def configure(self): """ Configure whole upyHome components """ try: self._load_config() MODE_DEBUG['value'] = self._get_config_key(self._config, KEY_DEBUG, True) _debug('upyhome::configure') PLATFORM['value'] = self._get_config_key(self._config, KEY_PLATFORM, True) self._name = self._config[CONFIG_NAME] # Re init base cb self._init_cb(self._get_config_key(self._config, KEY_USER_CB, True)) #Configure components suscribes = self._get_config_key(self._config, KEY_SUSCRIBES) if suscribes is not None and isinstance(suscribes, list): for scb in suscribes: self._add_suscribe(self._proxy, scb) #Components CONFIG_COMPS = [(CONFIG_NET, self._config_network), (CONFIG_DIN, self._config_inputs), (CONFIG_DOUT, self._config_outputs), (CONFIG_LED, self._config_leds), (CONFIG_I2C, self._config_i2cs), (CONFIG_SPI, self._config_spis), (CONFIG_DRIVER, self._config_drivers)] for CONF in CONFIG_COMPS: self._config_comp(*CONF) except Exception as ex: log_error('{0}@upyhome::configure'.format(ex))
def _test_error(self): """ make an error """ try: raise Exception('Test exception') except Exception as ex: log_error('{0}@upyhome::test_error'.format(ex))
def get_action(camera_id): global action if camera_id in action: return action[camera_id] com.log_error( 'get_action() - No value found for camera_id: {}'.format(camera_id))
def get_known_faces_db_name(camera_id): global input_file if camera_id in input_file: return input_file[camera_id] com.log_error( 'get_known_faces_db_name() - No value found for camera_id: {}'.format( camera_id))
def get_output_db_name(camera_id): global output_file if camera_id in output_file: return output_file[camera_id] com.log_error( 'get_output_db_name() - No value found for camera_id: {}'.format( camera_id))
def add_faces_encodings(camera_id, face_encoding): global known_face_encodings #known_face_encodings.append(face_encoding) if camera_id in known_face_encodings: known_face_encodings[camera_id].append(face_encoding) else: com.log_error( 'add_faces_encodings() - No value found for camera_id: {}'.format( camera_id))
def set_action(camera_id, value): global action_types if value in action_types: global action return action.update({camera_id: action_types[value]}) com.log_error('Unable to set up value:{}, must be one of this: {}'.format( value, action_types.keys()))
def get_not_applicable_id(camera_id, abort=True): global not_applicable_id if camera_id in not_applicable_id: return not_applicable_id[camera_id] if abort: com.log_error( 'get_not_applicable_id() - No value found for camera_id: {}'. format(camera_id)) else: return []
def read_pickle(pickle_file, exception=True): try: with open(pickle_file, 'rb') as f: known_face_encodings, known_face_metadata = pickle.load(f) return len( known_face_metadata), known_face_encodings, known_face_metadata except OSError as e: if exception: com.log_error( "Unable to open pickle_file: {}, original exception {}".format( pickle_file, str(e))) else: return 0, [], []
def read_pickle(pickle_file, exception=True): data = [] try: with open(pickle_file, 'rb') as f: while True: try: d = pickle.load(f) data.append(d) except Exception as e: break return data except OSError as e: if exception: com.log_error( "Unable to open pickle_file: {}, original exception {}".format( pickle_file, str(e))) else: return 0, []
def compare_data(data_file, known_faces_data, tolerated_difference_list): # load data from binary db of all faces from video total_visitors, video_face_encodings, video_faces_metadata = read_pickle( data_file) # load data from binary db of known faces total_known_faces, known_face_encodings, known_face_metadata = read_pickle( known_faces_data) if total_known_faces == 0 or total_visitors == 0: com.log_error("One of the db does not contain information {}") if not isinstance(tolerated_difference_list, list) and len(tolerated_difference_list) > 0: com.log_error( "Paramter range_list