Example #1
    def __xpCmdshellCheck(self):
        cmd = "ping -n %d" % (conf.timeSec * 2)

        return wasLastRequestDelayed()
Example #2
    def queryPage(value=None, place=None, content=False, getRatioValue=False, silent=False, method=None, timeBasedCompare=False, noteResponseTime=True, auxHeaders=None, response=False, raise404=None, removeReflection=True):
        This method calls a function to get the target url page content
        and returns its page MD5 hash or a boolean value in case of
        string match check ('--string' command line parameter)

        if conf.direct:
            return direct(value, content)

        get = None
        post = None
        cookie = None
        ua = None
        referer = None
        host = None
        page = None
        pageLength = None
        uri = None
        code = None

        if not place:
            place = kb.injection.place or PLACE.GET

        raise404 = place != PLACE.URI if raise404 is None else raise404

        value = agent.adjustLateValues(value)
        payload = agent.extractPayload(value)
        threadData = getCurrentThreadData()

        if payload:
            if kb.tamperFunctions:
                for function in kb.tamperFunctions:
                    payload = function(payload)

                value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)

            logger.log(CUSTOM_LOGGING.PAYLOAD, safecharencode(payload))

                # payloads in GET and/or POST need to be urlencoded
                # throughly without safe chars (especially & and =)
                # addendum: as we support url encoding in tampering
                # functions therefore we need to use % as a safe char
                if place != PLACE.URI or (value and payload and '?' in value and value.find('?') < value.find(payload)):
                    payload = urlencode(payload, '%', False, True) if not place in (PLACE.POST, PLACE.CUSTOM_POST) and conf.skipUrlEncode else payload
                    value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)

            elif place == PLACE.SOAP:
                # payloads in SOAP should have chars > and < replaced
                # with their HTML encoded counterparts
                payload = payload.replace('>', "&gt;").replace('<', "&lt;")
                value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)

        if place:
            value = agent.removePayloadDelimiters(value)

            if place == PLACE.COOKIE and conf.cookieUrlencode:
                value = urlEncodeCookieValues(value)

        if conf.checkPayload:

        if PLACE.GET in conf.parameters:
            get = conf.parameters[PLACE.GET] if place != PLACE.GET or not value else value

        if PLACE.POST in conf.parameters:
            post = conf.parameters[PLACE.POST] if place != PLACE.POST or not value else value

        if PLACE.CUSTOM_POST in conf.parameters:
            post = conf.parameters[PLACE.CUSTOM_POST].replace(CUSTOM_INJECTION_MARK_CHAR, "") if place != PLACE.CUSTOM_POST or not value else value

        if PLACE.SOAP in conf.parameters:
            post = conf.parameters[PLACE.SOAP] if place != PLACE.SOAP or not value else value

        if PLACE.COOKIE in conf.parameters:
            cookie = conf.parameters[PLACE.COOKIE] if place != PLACE.COOKIE or not value else value

        if PLACE.UA in conf.parameters:
            ua = conf.parameters[PLACE.UA] if place != PLACE.UA or not value else value

        if PLACE.REFERER in conf.parameters:
            referer = conf.parameters[PLACE.REFERER] if place != PLACE.REFERER or not value else value

        if PLACE.HOST in conf.parameters:
            host = conf.parameters[PLACE.HOST] if place != PLACE.HOST or not value else value

        if PLACE.URI in conf.parameters:
            uri = conf.url if place != PLACE.URI or not value else value
            uri = conf.url

        if conf.rParam:
            def _randomizeParameter(paramString, randomParameter):
                retVal = paramString
                match = re.search("%s=(?P<value>[^&;]+)" % randomParameter, paramString)
                if match:
                    origValue = match.group("value")
                    retVal = re.sub("%s=[^&;]+" % randomParameter, "%s=%s" % (randomParameter, randomizeParameterValue(origValue)), paramString)
                return retVal

            for randomParameter in conf.rParam:
                for item in [PLACE.GET, PLACE.POST, PLACE.COOKIE]:
                    if item in conf.parameters:
                        if item == PLACE.GET and get:
                            get = _randomizeParameter(get, randomParameter)
                        elif item == PLACE.POST and post:
                            post = _randomizeParameter(post, randomParameter)
                        elif item == PLACE.COOKIE and cookie:
                            cookie = _randomizeParameter(cookie, randomParameter)

        if conf.evalCode:
            delimiter = conf.pDel or "&"
            variables = {}
            originals = {}

            for item in filter(None, (get, post)):
                for part in item.split(delimiter):
                    if '=' in part:
                        name, value = part.split('=', 1)
                        evaluateCode("%s='%s'" % (name, value), variables)

            evaluateCode(conf.evalCode, variables)

            for name, value in variables.items():
                if name != "__builtins__" and originals.get(name, "") != value:
                    if isinstance(value, (basestring, int)):
                        value = unicode(value)
                        if '%s=' % name in (get or ""):
                            get = re.sub("((\A|\W)%s=)([^%s]+)" % (name, delimiter), "\g<1>%s" % value, get)
                        elif '%s=' % name in (post or ""):
                            post = re.sub("((\A|\W)%s=)([^%s]+)" % (name, delimiter), "\g<1>%s" % value, post)
                        elif post:
                            post += "%s%s=%s" % (delimiter, name, value)
                            get += "%s%s=%s" % (delimiter, name, value)

        get = urlencode(get, limit=True)
        if post and place not in (PLACE.POST, PLACE.SOAP, PLACE.CUSTOM_POST) and hasattr(post, UNENCODED_ORIGINAL_VALUE):
            post = getattr(post, UNENCODED_ORIGINAL_VALUE)
        elif not conf.skipUrlEncode and place not in (PLACE.SOAP,):
            post = urlencode(post)

        if timeBasedCompare:
            if len(kb.responseTimes) < MIN_TIME_RESPONSES:

                if conf.tor:
                    warnMsg = "it's highly recommended to avoid usage of switch '--tor' for "
                    warnMsg += "time-based injections because of its high latency time"

                warnMsg = "time-based comparison needs larger statistical "
                warnMsg += "model. Making a few dummy requests, please wait.."

                while len(kb.responseTimes) < MIN_TIME_RESPONSES:

                deviation = stdev(kb.responseTimes)

                if deviation > WARN_TIME_STDEV:
                    kb.adjustTimeDelay = False

                    warnMsg = "there is considerable lagging "
                    warnMsg += "in connection response(s). Please use as high "
                    warnMsg += "value for option '--time-sec' as possible (e.g. "
                    warnMsg += "%d or more)" % (conf.timeSec * 2)
            elif not kb.testMode:
                warnMsg = "it is very important not to stress the network adapter's "
                warnMsg += "bandwidth during usage of time-based queries"

        if conf.safUrl and conf.saFreq > 0:
            kb.queryCounter += 1
            if kb.queryCounter % conf.saFreq == 0:
                Connect.getPage(url=conf.safUrl, cookie=cookie, direct=True, silent=True, ua=ua, referer=referer, host=host)

        start = time.time()

        if kb.nullConnection and not content and not response and not timeBasedCompare:
            noteResponseTime = False

            if kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.HEAD:
                method = HTTPMETHOD.HEAD
            elif kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.RANGE:
                if not auxHeaders:
                    auxHeaders = {}

                auxHeaders[HTTPHEADER.RANGE] = "bytes=-1"

