Example #1
  def send_stream(path, download_name=None):
    Downloads a stream from the server. The path is callsign-date_duration.mp3

      * callsign: The callsign returned by /stats
      * date: in the format YYYYMMDDHHMM such as 201508011005 for 
        2015-08-01 10:05
      * duration: A value, in minutes, to return.

    The mp3 extension should be used regardless of the actual format of the stream -
    although the audio returned will be in the streams' native format.
    The streams are created and sent on-demand, so there may be a slight delay before
    it starts.
    base_dir = "%s%s/" % (config['storage'], misc.DIR_SLICES)

    if not path.startswith(config['callsign']):
      path = "%s-%s" % (config['callsign'], path)

    if not path.endswith('.mp3'):
      path = "%s.mp3" % path

    file_name = base_dir + path

    # If the file doesn't exist, then we need to slice it and create it based on our query.
    # Also, if it's a zero byte file, then we try to create it again.
    if not os.path.isfile(file_name) or os.path.getsize(file_name) == 0:

      # This tells us that if it were to exist, it would be something
      # like this.
      request_info = audio.stream_info(file_name)
      logging.info(("expected value", request_info))

      # we can do something rather specific here ... 
      # first we get our generic stream list using our start_minute from the info.
      stream_list, episode_list = cloud.find_streams(start_list=[request_info['start_minute']], duration_min=request_info['duration_sec'] / 60.0)
      for ep in episode_list:
        episode = ep[0]
        first_slice = episode[0]

        if first_slice['week_number'] == request_info['week_number']:
          # This means that we've found the episode that we want
          # We will block on this.
          relative_start_minute = request_info['start_minute'] - first_slice['start_minute']

          audio.stitch_and_slice_process(file_list=episode, relative_start_minute=relative_start_minute, duration_minute=request_info['duration_sec'] / 60.0, destination_path=path)

          # And break out of our loop ... now everything should exist.

    return send_file_partial("%s/%s" % (base_dir, path), requested_path=path, file_name=download_name)
Example #2
def get_next(info_query):
  # Given a file, we look to see if there's another one which could come after -- we won't look in the database 
  if type(info_query) is str:
    info_query = stream_info(info_query)

  # We are looking for a file with the closest start time to 
  # the end time of our stream whose file size is greater than a 
  # certain threshold
  target_time = info_query['start_date'] + timedelta(seconds=info_query['duration_sec'])

  return get_file_for_ts(target_time=target_time, bias=None, exclude_path=info_query['name'])
Example #3
def register_stream_list(reindex=False):
    import lib.misc as misc
    # Find the local streams and make sure they are all registered in the sqlite3 database.
    # Get the existing streams as a set
    # If we are asked to re-index (due to trying to fix a bug) then we ignore what we have
    # and just go ahead and do everything.
    if reindex:
        all_registered = set([])

        all_registered = set(DB.all('streams', ['name']))

    # There should be a smarter way to do this ... you'd think. We should also
    # be more faithfully giving things extensions since it's not 100% mp3
    all_files = set(glob('%s/*.mp3' % misc.DIR_STREAMS))

    diff = all_files.difference(all_registered)

    # This is a list of files we haven't scanned yet...
    if not diff: return True

    # This basically means we could still be writing
    # this file.
    # We take the cascade time and then buffer it by a minute, just
    # to be sure.
    # If the creation time is less then this then we don't register this
    # until later.
    cutoff = time.mktime((
        datetime.now() -
        timedelta(minutes=1, seconds=misc.config['cascade_time'])).timetuple())

    for fname in diff:
        if len(fname) == 0 or os.path.getctime(fname) > cutoff:

        info = stream_info(fname)
        if not info:


        if not misc.manager_is_running():
            logging.info("Manager is gone, shutting down")
            raise Exception()
Example #4
def get_next(info_query):
    # Given a file, we look to see if there's another one which could come after -- we won't look in the database
    if type(info_query) is str:
        info_query = stream_info(info_query)

    # We are looking for a file with the closest start time to
    # the end time of our stream whose file size is greater than a
    # certain threshold
    target_time = info_query['start_date'] + timedelta(

    return get_file_for_ts(target_time=target_time,
Example #5
def register_stream_list(reindex=False):
  import lib.misc as misc 
  # Find the local streams and make sure they are all registered in the sqlite3 database. 
  # Get the existing streams as a set
  # If we are asked to re-index (due to trying to fix a bug) then we ignore what we have
  # and just go ahead and do everything.
  if reindex:
    all_registered = set([])

    all_registered = set(DB.all('streams', ['name']))

