "LEFT"
                    self.setNpcChangeLane(npc, direction)
                elif turnCommand == 2:
                    direction = "RIGHT"
                    self.setNpcChangeLane(npc, direction)
                i += 1

            # Stop if there is accident
            if self.isEgoFault == True or liability.isHitEdge(
                    ego, sim, init_degree):
                self.isHit = True
                self.isEgoFault = True
            if self.isHit == True:
                hitTime = t

            # Record the min delta D and d
            minDeltaD = self.maxint
            npcDeltaAtTList = [0 for i in range(numOfNpc)]
            minD = self.maxint
            npcDAtTList = [0 for i in range(numOfNpc)]
            for j in range(0, int(actionChangeFreq) * 4):
                k = 0  # k th npc
                for npc in npcList:
                    # Update delta D
                    curDeltaD = self.findDeltaD(ego, npc)
                    if minDeltaD > curDeltaD:
                        minDeltaD = curDeltaD
                    npcDeltaAtTList[k] = minDeltaD

                    # Update d
                    curD = liability.findDistance(ego, npc)
                    if minD > curD:
                        minD = curD
                    npcDAtTList[k] = minD
                    #util.print_debug(" --- current d is " + str(liability.findDistance(ego, npc)))

                    k += 1

                # Check if bridge is disconnected or if there is failure in log's last line
                if self.isHit == True:
                fbr = open(self.bridgeLogPath, 'r')
                fbrLines = fbr.readlines()
                for line in fbrLines:

                while not ego.bridge_connected or "fail" in line or "Fail" in line or "overflow" in line:
                    resultDic = {}
                    resultDic['fitness'] = ''
                    resultDic['fault'] = ''
                    util.print_debug(" ---- Bridge is cut off ----")
                    return resultDic


            k = 0  # kth npc
            for npc in npcList:
                deltaDList[k][t] = npcDeltaAtTList[k]
                dList[k][t] = npcDAtTList[k]
                k += 1

        # Process deltaDList and compute fitness scores
        # Make sure it is not 0, cannot divide by 0 in GA
        fitness_score = self.findFitness(deltaDList, dList, self.isEgoFault,
                                         self.isHit, hitTime)
        resultDic = {}
        resultDic['fitness'] = (fitness_score + self.maxint) / float(
            len(npcList) - 1)  # Try to make sure it is positive
        resultDic['fault'] = ''
        if self.isEgoFault == True:
            resultDic['fault'] = 'ego'
        util.print_debug(" === Finish simulation === ")

        return resultDic
Example #3
 def findCollisionDeltaD(self, ego, npc):
     d = liability.findDistance(ego,
                                npc) - 4.6  # 4.6 is the length of a car
     return d - self.brakeDist(ego.state.speed)