Example #1
 def test_wrong_key(self):
     tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False)
     tmp.write('some secret')
     self.addCleanup(lambda: os.unlink(tmp.name))
     with self.settings(AES_KEYS={'bango:signature': tmp.name}):
         sig = sign('123')
     assert not verify_sig(sig, '123')
 def test_wrong_key(self):
     tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False)
     tmp.write('some secret')
     self.addCleanup(lambda: os.unlink(tmp.name))
     with self.settings(AES_KEYS={'bango:signature': tmp.name}):
         sig = sign('123')
     assert not verify_sig(sig, '123')
Example #3
    def obj_create(self, bundle, request, **kwargs):
        form = CreateBillingConfigurationForm(bundle.data)
        if not form.is_valid():
            raise self.form_errors(form)

        client = get_client()
        billing = client.client('billing')
        data = form.bango_data

        types = billing.factory.create('ArrayOfString')
        for f in PAYMENT_TYPES:
        data['typeFilter'] = types

        price_list = billing.factory.create('ArrayOfPrice')
        for item in form.cleaned_data['prices']:
            price = billing.factory.create('Price')
            price.amount = item.cleaned_data['amount']
            price.currency = item.cleaned_data['currency']

        data['priceList'] = price_list

        config = billing.factory.create('ArrayOfBillingConfigurationOption')
        configs = {
            'APPLICATION_CATEGORY_ID': '18',
            'APPLICATION_SIZE_KB': 2,
            'REDIRECT_URL_ONSUCCESS': data.pop('redirect_url_onsuccess'),
            'REDIRECT_URL_ONERROR': data.pop('redirect_url_onerror'),
            'REQUEST_SIGNATURE': sign(data['externalTransactionId']),
        for k, v in configs.items():
            opt = billing.factory.create('BillingConfigurationOption')
            opt.configurationOptionName = k
            opt.configurationOptionValue = v

        data['configurationOptions'] = config
        resp = self.client('CreateBillingConfiguration', data)
        bundle.data = {'responseCode': resp.responseCode,
                       'responseMessage': resp.responseMessage,
                       'billingConfigurationId': resp.billingConfigurationId}

        create_data = data.copy()
        create_data['transaction_uuid'] = data.pop('externalTransactionId')
        create.send(sender=self, bundle=bundle, data=create_data, form=form)
        return bundle
 def test_cannot_sign_non_ascii(self):
     sign(u'Ivan Krsti\u0107')
 def test_sign_unicode(self):
     sig = sign('123')
     assert verify_sig(sig, u'123')
 def test_sign(self):
     sig = sign('123')
     assert verify_sig(sig, '123')
Example #7
 def test_cannot_sign_non_ascii(self):
     sign(u'Ivan Krsti\u0107')
Example #8
 def test_sign_unicode(self):
     sig = sign('123')
     assert verify_sig(sig, u'123')
Example #9
 def test_sign(self):
     sig = sign('123')
     assert verify_sig(sig, '123')
Example #10
def prepare(form, bango):
    data = form.bango_data
    # Add in the Bango number from the serializer.
    data['bango'] = bango

    # Used to create the approprate data structure.
    client = get_client()
    billing = client.client('billing')
    price_list = billing.factory.create('ArrayOfPrice')
    price_types = set()

    for item in form.cleaned_data['prices']:
        price = billing.factory.create('Price')
        price.amount = item.cleaned_data['price']
        price.currency = item.cleaned_data['currency']

        # TODO: remove this.
        # Very temporary and very fragile hack to fix bug 882183.
        # Bango cannot accept regions with price info so if there
        # are two USD values for different regions it triggers a 500 error.
        append = True
        for existing in price_list.Price:
            if existing.currency == price.currency:
                log.info('Skipping %s:%s because we already have %s:%s'
                         % (price.currency, price.amount,
                            existing.currency, existing.amount))
                append = False

        if append:

    data['priceList'] = price_list

    # More workarounds for bug 882321, ideally we'd send one type per
    # region, price, combination. If all the prices say operator, then
    # we'll set it to that. Otherwise its all.
    type_filters = PAYMENT_TYPES
    if price_types == set([str(PAYMENT_METHOD_OPERATOR)]):
        type_filters = MICRO_PAYMENT_TYPES

    types = billing.factory.create('ArrayOfString')
    for f in type_filters:
    data['typeFilter'] = types