  # There should be a smarter way to do this ... you'd think. We should also
  # be more faithfully giving things extensions since it's not 100% mp3
  all_files = set(glob('%s/*.mp3' % misc.DIR_STREAMS))
  diff = all_files.difference(all_registered)

  # This is a list of files we haven't scanned yet...
  if not diff: return True

  # This basically means we could still be writing
  # this file.
  # We take the cascade time and then buffer it by a minute, just
  # to be sure.
  # If the creation time is less then this then we don't register this
  # until later.
  cutoff = time.mktime((datetime.now() - timedelta(minutes=1, seconds=misc.config['cascade_time'])).timetuple())

  for fname in diff:
    if len(fname) == 0 or os.path.getctime(fname) > cutoff:

    info = stream_info(fname)
    if not info:


    if not misc.manager_is_running():
      logging.info("Manager is gone, shutting down")
      raise Exception()
Example #6
    def send_stream(path, download_name=None):
    Downloads a stream from the server. The path is callsign-date_duration.mp3

      * callsign: The callsign returned by /stats
      * date: in the format YYYYMMDDHHMM such as 201508011005 for 
        2015-08-01 10:05
      * duration: A value, in minutes, to return.

    The mp3 extension should be used regardless of the actual format of the stream -
    although the audio returned will be in the streams' native format.
    The streams are created and sent on-demand, so there may be a slight delay before
    it starts.
        base_dir = "%s%s/" % (config['storage'], misc.DIR_SLICES)

        if not path.startswith(config['callsign']):
            path = "%s-%s" % (config['callsign'], path)

        if not path.endswith('.mp3'):
            path = "%s.mp3" % path

        file_name = base_dir + path

        # If the file doesn't exist, then we need to slice it and create it based on our query.
        # Also, if it's a zero byte file, then we try to create it again.
        if not os.path.isfile(file_name) or os.path.getsize(file_name) == 0:

            # This tells us that if it were to exist, it would be something
            # like this.
            request_info = audio.stream_info(file_name)
            logging.info(("expected value", request_info))

            # we can do something rather specific here ...
            # first we get our generic stream list using our start_minute from the info.
            stream_list, episode_list = cloud.find_streams(
                duration_min=request_info['duration_sec'] / 60.0)

            for ep in episode_list:
                episode = ep[0]
                first_slice = episode[0]

                if first_slice['week_number'] == request_info['week_number']:
                    # This means that we've found the episode that we want
                    # We will block on this.
                    relative_start_minute = request_info[
                        'start_minute'] - first_slice['start_minute']

                        duration_minute=request_info['duration_sec'] / 60.0,

                    # And break out of our loop ... now everything should exist.

        return send_file_partial("%s/%s" % (base_dir, path),
Example #7
def stream_download(callsign, url, my_pid, file_name):
  # Curl interfacing which downloads the stream to disk. 
  # Follows redirects and parses out basic m3u.
  #pid = misc.change_proc_name("%s-download" % callsign)

  nl = {'stream': None, 'curl_handle': None, 'pid': my_pid, 'ix': 0, 'ct': 0, 'start': 0}

  def progress(download_t, download_d, upload_t, upload_d):
    if nl['start'] == 0:
      nl['start'] = time.time()
    nl['ct'] += 1

    if nl['pid'] <= g_download_kill_pid - 2:
      logging.info("Stopping download #%d through progress" % nl['pid'])
      raise TypeError("Download Stop")
      return False

    #logging.info("progress: %f %d %d" % ((time.time() - nl['start']) / nl['ct'], nl['pid'], download_d ));

  def catchall(which, what):
    logging.info("%d: %s %s" % (nl['pid'], which, str(what)))

  def catch_read(what):
    return catchall('read', what)

  def catch_debug(what, origin):
    if what == pycurl.INFOTYPE_TEXT:
      return catchall('debug', json.dumps([what, str(origin)], ensure_ascii=False))

  def cback(data): 
    global g_download_kill_pid

      if len(data):
        catchall('download', json.dumps([g_download_kill_pid, nl['pid'], len(data)]))
        catchall('download', json.dumps([g_download_kill_pid, 'no data']))
    # print nl['pid'], g_download_kill_pid
    if nl['pid'] <= g_download_kill_pid or not data:
      logging.info("Stopping download #%d" % nl['pid'])
      return False