            _, headers, code = Connect.getPage(url=uri, get=get, post=post, cookie=cookie, ua=ua, referer=referer, host=host, silent=silent, method=method, auxHeaders=auxHeaders, raise404=raise404)

            if headers:
                if kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.HEAD and HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_LENGTH in headers:
                    pageLength = int(headers[HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_LENGTH])
                elif kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.RANGE and HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_RANGE in headers:
                    pageLength = int(headers[HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_RANGE][headers[HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_RANGE].find('/') + 1:])

        if not pageLength:
            page, headers, code = Connect.getPage(url=uri, get=get, post=post, cookie=cookie, ua=ua, referer=referer, host=host, silent=silent, method=method, auxHeaders=auxHeaders, response=response, raise404=raise404, ignoreTimeout=timeBasedCompare)

        threadData.lastQueryDuration = calculateDeltaSeconds(start)

        kb.originalCode = kb.originalCode or code

        if kb.testMode:
            kb.testQueryCount += 1

        if timeBasedCompare:
            return wasLastRequestDelayed()
        elif noteResponseTime:

        if not response and removeReflection:
            page = removeReflectiveValues(page, payload)

        kb.maxConnectionsFlag = re.search(r"max.+connections", page or "", re.I) is not None
        kb.permissionFlag = re.search(r"(command|permission|access)\s*(was|is)?\s*denied", page or "", re.I) is not None

        if content or response:
            return page, headers

        if getRatioValue:
            return comparison(page, headers, code, getRatioValue=False, pageLength=pageLength), comparison(page, headers, code, getRatioValue=True, pageLength=pageLength)
        elif pageLength or page:
            return comparison(page, headers, code, getRatioValue, pageLength)
            return False
Example #3
    def queryPage(value=None,
        This method calls a function to get the target url page content
        and returns its page MD5 hash or a boolean value in case of
        string match check ('--string' command line parameter)

        if conf.direct:
            return direct(value, content)

        get = None
        post = None
        cookie = None
        ua = None
        referer = None
        host = None
        page = None
        pageLength = None
        uri = None
        code = None
        skipUrlEncode = conf.skipUrlEncode

        if not place:
            place = kb.injection.place or PLACE.GET

        raise404 = place != PLACE.URI if raise404 is None else raise404

        value = agent.adjustLateValues(value)
        payload = agent.extractPayload(value)
        threadData = getCurrentThreadData()

        if skipUrlEncode is None and conf.httpHeaders:
            headers = dict(conf.httpHeaders)
            _ = max(headers[_] if _.upper() ==
                    HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_TYPE.upper() else None
                    for _ in headers.keys())
            if _ and "urlencoded" not in _:
                skipUrlEncode = True

        if payload:
            if kb.tamperFunctions:
                for function in kb.tamperFunctions:
                    payload, auxHeaders = function(payload=payload,

                value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)

            logger.log(CUSTOM_LOGGING.PAYLOAD, safecharencode(payload))

                # payloads in GET and/or POST need to be urlencoded
                # throughly without safe chars (especially & and =)
                # addendum: as we support url encoding in tampering
                # functions therefore we need to use % as a safe char
                if place != PLACE.URI or (
                        value and payload and '?' in value
                        and value.find('?') < value.find(payload)):
                    payload = urlencode(payload, '%', False,
                                        True) if place not in (
                                            PLACE.POST, PLACE.CUSTOM_POST
                                        ) and not skipUrlEncode else payload
                    value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)

            elif place == PLACE.SOAP:
                # payloads in SOAP should have chars > and < replaced
                # with their HTML encoded counterparts
                payload = payload.replace('>', "&gt;").replace('<', "&lt;")
                value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)

        if place:
            value = agent.removePayloadDelimiters(value)

            if place == PLACE.COOKIE and conf.cookieUrlencode:
                value = urlEncodeCookieValues(value)

        if conf.checkPayload:

        if PLACE.GET in conf.parameters:
            get = conf.parameters[
                PLACE.GET] if place != PLACE.GET or not value else value

        if PLACE.POST in conf.parameters:
            post = conf.parameters[
                PLACE.POST] if place != PLACE.POST or not value else value

        if PLACE.CUSTOM_POST in conf.parameters:
            post = conf.parameters[PLACE.CUSTOM_POST].replace(
                "") if place != PLACE.CUSTOM_POST or not value else value

        if PLACE.SOAP in conf.parameters:
            post = conf.parameters[
                PLACE.SOAP] if place != PLACE.SOAP or not value else value

        if PLACE.COOKIE in conf.parameters:
            cookie = conf.parameters[
                PLACE.COOKIE] if place != PLACE.COOKIE or not value else value

        if PLACE.USER_AGENT in conf.parameters:
            ua = conf.parameters[
                USER_AGENT] if place != PLACE.USER_AGENT or not value else value

        if PLACE.REFERER in conf.parameters:
            referer = conf.parameters[
                REFERER] if place != PLACE.REFERER or not value else value

        if PLACE.HOST in conf.parameters:
            host = conf.parameters[
                PLACE.HOST] if place != PLACE.HOST or not value else value

        if PLACE.URI in conf.parameters:
            uri = conf.url if place != PLACE.URI or not value else value
            uri = conf.url

        if conf.rParam:

            def _randomizeParameter(paramString, randomParameter):
                retVal = paramString
                match = re.search("%s=(?P<value>[^&;]+)" % randomParameter,
                if match:
                    origValue = match.group("value")
                    retVal = re.sub(
                        "%s=[^&;]+" % randomParameter, "%s=%s" %
                        (randomParameter, randomizeParameterValue(origValue)),
                return retVal

            for randomParameter in conf.rParam:
                for item in (PLACE.GET, PLACE.POST, PLACE.COOKIE):
                    if item in conf.parameters:
                        if item == PLACE.GET and get:
                            get = _randomizeParameter(get, randomParameter)
                        elif item == PLACE.POST and post:
                            post = _randomizeParameter(post, randomParameter)
                        elif item == PLACE.COOKIE and cookie:
                            cookie = _randomizeParameter(
                                cookie, randomParameter)

        if conf.evalCode:
            delimiter = conf.pDel or "&"
            variables = {}
            originals = {}

            for item in filter(None, (get, post)):
                for part in item.split(delimiter):
                    if '=' in part:
                        name, value = part.split('=', 1)
                        evaluateCode("%s=%s" % (name, repr(value)), variables)

            evaluateCode(conf.evalCode, variables)

            for name, value in variables.items():
                if name != "__builtins__" and originals.get(name, "") != value:
                    if isinstance(value, (basestring, int)):
                        value = unicode(value)
                        if '%s=' % name in (get or ""):
                            get = re.sub(
                                "((\A|\W)%s=)([^%s]+)" % (name, delimiter),
                                "\g<1>%s" % value, get)
                        elif '%s=' % name in (post or ""):
                            post = re.sub(
                                "((\A|\W)%s=)([^%s]+)" % (name, delimiter),
                                "\g<1>%s" % value, post)
                        elif post:
                            post += "%s%s=%s" % (delimiter, name, value)
                            get += "%s%s=%s" % (delimiter, name, value)