must be 'list'. Current type {}".format( type(range_list))) for tolerated_difference in tolerated_difference_list: if tolerated_difference < 1 and tolerated_difference > 0: print('\n---- Using tolerated difference: {} ----'.format( tolerated_difference)) #compare_data(face_encoding, known_face_encodings, known_face_metadata, tolerated_difference) #for known_face_encoding, known_metadata in zip(known_face_encodings, known_face_metadata): for video_face_encoding, video_metadata in zip( video_face_encodings, video_faces_metadata): # check one by one all the images in the video against the known faces #metadata, best_index, lowest_distances = lookup_known_face(known_face_encoding, video_face_encodings, video_faces_metadata, tolerated_difference) metadata, best_index, lowest_distances = lookup_known_face( video_face_encoding, known_face_encodings, known_face_metadata, tolerated_difference) if best_index: #print(metadata) print('-' * 8) print('Subject {} found'.format(metadata['name'])) #print('camera_id {}'.format(video_faces_metadata[best_index]['camera_id'])) print('initial {}'.format( video_faces_metadata[best_index]['first_seen'])) print('last {}'.format( video_faces_metadata[best_index]['last_seen'])) print('distance: {}'.format(lowest_distances)) #quit() '''
def exec(self, method, topic=None, data=None): """ Execute a comp method, mainly used from the outside world aka REPL """ _debug('exec %s %s %s' % (method, topic, data)) try: if method == 'broadcast': self._context['topic'] = topic self._push(data) else: comps = None if topic is None: comps = self._comps.values() else: if topic in self._comps: comps = [self._comps[topic]] if comps is not None: for comp in comps: self._exec_func(comp, method, data) return True except Exception as ex: log_error('{0}@upyhome::exec'.format(ex)) return False
#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys import lib.common as com param_length = len(sys.argv) msg = 'Usage: ' + sys.argv[ 0] + ' loadFaces | readVideo | readSilence | findImg | findVideo | compareData | appendTo' if param_length < 2: com.log_error(msg) if sys.argv[1] == 'loadFaces': if param_length == 2: known_faces = 'data/load' data_file = 'data/encoded_known_faces/knownFaces.dat' elif param_length == 4 and sys.argv[3] == 'output': known_faces = sys.argv[2] pickle_file = sys.argv[4] else: com.log_error(msg) import lib.biblioteca as biblio biblio.encode_known_faces(known_faces, data_file) elif sys.argv[1] == 'appendTo': if param_length == 2: known_faces = 'data/load' data_file = 'data/encoded_known_faces/knownFaces.dat' elif param_length == 4 and sys.argv[3] == 'output': known_faces = sys.argv[2] data_file = sys.argv[4]
def main(args): # Check input arguments if len(args) < 2: sys.stderr.write( "usage: %s <uri1> [uri2] ... [uriN] <folder to save frames>\n" % args[0]) sys.exit(1) print("Argumentos :", args) for i in range(0, len(args) - 2): fps_streams["stream{0}".format(i)] = GETFPS(i) number_sources = len(args) - 2 print("Numero de fuentes :", number_sources) global folder_name folder_name = args[-1] print(folder_name) if path.exists(folder_name): sys.stderr.write( "The output folder %s already exists. Please remove it first.\n" % folder_name) sys.exit(1) else: os.mkdir(folder_name) print("Frames will be saved in ", folder_name) # Standard GStreamer initialization GObject.threads_init() Gst.init(None) #Emulate reading the information from the server ''' En este punto asumimos que ya se cargaron la funente es decir video o rtsp etc y los valorres se cargaron en un dictionario global o las variables ya se cargaron en dictionarios que corresponden a las fuentes con sus respectivas configuraciones. En este caso no hay diferentes solo leer y buscar y comparar se puede hacer directamente llamando a las funcciones en la biblioteca De la misma forma los rostros que se quieran cargar puedes cargarse por configuracion indicando explicitamente los nombres de los archivos ''' #scfg = biblio.get_server_info() #print(scfg) #quit() camera_id = 'FA:KE:MA:C:AD:DR:ES:S9' set_action(camera_id, 'read') set_action(camera_id, 'find') action = get_action(camera_id) pwd = os.getcwd() if action == action_types['read']: output_db_name = pwd + '/data/video_encoded_faces/' total, encodings, metadata = 0, [], [] elif action == action_types['find']: output_db_name = pwd + '/data/found_faces/found_faces_db.dat' known_faces_db_name = pwd + '/data/encoded_known_faces/knownFaces.dat' if com.file_exists(known_faces_db_name): set_known_faces_db_name(camera_id, known_faces_db_name) total, encodings, metadata = biblio.read_pickle( get_known_faces_db_name(camera_id), False) else: com.log_error('Unable to open {}'.format(known_faces_db_name)) set_known_faces_db(camera_id, total, encodings, metadata) set_output_db_name(camera_id, output_db_name) # Create gstreamer elements */ # Create Pipeline element that will form a connection of other elements print("Creating Pipeline \n ") pipeline = Gst.Pipeline() is_live = False if not pipeline: sys.stderr.write(" Unable to create Pipeline \n") print("Creating streamux \n ") # Create nvstreammux instance to form batches from one or more sources. streammux = Gst.ElementFactory.make("nvstreammux", "Stream-muxer") if not streammux: sys.stderr.write(" Unable to create NvStreamMux \n") pipeline.add(streammux) for i in range(number_sources): os.mkdir(folder_name + "/stream_" + str(i)) frame_count["stream_" + str(i)] = 0 saved_count["stream_" + str(i)] = 0 print("Creating source_bin ", i, " \n ") uri_name = args[i + 1] if uri_name.find("rtsp://") == 0: is_live = True source_bin = create_source_bin(i, uri_name) if not source_bin: sys.stderr.write("Unable to create source bin \n") pipeline.add(source_bin) padname = "sink_%u" % i sinkpad = streammux.get_request_pad(padname) if not sinkpad: sys.stderr.write("Unable to create sink pad bin \n") srcpad = source_bin.get_static_pad("src") if not srcpad: sys.stderr.write("Unable to create src pad bin \n") print("Creating Pgie \n ") pgie = Gst.ElementFactory.make("nvinfer", "primary-inference") if not pgie: sys.stderr.write(" Unable to create pgie \n") # Creation of tracking to follow up the model face # April 21th # ERM tracker = Gst.ElementFactory.make("nvtracker", "tracker") if not tracker: sys.stderr.write(" Unable to create tracker \n") # Add nvvidconv1 and filter1 to convert the frames to RGBA # which is easier to work with in Python. print("Creating nvvidconv1 \n ") nvvidconv1 = Gst.ElementFactory.make("nvvideoconvert", "convertor1") if not nvvidconv1: sys.stderr.write(" Unable to create nvvidconv1 \n") print("Creating filter1 \n ") caps1 = Gst.Caps.from_string("video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), format=RGBA") filter1 = Gst.ElementFactory.make("capsfilter", "filter1") if not filter1: sys.stderr.write(" Unable to get the caps filter1 \n") filter1.set_property("caps", caps1) print("Creating tiler \n ") tiler = Gst.ElementFactory.make("nvmultistreamtiler", "nvtiler") if not tiler: sys.stderr.write(" Unable to create tiler \n") print("Creating nvvidconv \n ") nvvidconv = Gst.ElementFactory.make("nvvideoconvert", "convertor") if not nvvidconv: sys.stderr.write(" Unable to create nvvidconv \n") print("Creating nvosd \n ") nvosd = Gst.ElementFactory.make("nvdsosd", "onscreendisplay") if not nvosd: sys.stderr.write(" Unable to create nvosd \n") if (is_aarch64()): print("Creating transform \n ") transform = Gst.ElementFactory.make("nvegltransform", "nvegl-transform") if not transform: sys.stderr.write(" Unable to create transform \n") print("Creating EGLSink \n") # edgar: cambio esta linea para no desplegar video - #sink = Gst.ElementFactory.make("nveglglessink", "nvvideo-renderer") sink = Gst.ElementFactory.make("fakesink", "fakesink") if not sink: sys.stderr.write(" Unable to create egl sink \n") if is_live: print("Atleast one of the sources is live") streammux.set_property('live-source', 1) # Camaras meraki 720p #streammux.set_property('width', 1920) streammux.set_property('width', 1280) #streammux.set_property('height', 1080) streammux.set_property('height', 720) streammux.set_property('batch-size', number_sources) streammux.set_property('batched-push-timeout', 4000000) print('CURRENT_DIR', CURRENT_DIR) pgie.set_property('config-file-path', CURRENT_DIR + "/configs/pgie_config_facenet.txt") pgie_batch_size = pgie.get_property("batch-size") if (pgie_batch_size != number_sources): print("WARNING: Overriding infer-config batch-size", pgie_batch_size, " with number of sources ", number_sources, " \n") pgie.set_property("batch-size", number_sources) # Set properties of tracker # April 21th # ERM config = configparser.ConfigParser()'configs/tracker_config.txt') config.sections() for key in config['tracker']: if key == 'tracker-width': tracker_width = config.getint('tracker', key) tracker.set_property('tracker-width', tracker_width) elif key == 'tracker-height': tracker_height = config.getint('tracker', key) tracker.set_property('tracker-height', tracker_height) elif key == 'gpu-id': tracker_gpu_id = config.getint('tracker', key) tracker.set_property('gpu_id', tracker_gpu_id) elif key == 'll-lib-file': tracker_ll_lib_file = config.get('tracker', key) tracker.set_property('ll-lib-file', tracker_ll_lib_file) elif key == 'll-config-file': tracker_ll_config_file = config.get('tracker', key) tracker.set_property('ll-config-file', tracker_ll_config_file) elif key == 'enable-batch-process': tracker_enable_batch_process = config.getint('tracker', key) tracker.set_property('enable_batch_process', tracker_enable_batch_process) tiler_rows = int(math.sqrt(number_sources)) tiler_columns = int(math.ceil((1.0 * number_sources) / tiler_rows)) tiler.set_property("rows", tiler_rows) tiler.set_property("columns", tiler_columns) tiler.set_property("width", TILED_OUTPUT_WIDTH) tiler.set_property("height", TILED_OUTPUT_HEIGHT) sink.set_property("sync", 0) if not is_aarch64(): # Use CUDA unified memory in the pipeline so frames # can be easily accessed on CPU in Python. mem_type = int(pyds.NVBUF_MEM_CUDA_UNIFIED) streammux.set_property("nvbuf-memory-type", mem_type) nvvidconv.set_property("nvbuf-memory-type", mem_type) nvvidconv1.set_property("nvbuf-memory-type", mem_type) tiler.set_property("nvbuf-memory-type", mem_type) print("Adding elements to Pipeline \n") # Add tracker in pipeline # April 21th # ERM pipeline.add(pgie) pipeline.add(tracker) # Tracker pipeline.add(tiler) pipeline.add(nvvidconv) pipeline.add(filter1) pipeline.add(nvvidconv1) pipeline.add(nvosd) if is_aarch64(): pipeline.add(transform) pipeline.add(sink) print("Linking elements in the Pipeline \n") # se añade para tracker # se modifica nvvidconv1) # se añade para ligar tracker con los demas elementos if is_aarch64(): else: # create an event loop and feed gstreamer bus mesages to it loop = GObject.MainLoop() bus = pipeline.get_bus() bus.add_signal_watch() bus.connect("message", bus_call, loop) #tiler_sink_pad=tiler.get_static_pad("sink") #if not tiler_sink_pad: # sys.stderr.write(" Unable to get src pad \n") #else: # tiler_sink_pad.add_probe(Gst.PadProbeType.BUFFER, tiler_sink_pad_buffer_probe, 0) tiler_src_pad = tiler.get_static_pad("src") if not tiler_src_pad: sys.stderr.write(" Unable to get src pad \n") else: tiler_src_pad.add_probe(Gst.PadProbeType.BUFFER, tiler_src_pad_buffer_probe, 0) # List the sources print("Now playing...") for i, source in enumerate(args[:-1]): if (i != 0): print(i, ": ", source) print("Starting pipeline \n") # start play back and listed to events pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.PLAYING) try: except: pass # cleanup print("Exiting app\n") pipeline.set_state(Gst.State.NULL)