    # misc.params can fail based on a shutdown sequence.
    if misc is None or misc.params is None or not misc.manager_is_running():
      # if misc is not None:
      #  misc.shutdown()
      return False

    elif not misc.params['shutdown_time']:
      if not misc.download_ipc.empty():
        what, value = misc.download_ipc.get(False)
        if what == 'shutdown_time':
          misc.params['shutdown_time'] = value

    elif TS.unixtime('dl') > misc.params['shutdown_time']:
      raise TypeError("Download Stop")

    if misc.params['isFirst'] == True:
      misc.params['isFirst'] = False

      if len(data) < 800:
          data_string = data.decode('utf-8')
          if re.match('https?://', data_string):
            # If we are getting a redirect then we don't mind, we
            # just put it in the stream and then we leave
            misc.queue.put(('stream', data_string.strip()))
            return False

          # A pls style playlist
          elif re.findall('File\d', data_string, re.M):
            logging.info('%d: Found a pls, using the File1 parameter' % (nl['pid'], ))
            matches = re.findall('File1=(.*)\n', data_string, re.M)
            misc.queue.put(('stream', matches[0].strip()))
            return False

        # If it gets here it's binary ... I guess that's fine.

    # This provides a reliable way to determine bitrate.  We look at how much 
    # data we've received between two time periods
    misc.queue.put(('heartbeat', (TS.unixtime('hb'), nl['pid'], len(data))))

    if not nl['stream']:
        nl['stream'] = open(file_name, 'wb')

      except Exception as exc:
        logging.critical("%d: Unable to open %s. Can't record. Must exit." % (nl['pid'], file_name))
        return False


  misc.params['isFirst'] = True
  curl_handle = pycurl.Curl()
  curl_handle.setopt(curl_handle.URL, url)
  curl_handle.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, cback)
  curl_handle.setopt(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION, True)
  curl_handle.setopt(pycurl.NOPROGRESS, False)

    curl_handle.setopt(pycurl.XFERINFOFUNCTION, progress)
  except (NameError, AttributeError):
    curl_handle.setopt(pycurl.PROGRESSFUNCTION, progress)

  curl_handle.setopt(pycurl.VERBOSE, 1)
  #curl_handle.setopt(pycurl.READFUNCTION, catch_read)
  curl_handle.setopt(pycurl.DEBUGFUNCTION, catch_debug)
  curl_handle.setopt(pycurl.USERAGENT, "indycast %s. See http://indycast.net/ for more info." % misc.__version__)

  nl['curl_handle'] = curl_handle


  except pycurl.error as exc:
    if exc.args[0] != 23:
      logging.warning("%d: Couldn't resolve or connect to %s." % (nl['pid'], url))

    logging.warning("%d: Unhandled exception" % (nl['pid'], ))


  if nl['stream'] and type(nl['stream']) != bool:
    # This is where we are sure of the stats on this file, because
    # we just closed it ... so we can register it here.
    info = audio.stream_info(file_name)

Example #8
def get_file_for_ts(target_time, bias=None, exclude_path=None):
  import lib.misc as misc 
  # Given a datetime target_time, this finds the closest file either with a bias
  # of +1 for after, -1 for before (or within) or no bias for the closest match.
  # An exclude_path can be set to remove it from the candidates to be searched
  best_before_time = None
  best_before_info = None

  best_after_time = None
  best_after_info = None

  time_to_beat = None
  current_winner = None

  #print "-----------------------"
  for candidate_path in glob('%s/*.mp3' % misc.DIR_STREAMS):
    if candidate_path == exclude_path: continue

    info_candidate = stream_info(candidate_path)
    if not info_candidate or info_candidate['duration_sec'] is None or info_candidate['duration_sec'] < 10.0:

    difference = info_candidate['start_date'] - target_time

    # This means we want to be strictly later
    # If our difference is before, which means we are earlier,
    # then we exclude this
    # BUGBUG: There's a hole in here ... pretend there's an expansive file starting at t0 and
    # a small one at t1 where start time of t0 < t1 so t1 is the file that is selected even though
    # t0 is a better candidate.
    if difference < timedelta() and (not best_before_time or difference > best_before_time):
      best_before_time = difference
      best_before_info = info_candidate