        get = urlencode(get, limit=True)
        if post:
            if conf.skipUrlEncode is None:
                _ = (post or "").strip()
                if _.startswith("<") and _.endswith(">"):
                    msg = "provided POST data looks "
                    msg += "like it's in XML format. "
                    msg += "Do you want to turn off URL encoding "
                    msg += "which is usually causing problems "
                    msg += "in this kind of situations? [Y/n]"
                    skipUrlEncode = conf.skipUrlEncode = readInput(
                        msg, default="Y").upper() != "N"
            if place not in (PLACE.POST, PLACE.SOAP,
                             PLACE.CUSTOM_POST) and hasattr(
                                 post, UNENCODED_ORIGINAL_VALUE):
                post = getattr(post, UNENCODED_ORIGINAL_VALUE)
            elif not skipUrlEncode and place not in (PLACE.SOAP, ):
                post = urlencode(post)

        if timeBasedCompare:
            if len(kb.responseTimes) < MIN_TIME_RESPONSES:

                if conf.tor:
                    warnMsg = "it's highly recommended to avoid usage of switch '--tor' for "
                    warnMsg += "time-based injections because of its high latency time"

                warnMsg = "time-based comparison needs larger statistical "
                warnMsg += "model. Making a few dummy requests, please wait.."

                while len(kb.responseTimes) < MIN_TIME_RESPONSES:

                deviation = stdev(kb.responseTimes)

                if deviation > WARN_TIME_STDEV:
                    kb.adjustTimeDelay = False

                    warnMsg = "there is considerable lagging "
                    warnMsg += "in connection response(s). Please use as high "
                    warnMsg += "value for option '--time-sec' as possible (e.g. "
                    warnMsg += "%d or more)" % (conf.timeSec * 2)
            elif not kb.testMode:
                warnMsg = "it is very important not to stress the network adapter's "
                warnMsg += "bandwidth during usage of time-based queries"

        if conf.safUrl and conf.saFreq > 0:
            kb.queryCounter += 1
            if kb.queryCounter % conf.saFreq == 0:

        start = time.time()

        if kb.nullConnection and not content and not response and not timeBasedCompare:
            noteResponseTime = False

            if kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.HEAD:
                method = HTTPMETHOD.HEAD
            elif kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.RANGE:
                if not auxHeaders:
                    auxHeaders = {}

                auxHeaders[HTTPHEADER.RANGE] = "bytes=-1"

            _, headers, code = Connect.getPage(url=uri,

            if headers:
                if kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.HEAD and HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_LENGTH in headers:
                    pageLength = int(headers[HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_LENGTH])
                elif kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.RANGE and HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_RANGE in headers:
                    pageLength = int(
                        [headers[HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_RANGE].find('/') + 1:])

        if not pageLength:
            page, headers, code = Connect.getPage(

        if conf.secondOrder:
            page, headers, code = Connect.getPage(

        threadData.lastQueryDuration = calculateDeltaSeconds(start)

        kb.originalCode = kb.originalCode or code

        if kb.testMode:
            kb.testQueryCount += 1

        if timeBasedCompare:
            return wasLastRequestDelayed()
        elif noteResponseTime:

        if not response and removeReflection:
            page = removeReflectiveValues(page, payload)

        kb.maxConnectionsFlag = re.search(r"max.+connections", page or "",
                                          re.I) is not None
        kb.permissionFlag = re.search(
            r"(command|permission|access)\s*(was|is)?\s*denied", page or "",
            re.I) is not None

        if content or response:
            return page, headers

        if getRatioValue:
            return comparison(page,
                              pageLength=pageLength), comparison(
        elif pageLength or page:
            return comparison(page, headers, code, getRatioValue, pageLength)
            return False
Example #4
    def queryPage(value=None, place=None, content=False, getRatioValue=False, silent=False, method=None, timeBasedCompare=False, noteResponseTime=True, auxHeaders=None, response=False, raise404=None, removeReflection=True):
        This method calls a function to get the target url page content
        and returns its page MD5 hash or a boolean value in case of
        string match check ('--string' command line parameter)

        if conf.direct:
            return direct(value, content)

        get = None
        post = None
        cookie = None
        ua = None
        referer = None
        host = None
        page = None
        pageLength = None
        uri = None
        code = None
        skipUrlEncode = conf.skipUrlEncode

        if not place:
            place = kb.injection.place or PLACE.GET

        raise404 = place != PLACE.URI if raise404 is None else raise404

        value = agent.adjustLateValues(value)
        payload = agent.extractPayload(value)
        threadData = getCurrentThreadData()

        if skipUrlEncode is None and conf.httpHeaders:
            headers = dict(conf.httpHeaders)
            _ = max(headers[_] if _.upper() == HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_TYPE.upper() else None for _ in headers.keys())
            if _ and "urlencoded" not in _:
                skipUrlEncode = True

        if payload:
            if kb.tamperFunctions:
                for function in kb.tamperFunctions:
                    payload = function(payload=payload, headers=auxHeaders)
                    if not isinstance(payload, basestring):
                        errMsg = "tamper function '%s' returns " % function.func_name
                        errMsg += "invalid payload type ('%s')" % type(payload)
                        raise SqlmapValueException(errMsg)

                value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)

            logger.log(CUSTOM_LOGGING.PAYLOAD, safecharencode(payload))

            if place == PLACE.CUSTOM_POST:
                if kb.postHint in (POST_HINT.SOAP, POST_HINT.XML):
                    # payloads in SOAP/XML should have chars > and < replaced
                    # with their HTML encoded counterparts
                    payload = payload.replace('>', "&gt;").replace('<', "&lt;")
                elif kb.postHint == POST_HINT.JSON:
                    if payload.startswith('"') and payload.endswith('"'):
                        payload = json.dumps(payload[1:-1])
                        payload = json.dumps(payload)[1:-1]
                value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)
                if not skipUrlEncode and place in (PLACE.GET, PLACE.POST, PLACE.COOKIE, PLACE.URI):
                    # GET, POST, URI and Cookie payload needs to be throughly URL encoded
                    payload = urlencode(payload, '%', False, place != PLACE.URI)
                    value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)

            if conf.hpp:
                if not any(conf.url.lower().endswith(_.lower()) for _ in (WEB_API.ASP, WEB_API.ASPX)):
                    warnMsg = "HTTP parameter pollution should work only against "
                    warnMsg += "ASP(.NET) targets"
                if place in (PLACE.GET, PLACE.POST):
                    _ = re.escape(PAYLOAD_DELIMITER)
                    match = re.search("(?P<name>\w+)=%s(?P<value>.+?)%s" % (_, _), value)
                    if match:
                        payload = match.group("value")