    config = billing.factory.create('ArrayOfBillingConfigurationOption')
    configs = {
        'APPLICATION_SIZE_KB': data.pop('application_size'),
        # Tell Bango to use our same transaction expiry logic.
        # However, we pad it by 60 seconds to show a prettier Mozilla user
        # error in the case of a real timeout.
        'REDIRECT_URL_ONSUCCESS': data.pop('redirect_url_onsuccess'),
        'REDIRECT_URL_ONERROR': data.pop('redirect_url_onerror'),
        'REQUEST_SIGNATURE': sign(data['externalTransactionId']),
    user_uuid = data.pop('user_uuid')
    if settings.SEND_USER_ID_TO_BANGO:
        configs['MOZ_USER_ID'] = user_uuid
        log.info('Sending MOZ_USER_ID {uuid} for transaction {tr}'
                 .format(uuid=user_uuid, tr=data['externalTransactionId']))
    if settings.BANGO_ICON_URLS:
        icon_url = data.pop('icon_url', None)
        if icon_url:
            configs['APPLICATION_LOGO_URL'] = icon_url

    for k, v in configs.items():
        opt = billing.factory.create('BillingConfigurationOption')
        opt.configurationOptionName = k
        opt.configurationOptionValue = v

    data['configurationOptions'] = config
    return data
Example #11
    def obj_create(self, bundle, request, **kwargs):
        form = CreateBillingConfigurationForm(bundle.data)
        if not form.is_valid():
            raise self.form_errors(form)

        client = get_client()
        billing = client.client('billing')
        data = form.bango_data

        usd_price = None
        price_list = billing.factory.create('ArrayOfPrice')
        for item in form.cleaned_data['prices']:
            price = billing.factory.create('Price')
            price.amount = item.cleaned_data['amount']
            price.currency = item.cleaned_data['currency']
            if price.currency == 'USD':
                usd_price = Decimal(price.amount)

        data['priceList'] = price_list

        if not usd_price:
            # This should never happen because USD is always part of the list.
            raise ValueError('Purchase for %r did not contain a USD price'
                             % data.get('externalTransactionId'))
        if usd_price < settings.BANGO_MAX_MICRO_AMOUNT:
            type_filters = MICRO_PAYMENT_TYPES
            type_filters = PAYMENT_TYPES

        types = billing.factory.create('ArrayOfString')
        for f in type_filters:
        data['typeFilter'] = types

        config = billing.factory.create('ArrayOfBillingConfigurationOption')
        configs = {
            'APPLICATION_CATEGORY_ID': '18',
            'APPLICATION_SIZE_KB': 2,
            'REDIRECT_URL_ONSUCCESS': data.pop('redirect_url_onsuccess'),
            'REDIRECT_URL_ONERROR': data.pop('redirect_url_onerror'),
            'REQUEST_SIGNATURE': sign(data['externalTransactionId']),
        if settings.BANGO_ICON_URLS:
            icon_url = data.pop('icon_url', None)
            if icon_url:
                configs['APPLICATION_LOGO_URL'] = icon_url

        for k, v in configs.items():
            opt = billing.factory.create('BillingConfigurationOption')
            opt.configurationOptionName = k
            opt.configurationOptionValue = v

        data['configurationOptions'] = config
        resp = self.client('CreateBillingConfiguration', data)
        bundle.data = {'responseCode': resp.responseCode,
                       'responseMessage': resp.responseMessage,
                       'billingConfigurationId': resp.billingConfigurationId}

        create_data = data.copy()
        create_data['transaction_uuid'] = data.pop('externalTransactionId')
        create.send(sender=self, bundle=bundle, data=create_data, form=form)
        return bundle
Example #12
    def call(self, form):
        data = form.bango_data
        client = get_client()
        billing = client.client('billing')
        usd_price = None
        price_list = billing.factory.create('ArrayOfPrice')
        for item in form.cleaned_data['prices']:
            price = billing.factory.create('Price')
            price.amount = item.cleaned_data['price']
            price.currency = item.cleaned_data['currency']
            if price.currency == 'USD':
                usd_price = Decimal(price.amount)