    # If we want something earlier and the start date is AFTER
    # our target time then we bail
    elif difference > timedelta() and (not best_after_time or difference < best_after_time):
      best_after_time = difference
      best_after_info = info_candidate

  # print(target_time, "\n", best_before_time, best_before_info, "\n", best_after_time, best_after_info, bias)
  if not best_before_info:
    if best_after_info:
      best_before_time = -best_after_time
      best_before_info = best_after_info

      # if we couldn't find anything
      return None, None

  if bias == -1:
    # Make sure that our candidate has our time within it
    # print best_before_info['start_date'], timedelta(seconds=best_before_info['duration_sec']) , target_time
    if best_before_info and best_before_info['start_date'] + timedelta(seconds=best_before_info['duration_sec']) > target_time:
      # This means that we have found a valid file and we can return the successful target_time 
      # and our info
      return best_before_info, target_time

    # Otherwise that means that our best time doesn't actually have our target time!
    # So we return where we ought to start and the file we can start at
    if best_after_info:
      return best_after_info, best_after_info['start_date']

      return None, None

  if bias == None:
    if not best_after_info or best_before_info and (abs(best_before_time) < abs(best_after_time)):
      return best_before_info, max(target_time, best_before_info['start_date'])

    return best_after_info, min(target_time, best_after_info['start_date'])

  if bias == +1:
    # print best_after_info, best_before_info, exclude_path
    if not best_after_info:
      return None, target_time

    return best_after_info, min(target_time, best_after_info['start_date'])
Example #9
def find_streams(start_list, duration_min):
  import lib.misc as misc 
  # Given a start week minute this looks for streams in the storage 
  # directory that match it - regardless of duration ... so it may return
  # partial shows results.
  stream_list = []

  if type(start_list) is int:
    start_list = [start_list]

  # Sort nominally - since we have unix time in the name, this should come out
  # as sorted by time for us for free.
  stitch_list = []
  episode_list = []

  # So we have a start list, we are about to query our database using the start_minute
  # and end_minute field ... to get end_minue we need to make use of our duration.
  # timeline ->
  #          ###################           << Region we want
  # start_sea#ch    end_search #           << Search
  #          V                 V
  # |     |     |     |     |     |     |  << Minute
  #          a     b     b     c
  # so we want 
  #     (a) start_minute < start_search and end_minute >= start_search  ||
  #     (b) start_minute > start_search and end_minute <= end_search  ||
  #     (c) start_minute < end_search and end_minute >= end_search
  condition_list = []
  for start in start_list:
    end_search = (start + duration_min) % TS.MINUTES_PER_WEEK
    # print start, duration_min, end_search
    condition_list.append('start_minute < %d and end_minute >= %d' % (start, start))
    condition_list.append('start_minute >= %d and end_minute >= %d and end_minute <= %d' % (start, start, end_search))
    condition_list.append('start_minute < %d and end_minute >= %d' % (end_search, end_search))

  condition_query = "((%s))" % ') or ('.join(condition_list)

  # see https://github.com/kristopolous/DRR/issues/50 - nah this shit is buggy
  condition_query += " and start_unix < datetime(%d, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')" % (TS.sec_now() - misc.config['cascade_time'] + 3)

  full_query = "select * from streams where {} order by strftime('%Y', start_unix) * 524160 + week_number * 10080 + start_minute asc".format(condition_query)

  entry_list = DB.map(DB.run(full_query).fetchall(), 'streams')

  # print full_query, len(entry_list)
  # We want to make sure that we break down the stream_list into days.  We can't JUST look at the week
  # number since we permit feed requests for shows which may have multiple days.  Since this is leaky
  # data that we don't keep via our separation of concerns, we use a little hack to figure this out.
  by_episode = []
  episode = []
  cutoff_minute = 0
  current_week = 0

  for entry in entry_list:
    # look at start minute, if it's > 12 * cascade time (by default 3 hours), then we presume this is a new episode.
    if entry['start_minute'] > cutoff_minute or entry['week_number'] != current_week:
      if len(episode):

      episode = []

    cutoff_minute = entry['start_minute'] + (12 * misc.config['cascade_time']) % TS.MINUTES_PER_WEEK
    current_week = entry['week_number']

