Example #1
from lib.aoclib import AOCLib
from intcode_computer import IntcodeComputer

puzzle = (2019, 5)

# Initialise the helper library

aoc = AOCLib(puzzle[0])

puzzle_input = aoc.get_puzzle_input(puzzle[1], AOCLib.to_list_int)

diagnostic_code_1 = IntcodeComputer(puzzle_input, 1).run_to_end()

aoc.print_solution(1, diagnostic_code_1)

diagnostic_code_2 = IntcodeComputer(puzzle_input, 5).run_to_end()

aoc.print_solution(2, diagnostic_code_2)
Example #2
from lib.aoclib import AOCLib
from lib.pixelgrid import PixelGrid

puzzle = (2017, 21)

# Initialise the helper library

aoc = AOCLib(puzzle[0])

# Get the puzzle input

puzzle_input = aoc.get_puzzle_input(puzzle[1], AOCLib.lines_to_list)

# print(puzzle_input)

pixel_grid = PixelGrid(puzzle_input)

# Puzzle solution parts 1 and 2

iterations = 0

while iterations < 18:
    iterations += 1

    if iterations == 5:
        aoc.print_solution(1, pixel_grid.count_pixels())

aoc.print_solution(2, pixel_grid.count_pixels())
Example #3
    while number:
        ones += (number & 1)
        number >>= 1

    return ones

puzzle = (2017, 14)

# Initialise the helper library

aoc = AOCLib(puzzle[0])

# Get the puzzle input

puzzle_input = aoc.get_puzzle_input(puzzle[1])

# print(puzzle_input)

# Puzzle solution part 1

num_cols = 128
num_rows = 128

hash_inputs = ['{}-{}'.format(puzzle_input, row) for row in range(num_rows)]

# Use a cache of part 1's answer as it takes a moderately
# long time to calculate.

hash_outputs = aoc.retrieve_some_data(puzzle[1], 'part1')
Example #4
            self.pointer = self.pointer[prev_or_next]

    def pop_tail(self):
        value = self.pointer[0]
        self.pointer[1][2] = self.pointer[2]
        self.pointer = self.pointer[2][1] = self.pointer[1]
        return value

puzzle = (2018, 9)

# Initialise the helper library

aoc = AOCLib(puzzle[0])

puzzle_input = aoc.get_puzzle_input(puzzle[1]).split(' ')

number_of_players = int(puzzle_input[0])
last_marble = int(puzzle_input[6])

scores = [0] * number_of_players

marble_to_play = 1

marbles = FunkyStructure(0)

for puzzle_part in (1, 2):
    while marble_to_play <= last_marble:
        if marble_to_play % 23 == 0:
            removed_marble = marbles.pop_tail()
Example #5
    circle_size = len(circular_list)

    running_total = 0

    for index in range(circle_size):
        index2 = (index + offset) % circle_size
        if circular_list[index] == circular_list[index2]:
            running_total += circular_list[index]

    return running_total

puzzle = (2017, 1)

# Initialise the helper library

aoc = AOCLib(puzzle[0])

# Get the puzzle input as a list of integers

puzzle_input = aoc.get_puzzle_input(puzzle[1], AOCLib.sequence_to_int)

# print(puzzle_input)

# Puzzle solution part 1:

aoc.print_solution(1, solve_puzzle(puzzle_input, 1))

# Puzzle solution part 2

aoc.print_solution(2, solve_puzzle(puzzle_input, len(puzzle_input)//2))
Example #6
from lib.aoclib import AOCLib

puzzle = (2017, 6)

# Initialise the helper library

aoc = AOCLib(puzzle[0])

# Get the puzzle input

puzzle_input = aoc.get_puzzle_input(puzzle[1],
                                    lambda x: [int(y) for y in x.split('\t')])

# print(puzzle_input)

# Puzzle solution parts 1 and 2

banks = puzzle_input[:]
number_of_banks = len(banks)
state_history = {}
cycles = 0

while True:
    state_history[tuple(banks)] = cycles

    biggest_bank_size = -1
    for bank_index, check_bank in enumerate(banks):
        if check_bank > biggest_bank_size:
            biggest_bank = bank_index
            biggest_bank_size = check_bank