def test_brackets_wrapping(self):
     """A bracket block that wraps over multiple lines."""
     cases = [
             'abcd [ inside block',
             'abcd ',
         ], [
             'inside block ] efg',
             ' efg',
         ], [
             'abcd [ inside block',
             'abcd ',
         ], [
             'inside block',
         ], [
             'inside block comment ] efg',
             ' efg',
     blocks = Blocks()
     for lines in cases:
         for line in lines:
             self.assertEqual(blocks.remove(line[0]), line[1])
def execute_strategy(strategy, args, options):
    """Compile the proze project using the strategy.
    @type  strategy: BaseStrategy
    @param strategy: Strategy to use.
    @type  args: object
    @param args: Parsed command line args.
    @type  options: DotMap
    @param options: Compile options parsed from the config file.
    blocks = Blocks()
    names = Names(options)
    state = State()
    output_path = args.output + '.' + args.doctype
    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(output_path), exist_ok=True)
    with strategy.compile(output_path) as compiler:
        for filename in options.compile.order:
            path = args.path + '/' + filename
                with open(path, 'r') as proze_file:
                    line_number = 0
                    for raw_line in proze_file:
                        line_number = line_number + 1
                        line = blocks.remove(raw_line)
                        check_invalid_names(line, path, line_number, names)
                        if line:
                            compiler.write(line, state)
            except FileNotFoundError:
                print('MISSING: Cannot find file "{}". '.format(path) +
                      'Update the file names in your config file.')
 def test_wrapped_blocks_hiding(self):
     """Test wrapped blocks hiding each other.."""
     cases = [
             'abcd ### inside block comment',
             'abcd ',
         ], [
             '[inside block comment ### efg',
             ' efg',
             'abcd [ inside block comment',
             'abcd ',
         ], [
             '###inside block comment ] efg',
             ' efg',
         ], [
             'abcd ### inside block ] comment',
             'abcd ',
         ], [
             'inside block [ comment',
         ], [
             'inside block comment ### efg',
             ' efg',
         ], [
             'abcd [ inside block ### comment',
             'abcd ',
         ], [
             'inside block comment',
         ], [
             'inside block comment ] efg',
             ' efg',
             'abcd ## hidden by [ line comment',
             'abcd ',
         ], [
     blocks = Blocks()
     for lines in cases:
         for line in lines:
             self.assertEqual(blocks.remove(line[0]), line[1])
 def test_no_blocks(self):
     """A line that doesn't have any comments."""
     lines = [
         '"Furthermore," she said, "I would never take a deal like that."',
         'Use the hashtag #withoutHoldings on that post.',
         'Nothing looks right in here.',
     blocks = Blocks()
     for line in lines:
         self.assertEqual(blocks.remove(line), line)
 def test_comment_block_line_comment_adjacent(self):
     """A line comment is adjacent to the ending block comment."""
     lines = [
             'abcd ### test of hidden ##### and this is hidden too',
             'abcd ',
     blocks = Blocks()
     for line in lines:
         self.assertEqual(blocks.remove(line[0]), line[1])
 def test_comment_block_wrapping(self):
     """Test a block comment wrapping across multiple lines."""
     cases = [
             'abcd ### inside block comment',
             'abcd ',
         ], [
             'inside block comment ### efg',
             ' efg',
         ], [
             'abcd ### inside block comment',
             'abcd ',
         ], [
             'inside block comment',
         ], [
             'inside block comment ### efg',
             ' efg',
             'abcd ### inside block comment',
             'abcd ',
         ], [
             'this is all ## inside block comment',
         ], [
             'inside block comment ### efg',
             ' efg',
             'abcd ## this will not start ### a block comment',
             'abcd ',
         ], [
             'abcd ### inside block comment',
             'abcd ',
         ], [
             'this is all ## inside block comment',
         ], [
             'inside block comment ### efg',
             ' efg',
     blocks = Blocks()
     for lines in cases:
         for line in lines:
             self.assertEqual(blocks.remove(line[0]), line[1])
 def test_comment_tokens_in_brackets(self):
     """Comment tokens aren't recognized inside bracket blocks."""
     lines = [
             'abcd [ hidden ### hidden ] ef',
             'abcd  ef',
             'abcd [ ## hidden ## hidden ] efg',
             'abcd  efg',
     blocks = Blocks()
     for line in lines:
         self.assertEqual(blocks.remove(line[0]), line[1])
 def test_comment_block_hides_line_comment(self):
     """A line comment token is hidden by a block token."""
