def test_sliding_company_score(redis_client, foo_company):
    ' should update average on every tweet received '
    db.write_tweet(redis_client, foo_company, MockTweet(id=100), 0.1)
    db.write_tweet(redis_client, foo_company, MockTweet(id=101), 0.2)
    db.set_company_score(redis_client, foo_company, 0.15)

    api = MockApi(
            MockTweet(id=102, text='0.3'),
            MockTweet(id=103, text='-0.4'),
            MockTweet(id=104, text='0.4'),
            MockTweet(id=105, text='-0.5')

    tweets_processed = 0
    for res in sync_tweets(api, redis_client, foo_company, max_tweets=4):
        if tweets_processed == 0:
            # [100, 101, 102]
            assert db.get_tweets_timeline(redis_client, foo_company, withscores=False) == [b'100', b'101', b'102']
            expected_score = (0.1 + 0.2 + 0.3) / 3
            assert db.get_company_score(redis_client, foo_company) == approx(expected_score)
        elif tweets_processed == 1:
            assert db.get_tweets_timeline(redis_client, foo_company, withscores=False) == [b'100', b'101', b'102', b'103']
            expected_score = (0.1 + 0.2 + 0.3 - 0.4) / 4
            assert db.get_company_score(redis_client, foo_company) == approx(expected_score)
        elif tweets_processed == 2:
            assert db.get_tweets_timeline(redis_client, foo_company, withscores=False) == [b'101', b'102', b'103', b'104']
            expected_score = (0.2 + 0.3 - 0.4 + 0.4) / 4
            assert db.get_company_score(redis_client, foo_company) == approx(expected_score)
        tweets_processed += 1

    assert db.get_tweets_timeline(redis_client, foo_company, withscores=False) == [b'102', b'103', b'104', b'105']
    expected_score = (0.3 + 0.4 - 0.4 - 0.5) / 4
    assert db.get_company_score(redis_client, foo_company) == approx(expected_score)
Example #2
def test_rem_tweet(redis_client, foo_company):
    tweet1 = MockTweet(id=100)
    tweet2 = MockTweet(id=101)
    db.write_tweet(redis_client, foo_company, tweet1, tweet_score=0.8)
    db.write_tweet(redis_client, foo_company, tweet2, tweet_score=0.8)
    assert db.get_number_of_tweets(redis_client, foo_company) == 2
    assert len(db.get_tweets_timeline(redis_client, foo_company)) == 2
    db.remove_tweets(redis_client, foo_company, 100, 101)
    assert db.get_number_of_tweets(redis_client, foo_company) == 0
    assert len(db.get_tweets_timeline(redis_client, foo_company)) == 0
Example #3
def test_remove_tweet(redis_client, foo_company):
    ' Calling db.remove_tweets will correctly remove a tweet '
    tweet = MockTweet(id=100)
    db.write_tweet(redis_client, foo_company, tweet, tweet_score=-0.8)
    db.remove_tweets(redis_client, foo_company, 100)

    assert len(db.get_best_tweets(redis_client, foo_company)) == 0
    assert len(db.get_tweets_timeline(redis_client, foo_company)) == 0
Example #4
def test_write_tweet(redis_client, foo_company):
    tweet = MockTweet(id=100)
    db.write_tweet(redis_client, foo_company, tweet, tweet_score=0.8)
    timeline = db.get_tweets_timeline(redis_client, foo_company)
    assert db.get_tweet_score(redis_client, foo_company, b'100') == 0.8
    assert db.get_number_of_tweets(redis_client, foo_company) == 1
    assert len(timeline) == 1
    assert timeline[0][0] == b'100'  # tweet id is used as a key
    assert timeline[0][1] == 100  # and also used as score
def sync_tweets(api, redis_client, account, limit=inf, max_tweets=inf):
    ''' will fetch max of `limit` tweets from Twitter mentioning `@account`,
    analyze them and write to db '''

    since_id = db.get_max_tweet_id(redis_client, account)
    print('Started syncing tweets mentioning ', account, 'starting from ',
    tweets_processed = 0
    for tweet in twitter.get_tweets_about_company(api,

        if tweets_processed >= limit:

        score = get_sentiment_score(tweet.text, tweet.entities)

        if score == 0.0:

        with redis_client.pipeline() as pipe:
            n_tweets = db.get_number_of_tweets(pipe, account)
            current_score = db.get_company_score(redis_client, account)

            tweets_to_remove = db.get_tweets_timeline(
                pipe, account, 1,
                withscores=False) if n_tweets >= max_tweets else []

            removed_tweets_score = sum([
                db.get_tweet_score(pipe, account, tweet_id)
                for tweet_id in tweets_to_remove

            # batch-process insert operation
            db.write_tweet(pipe, account, tweet, score)
            db.remove_tweets(pipe, account, *tweets_to_remove)

            # sliding re-calculation of the score
            new_score = (
                (current_score * n_tweets - removed_tweets_score + score) /
                (n_tweets + 1 - len(tweets_to_remove)))
            db.set_company_score(pipe, account, new_score)


        tweets_processed += 1

        yield {
            'account': account,
            'tweet': tweet,
            'score': score,
            'removed': tweets_to_remove
def test_max_tweets(redis_client, foo_company):
    ' should remove tweets if `max_tweets` was reached '
    db.write_tweet(redis_client, foo_company, MockTweet(id=100), 0.1)
    db.write_tweet(redis_client, foo_company, MockTweet(id=101), 0.2)
    db.set_company_score(redis_client, foo_company, 0.15)

    api = MockApi(
            MockTweet(id=102, text='0.3'),
            MockTweet(id=103, text='0.4')

    for res in sync_tweets(api, redis_client, foo_company, max_tweets=3):

    assert db.get_number_of_tweets(redis_client, foo_company) == 3
    expected_score = (0.2 + 0.3 + 0.4) / 3
    assert db.get_company_score(redis_client, foo_company) == approx(expected_score)
    assert db.get_tweets_timeline(redis_client, foo_company, withscores=False) == [b'101', b'102', b'103']
def get_tweets(account):
    return db.get_tweets_timeline(r, account)
import redis
from lib import db
import sys

r = redis.StrictRedis(host='redis', decode_responses=True)
for company in db.get_companies(r):
        print('company', company, 'has', db.get_number_of_tweets(r, company),
        print('removing unneccessary')
        for tweet_id in db.get_tweets_timeline(r, company, withscores=False):
            tweet_score = db.get_tweet_score(r, company, tweet_id)
            if (tweet_score == 0.0):
                print('removing', tweet_id, tweet_score)
                db.remove_tweets(r, company, tweet_id)

        print('company', company, 'has', db.get_number_of_tweets(r, company),
        print('score before', db.get_company_score(r, company))
        db.update_company_overall_score(r, company)
        print('score after', db.get_company_score(r, company))
    except Exception: