def Scan(self): info = fg.cyan + "Checking Virtual Host Routing and DNS" + print(info) np = nmapParser.NmapParserFunk( np.openPorts() dnsPorts = np.dns_ports dn = domainFinder.DomainFinder( dn.Scan() redirect_hostname = dn.redirect_hostname if not os.path.exists(f"{}-Report/dns"): os.makedirs(f"{}-Report/dns") if not os.path.exists(f"{}-Report/aquatone"): os.makedirs(f"{}-Report/aquatone") if len(redirect_hostname) and (len(dnsPorts) == 0): pass elif len(dnsPorts) == 0: pass elif redirect_hostname: commands = () for d in redirect_hostname: self.hostnames.append(d) if "www" in d: pass else: commands = commands + ( f"dnsenum --dnsserver {} --enum -f /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/DNS/subdomains-top1mil-5000.txt -r {d} | tee {}-Report/dns/dnsenum-{}-{d}.log", ) self.processes = commands
def Scan(self): np = nmapParser.NmapParserFunk( np.openPorts() http_ports = np.http_ports dn = domainFinder.DomainFinder( dn.getRedirect() hostnames = dn.redirect_hostname cwd = os.getcwd() reportDir = f"{cwd}/{}-Report" if len(http_ports) == 0: pass else: a = f"{fg.li_cyan} Enumerating HTTP Ports, Running the following commands: {}" print(a) if not os.path.exists(f"{}-Report/web"): os.makedirs(f"{}-Report/web") if not os.path.exists(f"{}-Report/aquatone"): os.makedirs(f"{}-Report/aquatone") commands = () if len(hostnames) != 0: sorted_hostnames = sorted(set(hostnames)) for hostname in sorted_hostnames: for port in http_ports: if not os.path.exists( f"{}-Report/web/eyewitness-{hostname}-{port}" ): os.makedirs( f"{}-Report/web/eyewitness-{hostname}-{port}" ) commands = commands + ( f"whatweb -v -a 3 http://{hostname}:{port} | tee {reportDir}/web/whatweb-{hostname}-{port}.txt", f"cd /opt/EyeWitness && echo 'http://{hostname}:{port}' > eyefile.txt && ./ --threads 5 --ocr --no-prompt --active-scan --all-protocols --web -f eyefile.txt -d {reportDir}/web/eyewitness-{hostname}-{port} && cd - &>/dev/null", f"wafw00f http://{hostname}:{port} | tee {reportDir}/web/wafw00f-{hostname}-{port}.txt", f"curl -sSik http://{hostname}:{port}/robots.txt -m 10 -o {reportDir}/web/robots-{hostname}-{port}.txt &>/dev/null", f"python3 /opt/dirsearch/ -u http://{hostname}:{port}/ -t 50 -e php,asp,aspx,txt,html -w wordlists/dicc.txt -x 401,403,500,502 --plain-text-report {reportDir}/web/dirsearch-{hostname}-{port}.log", f"python3 /opt/dirsearch/ -u http://{hostname}:{port}/ -t 80 -e php,asp,aspx,txt,html -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/big.txt -x 401,403,500,502 --plain-text-report {reportDir}/web/dirsearch-big-{hostname}-{port}.log", f"nikto -ask=no -host http://{hostname}:{port} >{reportDir}/web/niktoscan-{hostname}-{port}.txt 2>&1 &", ) else: for port in http_ports: if not os.path.exists( f"{}-Report/web/eyewitness-{}-{port}" ): os.makedirs( f"{}-Report/web/eyewitness-{}-{port}" ) commands = commands + ( f"whatweb -v -a 3 http://{}:{port} | tee {reportDir}/web/whatweb-{port}.txt", f"cd /opt/EyeWitness && echo 'http://{}:{port}' >eyefile.txt && ./ --threads 5 --ocr --no-prompt --active-scan --all-protocols --web -f eyefile.txt -d {reportDir}/web/eyewitness-{}-{port} && cd - &>/dev/null", f"wafw00f http://{}:{port} | tee {reportDir}/web/wafw00f-{port}.txt", f"curl -sSik http://{}:{port}/robots.txt -m 10 -o {reportDir}/web/robots-{port}.txt &>/dev/null", f"python3 /opt/dirsearch/ -u http://{}:{port}/ -t 50 -e php,asp,aspx,txt,html -w wordlists/dicc.txt -x 401,403,500,502 --plain-text-report {reportDir}/web/dirsearch-{port}.log", f"python3 /opt/dirsearch/ -u http://{}:{port}/ -t 80 -e php,asp,aspx,txt,html -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/big.txt -x 401,403,500,502 --plain-text-report {reportDir}/web/dirsearch-big-{port}.log", f"nikto -ask=no -host http://{}:{port} >{reportDir}/web/niktoscan-{port}.txt 2>&1 &", ) self.processes = commands
def Scan(self): """Enumerate DNS server if any hostnames are found from lib/ and if port 53 is open.""" print(fg.cyan + "Checking For Virtual Host Routing and DNS" + np = nmapParser.NmapParserFunk( np.openPorts() dnsPorts = np.dns_ports dn = domainFinder.DomainFinder( dn.Scan() redirect_hostname = dn.redirect_hostname fqdn_hostname = dn.fqdn_hostname c = config_parser.CommandParser(f"{os.getcwd()}/config/config.yaml", commands = [] if len(redirect_hostname) != 0: for d in redirect_hostname: self.hostnames.append(d) if len(fqdn_hostname) != 0: for d in fqdn_hostname: self.hostnames.append(d) if len(self.hostnames) != 0 and (len(dnsPorts) != 0): if not os.path.exists(c.getPath("dns", "dnsDir")): os.makedirs(c.getPath("dns", "dnsDir")) if not os.path.exists(c.getPath("web", "aquatoneDir")): os.makedirs(c.getPath("web", "aquatoneDir")) # string_hosts = " ".join(map(str, self.hostnames)) basename = [] for host in self.hostnames: basename.append(".".join(host.split('.')[-2:])) unique_hosts = sorted(set(basename)) for host in unique_hosts: commands.append(c.getCmd("dns", "dnsenum", hosts=host)) # commands.append(c.getCmd("dns", "vhost", hosts=host)) self.processes = tuple(commands)
def ScanWebOption(self): np = nmapParser.NmapParserFunk( np.openPorts() http_ports = np.http_ports dn = domainFinder.DomainFinder( dn.getRedirect() hostnames = dn.redirect_hostname # print(hostnames) cwd = os.getcwd() reportDir = f"{cwd}/{}-Report" if len(http_ports) == 0: pass else: a = f"{fg.li_cyan} Enumerating HTTP Ports, Running the following commands: {}" print(a) if not os.path.exists(f"{}-Report/web"): os.makedirs(f"{}-Report/web") if not os.path.exists(f"{}-Report/aquatone"): os.makedirs(f"{}-Report/aquatone") if hostnames: sorted_hostnames = sorted(set(hostnames)) for hostname in sorted_hostnames: # print("loop", hostname) for port in http_ports: if not os.path.exists( f"{}-Report/web/eyewitness-{hostname}-{port}" ): os.makedirs( f"{}-Report/web/eyewitness-{hostname}-{port}" ) commands = ( f"whatweb -v -a 3 http://{hostname}:{port} | tee {reportDir}/web/whatweb-{hostname}-{port}.txt", f"cd /opt/EyeWitness && echo 'http://{hostname}:{port}' > eyefile.txt && ./ --threads 5 --ocr --no-prompt --active-scan --all-protocols --web -f eyefile.txt -d {reportDir}/web/eyewitness-{hostname}-{port} && cd - &>/dev/null", f"wafw00f http://{hostname}:{port} | tee {reportDir}/web/wafw00f-{hostname}-{port}.txt", f"curl -sSik http://{hostname}:{port}/robots.txt -m 10 -o {reportDir}/web/robots-{hostname}-{port}.txt &>/dev/null", f"python3 /opt/dirsearch/ -u http://{hostname}:{port} -t 80 -e php -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -x 403,500 --plain-text-report {reportDir}/web/dirsearch-dlistmedium-{hostname}-{port}.log", f"python3 /opt/dirsearch/ -u http://{hostname}:{port} -t 50 -e php,asp,aspx,html,txt,git,bak,tar,gz,7z,json,zip,rar,bz2,pdf,md,pl,cgi -x 403,500 -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-files-lowercase.txt --plain-text-report {reportDir}/web/dirsearch-{hostname}-{port}.log", f"python3 /opt/dirsearch/ -u http://{hostname}:{port} -t 50 -e php,asp,aspx,html,txt -x 403,500 -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-directories.txt --plain-text-report {reportDir}/web/dirsearch-{hostname}-{port}.log", f"python3 /opt/dirsearch/ -u http://{hostname}:{port} -t 50 -e php,asp,aspx,txt,html -w wordlists/foreign.txt -x 403,500 --plain-text-report {reportDir}/web/dirsearch-{hostname}-{port}.log", f"nikto -ask=no -host http://{hostname}:{port} >{reportDir}/web/niktoscan-{hostname}-{port}.txt 2>&1 &", ) self.processes = commands # print(self.processes) else: for port in http_ports: if not os.path.exists( f"{}-Report/web/eyewitness-{}-{port}" ): os.makedirs( f"{}-Report/web/eyewitness-{}-{port}" ) commands = ( f"whatweb -v -a 3 http://{}:{port} | tee {reportDir}/web/whatweb-{port}.txt", f"cd /opt/EyeWitness && echo 'http://{}:{port}' >eyefile.txt && ./ --threads 5 --ocr --no-prompt --active-scan --all-protocols --web -f eyefile.txt -d {reportDir}/web/eyewitness-{}-{port} && cd - &>/dev/null", f"wafw00f http://{}:{port} | tee {reportDir}/web/wafw00f-{port}.txt", f"curl -sSik http://{}:{port}/robots.txt -m 10 -o {reportDir}/web/robots-{port}.txt &>/dev/null", f"python3 /opt/dirsearch/ -u http://{}:{port} -t 80 -e php,asp,aspx,html,txt -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt -x 403,500 --plain-text-report {reportDir}/web/dirsearch-dlistmedium-{port}.log", f"python3 /opt/dirsearch/ -u http://{}:{port} -t 50 -e php,asp,aspx,html,txt,git,bak,tar,gz,7z,json,zip,rar,bz2,pdf,md,pl,cgi -x 403,500 -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-files-lowercase.txt --plain-text-report {reportDir}/web/dirsearch-raftfiles-{port}.log", f"python3 /opt/dirsearch/ -u http://{}:{port} -t 50 -e php,asp,aspx,html,txt -x 403,500 -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-large-directories.txt --plain-text-report {reportDir}/web/dirsearch-raftdirs-{port}.log", f"python3 /opt/dirsearch/ -u http://{}:{port} -t 50 -e php,asp,aspx,html,txt -x 403,500 -w {cwd}/wordlists/foreign.txt --plain-text-report {reportDir}/web/dirsearch-{port}.log", f"nikto -ask=no -host http://{}:{port} >{reportDir}/web/niktoscan-{port}.txt 2>&1 &", ) self.processes = commands
def ScanWebOption(self): """Enumerate Web Server ports based on nmaps output. This function will run the following tools; WhatWeb, WafW00f, Dirsearch, EyeWitness, Nikto, and curl robots.txt This is almost identical to the normal web scan except it uses much larger wordlists """ np = nmapParser.NmapParserFunk( np.openPorts() http_ports = np.http_ports dn = domainFinder.DomainFinder( dn.getRedirect() hostnames = dn.redirect_hostname if len(http_ports) == 0: pass else: reset = print( f"""{fg.li_cyan}Enumerating HTTP Ports, Running the following commands: {reset}""" ) c = config_parser.CommandParser( f"{os.getcwd()}/config/config.yaml", commands = [] if not os.path.exists(c.getPath("web", "webDir")): os.makedirs(c.getPath("web", "webDir")) if