                        for splitter in (urlencode(' '), ' '):
                            if splitter in payload:
                                prefix, suffix = ("*/", "/*") if splitter == ' ' else (urlencode(_) for _ in ("*/", "/*"))
                                parts = payload.split(splitter)
                                parts[0] = "%s%s" % (parts[0], suffix)
                                parts[-1] = "%s%s=%s%s" % (DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER, match.group("name"), prefix, parts[-1])
                                for i in xrange(1, len(parts) - 1):
                                    parts[i] = "%s%s=%s%s%s" % (DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER, match.group("name"), prefix, parts[i], suffix)
                                payload = "".join(parts)

                        for splitter in (urlencode(','), ','):
                            payload = payload.replace(splitter, "%s%s=" % (DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER, match.group("name")))

                        value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)
                    warnMsg = "HTTP parameter pollution works only with regular "
                    warnMsg += "GET and POST parameters"

        if place:
            value = agent.removePayloadDelimiters(value)

        if conf.checkPayload:

        if PLACE.GET in conf.parameters:
            get = conf.parameters[PLACE.GET] if place != PLACE.GET or not value else value

        if PLACE.POST in conf.parameters:
            post = conf.parameters[PLACE.POST] if place != PLACE.POST or not value else value

        if PLACE.CUSTOM_POST in conf.parameters:
            post = conf.parameters[PLACE.CUSTOM_POST].replace(CUSTOM_INJECTION_MARK_CHAR, "") if place != PLACE.CUSTOM_POST or not value else value

        if PLACE.COOKIE in conf.parameters:
            cookie = conf.parameters[PLACE.COOKIE] if place != PLACE.COOKIE or not value else value

        if PLACE.USER_AGENT in conf.parameters:
            ua = conf.parameters[PLACE.USER_AGENT] if place != PLACE.USER_AGENT or not value else value

        if PLACE.REFERER in conf.parameters:
            referer = conf.parameters[PLACE.REFERER] if place != PLACE.REFERER or not value else value

        if PLACE.HOST in conf.parameters:
            host = conf.parameters[PLACE.HOST] if place != PLACE.HOST or not value else value

        if PLACE.URI in conf.parameters:
            uri = conf.url if place != PLACE.URI or not value else value
            uri = conf.url

        if place == PLACE.CUSTOM_HEADER:
            if not auxHeaders:
                auxHeaders = {}
            auxHeaders[value.split(',')[0]] = value.split(',', 1)[1]

        if conf.rParam:
            def _randomizeParameter(paramString, randomParameter):
                retVal = paramString
                match = re.search("%s=(?P<value>[^&;]+)" % randomParameter, paramString)
                if match:
                    origValue = match.group("value")
                    retVal = re.sub("%s=[^&;]+" % randomParameter, "%s=%s" % (randomParameter, randomizeParameterValue(origValue)), paramString)
                return retVal

            for randomParameter in conf.rParam:
                for item in (PLACE.GET, PLACE.POST, PLACE.COOKIE):
                    if item in conf.parameters:
                        if item == PLACE.GET and get:
                            get = _randomizeParameter(get, randomParameter)
                        elif item == PLACE.POST and post:
                            post = _randomizeParameter(post, randomParameter)
                        elif item == PLACE.COOKIE and cookie:
                            cookie = _randomizeParameter(cookie, randomParameter)

        if conf.evalCode:
            delimiter = conf.pDel or DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER
            variables = {}
            originals = {}

            for item in filter(None, (get, post)):
                for part in item.split(delimiter):
                    if '=' in part:
                        name, value = part.split('=', 1)
                        evaluateCode("%s=%s" % (name, repr(value)), variables)

            evaluateCode(conf.evalCode, variables)

            for name, value in variables.items():
                if name != "__builtins__" and originals.get(name, "") != value:
                    if isinstance(value, (basestring, int)):
                        value = unicode(value)
                        if '%s=' % name in (get or ""):
                            get = re.sub("((\A|\W)%s=)([^%s]+)" % (name, delimiter), "\g<1>%s" % value, get)
                        elif '%s=' % name in (post or ""):
                            post = re.sub("((\A|\W)%s=)([^%s]+)" % (name, delimiter), "\g<1>%s" % value, post)
                        elif post is not None:
                            post += "%s%s=%s" % (delimiter, name, value)
                            get += "%s%s=%s" % (delimiter, name, value)

        if not skipUrlEncode:
            get = urlencode(get, limit=True)

        if post is not None:
            if place not in (PLACE.POST, PLACE.CUSTOM_POST) and hasattr(post, UNENCODED_ORIGINAL_VALUE):
                post = getattr(post, UNENCODED_ORIGINAL_VALUE)
            elif not skipUrlEncode and kb.postHint not in POST_HINT_CONTENT_TYPES.keys():
                post = urlencode(post, spaceplus=kb.postSpaceToPlus)

        if timeBasedCompare:
            if len(kb.responseTimes) < MIN_TIME_RESPONSES:

                if conf.tor:
                    warnMsg = "it's highly recommended to avoid usage of switch '--tor' for "
                    warnMsg += "time-based injections because of its high latency time"

                warnMsg = "time-based comparison needs larger statistical "
                warnMsg += "model. Making a few dummy requests, please wait.."

                while len(kb.responseTimes) < MIN_TIME_RESPONSES:

                deviation = stdev(kb.responseTimes)

                if deviation > WARN_TIME_STDEV:
                    kb.adjustTimeDelay = ADJUST_TIME_DELAY.DISABLE

                    warnMsg = "there is considerable lagging "
                    warnMsg += "in connection response(s). Please use as high "
                    warnMsg += "value for option '--time-sec' as possible (e.g. "
                    warnMsg += "%d or more)" % (conf.timeSec * 2)

            elif not kb.testMode:
                warnMsg = "it is very important not to stress the network adapter's "
                warnMsg += "bandwidth during usage of time-based queries"

        if conf.safUrl and conf.saFreq > 0:
            kb.queryCounter += 1
            if kb.queryCounter % conf.saFreq == 0:
                Connect.getPage(url=conf.safUrl, cookie=cookie, direct=True, silent=True, ua=ua, referer=referer, host=host)

        start = time.time()

        if kb.nullConnection and not content and not response and not timeBasedCompare:
            noteResponseTime = False

            if kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.HEAD:
                method = HTTPMETHOD.HEAD
            elif kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.RANGE:
                if not auxHeaders:
                    auxHeaders = {}

                auxHeaders[HTTPHEADER.RANGE] = "bytes=-1"