    # We know by definition that every entry in our stream_list is a valid thing we need
    # to look at.  We just need to make sure we break them down by episode

  if len(episode):

  #print len(by_episode), condition_query
  # Start the creation of the audio files.
  for episode in by_episode:

    # We blur the test start to a bigger window
    test_start = (episode[0]['start_minute'] / (60 * 4))

    for week_start in start_list:
      # Blur the query start to the same window
      query_start = week_start / (60 * 4)

      # This shouldn't be necessary but let's do it anyway
      if abs(query_start - test_start) <= 1:
        # Under these conditions we can say that this episode
        # can be associated with this particular start time

        # The start_minute is based on the week
        offset_start = week_start - episode[0]['start_minute']
        fname = audio.stream_name(episode, week_start, duration_min)
        # print '--name',episode[0]['name'], fname

        # We get the name that it will be and then append that

        # print offset_start, duration_min, episode
        episode_list.append((episode, offset_start, duration_min))

  # print stream_list, "\nbreak\n", episode_list, "\nasfdasdf\n"
  return stream_list, episode_list
Example #10
def stream_download(callsign, url, my_pid, file_name):
    # Curl interfacing which downloads the stream to disk.
    # Follows redirects and parses out basic m3u.
    pid = misc.change_proc_name("%s-download" % callsign)

    nl = {'stream': None, 'curl_handle': None}

    def dl_stop(signal, frame):

    def cback(data):

        if not misc.params['shutdown_time']:
            if not misc.download_ipc.empty():
                what, value = misc.download_ipc.get(False)
                if what == 'shutdown_time':
                    misc.params['shutdown_time'] = value

        elif TS.unixtime('dl') > misc.params['shutdown_time']:

        if misc.params['isFirst'] == True:
            misc.params['isFirst'] = False

            if len(data) < 800:
                if re.match('https?://', data):
                    # If we are getting a redirect then we don't mind, we
                    # just put it in the stream and then we leave
                    misc.queue.put(('stream', data.strip()))
                    return True

                # A pls style playlist
                elif re.findall('File\d', data, re.M):
                    logging.info('Found a pls, using the File1 parameter')
                    matches = re.findall('File1=(.*)\n', data, re.M)
                    misc.queue.put(('stream', matches[0].strip()))
                    return True

        # This provides a reliable way to determine bitrate.  We look at how much
        # data we've received between two time periods
        misc.queue.put(('heartbeat', (TS.unixtime('hb'), len(data))))

        if not nl['stream']:
                nl['stream'] = open(file_name, 'w')

            except Exception as exc:
                    "Unable to open %s. Can't record. Must exit." % file_name)


        if not misc.manager_is_running():

    # signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, dl_stop)
    misc.params['isFirst'] = True
    curl_handle = pycurl.Curl()
    curl_handle.setopt(curl_handle.URL, url)
    curl_handle.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, cback)
    curl_handle.setopt(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION, True)
    nl['curl_handle'] = curl_handle


    except TypeError as exc:
        logging.info('Properly shutting down.')

    except Exception as exc:
        logging.warning("Couldn't resolve or connect to %s." % url)


    if nl['stream'] and type(nl['stream']) != bool:
        # This is where we are sure of the stats on this file, because
        # we just closed it ... so we can register it here.
        info = audio.stream_info(file_name)

Example #11
def get_file_for_ts(target_time, bias=None, exclude_path=None):
    import lib.misc as misc
    # Given a datetime target_time, this finds the closest file either with a bias
    # of +1 for after, -1 for before (or within) or no bias for the closest match.
    # An exclude_path can be set to remove it from the candidates to be searched
    best_before_time = None
    best_before_info = None

    best_after_time = None
    best_after_info = None

    time_to_beat = None
    current_winner = None

    #print "-----------------------"
    for candidate_path in glob('%s/*.mp3' % misc.DIR_STREAMS):
        if candidate_path == exclude_path: continue

        info_candidate = stream_info(candidate_path)
        if not info_candidate or info_candidate[
                'duration_sec'] is None or info_candidate[
                    'duration_sec'] < 10.0:

        difference = info_candidate['start_date'] - target_time

        # This means we want to be strictly later
        # If our difference is before, which means we are earlier,
        # then we exclude this
        # BUGBUG: There's a hole in here ... pretend there's an expansive file starting at t0 and
        # a small one at t1 where start time of t0 < t1 so t1 is the file that is selected even though
        # t0 is a better candidate.
        if difference < timedelta() and (not best_before_time
                                         or difference > best_before_time):
            best_before_time = difference
            best_before_info = info_candidate