     lines = [
             'abcd ### test of hidden ## token ### ef',
             'abcd  ef',
             'abcd ### test of hidden ## token',
             'abcd ',
     blocks = Blocks()
     for line in lines:
         self.assertEqual(blocks.remove(line[0]), line[1])
 def test_line_comment_hides_block_comment(self):
     """A block comment token is hidden by a line token."""
     lines = [
             'abcd ## test of ### hidden block ### comment token',
             'abcd ',
             'abcd ## test of ### hidden block comment token',
             'abcd ',
     blocks = Blocks()
     for line in lines:
         self.assertEqual(blocks.remove(line[0]), line[1])
 def test_comment_block_no_spacing(self):
     """Block tokens without spacing between them."""
     lines = [
             'abcd ### hidden ###### also hidden ### ef',
             'abcd  ef',
             'abcd### hidden ###ef',
     blocks = Blocks()
     for line in lines:
         self.assertEqual(blocks.remove(line[0]), line[1])
 def test_multiple_brackets_per_line(self):
     """Lines that have multiple blocks."""
     lines = [
             'a [ test ] b [ test ] c',
             'a  b  c',
             'a [ test ] bcde [ f g ]',
             'a  bcde ',
             'a [ test ] bcde [ f g',
             'a  bcde ',
     blocks = Blocks()
     for line in lines:
         self.assertEqual(blocks.remove(line[0]), line[1])
 def test_escape_comment_line(self):
     """Bracket tokens aren't matched if they are escaped."""
     lines = [
             r'abcd \## efg',
             r'abcd \## efg',
             r'abcd \## efg ## test',
             r'abcd \## efg ',
             r'abcd ## efg ## test',
             r'abcd ',
     blocks = Blocks()
     for line in lines:
         self.assertEqual(blocks.remove(line[0]), line[1])
 def test_escape_brackets(self):
     """Bracket tokens aren't matched if they are escaped."""
     lines = [
             r'abcd \[ efg',
             r'abcd \[ efg',
             r'abcd \[ efg [ this is hidden ]',
             r'abcd \[ efg ',
             r'abcd \[ efg [ this is hidden \] hij ]',
             r'abcd \[ efg ',
     blocks = Blocks()
     for line in lines:
         self.assertEqual(blocks.remove(line[0]), line[1])
 def test_comments_hide_brackets(self):
     """A comment token hides a bracket block."""
     lines = [
             'abcd ## test of [ hidden block ] comment token',
             'abcd ',
             'abcd ### test of [ hidden block ] comment token',
             'abcd ',
             'abcd ### test of [ hidden block ] comment token ### efg',
             'abcd  efg',
     blocks = Blocks()
     for line in lines:
         self.assertEqual(blocks.remove(line[0]), line[1])
 def test_multiple_mixed_comment_bracket_blocks(self):
     """Lines that have multiple block comments."""
     lines = [
             'a ### test ### b [ test ] c',
             'a  b  c',
             'a [ test] bcde ### f g ###',
             'a  bcde ',
             'a ### test ### bcde [ f g',
             'a  bcde ',
     blocks = Blocks()
     for line in lines:
         self.assertEqual(blocks.remove(line[0]), line[1])
 def test_comment_block(self):
     """Normal usage of a block comment."""
     lines = [
             'abcd ### hidden ### efg',
             'abcd  efg',
             '### hidden ###',
             '  ### hidden ###  ',
             '    ',
     blocks = Blocks()
     for line in lines:
         self.assertEqual(blocks.remove(line[0]), line[1])
 def test_brackets_on_same_line(self):
     """Brackets open and close on same line."""
     lines = [
             'abcd [hidden] efg',
             'abcd  efg',
             '[ hidden ]',
             '  [ hidden ]  ',
             '    ',
     blocks = Blocks()
     for line in lines:
         self.assertEqual(blocks.remove(line[0]), line[1])
 def test_line_comment_token(self):
     """Normal usage of a line comment token."""
     lines = [
             'abcd ## The rest of the line is hidden',
             'abcd ',
             'abcd ##',
             'abcd ',
             '## The entire line is hidden',
             ' ## The entire line is hidden',
             ' ',
     blocks = Blocks()
     for line in lines:
         self.assertEqual(blocks.remove(line[0]), line[1])
 def test_brackets_hide_comments(self):
     """A bracket block hiding comment tokens."""
     lines = [
             'abcd [ test of ### hidden block ### comment token ]',
             'abcd ',
             'abcd [ test of ## hidden block comment token]',
             'abcd ',
             'abcd [ test of ### hidden block ### comment token ] efg',
             'abcd  efg',
             'abcd [ test of ## hidden block comment token ] efg',
             'abcd  efg',
     blocks = Blocks()
     for line in lines:
         self.assertEqual(blocks.remove(line[0]), line[1])
Example #20
 def __init__(self):
     self.delegate = Delegates()
     self.account = Accounts()
     self.blocks = Blocks()
Example #21
class Monitor:
    2.监控top101受托人的XAS余额,不足50000或者150000的要报警,已剔除官方账号asch_gxx done
    def __init__(self):
        self.delegate = Delegates()
        self.account = Accounts()
        self.blocks = Blocks()

