Example #1
def fuel_diff(aircraft, departure_hub, arrival_hub, required_etah,
            verbose = True):

    origin      = aircraft.route.waypoints[0]
    destination = aircraft.route.waypoints[-1]
    position    = aircraft.get_position()

    direct_length      = aircraft.route.get_length()
    origin_to_here     = origin.distance_to(position)
    here_to_hub_length = position.distance_to(departure_hub) 
    formation_length   = departure_hub.distance_to(arrival_hub)
    arrival_length     = arrival_hub.distance_to(destination)

    # Temporarily insert the hubs into the aircraft's route
    old_waypoints                = aircraft.route.waypoints
    aircraft.route.waypoints = [aircraft.route.waypoints[0],

    planned_etah = aircraft.get_waypoint_eta()
    t = simulator.get_time()
    v_factor = (planned_etah - t) / (required_etah - t)
    v_old = aircraft._speed
    v_new = v_factor * v_old
    v_penalty = speed_penalty(v_new)

    direct_costs = direct_length * fuel_burn_per_nm
    formation_costs = fuel_burn_per_nm * origin_to_here +\
                      v_penalty * fuel_burn_per_nm * here_to_hub_length +\
                      fuel_burn_per_nm * (1 - formation_discount) *\
                      formation_length +\
                      fuel_burn_per_nm * arrival_length

    # Change route back to what it was
    aircraft.route.waypoints = old_waypoints

    if verbose:

        headers = []
        headers.append(('Mijn header', 'uhuh'))
        messages = []
        messages.append(('Flight', aircraft))
        messages.append(('Departure hub', departure_hub))
        messages.append(('Arrival hub', arrival_hub))
        messages.append(('Time to hub (planned)', '%d time units' % (planned_etah - t)))
        messages.append(('Time to hub (required)', '%d time units' % (required_etah - t)))
        messages.append(('Current speed', '%.0f kts' % (v_old*60)))
        messages.append(('Required speed', '%.0f kts' % (v_new*60)))
        messages.append(('Sync fuel', '%.2f gallons' %
              (v_penalty * fuel_burn_per_nm * here_to_hub_length)))
        messages.append(('Fuel (solo flight)', '%.2f gallons' % direct_costs))
        messages.append(('Fuel (formation flight)', '%.2f gallons' % formation_costs))
        debug.print_table(messages = messages, headers = headers)

    return direct_costs - formation_costs 
def run():

    planes = [Aircraft(route=Route([Waypoint('AMS'), Waypoint('JFK')]))]

    simulator.execute([10], planes)

    departure_hub = Waypoint('LHR')
    arrival_hub = Waypoint('BOS')

    p = fuel_diff(planes[0], departure_hub, arrival_hub, 20, verbose=True)

    debug.print_table([('Net benefit', '%d gallons' % p)])
Example #3
def run():

    planes = [
        Aircraft(route = Route([Waypoint('AMS'), Waypoint('JFK')]))

    simulator.execute([10], planes);
    departure_hub = Waypoint('LHR')
    arrival_hub   = Waypoint('BOS')

    p = fuel_diff(planes[0], departure_hub, arrival_hub, 20, verbose = True)

    debug.print_table([('Net benefit', '%d gallons' % p)])
def fuel_diff(aircraft,

    origin = aircraft.route.waypoints[0]
    destination = aircraft.route.waypoints[-1]
    position = aircraft.get_position()

    direct_length = aircraft.route.get_length()
    origin_to_here = origin.distance_to(position)
    here_to_hub_length = position.distance_to(departure_hub)
    formation_length = departure_hub.distance_to(arrival_hub)
    arrival_length = arrival_hub.distance_to(destination)

    # Temporarily insert the hubs into the aircraft's route
    old_waypoints = aircraft.route.waypoints
    aircraft.route.waypoints = [
        aircraft.route.waypoints[0], position, departure_hub, arrival_hub,

    planned_etah = aircraft.get_waypoint_eta()
    t = simulator.get_time()
    v_factor = (planned_etah - t) / (required_etah - t)
    v_old = aircraft._speed
    v_new = v_factor * v_old
    v_penalty = speed_penalty(v_new)

    direct_costs = direct_length * fuel_burn_per_nm
    formation_costs = fuel_burn_per_nm * origin_to_here +\
                      v_penalty * fuel_burn_per_nm * here_to_hub_length +\
                      fuel_burn_per_nm * (1 - formation_discount) *\
                      formation_length +\
                      fuel_burn_per_nm * arrival_length

    # Change route back to what it was
    aircraft.route.waypoints = old_waypoints

    if verbose:

        headers = []
        headers.append(('Mijn header', 'uhuh'))

        messages = []
        messages.append(('Flight', aircraft))
        messages.append(('Departure hub', departure_hub))
        messages.append(('Arrival hub', arrival_hub))
            ('Time to hub (planned)', '%d time units' % (planned_etah - t)))
            ('Time to hub (required)', '%d time units' % (required_etah - t)))
        messages.append(('Current speed', '%.0f kts' % (v_old * 60)))
        messages.append(('Required speed', '%.0f kts' % (v_new * 60)))
        messages.append(('Sync fuel', '%.2f gallons' %
                         (v_penalty * fuel_burn_per_nm * here_to_hub_length)))
        messages.append(('Fuel (solo flight)', '%.2f gallons' % direct_costs))
            ('Fuel (formation flight)', '%.2f gallons' % formation_costs))
        debug.print_table(messages=messages, headers=headers)

    return direct_costs - formation_costs