            _, headers, code = Connect.getPage(url=uri, get=get, post=post, cookie=cookie, ua=ua, referer=referer, host=host, silent=silent, method=method, auxHeaders=auxHeaders, raise404=raise404)

            if headers:
                if kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.HEAD and HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_LENGTH in headers:
                    pageLength = int(headers[HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_LENGTH])
                elif kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.RANGE and HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_RANGE in headers:
                    pageLength = int(headers[HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_RANGE][headers[HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_RANGE].find('/') + 1:])

        if not pageLength:
                page, headers, code = Connect.getPage(url=uri, get=get, post=post, cookie=cookie, ua=ua, referer=referer, host=host, silent=silent, method=method, auxHeaders=auxHeaders, response=response, raise404=raise404, ignoreTimeout=timeBasedCompare)
            except MemoryError:
                page, headers, code = None, None, None
                warnMsg = "site returned insanely large response"
                if kb.testMode:
                    warnMsg += " in testing phase. This is a common "
                    warnMsg += "behavior in custom WAF/IDS/IPS solutions"

        if conf.secondOrder:
            page, headers, code = Connect.getPage(url=conf.secondOrder, cookie=cookie, ua=ua, silent=silent, auxHeaders=auxHeaders, response=response, raise404=False, ignoreTimeout=timeBasedCompare, refreshing=True)

        threadData.lastQueryDuration = calculateDeltaSeconds(start)

        kb.originalCode = kb.originalCode or code

        if kb.testMode:
            kb.testQueryCount += 1

        if timeBasedCompare:
            return wasLastRequestDelayed()
        elif noteResponseTime:

        if not response and removeReflection:
            page = removeReflectiveValues(page, payload)

        kb.maxConnectionsFlag = re.search(MAX_CONNECTIONS_REGEX, page or "", re.I) is not None
        kb.permissionFlag = re.search(PERMISSION_DENIED_REGEX, page or "", re.I) is not None

        if content or response:
            return page, headers

        if getRatioValue:
            return comparison(page, headers, code, getRatioValue=False, pageLength=pageLength), comparison(page, headers, code, getRatioValue=True, pageLength=pageLength)
        elif pageLength or page:
            return comparison(page, headers, code, getRatioValue, pageLength)
            return False
Example #5
    def __xpCmdshellCheck(self):
        cmd = self.xpCmdshellForgeCmd("ping -n %d" % (conf.timeSec * 2))


        return wasLastRequestDelayed()
Example #6
    def __xpCmdshellCheck(self):
        cmd = "ping -n %d" % (conf.timeSec * 2)

        return wasLastRequestDelayed()
Example #7
    def queryPage(value=None, place=None, content=False, getRatioValue=False, silent=False, method=None, timeBasedCompare=False, noteResponseTime=True, auxHeaders=None, response=False, raise404=None, removeReflection=True):
        This method calls a function to get the target url page content
        and returns its page MD5 hash or a boolean value in case of
        string match check ('--string' command line parameter)

        if conf.direct:
            return direct(value, content)

        get = None
        post = None
        cookie = None
        ua = None
        referer = None
        host = None
        page = None
        pageLength = None
        uri = None
        code = None
        skipUrlEncode = conf.skipUrlEncode

        if not place:
            place = kb.injection.place or PLACE.GET

        raise404 = place != PLACE.URI if raise404 is None else raise404

        value = agent.adjustLateValues(value)
        payload = agent.extractPayload(value)
        threadData = getCurrentThreadData()

        if skipUrlEncode is None and conf.httpHeaders:
            headers = dict(conf.httpHeaders)
            _ = max(headers[_] if _.upper() == HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_TYPE.upper() else None for _ in headers.keys())
            if _ and "urlencoded" not in _:
                skipUrlEncode = True

        if payload:
            if kb.tamperFunctions:
                for function in kb.tamperFunctions:
                    payload = function(payload=payload, headers=auxHeaders)
                    if not isinstance(payload, basestring):
                        errMsg = "tamper function '%s' returns " % function.func_name
                        errMsg += "invalid payload type ('%s')" % type(payload)
                        raise SqlmapValueException, errMsg

                value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)

            logger.log(CUSTOM_LOGGING.PAYLOAD, safecharencode(payload))

            if place == PLACE.CUSTOM_POST:
                if kb.postHint in (POST_HINT.SOAP, POST_HINT.XML):
                    # payloads in SOAP/XML should have chars > and < replaced
                    # with their HTML encoded counterparts
                    payload = payload.replace('>', "&gt;").replace('<', "&lt;")
                elif kb.postHint == POST_HINT.JSON:
                    if payload.startswith('"') and payload.endswith('"'):
                        payload = json.dumps(payload[1:-1])
                        payload = json.dumps(payload)[1:-1]
                value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)

                if not skipUrlEncode and place in (PLACE.GET, PLACE.COOKIE, PLACE.URI):
                    # GET, URI and Cookie need to be throughly URL encoded (POST is encoded down below)
                    payload = urlencode(payload, '%', False, place != PLACE.URI)
                    value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)

            if conf.hpp:
                if not any(conf.url.lower().endswith(_.lower()) for _ in (WEB_API.ASP, WEB_API.ASPX)):
                    warnMsg = "HTTP parameter pollution should work only against "
                    warnMsg += "ASP(.NET) targets"
                if place in (PLACE.GET, PLACE.POST):
                    _ = re.escape(PAYLOAD_DELIMITER)
                    match = re.search("(?P<name>\w+)=%s(?P<value>.+?)%s" % (_, _), value)
                    if match:
                        payload = match.group("value")

                        for splitter in (urlencode(' '), ' '):
                            if splitter in payload:
                                prefix, suffix = ("*/", "/*") if splitter == ' ' else (urlencode(_) for _ in ("*/", "/*"))
                                parts = payload.split(splitter)
                                parts[0] = "%s%s" % (parts[0], suffix)
                                parts[-1] = "%s%s=%s%s" % (DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER, match.group("name"), prefix, parts[-1])
                                for i in xrange(1, len(parts) - 1):
                                    parts[i] = "%s%s=%s%s%s" % (DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER, match.group("name"), prefix, parts[i], suffix)
                                payload = "".join(parts)

                        for splitter in (urlencode(','), ','):
                            payload = payload.replace(splitter, "%s%s=" % (DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER, match.group("name")))

                        value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)
                    warnMsg = "HTTP parameter pollution works only with regular "
                    warnMsg += "GET and POST parameters"

        if place:
            value = agent.removePayloadDelimiters(value)

        if conf.checkPayload:

        if PLACE.GET in conf.parameters:
            get = conf.parameters[PLACE.GET] if place != PLACE.GET or not value else value

        if PLACE.POST in conf.parameters:
            post = conf.parameters[PLACE.POST] if place != PLACE.POST or not value else value

        if PLACE.CUSTOM_POST in conf.parameters:
            post = conf.parameters[PLACE.CUSTOM_POST].replace(CUSTOM_INJECTION_MARK_CHAR, "") if place != PLACE.CUSTOM_POST or not value else value

        if PLACE.COOKIE in conf.parameters:
            cookie = conf.parameters[PLACE.COOKIE] if place != PLACE.COOKIE or not value else value

        if PLACE.USER_AGENT in conf.parameters:
            ua = conf.parameters[PLACE.USER_AGENT] if place != PLACE.USER_AGENT or not value else value

        if PLACE.REFERER in conf.parameters:
            referer = conf.parameters[PLACE.REFERER] if place != PLACE.REFERER or not value else value

        if PLACE.HOST in conf.parameters:
            host = conf.parameters[PLACE.HOST] if place != PLACE.HOST or not value else value

        if PLACE.URI in conf.parameters:
            uri = conf.url if place != PLACE.URI or not value else value
            uri = conf.url

        if conf.rParam:
            def _randomizeParameter(paramString, randomParameter):
                retVal = paramString
                match = re.search("%s=(?P<value>[^&;]+)" % randomParameter, paramString)
                if match:
                    origValue = match.group("value")
                    retVal = re.sub("%s=[^&;]+" % randomParameter, "%s=%s" % (randomParameter, randomizeParameterValue(origValue)), paramString)
                return retVal