    def get_top_101(self):
        payload = {'limit': 100, 'orderBy': 'approval:desc'}
        return self.delegate.get_delegates(payload)

    def check_block(self, publickey):
        payload = {
            'generatorPublicKey': publickey,
            'limit': 1,
            'orderBy': 'height:desc'
        return self.blocks.get_blocks(payload)

    def check_time(last_block_time):
        now = int(time.time()) - 1467057600
        # UTC+8时区-asch创世块生成时间,即asch纪元元年0点(2016/6/28 4:0:0,js时间为UTC(2016, 5, 27, 20, 0, 0, 0) )
        difftime = now - last_block_time
        return difftime

    def check_time_batch(self, top_delegates):
        data = top_delegates
        issuse_delegates = []
        # for delegate in data['delegates'][1:3]:
        for delegate in data['delegates']:
            pubkey = delegate['publicKey']
            data = self.check_block(pubkey)
            if data['success']:
                if len(data['blocks']) > 0:
                    last_block_time = data['blocks'][0][
                        'timestamp']  # 这个是自asch主链创世块生成时间以来经历的秒数
                    difftime = self.check_time(last_block_time)
                    if difftime > 50 * 60:
                        res = {
                            'username': delegate['username'],
                            'rate': delegate['rate'],
                            'height': data['blocks'][0]['height'],
                            'behind_seconds': difftime
                    print "api返回成功但貌似没有数据", data
        return issuse_delegates

    def check_balance(top_delegates):
        data = top_delegates
        nsf = []  # 余额不足5万XAS(not sufficient funds)受托人账户列表
        if data['success']:
            for delegate in data['delegates']:
                if delegate['username'].find('asch_g') < 0:
                    if delegate['balance'] < 50000 * 100000000:
                        res = {
                            'username': delegate['username'],
                            'balance': delegate['balance'] / 10**8
        return nsf

    def send_main(content):
        sub = 'asch_monitor'
        return send_mail(mailto_list, sub, content)
Example #22
class AschQQBot(QQBot):
    dsp = '请给受托人zhenxi投票,非常感谢。本广告位租赁价格:100XAS/天'
    delegates = Delegates()
    accounts = Accounts()
    blocks = Blocks()
    mt = Monitor()
    httpapi = HttpApi()
    headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}