            # TODO: remove this.
            # Very temporary and very fragile hack to fix bug 882183.
            # Bango cannot accept regions with price info so if there
            # are two USD values for different regions it triggers a 500 error.
            append = True
            for existing in price_list.Price:
                if existing.currency == price.currency:
                    log.info('Skipping %s:%s because we already have %s:%s'
                             % (price.currency, price.amount,
                                existing.currency, existing.amount))
                    append = False

            if append:

        data['priceList'] = price_list

        if not usd_price:
            # This should never happen because USD is always part of the list.
            raise ValueError('Purchase for %r did not contain a USD price'
                             % data.get('externalTransactionId'))
        if usd_price < settings.BANGO_MAX_MICRO_AMOUNT:
            type_filters = MICRO_PAYMENT_TYPES
            type_filters = PAYMENT_TYPES

        types = billing.factory.create('ArrayOfString')
        for f in type_filters:
        data['typeFilter'] = types

        config = billing.factory.create('ArrayOfBillingConfigurationOption')
        configs = {
            'APPLICATION_CATEGORY_ID': '18',
            'APPLICATION_SIZE_KB': data.pop('application_size'),
            # Tell Bango to use our same transaction expiry logic.
            # However, we pad it by 60 seconds to show a prettier Mozilla user
            # error in the case of a real timeout.
            'REDIRECT_URL_ONSUCCESS': data.pop('redirect_url_onsuccess'),
            'REDIRECT_URL_ONERROR': data.pop('redirect_url_onerror'),
            'REQUEST_SIGNATURE': sign(data['externalTransactionId']),
        user_uuid = data.pop('user_uuid')
        if settings.SEND_USER_ID_TO_BANGO:
            configs['MOZ_USER_ID'] = user_uuid
        if settings.BANGO_ICON_URLS:
            icon_url = data.pop('icon_url', None)
            if icon_url:
                configs['APPLICATION_LOGO_URL'] = icon_url

        for k, v in configs.items():
            opt = billing.factory.create('BillingConfigurationOption')
            opt.configurationOptionName = k
            opt.configurationOptionValue = v

        data['configurationOptions'] = config
        return self.client('CreateBillingConfiguration', data)
Example #13
def prepare(form, bango):
    data = form.bango_data
    # Add in the Bango number from the serializer.
    data['bango'] = bango

    # Used to create the approprate data structure.
    client = get_client()
    billing = client.client('billing')
    price_list = billing.factory.create('ArrayOfPrice')
    price_types = set()

    for item in form.cleaned_data['prices']:
        price = billing.factory.create('Price')
        price.amount = item.cleaned_data['price']
        price.currency = item.cleaned_data['currency']

        # TODO: remove this.
        # Very temporary and very fragile hack to fix bug 882183.
        # Bango cannot accept regions with price info so if there
        # are two USD values for different regions it triggers a 500 error.
        append = True
        for existing in price_list.Price:
            if existing.currency == price.currency:
                log.info('Skipping %s:%s because we already have %s:%s' %
                         (price.currency, price.amount, existing.currency,
                append = False

        if append:

    data['priceList'] = price_list

    # More workarounds for bug 882321, ideally we'd send one type per
    # region, price, combination. If all the prices say operator, then
    # we'll set it to that. Otherwise its all.
    type_filters = PAYMENT_TYPES
    if price_types == set([str(PAYMENT_METHOD_OPERATOR)]):
        type_filters = MICRO_PAYMENT_TYPES

    types = billing.factory.create('ArrayOfString')
    for f in type_filters:
    data['typeFilter'] = types

    config = billing.factory.create('ArrayOfBillingConfigurationOption')
    configs = {
        'APPLICATION_SIZE_KB': data.pop('application_size'),
        # Tell Bango to use our same transaction expiry logic.
        # However, we pad it by 60 seconds to show a prettier Mozilla user
        # error in the case of a real timeout.
        'REDIRECT_URL_ONSUCCESS': data.pop('redirect_url_onsuccess'),
        'REDIRECT_URL_ONERROR': data.pop('redirect_url_onerror'),
        'REQUEST_SIGNATURE': sign(data['externalTransactionId']),
    user_uuid = data.pop('user_uuid')
    if settings.SEND_USER_ID_TO_BANGO:
        configs['MOZ_USER_ID'] = user_uuid
        log.info('Sending MOZ_USER_ID {uuid} for transaction {tr}'.format(
            uuid=user_uuid, tr=data['externalTransactionId']))
    if settings.BANGO_ICON_URLS:
        icon_url = data.pop('icon_url', None)
        if icon_url:
            configs['APPLICATION_LOGO_URL'] = icon_url

    for k, v in configs.items():
        opt = billing.factory.create('BillingConfigurationOption')
        opt.configurationOptionName = k
        opt.configurationOptionValue = v

    data['configurationOptions'] = config
    return data