        # If we want something earlier and the start date is AFTER
        # our target time then we bail
        elif difference > timedelta() and (not best_after_time
                                           or difference < best_after_time):
            best_after_time = difference
            best_after_info = info_candidate

    # print(target_time, "\n", best_before_time, best_before_info, "\n", best_after_time, best_after_info, bias)
    if not best_before_info:
        if best_after_info:
            best_before_time = -best_after_time
            best_before_info = best_after_info

            # if we couldn't find anything
            return None, None

    if bias == -1:
        # Make sure that our candidate has our time within it
        # print best_before_info['start_date'], timedelta(seconds=best_before_info['duration_sec']) , target_time
        if best_before_info and best_before_info['start_date'] + timedelta(
                seconds=best_before_info['duration_sec']) > target_time:
            # This means that we have found a valid file and we can return the successful target_time
            # and our info
            return best_before_info, target_time

        # Otherwise that means that our best time doesn't actually have our target time!
        # So we return where we ought to start and the file we can start at
        if best_after_info:
            return best_after_info, best_after_info['start_date']

            return None, None

    if bias == None:
        if not best_after_info or best_before_info and (abs(best_before_time) <
            return best_before_info, max(target_time,

        return best_after_info, min(target_time, best_after_info['start_date'])

    if bias == +1:
        # print best_after_info, best_before_info, exclude_path
        if not best_after_info:
            return None, target_time

        return best_after_info, min(target_time, best_after_info['start_date'])
Example #12
def find_streams(start_list, duration_min):
    import lib.misc as misc
    # Given a start week minute this looks for streams in the storage
    # directory that match it - regardless of duration ... so it may return
    # partial shows results.
    stream_list = []

    if type(start_list) is int:
        start_list = [start_list]

    # Sort nominally - since we have unix time in the name, this should come out
    # as sorted by time for us for free.
    stitch_list = []
    episode_list = []

    # So we have a start list, we are about to query our database using the start_minute
    # and end_minute field ... to get end_minue we need to make use of our duration.
    # timeline ->
    #          ###################           << Region we want
    # start_sea#ch    end_search #           << Search
    #          V                 V
    # |     |     |     |     |     |     |  << Minute
    #          a     b     b     c
    # so we want
    #     (a) start_minute < start_search and end_minute >= start_search  ||
    #     (b) start_minute > start_search and end_minute <= end_search  ||
    #     (c) start_minute < end_search and end_minute >= end_search
    condition_list = []
    for start in start_list:
        end_search = (start + duration_min) % TS.MINUTES_PER_WEEK
        # print start, duration_min, end_search
        condition_list.append('start_minute < %d and end_minute >= %d' %
                              (start, start))
            'start_minute >= %d and end_minute >= %d and end_minute <= %d' %
            (start, start, end_search))
        condition_list.append('start_minute < %d and end_minute >= %d' %
                              (end_search, end_search))

    condition_query = "((%s))" % ') or ('.join(condition_list)

    # see https://github.com/kristopolous/DRR/issues/50 - nah this shit is buggy
    condition_query += " and start_unix < datetime(%d, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')" % (
        TS.sec_now() - misc.config['cascade_time'] + 3)

    full_query = "select * from streams where %s order by week_number * 10080 + start_minute asc" % condition_query

    entry_list = DB.map(DB.run(full_query).fetchall(), 'streams')

    # print full_query, len(entry_list)
    # We want to make sure that we break down the stream_list into days.  We can't JUST look at the week
    # number since we permit feed requests for shows which may have multiple days.  Since this is leaky
    # data that we don't keep via our separation of concerns, we use a little hack to figure this out.
    by_episode = []
    episode = []
    cutoff_minute = 0
    current_week = 0

    for entry in entry_list:
        # look at start minute, if it's > 12 * cascade time (by default 3 hours), then we presume this is a new episode.
        if entry['start_minute'] > cutoff_minute or entry[
                'week_number'] != current_week:
            if len(episode):

            episode = []

        cutoff_minute = entry['start_minute'] + (
            12 * misc.config['cascade_time']) % TS.MINUTES_PER_WEEK
        current_week = entry['week_number']