    def onPollComplete(self, msgtype, from_uin, buddy_uin, message):
        if message.find('@Asch小妹') == 0:
            if message == '@Asch小妹 price':
                res = self.price()
            elif message.find('@Asch小妹 delegate') == 0:
                res = self.delegate(message)
            elif message.find('@Asch小妹 balance') == 0:
                res = self.balance(message)
            elif message == '@Asch小妹 getheight':
                res = self.getheight(message)
            elif message.find('@Asch小妹 gettestcoin') == 0:
                res = self.gettestcoin(message)
            elif message == '@Asch小妹 info':
                res =
            elif message == "@Asch小妹 help":
                res = self.usage()
                res = ["face", 33]
            print res
            self.send(msgtype, from_uin, res)

    def get_price(host, coin):
        url = host + '/api/v1/ticker?coin=' + coin
        res = json.loads(requests.get(url).text)
        # https not verify CA python 2.7.9 SNI
        return res

    def price(self):
        btc_price = float(self.get_price('', 'btc')['last'])
        res_all = []
        platforms = [('', 'BTC'), ('', 'CNY')]
        for i in platforms:
            host, unit = i
            res = self.get_price(host, 'xas')
            if unit == 'CNY':
                price = str(round(float(res['last']), 3)) + ' CNY'
            elif unit == 'BTC':
                price_btc = res['last']
                price_cny = round(float(price_btc) * btc_price, 3)
                price = str(price_btc) + ' BTC(' + str(price_cny) + 'CNY)'
            res = [
                host, "最新成交价:" + price,
                "24小时成交:" + str(int(res['vol']) / 10000) + '万XAS'
        res_all = "\n".join(res_all)
        res_all = res_all + "\n\n" + self.dsp
        return res_all

    def delegate(self, message):
        m_li = message.split()
        # ['Asch小妹','delegate','zhenxi']
        if len(m_li) == 3:
            delegate_name = m_li[2].strip()
            payload = {'username': delegate_name}
            dres = self.delegates.get_info(payload)
            if dres['success']:
                delegate = dres['delegate']
                pubkey = delegate['publicKey']
                address = delegate['address']
                balance = self.get_balance(address)
                data =
                if data['success']:
                    if len(data['blocks']) > 0:
                        last_block_time = data['blocks'][0]['timestamp']
                        # 这个是自asch主链创世块生成时间以来经历的秒数
                        difftime = str(
                   / 60) + '分钟之前'
                        # print "warings:api返回成功但貌似没有数据 or not top101", data
                        difftime = '非前101名,不产块'
                res = [
                    '受托人:' + delegate_name, '排名:' + str(delegate['rate']),
                    '生产率:' + str(delegate['productivity']),
                    '锻造总额:' + str(delegate['rewards'] / 10**8) + 'XAS',
                    '账户余额:' + str(balance) + 'XAS', '最后出块时间:' + difftime
                res = ['受托人' + delegate_name + '不存在']
            res = '\n'.join(res)
            res = self.usage()
        return str(res)

    def getheight(self):
        res = self.blocks.get_height()
        if res['success']:
            height = res['height']
            height = None
        return '当前区块高度为:' + str(height)

    def gettestcoin(self, message):
        m_li = message.split()
        # ['Asch小妹','delegate','1111']
        info = '用法:@Asch小妹 gettestcoin Asch地址'
        if len(m_li) == 3:
            addr = m_li[2].strip()
            secret = "lounge barrel episode lock bounce power club boring slush disorder cluster client"
            amount = 500 * 10**8
            payload = {"secret": secret, "amount": amount, "recipientId": addr}
            api = ""
            rs = json.loads(
            print rs
        if rs['success']:
            info = '成功给%s转账500 XAS。\n测试地址为:' % addr
            info = '转账失败.报错信息:%s' % str(rs)
        return info

    def get_balance(self, address):
        payload = {'address': address}
        rs = self.accounts.balance(payload)
        if rs['success']:
            balance = round(rs['balance'] / 10**8, 1)
            balance = '查询出错'
        return balance

    def balance(self, message):
        m_li = message.split()
        # ['Asch小妹','balance','top101_delegates']
        if len(m_li) == 3:
            address = m_li[2].strip()
            if address == 'top101_delegates':
            elif address.isdigit():
                balance = self.get_balance(address)
                res = address + '余额为:' + str(balance) + 'XAS'
                res = self.usage()
            res = self.usage()
        return res

    def info():
        info = '''
        return info

    def usage():
        usage = '''
         2、delegate 受托人名字,查询受托人的出块情况
		 5、gettestcoin 地址,申请测试币(500 XAS)

