def huobi_clean_up(): """火币清仓""" url = conf.get('HUOBI_URL') apiKey = conf.get('HUOBI_APIKEY') apiSecret = conf.get('HUOBI_APISECRET') http = HuobiHttp(url, apiKey, apiSecret) # 账户id列表 accounts_data = http.accounts()['data'] accounts_id_list = [a.get('id') for a in accounts_data] for id in accounts_id_list: balance = http.balance(id) balance_list = balance['data']['list'] for b in balance_list: currency = b.get('currency') balance = float(b.get('balance')) type = b.get('type') if currency == 'usdt' or balance <= 0: continue # 如果是usdt或者余额不大于0的就循环下一个 log_info('### currency:%s, balance:%s, type:%s' % (currency, balance, type)) symbol = get_symbol(currency, 'usdt', 'huobi') if type == 'frozen': huobi_cancel_order(currency, 'usdt') kline = http.kline(symbol, '1min', 1) kline_low = kline['data'][0]['low'] huobi_order(currency, 'usdt', round(balance, 3), kline_low, True) return True
def okex_future_cancel(currency, to_currency, contract_type): """okex取消合约订单""" url = conf.get('OKEX_URL') apiKey = conf.get('OKEX_APIKEY') apiSecret = conf.get('OKEX_APISECRET') ft_http = OkexftHttp(url, apiKey, apiSecret) symbol = get_symbol(currency, to_currency, 'okex') # 订单id列表 data = ft_http.future_order_info(symbol, contract_type, '-1') order_list = data['orders'] order_id_list = [str(order.get('order_id')) for order in order_list] if len(order_id_list) <= 0: log_info(u'无单可撤!') order_num = len(order_id_list) for num in range(order_num): order_id = order_id_list[num] print('### order_id:%s' % order_id) ft_http.future_cancel(symbol, contract_type, order_id) time.sleep(0.5) # 访问频率 4次/2秒 # 获取错误码的信息 json = ft_http.json error_code = json.get('error_code') file = "../conf/okexws_error_code.txt" msg = config_error_code_msg(error_code, file) if msg: log_info(u'订单id:%s, 撤单失败!' % order_id) log_info(msg) else: log_info(u'订单id: %s, 撤单成功!' % order_id)
def bina_clean_up(): """币安清仓""" url = conf.get('BINA_URL') apiKey = conf.get('BINA_APIKEY') apiSecret = conf.get('BINA_APISECRET') http = BinaHttp(url, apiKey, apiSecret) bs = BinanService(url, apiKey, apiSecret) account = http.account() balances = account.get('balances') for b in balances: asset = b.get('asset') free = float(b.get('free')) locked = float(b.get('locked')) if asset == 'usdt': continue if locked > 0: bina_cancel_order(asset, 'usdt') if free > 0: if asset not in bs.conf_currency_tousdt_list(): continue # 过滤不是币安配置文件的币种 # 获取symbol最新价格 symbol = get_symbol(asset, 'usdt', 'bina') lp = http.latest_price(symbol) latest_price = float(lp.get('price')) # symbol最新价格 bina_order(asset, 'usdt', round(free, 2), latest_price, 'LIMIT', 'SELL') return True
def okex_cancel_order(currency, to_currency): """okex币币一键撤单""" url = conf.get('OKEX_URL') apiKey = conf.get('OKEX_APIKEY') apiSecret = conf.get('OKEX_APISECRET') http = OkexHttp(url, apiKey, apiSecret) symbol = get_symbol(currency, to_currency, 'okex') # 订单id列表 order_history = http.order_history(symbol) order_list = order_history['orders'] order_id_list = [order.get('order_id') for order in order_list] status_code = http.status_code if len(order_id_list) <= 0: log_info(u'无单可撤!') for order_id in order_id_list: http.cancelorder(symbol, order_id) log_info(u'订单id为:%s, 撤单成功!' % order_id) time.sleep(0.5) # 获取错误码的信息 json = http.json error_code = json.get('error_code') file = "../conf/okexws_error_code.txt" msg = config_error_code_msg(error_code, file) if msg: log_info(u'订单id为:%s, 撤单失败. %s' % (order_id, msg)) return True