        # We know by definition that every entry in our stream_list is a valid thing we need
        # to look at.  We just need to make sure we break them down by episode

    if len(episode):

    #print len(by_episode), condition_query
    # Start the creation of the audio files.
    for episode in by_episode:

        # We blur the test start to a bigger window
        test_start = (episode[0]['start_minute'] / (60 * 4))

        for week_start in start_list:
            # Blur the query start to the same window
            query_start = week_start / (60 * 4)

            # This shouldn't be necessary but let's do it anyway
            if abs(query_start - test_start) <= 1:
                # Under these conditions we can say that this episode
                # can be associated with this particular start time

                # The start_minute is based on the week
                offset_start = week_start - episode[0]['start_minute']
                fname = audio.stream_name(episode, week_start, duration_min)
                # print '--name',episode[0]['name'], fname

                # We get the name that it will be and then append that

                # print offset_start, duration_min, episode
                episode_list.append((episode, offset_start, duration_min))

    # print stream_list, "\nbreak\n", episode_list, "\nasfdasdf\n"
    return stream_list, episode_list
Example #13
import sys
import lib.audio as audio

for file_name in sys.argv[1:]:
  print("%s:" % file_name)
  sig, block = audio.signature(file_name)
  print({'block_count': len(block), 'format': audio._LASTFORMAT})

Example #14
def stream_download(callsign, url, my_pid, file_name):
    # Curl interfacing which downloads the stream to disk.
    # Follows redirects and parses out basic m3u.
    #pid = misc.change_proc_name("%s-download" % callsign)

    nl = {
        'stream': None,
        'curl_handle': None,
        'pid': my_pid,
        'ix': 0,
        'ct': 0,
        'start': 0

    def progress(download_t, download_d, upload_t, upload_d):
        if nl['start'] == 0:
            nl['start'] = time.time()
        nl['ct'] += 1

        if nl['pid'] <= g_download_kill_pid - 2:
            logging.info("Stopping download #%d through progress" % nl['pid'])
            raise TypeError("Download Stop")
            return False

        #logging.info("progress: %f %d %d" % ((time.time() - nl['start']) / nl['ct'], nl['pid'], download_d ));

    def catchall(which, what):
        logging.info("%d: %s %s" % (nl['pid'], which, str(what)))

    def catch_read(what):
        return catchall('read', what)

    def catch_debug(what, origin):
        if what == pycurl.INFOTYPE_TEXT:
            return catchall(
                'debug', json.dumps([what, str(origin)], ensure_ascii=False))

    def cback(data):
        global g_download_kill_pid
      if len(data):
        catchall('download', json.dumps([g_download_kill_pid, nl['pid'], len(data)]))
        catchall('download', json.dumps([g_download_kill_pid, 'no data']))
        # print nl['pid'], g_download_kill_pid
        if nl['pid'] <= g_download_kill_pid or not data:
            logging.info("Stopping download #%d" % nl['pid'])
            return False

        # misc.params can fail based on a shutdown sequence.
        if misc is None or misc.params is None or not misc.manager_is_running(
            # if misc is not None:
            #  misc.shutdown()
            return False

        elif not misc.params['shutdown_time']:
            if not misc.download_ipc.empty():
                what, value = misc.download_ipc.get(False)
                if what == 'shutdown_time':
                    misc.params['shutdown_time'] = value

        elif TS.unixtime('dl') > misc.params['shutdown_time']:
            raise TypeError("Download Stop")

        if misc.params['isFirst'] == True:
            misc.params['isFirst'] = False

            if len(data) < 800:
                    data_string = data.decode('utf-8')

                    if re.match('https?://', data_string):
                        # If we are getting a redirect then we don't mind, we
                        # just put it in the stream and then we leave
                        misc.queue.put(('stream', data_string.strip()))
                        return False

                    # A pls style playlist
                    elif re.findall('File\d', data_string, re.M):
                            '%d: Found a pls, using the File1 parameter' %
                            (nl['pid'], ))
                        matches = re.findall('File1=(.*)\n', data_string, re.M)
                        misc.queue.put(('stream', matches[0].strip()))
                        return False