            for randomParameter in conf.rParam:
                for item in (PLACE.GET, PLACE.POST, PLACE.COOKIE):
                    if item in conf.parameters:
                        if item == PLACE.GET and get:
                            get = _randomizeParameter(get, randomParameter)
                        elif item == PLACE.POST and post:
                            post = _randomizeParameter(post, randomParameter)
                        elif item == PLACE.COOKIE and cookie:
                            cookie = _randomizeParameter(cookie, randomParameter)

        if conf.evalCode:
            delimiter = conf.pDel or DEFAULT_GET_POST_DELIMITER
            variables = {}
            originals = {}

            for item in filter(None, (get, post)):
                for part in item.split(delimiter):
                    if '=' in part:
                        name, value = part.split('=', 1)
                        evaluateCode("%s=%s" % (name, repr(value)), variables)

            evaluateCode(conf.evalCode, variables)

            for name, value in variables.items():
                if name != "__builtins__" and originals.get(name, "") != value:
                    if isinstance(value, (basestring, int)):
                        value = unicode(value)
                        if '%s=' % name in (get or ""):
                            get = re.sub("((\A|\W)%s=)([^%s]+)" % (name, delimiter), "\g<1>%s" % value, get)
                        elif '%s=' % name in (post or ""):
                            post = re.sub("((\A|\W)%s=)([^%s]+)" % (name, delimiter), "\g<1>%s" % value, post)
                        elif post is not None:
                            post += "%s%s=%s" % (delimiter, name, value)
                            get += "%s%s=%s" % (delimiter, name, value)

        get = urlencode(get, limit=True)
        if post is not None:
            if place not in (PLACE.POST, PLACE.CUSTOM_POST) and hasattr(post, UNENCODED_ORIGINAL_VALUE):
                post = getattr(post, UNENCODED_ORIGINAL_VALUE)
            elif not skipUrlEncode and kb.postHint not in POST_HINT_CONTENT_TYPES.keys():
                post = urlencode(post)

        if timeBasedCompare:
            if len(kb.responseTimes) < MIN_TIME_RESPONSES:

                if conf.tor:
                    warnMsg = "it's highly recommended to avoid usage of switch '--tor' for "
                    warnMsg += "time-based injections because of its high latency time"

                warnMsg = "time-based comparison needs larger statistical "
                warnMsg += "model. Making a few dummy requests, please wait.."

                while len(kb.responseTimes) < MIN_TIME_RESPONSES:

                deviation = stdev(kb.responseTimes)

                if deviation > WARN_TIME_STDEV:
                    kb.adjustTimeDelay = ADJUST_TIME_DELAY.DISABLE

                    warnMsg = "there is considerable lagging "
                    warnMsg += "in connection response(s). Please use as high "
                    warnMsg += "value for option '--time-sec' as possible (e.g. "
                    warnMsg += "%d or more)" % (conf.timeSec * 2)

            elif not kb.testMode:
                warnMsg = "it is very important not to stress the network adapter's "
                warnMsg += "bandwidth during usage of time-based queries"

        if conf.safUrl and conf.saFreq > 0:
            kb.queryCounter += 1
            if kb.queryCounter % conf.saFreq == 0:
                Connect.getPage(url=conf.safUrl, cookie=cookie, direct=True, silent=True, ua=ua, referer=referer, host=host)

        start = time.time()

        if kb.nullConnection and not content and not response and not timeBasedCompare:
            noteResponseTime = False

            if kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.HEAD:
                method = HTTPMETHOD.HEAD
            elif kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.RANGE:
                if not auxHeaders:
                    auxHeaders = {}

                auxHeaders[HTTPHEADER.RANGE] = "bytes=-1"

            _, headers, code = Connect.getPage(url=uri, get=get, post=post, cookie=cookie, ua=ua, referer=referer, host=host, silent=silent, method=method, auxHeaders=auxHeaders, raise404=raise404)

            if headers:
                if kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.HEAD and HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_LENGTH in headers:
                    pageLength = int(headers[HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_LENGTH])
                elif kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.RANGE and HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_RANGE in headers:
                    pageLength = int(headers[HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_RANGE][headers[HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_RANGE].find('/') + 1:])

        if not pageLength:
                page, headers, code = Connect.getPage(url=uri, get=get, post=post, cookie=cookie, ua=ua, referer=referer, host=host, silent=silent, method=method, auxHeaders=auxHeaders, response=response, raise404=raise404, ignoreTimeout=timeBasedCompare)
            except MemoryError:
                page, headers, code = None, None, None
                warnMsg = "site returned insanely large response"
                if kb.testMode:
                    warnMsg += " in testing phase. This is a common "
                    warnMsg += "behavior in custom WAF/IDS/IPS solutions"

        if conf.secondOrder:
            page, headers, code = Connect.getPage(url=conf.secondOrder, cookie=cookie, ua=ua, silent=silent, auxHeaders=auxHeaders, response=response, raise404=False, ignoreTimeout=timeBasedCompare, refreshing=True)

        threadData.lastQueryDuration = calculateDeltaSeconds(start)

        kb.originalCode = kb.originalCode or code

        if kb.testMode:
            kb.testQueryCount += 1

        if timeBasedCompare:
            return wasLastRequestDelayed()
        elif noteResponseTime:

        if not response and removeReflection:
            page = removeReflectiveValues(page, payload)

        kb.maxConnectionsFlag = re.search(MAX_CONNECTIONS_REGEX, page or "", re.I) is not None
        kb.permissionFlag = re.search(PERMISSION_DENIED_REGEX, page or "", re.I) is not None

        if content or response:
            return page, headers

        if getRatioValue:
            return comparison(page, headers, code, getRatioValue=False, pageLength=pageLength), comparison(page, headers, code, getRatioValue=True, pageLength=pageLength)
        elif pageLength or page:
            return comparison(page, headers, code, getRatioValue, pageLength)
            return False
Example #8
    def queryPage(value=None, place=None, content=False, getRatioValue=False, silent=False, method=None, timeBasedCompare=False, noteResponseTime=True, auxHeaders=None, response=False, raise404=None, removeReflection=True):
        This method calls a function to get the target url page content
        and returns its page MD5 hash or a boolean value in case of
        string match check ('--string' command line parameter)

        if conf.direct:
            return direct(value, content)

        get = None
        post = None
        cookie = None
        ua = None
        referer = None
        page = None
        pageLength = None
        uri = None

        if not place:
            place = kb.injection.place or PLACE.GET

        raise404 = place != PLACE.URI if raise404 is None else raise404

        payload = agent.extractPayload(value)
        threadData = getCurrentThreadData()

        if payload:
            if kb.tamperFunctions:
                for function in kb.tamperFunctions:
                    payload = function(payload)

                value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)

            logger.log(9, payload)

        if place == PLACE.COOKIE and conf.cookieUrlencode:
            value = agent.removePayloadDelimiters(value)
            value = urlEncodeCookieValues(value)