         举例:@Asch小妹 price,可以获取到XAS当前的价格
        usage = usage + '\t' + AschQQBot.dsp
        return usage
Example #23
class Monitor:
    1.监控top101受托人的丢块信息,超过50分钟未出块视为丢块	done
    2.监控top101受托人的XAS余额,不足50000或者150000的要报警,已剔除官方账号asch_g done
    def __init__(self):
        self.delegate = Delegates()
        self.account = Accounts()
        self.blocks = Blocks()
        self.peers = Peers()

    def get_peers(self):
        rs = self.peers.peers('')
        if rs['success']:
            res = rs['peers']
            res = None
        return res

    def get_top100_balance(self):
        res ='')
        return res

    def check_peers(self):
        peers = self.get_peers()
        if peers is not None:
            cnt = len(peers)
            num = random.randint(0, cnt-1)
            ip = peers[num]['ip']
            port = str(peers[num]['port'])
            url = 'http://' + ip + ':' + port + '/api/accounts/top'
            rs = json.loads(requests.get(url).text)
            # print 'rs is:', rs
            rs_official = self.get_top100_balance()
            # print 'rs_official is:', rs_official
            res = []
            if rs['success'] and rs_official['success']:
                for i in range(0, 99):
                    balance = rs['accounts'][i]['balance']
                    balance_official = rs_official['accounts'][i]['balance']
                    # print 'balance:', balance, 'balance_official', balance_official
                    if balance != balance_official:
                        res.append([ip, rs['accounts'][i]['address'], str(balance)+'XAS'])
                        res.append(['', rs_official['accounts'][i]['address'], str(balance_official) +
                if len(res) == 0:
                    res.append("The top 100 accounts's balance of "+ip+":"+str(port)+" is same with")
            return res

    def get_top_101(self):
        payload = {'limit': 100,
                   'orderBy': 'approval:desc'
        return self.delegate.get_delegates(payload)

    def check_block(self, publickey):
        payload = {'generatorPublicKey': publickey,
                   'limit': 1,
                   'orderBy': 'height:desc'
        return self.blocks.get_blocks(payload)

    def check_time(last_block_time):
        now = int(time.time()) - 1467057600
        # UTC+8时区-asch创世块生成时间,即asch纪元元年0点(2016/6/28 4:0:0,js时间为UTC(2016, 5, 27, 20, 0, 0, 0) )
        difftime = now - last_block_time
        return difftime

    def check_time_batch(self, top_delegates):
        data = top_delegates
        issue_delegates = []
        # for delegate in data['delegates'][1:3]:
        for delegate in data['delegates']:
            pubkey = delegate['publicKey']
            data = self.check_block(pubkey)
            if data['success']:
                if len(data['blocks']) > 0:
                    last_block_time = data['blocks'][0]['timestamp']    # 这个是自asch主链创世块生成时间以来经历的秒数
                    difftime = self.check_time(last_block_time)
                    if difftime > 50*60:
                        res = [delegate['username'], str(delegate['rate']), str(data['blocks'][0]['height']),
                               str(round(difftime/60/60, 2))]
                    print "warings:api返回成功但貌似没有数据", data
        return issue_delegates

    def check_balance(top_delegates):
        data = top_delegates
        del_150k_xas = open('config/delegate_150k_xas.txt', 'r').readlines()
        nsf = []    # 余额不足5万XAS(not sufficient funds)受托人账户列表
        if data['success']:
            for delegate in data['delegates']:
                name = delegate['username'].strip()
                balance = delegate['balance']/10**8
                if name.find('asch_g') < 0:
                    if name+'\n' in del_150k_xas:    # 需要150k的受托人
                        # print name, balance
                        if balance < 15*10000:
                            res = [name, str(balance)]
                    else:                           # 需要50k的受托人
                        if balance < 5*10000:
                            res = [name, str(balance)]
        return nsf

    def send_mail(content):
        sub = 'asch_monitor'
        return send_mail(mailto_list, sub, content)