                # If it gets here it's binary ... I guess that's fine.

        # This provides a reliable way to determine bitrate.  We look at how much
        # data we've received between two time periods
            ('heartbeat', (TS.unixtime('hb'), nl['pid'], len(data))))

        if not nl['stream']:
                nl['stream'] = open(file_name, 'wb')

            except Exception as exc:
                    "%d: Unable to open %s. Can't record. Must exit." %
                    (nl['pid'], file_name))
                return False


    misc.params['isFirst'] = True
    curl_handle = pycurl.Curl()
    curl_handle.setopt(curl_handle.URL, url)
    curl_handle.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, cback)
    curl_handle.setopt(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION, True)
    curl_handle.setopt(pycurl.NOPROGRESS, False)

        curl_handle.setopt(pycurl.XFERINFOFUNCTION, progress)
    except (NameError, AttributeError):
        curl_handle.setopt(pycurl.PROGRESSFUNCTION, progress)

    curl_handle.setopt(pycurl.VERBOSE, 1)
    #curl_handle.setopt(pycurl.READFUNCTION, catch_read)
    curl_handle.setopt(pycurl.DEBUGFUNCTION, catch_debug)
        "indycast %s. See http://indycast.net/ for more info." %

    nl['curl_handle'] = curl_handle


    except pycurl.error as exc:
        if exc.args[0] != 23:
            logging.warning("%d: Couldn't resolve or connect to %s." %
                            (nl['pid'], url))

        logging.warning("%d: Unhandled exception" % (nl['pid'], ))


    if nl['stream'] and type(nl['stream']) != bool:
        # This is where we are sure of the stats on this file, because
        # we just closed it ... so we can register it here.
        info = audio.stream_info(file_name)

Example #15
def stream_download(callsign, url, my_pid, file_name):
  # Curl interfacing which downloads the stream to disk. 
  # Follows redirects and parses out basic m3u.
  pid = misc.change_proc_name("%s-download" % callsign)

  nl = {'stream': None, 'curl_handle': None}

  def dl_stop(signal, frame):

  def cback(data): 

    if not misc.params['shutdown_time']:
      if not misc.download_ipc.empty():
        what, value = misc.download_ipc.get(False)
        if what == 'shutdown_time':
          misc.params['shutdown_time'] = value

    elif TS.unixtime('dl') > misc.params['shutdown_time']:

    if misc.params['isFirst'] == True:
      misc.params['isFirst'] = False

      if len(data) < 800:
        if re.match('https?://', data):
          # If we are getting a redirect then we don't mind, we
          # just put it in the stream and then we leave
          misc.queue.put(('stream', data.strip()))
          return True

        # A pls style playlist
        elif re.findall('File\d', data, re.M):
          logging.info('Found a pls, using the File1 parameter')
          matches = re.findall('File1=(.*)\n', data, re.M)
          misc.queue.put(('stream', matches[0].strip()))
          return True

    # This provides a reliable way to determine bitrate.  We look at how much 
    # data we've received between two time periods
    misc.queue.put(('heartbeat', (TS.unixtime('hb'), len(data))))

    if not nl['stream']:
        nl['stream'] = open(file_name, 'w')

      except Exception as exc:
        logging.critical("Unable to open %s. Can't record. Must exit." % file_name)


    if not misc.manager_is_running():

  # signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, dl_stop)
  misc.params['isFirst'] = True
  curl_handle = pycurl.Curl()
  curl_handle.setopt(curl_handle.URL, url)
  curl_handle.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, cback)
  curl_handle.setopt(pycurl.FOLLOWLOCATION, True)
  nl['curl_handle'] = curl_handle


  except TypeError as exc:
    logging.info('Properly shutting down.')

  except Exception as exc:
    logging.warning("Couldn't resolve or connect to %s." % url)


  if nl['stream'] and type(nl['stream']) != bool:
    # This is where we are sure of the stats on this file, because
    # we just closed it ... so we can register it here.
    info = audio.stream_info(file_name)

Example #16
import sys
import lib.audio as audio

for file_name in sys.argv[1:]:
    print("%s:" % file_name)
    sig, block = audio.signature(file_name)
    print({'block_count': len(block), 'format': audio._LASTFORMAT})