        elif place:
            if place in (PLACE.GET, PLACE.POST, PLACE.URI):
                # payloads in GET and/or POST need to be urlencoded 
                # throughly without safe chars (especially & and =)
                # addendum: as we support url encoding in tampering
                # functions therefore we need to use % as a safe char
                if place != PLACE.URI or ('?' in value and value.find('?') < value.find(payload)):
                    payload = urlencode(payload, "%", False, True)
                    value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)
            elif place == PLACE.SOAP:
                # payloads in SOAP should have chars > and < replaced
                # with their HTML encoded counterparts
                payload = payload.replace('>', '&gt;').replace('<', '&lt;')
                value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)

            value = agent.removePayloadDelimiters(value)

        if conf.checkPayload:

        if PLACE.GET in conf.parameters:
            get = conf.parameters[PLACE.GET] if place != PLACE.GET or not value else value

        if PLACE.POST in conf.parameters:
            post = conf.parameters[PLACE.POST] if place != PLACE.POST or not value else value

        if PLACE.SOAP in conf.parameters:
            post = conf.parameters[PLACE.SOAP] if place != PLACE.SOAP or not value else value

        if PLACE.COOKIE in conf.parameters:
            cookie = conf.parameters[PLACE.COOKIE] if place != PLACE.COOKIE or not value else value

        if PLACE.UA in conf.parameters:
            ua = conf.parameters[PLACE.UA] if place != PLACE.UA or not value else value

        if PLACE.REFERER in conf.parameters:
            referer = conf.parameters[PLACE.REFERER] if place != PLACE.REFERER or not value else value

        if PLACE.URI in conf.parameters:
            uri = conf.url if place != PLACE.URI or not value else value
            uri = conf.url

        if conf.rParam:
            def _randomizeParameter(paramString, randomParameter):
                retVal = paramString
                match = re.search("%s=(?P<value>[^&;]+)" % randomParameter, paramString)
                if match:
                    origValue = match.group("value")
                    retVal = re.sub("%s=[^&;]+" % randomParameter, "%s=%s" % (randomParameter, randomizeParameterValue(origValue)), paramString)
                return retVal

            for randomParameter in conf.rParam:
                for item in [PLACE.GET, PLACE.POST, PLACE.COOKIE]:
                    if item in conf.parameters:
                        origValue = conf.parameters[item]
                        if item == PLACE.GET and get:
                            get = _randomizeParameter(get, randomParameter)
                        elif item == PLACE.POST and post:
                            post = _randomizeParameter(post, randomParameter)
                        elif item == PLACE.COOKIE and cookie:
                            cookie = _randomizeParameter(cookie, randomParameter)

        get = urlencode(get, limit=True)
        if post and place != PLACE.POST and hasattr(post, UNENCODED_ORIGINAL_VALUE):
            post = getattr(post, UNENCODED_ORIGINAL_VALUE)
            post = urlencode(post)

        if timeBasedCompare:
            if len(kb.responseTimes) < MIN_TIME_RESPONSES:

                warnMsg = "time-based comparison needs larger statistical "
                warnMsg += "model. Making a few dummy requests, please wait.."

                while len(kb.responseTimes) < MIN_TIME_RESPONSES:

                deviation = stdev(kb.responseTimes)

                if deviation > WARN_TIME_STDEV:
                    kb.adjustTimeDelay = False

                    warnMsg = "there is considerable lagging (standard deviation: "
                    warnMsg += "%.1f sec%s) " % (deviation, "s" if deviation > 1 else "")
                    warnMsg += "in connection response(s). Please use as high "
                    warnMsg += "value for --time-sec option as possible (e.g. "
                    warnMsg += "%d or more)" % (conf.timeSec * 2)
            elif not kb.testMode:
                warnMsg = "it is very important not to stress the network adapter's "
                warnMsg += "bandwidth during usage of time-based queries"

        if conf.safUrl and conf.saFreq > 0:
            kb.queryCounter += 1
            if kb.queryCounter % conf.saFreq == 0:
                Connect.getPage(url=conf.safUrl, cookie=cookie, direct=True, silent=True, ua=ua, referer=referer)

        start = time.time()

        if kb.nullConnection and not content and not response and not timeBasedCompare:
            if kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.HEAD:
                method = HTTPMETHOD.HEAD
            elif kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.RANGE:
                if not auxHeaders:
                    auxHeaders = {}

                auxHeaders[HTTPHEADER.RANGE] = "bytes=-1"

            _, headers, code = Connect.getPage(url=uri, get=get, post=post, cookie=cookie, ua=ua, referer=referer, silent=silent, method=method, auxHeaders=auxHeaders, raise404=raise404)

            if headers:
                if kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.HEAD and HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_LENGTH in headers:
                    pageLength = int(headers[HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_LENGTH])
                elif kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.RANGE and HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_RANGE in headers:
                    pageLength = int(headers[HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_RANGE][headers[HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_RANGE].find('/') + 1:])

        if not pageLength:
            page, headers, code = Connect.getPage(url=uri, get=get, post=post, cookie=cookie, ua=ua, referer=referer, silent=silent, method=method, auxHeaders=auxHeaders, response=response, raise404=raise404, ignoreTimeout=timeBasedCompare)

        threadData.lastQueryDuration = calculateDeltaSeconds(start)

        if kb.testMode:
            kb.testQueryCount += 1

            if conf.cj:

        if timeBasedCompare:
            return wasLastRequestDelayed()
        elif noteResponseTime:

        if not response and removeReflection:
            page = removeReflectiveValues(page, payload)

        if content or response:
            return page, headers

        if getRatioValue:
            return comparison(page, headers, code, getRatioValue=False, pageLength=pageLength), comparison(page, headers, code, getRatioValue=True, pageLength=pageLength)
        elif pageLength or page:
            return comparison(page, headers, code, getRatioValue, pageLength)
            return False
Example #9
    def queryPage(value=None, place=None, content=False, getRatioValue=False, silent=False, method=None, timeBasedCompare=False, noteResponseTime=True, auxHeaders=None, response=False, raise404=None):
        This method calls a function to get the target url page content
        and returns its page MD5 hash or a boolean value in case of
        string match check ('--string' command line parameter)

        if conf.direct:
            return direct(value, content)

        get         = None
        post        = None
        cookie      = None
        ua          = None
        referer     = None
        page        = None
        pageLength  = None
        uri         = None
        raise404    = place != PLACE.URI if raise404 is None else raise404

        if not place:
            place = kb.injection.place

        payload = agent.extractPayload(value)
        threadData = getCurrentThreadData()

        if payload:
            if kb.tamperFunctions:
                for function in kb.tamperFunctions:
                    payload = function(payload)

                value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)

            logger.log(9, payload)

        if place == PLACE.COOKIE and conf.cookieUrlencode:
            value = agent.removePayloadDelimiters(value)
            value = urlEncodeCookieValues(value)

        elif place:
            if place in (PLACE.GET, PLACE.POST):
                # payloads in GET and/or POST need to be urlencoded 
                # throughly without safe chars (especially & and =)
                # addendum: as we support url encoding in tampering
                # functions therefore we need to use % as a safe char
                payload = urlencode(payload, "%", False, True)
                value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)