def okexft_order(currency, to_currency, contract_type, tradetype, price, amount, match_price=0): """okex合约下单""" url = conf.get('OKEX_URL') apiKey = conf.get('OKEX_APIKEY') apiSecret = conf.get('OKEX_APISECRET') symbol = get_symbol(currency, to_currency, 'okex') ft_http = OkexftHttp(url, apiKey, apiSecret) #print(ft_http.future_trade('eth_usd', 'this_week', '1', '400', '1')) ft_http.future_trade(symbol, contract_type, '%s' % tradetype, '%s' % price, '%s' % amount, '%s' % match_price) #获取错误码的信息 file = "../conf/okexws_error_code.txt" status_code, json = ft_http.status_code, ft_http.json error_code = json.get('error_code') msg = config_error_code_msg(error_code, file) json = ft_http.json if status_code != 200 or msg: log_info(u'okex合约下单: %s, 失败!' % symbol) log_info(msg) return False log_info(u'okex合约下单: %s, 成功!' % symbol) return True
def okex_order(currency, to_currency, amount, price=0, tradetype='sell', order_type=''): """okex币币一键下单""" url = conf.get('OKEX_URL') apiKey = conf.get('OKEX_APIKEY') apiSecret = conf.get('OKEX_APISECRET') http = OkexHttp(url, apiKey, apiSecret) oks = OkexService(url, apiKey, apiSecret) symbol = get_symbol(currency, to_currency, 'okex') log_info(u'下单价格:%s, tradetype:%s, amount:%s' % (price, tradetype, amount)) http.addorder(symbol, tradetype, price, amount) status_code, json = http.status_code, http.json # 获取错误码的信息 error_code = json.get('error_code') file = "../conf/okex_error_code.txt" msg = config_error_code_msg(error_code, file) log_info(u'### json:%s' % json) if status_code != 200 or msg: log_info(u'okex下单: %s, 失败!' % symbol) log_info(msg) return False log_info(u'okex下单: %s, 成功!' % symbol) return True
def bina_order(currency, to_currency, quantity, price, type='LIMIT', side='BUY'): """币安一键下单""" url = conf.get('BINA_URL') apiKey = conf.get('BINA_APIKEY') apiSecret = conf.get('BINA_APISECRET') symbol = get_symbol(currency, to_currency, 'bina') http = BinaHttp(url, apiKey, apiSecret) bs = BinanService(url, apiKey, apiSecret) http.place_order(symbol, quantity, price, type, side) msg, status_code, json = http.msg, http.status_code, http.json if status_code != 200: log_info(u'币安下单:%s, 失败!' % symbol) log_info(u'### error:%s' % json) if json.get('msg') == 'Invalid quantity.': log_info(u'下单数量不正确,或者余额不足') return False log_info(u'%s 下单价格:%s, 下单量:%s, 成功!' % (symbol, price, quantity)) return True
def okex_clean_up(file_name=''): """okex清仓""" url = conf.get('OKEX_URL') apiKey = conf.get('OKEX_APIKEY') apiSecret = conf.get('OKEX_APISECRET') http = OkexHttp(url, apiKey, apiSecret) oks = OkexService(url, apiKey, apiSecret) ft_http = OkexftHttp(url, apiKey, apiSecret) funds = http.userinfo()['info']['funds'] free = oks.free_data() freezed_data = oks.freezed_data() currency_list = oks.currency_list() log_info('### funds:%s' % funds) log_info('### freezed_data:%s' % freezed_data) taobao_currency_list = [] if file_name: file = '%s' % file_name with open(file, 'r') as f: data = data = data.replace('\r', '') data_list = data.split('\n') for d in data_list: d_list = re.split(r'[\s\,]+', d) key = d_list[0].lower() if key == c: taobao_currency_list.append(c) for c in currency_list: if c == 'usdt': continue # 如果是usdt就循环下一个 if c in taobao_currency_list: continue # 套保的资金不清仓 symbol = get_symbol(currency, to_currency, 'okex') free_balance = free.get(c) freezed_balance = freezed_data.get(c) if freezed_balance > 0: okex_cancel_order(c, 'usdt') if free_balance > 0: # ft_ticker = ft_http.future_ticker(symbol, 'this_week')['ticker'] # high_price = ft_ticker()['high'] ticker = http.ticker(symbol)['ticker'] high_price = ticker['high'] okex_order(c, 'usdt', free_balance, high_price, 'sell') return True
def bina_cancel_order(currency, to_currency): """币安一键撤单""" symbol = get_symbol(currency, to_currency, 'bina') error_msg = {} success_msg = {} url = conf.get('BINA_URL') apiKey = conf.get('BINA_APIKEY') apiSecret = conf.get('BINA_APISECRET') http = BinaHttp(url, apiKey, apiSecret) order_list = http.openorders() print(order_list) error_list, success_list = [], [] if not order_list: log_info(u'币安无单可撤!') return False for order in order_list: orderId = order.get('orderId') http.cancel_order(symbol, orderId) status_code = http.status_code if status_code != 200: error_msg['orderId'] = orderId error_list.append(error_msg) log_info(u'币安撤单失败!, orderId:%s' % orderId) else: success_msg['orderId'] = orderId success_list.append(success_msg) log_info(u'币安撤单成功!, orderId:%s' % orderId) if len(error_list) > 0: return False return True
def huobi_order(currency, to_currency, amount, price=0, type='sell-limit', is_cancel=False): """火币一键下单""" url = conf.get('HUOBI_URL') apiKey = conf.get('HUOBI_APIKEY') apiSecret = conf.get('HUOBI_APISECRET') symbol = get_symbol(currency, to_currency, 'huobi') http = HuobiHttp(url, apiKey, apiSecret) hs = HuobiService(url, apiKey, apiSecret) user = http.accounts() if not user or user.get('status') != u'ok': log_info(u'获取用户账户信息失败') return False user_data = user['data'] data_list = [http.balance(data['id'])['data'] for data in user_data] uid_list = [ http.balance(data['id'])['data'].get('id') for data in user_data ] order_list, order_data = [], {} for data in data_list: user_type = data.get('type') state = data.get('state') uid = data.get('id') balance_list = data['list'] for b in balance_list: currency = b.get('currency') balance = float(b.get('balance')) price = float(price) b_type = b.get('type') amount = balance if is_cancel else amount if symbol.startswith('%s' % currency) is False: # 不是要下单的币种的账户 continue if balance <= 0: log_info(u'### 余额小于下单价格') continue if b_type == 'frozen': # 过滤掉冻结 continue log_info( u'### 下单币种:%s, 成交币种:%s, 余额:%s, 下单价格:%s, 订单量:%s, 账户类型:%s' % (currency, to_currency, '%.6f' % balance, price, amount, b_type)) source = 'margin-api' if user_type == 'margin' else 'api' hs.place_order(uid, symbol, '%s' % amount, '%s' % price, type, source) status_code, msg, json = http.status_code, http.msg, http.json if status_code != 200: log_info(u'uid:%s 火币下单失败!' % uid) log_info(u'### error_msg:%s' % msg) elif json.get('status') == 'error': log_info( u'### 火币下单失败! uid:%s, http.status_code:%s, error_msg:%s' % (uid, status_code, json.get('err-msg'))) else: order_data['uid'] = data.get('uid') order_list.append(order_data) log_info(u'火币下单: %s, 成功!' % symbol) if len(order_list) <= 0: log_info(u'火币下单失败, 没有合适的账户可以下单') return True
def huobi_cancel_order(currency, to_currency, start_date=None, end_date=None, _from=None, direct=None, size=1000000): """火币一键撤单""" url = conf.get('HUOBI_URL') apiKey = conf.get('HUOBI_APIKEY') apiSecret = conf.get('HUOBI_APISECRET') symbol = get_symbol(currency, to_currency, 'huobi') http = HuobiHttp(url, apiKey, apiSecret) states = 'pre-submitted,submitted,partial-filled,partial-canceled' http.orders(symbol, states=states, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, _from=_from, direct=direct, size=size) json = http.json if not json: log_info(u'火币撤销订单失败') return False order_id_list = [ int(id.get('id')) for id in json['data'] if json and json.get('data') ] order_id_list = map(lambda id: '%s' % id, list(set(order_id_list))) if len(order_id_list) <= 0: log_info(u'火币%s, 近期没有可撤消的订单' % symbol) return False order_ids = {'order-id': order_id_list} order_num = len(order_id_list) cancel_time = int(order_num / 50) if order_num > 50 else 1 # 由于一次不能撤单超过50个,所以要分次数撤销 calcel_num = 0 for ct in range(cancel_time): #log_info(u'### calcel_num:%s, order_ids:%s'% (calcel_num, order_ids)) begin = calcel_num * 50 end = (calcel_num + 1) * 50 order_ids = {'order-ids': order_id_list[begin:end]} print('### order_ids:%s' % order_ids) http.cancel_orders(order_ids) print('### json:%s' % http.json) json_data = http.json['data'] if json_data: success = json_data.get('success') log_info(u'火币撤单成功的订单id有:%s' % success) else: log_info(u'火币无单可撤') time.sleep(1) calcel_num += 1 return True