            value = agent.removePayloadDelimiters(value)

        if conf.checkPayload:

        if PLACE.GET in conf.parameters:
            get = urlencode(conf.parameters[PLACE.GET] if place != PLACE.GET or not value else value, limit=True)

        if PLACE.POST in conf.parameters:
            post = urlencode(conf.parameters[PLACE.POST] if place != PLACE.POST or not value else value)

        if PLACE.COOKIE in conf.parameters:
            cookie = conf.parameters[PLACE.COOKIE] if place != PLACE.COOKIE or not value else value

        if PLACE.UA in conf.parameters:
            ua = conf.parameters[PLACE.UA] if place != PLACE.UA or not value else value

        if PLACE.REFERER in conf.parameters:
            referer = conf.parameters[PLACE.REFERER] if place != PLACE.REFERER or not value else value

        if PLACE.URI in conf.parameters:
            uri = conf.url if place != PLACE.URI or not value else value
            uri = conf.url

        if timeBasedCompare:
            if len(kb.responseTimes) < MIN_TIME_RESPONSES:

                warnMsg = "time-based comparison needs larger statistical "
                warnMsg += "model. Making a few dummy requests, please wait.."

                while len(kb.responseTimes) < MIN_TIME_RESPONSES:

        if conf.safUrl and conf.saFreq > 0:
            kb.queryCounter += 1
            if kb.queryCounter % conf.saFreq == 0:
                Connect.getPage(url=conf.safUrl, cookie=cookie, direct=True, silent=True, ua=ua, referer=referer)

        start = time.time()

        if kb.nullConnection and not content and not response and not timeBasedCompare:
            if kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.HEAD:
                method = HTTPMETHOD.HEAD
            elif kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.RANGE:
                if not auxHeaders:
                    auxHeaders = {}

                auxHeaders[HTTPHEADER.RANGE] = "bytes=-1"

            _, headers = Connect.getPage(url=uri, get=get, post=post, cookie=cookie, ua=ua, referer=referer, silent=silent, method=method, auxHeaders=auxHeaders, raise404=raise404)

            if kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.HEAD and HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_LENGTH in headers:
                pageLength = int(headers[HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_LENGTH])
            elif kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.RANGE and HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_RANGE in headers:
                pageLength = int(headers[HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_RANGE][headers[HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_RANGE].find('/') + 1:])

        if not pageLength:
            page, headers = Connect.getPage(url=uri, get=get, post=post, cookie=cookie, ua=ua, referer=referer, silent=silent, method=method, auxHeaders=auxHeaders, response=response, raise404=raise404, ignoreTimeout=timeBasedCompare)

        threadData.lastQueryDuration = calculateDeltaSeconds(start)

        if kb.testMode:
            kb.testQueryCount += 1

            if conf.cj:

        if timeBasedCompare:
            return wasLastRequestDelayed()
        elif noteResponseTime:

        if content or response:
            return page, headers

        page = removeReflectiveValues(page, payload)

        if getRatioValue:
            return comparison(page, getRatioValue=False, pageLength=pageLength), comparison(page, getRatioValue=True, pageLength=pageLength)
        elif pageLength or page:
            return comparison(page, getRatioValue, pageLength)
            return False
Example #10
    def queryPage(value=None,
        This method calls a function to get the target url page content
        and returns its page MD5 hash or a boolean value in case of
        string match check ('--string' command line parameter)

        if conf.direct:
            return direct(value, content)

        get = None
        post = None
        cookie = None
        ua = None
        referer = None
        page = None
        pageLength = None
        uri = None
        raise404 = place != PLACE.URI if raise404 is None else raise404

        if not place:
            place = kb.injection.place

        payload = agent.extractPayload(value)
        threadData = getCurrentThreadData()

        if payload:
            if kb.tamperFunctions:
                for function in kb.tamperFunctions:
                    payload = function(payload)

                value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)

            logger.log(9, payload)

        if place == PLACE.COOKIE and conf.cookieUrlencode:
            value = agent.removePayloadDelimiters(value)
            value = urlEncodeCookieValues(value)

        elif place:
            if place in (PLACE.GET, PLACE.POST):
                # payloads in GET and/or POST need to be urlencoded
                # throughly without safe chars (especially & and =)
                # addendum: as we support url encoding in tampering
                # functions therefore we need to use % as a safe char
                payload = urlencode(payload, "%", False, True)
                value = agent.replacePayload(value, payload)

            value = agent.removePayloadDelimiters(value)

        if conf.checkPayload:

        if PLACE.GET in conf.parameters:
            get = urlencode(conf.parameters[PLACE.GET]
                            if place != PLACE.GET or not value else value,

        if PLACE.POST in conf.parameters:
            post = urlencode(conf.parameters[PLACE.POST]
                             if place != PLACE.POST or not value else value)

        if PLACE.COOKIE in conf.parameters:
            cookie = conf.parameters[
                PLACE.COOKIE] if place != PLACE.COOKIE or not value else value

        if PLACE.UA in conf.parameters:
            ua = conf.parameters[
                PLACE.UA] if place != PLACE.UA or not value else value

        if PLACE.REFERER in conf.parameters:
            referer = conf.parameters[
                REFERER] if place != PLACE.REFERER or not value else value

        if PLACE.URI in conf.parameters:
            uri = conf.url if place != PLACE.URI or not value else value
            uri = conf.url

        if timeBasedCompare:
            if len(kb.responseTimes) < MIN_TIME_RESPONSES:

                warnMsg = "time-based comparison needs larger statistical "
                warnMsg += "model. Making a few dummy requests, please wait.."

                while len(kb.responseTimes) < MIN_TIME_RESPONSES:

        if conf.safUrl and conf.saFreq > 0:
            kb.queryCounter += 1
            if kb.queryCounter % conf.saFreq == 0:

        start = time.time()

        if kb.nullConnection and not content and not response and not timeBasedCompare:
            if kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.HEAD:
                method = HTTPMETHOD.HEAD
            elif kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.RANGE:
                if not auxHeaders:
                    auxHeaders = {}

                auxHeaders[HTTPHEADER.RANGE] = "bytes=-1"

            _, headers = Connect.getPage(url=uri,

            if kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.HEAD and HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_LENGTH in headers:
                pageLength = int(headers[HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_LENGTH])
            elif kb.nullConnection == NULLCONNECTION.RANGE and HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_RANGE in headers:
                pageLength = int(headers[HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_RANGE]
                                 [headers[HTTPHEADER.CONTENT_RANGE].find('/') +

        if not pageLength:
            page, headers = Connect.getPage(url=uri,

        threadData.lastQueryDuration = calculateDeltaSeconds(start)

        if kb.testMode:
            kb.testQueryCount += 1

            if conf.cj:

        if timeBasedCompare:
            return wasLastRequestDelayed()
        elif noteResponseTime:

        if content or response:
            return page, headers

        page = removeReflectiveValues(page, payload)

        if getRatioValue:
            return comparison(page, getRatioValue=False,
                              pageLength=pageLength), comparison(
        elif pageLength or page:
            return comparison(page, getRatioValue, pageLength)
            return False