not os.path.exists(c.getPath("web", "aquatoneDir")): os.makedirs(c.getPath("web", "aquatoneDir")) if hostnames: sorted_hostnames = sorted(set(hostnames)) for hostname in sorted_hostnames: for port in http_ports: if not os.path.exists( c.getPath("web", "eyewitnessDirHost", host=hostname, port=port)): os.makedirs( c.getPath("web", "eyewitnessDirHost", host=hostname, port=port)) commands.append( c.getCmd("web", "whatwebHttpHost", host=hostname, port=port)) # commands.append(c.getCmd("web", "eyewitnessHost", host=hostname, port=port)) # commands.append(c.getCmd("web", "wafw00fHost", host=hostname, port=port)) # commands.append(c.getCmd("web", "curlRobotsHost", host=hostname, port=port)) commands.append( c.getCmd("web", "dirsearchHttpHostDListMed", host=hostname, port=port, url=self.web)) commands.append( c.getCmd("web", "dirsearchHttpHostRaftLargeFiles", host=hostname, port=port, url=self.web)) commands.append( c.getCmd("web", "dirsearchHttpHostRaftLargeDirs", host=hostname, port=port, url=self.web)) commands.append( c.getCmd("web", "dirsearchHttpHostForeign", host=hostname, port=port, url=self.web)) # commands.append(c.getCmd("web", "niktoHost", host=hostname, port=port)) else: for port in http_ports: if not os.path.exists( c.getPath("web", "eyewitnessDirTarget", port=port)): os.makedirs( c.getPath("web", "eyewitnessDirTarget", port=port)) commands.append( c.getCmd("web", "whatwebHttpTarget", port=port)) # commands.append(c.getCmd("web", "eyewitnessTarget", port=port)) # commands.append(c.getCmd("web", "wafw00fTarget", port=port)) # commands.append(c.getCmd("web", "curlRobotsTarget", port=port)) commands.append( c.getCmd("web", "dirsearchHttpTargetDListMed", port=port, url=self.web)) commands.append( c.getCmd("web", "dirsearchHttpTargetRaftLargeFiles", port=port, url=self.web)) commands.append( c.getCmd("web", "dirsearchHttpTargetRaftLargeDirs", port=port, url=self.web)) commands.append( c.getCmd("web", "dirsearchHttpTargetForeign", port=port, url=self.web)) # commands.append(c.getCmd("web", "niktoHost", port=port)) self.processes = tuple(commands)
def Scan(self): """Enumerate Web Server ports based on nmaps output. This function will run the following tools; WhatWeb, WafW00f, Dirsearch, EyeWitness, Nikto, and curl robots.txt""" np = nmapParser.NmapParserFunk( np.openPorts() http_ports = np.http_ports if len(http_ports) == 0: pass else: # hl = helper_lists.IgnoreHttpPorts() # _http_ports = [x for x in http_ports if x not in hl.ignore_http_ports] print(f"""{fg.li_cyan}Enumerating HTTP Ports! {}""") c = config_parser.CommandParser( f"{os.getcwd()}/config/config.yaml", dn = domainFinder.DomainFinder( dn.getRedirect() hostnames = dn.redirect_hostname if not os.path.exists(c.getPath("web", "webDir")): os.makedirs(c.getPath("web", "webDir")) if not os.path.exists(c.getPath("web", "aquatoneDir")): os.makedirs(c.getPath("web", "aquatoneDir")) vhc = vhostCrawl.checkSource( vhc.getLinks() htb_source_domains = vhc.htb_source_domains commands = [] another_array_of_hostnames = [] if len(htb_source_domains) != 0: for d in htb_source_domains: another_array_of_hostnames.append(d) if len(hostnames) != 0: for d in hostnames: another_array_of_hostnames.append(d) if len(another_array_of_hostnames) != 0: sorted_hostnames = sorted(set(another_array_of_hostnames)) for hostname in sorted_hostnames: for port in http_ports: if not os.path.exists( c.getPath("web", "eyewitnessDirHost", host=hostname, port=port)): os.makedirs( c.getPath("web", "eyewitnessDirHost", host=hostname, port=port)) commands.append( c.getCmd("web", "whatwebHttpHost", host=hostname, port=port)) commands.append( c.getCmd("web", "eyewitnessHost", host=hostname, port=port)) commands.append( c.getCmd("web", "wafw00fHost", host=hostname, port=port)) commands.append( c.getCmd("web", "curlRobotsHost", host=hostname, port=port)) commands.append( c.getCmd("web", "dirsearchHttpHostDict", host=hostname, port=port)) commands.append( c.getCmd("web", "dirsearchHttpHostBig", host=hostname, port=port)) commands.append( c.getCmd("web", "niktoHost", host=hostname, port=port)) else: for port in http_ports: if not os.path.exists( c.getPath("web", "eyewitnessDirTarget", port=port)): os.makedirs( c.getPath("web", "eyewitnessDirTarget", port=port)) commands.append( c.getCmd("web", "whatwebHttpTarget", port=port)) commands.append( c.getCmd("web", "eyewitnessTarget", port=port)) commands.append(c.getCmd("web", "wafw00fTarget", port=port)) commands.append( c.getCmd("web", "curlRobotsTarget", port=port)) commands.append( c.getCmd("web", "dirsearchHttpTargetBig", port=port)) commands.append( c.getCmd("web", "dirsearchHttpTargetDict", port=port)) commands.append(c.getCmd("web", "niktoTarget", port=port)) # sorted_cmds = sorted(set(commands), reverse=True) # commands_to_run = [i for i in sorted_cmds] self.processes = tuple(commands)
def CMS(self): """If a valid CMS is found from initial Web Enumeration, more specifically, WhatWebs results, Then proceed to Enumerate the CMS further using Wpscan, Magescan, Nmap, Droopescan, Joomscan, and davtest, hydra, and will create a brute force bash script using Cewl, which can then be used by WpScan to try and brute force Users and passwords.""" c = config_parser.CommandParser(f"{os.getcwd()}/config/config.yaml", np = nmapParser.NmapParserFunk( np.openPorts() http_ports = np.http_ports dn = domainFinder.DomainFinder( dn.getRedirect() hostnames = dn.redirect_hostname another_array_of_hostnames = [] if os.path.exists(c.getPath("web", "vhostnames")): with open(c.getPath("web", "vhostnames"), "r") as vhfile: lines = vhfile.readlines() for vh in lines: another_array_of_hostnames.append(vh) if len(hostnames) != 0: for d in hostnames: another_array_of_hostnames.append(d) cms_commands = [] if len(http_ports) == 0: pass else: for http_port in http_ports: whatweb_files = [] whatweb_hostnames = [] dir_list = [ d for d in glob.iglob(c.getPath("report", "reportGlob"), recursive=True) if os.path.isdir(d) ] for d in dir_list: reportFile_list = [ fname for fname in glob.iglob(f"""{d}/*""", recursive=True) if os.path.isfile(fname) ] for rf in reportFile_list: if "nmap" not in rf: if "whatweb" in rf: if str(http_port) in rf: whatweb_files.append(rf) if len(another_array_of_hostnames) != 0: for host in another_array_of_hostnames: if host in rf: whatweb_hostnames.append(host) if len(whatweb_files) != 0: for i in whatweb_files: cms_strings = [ "WordPress", "Magento", "tomcat", "WebDAV", "Microsoft-IIS 6.0", "Drupal", "Joomla", "Webmin", ] try: with open(i, "r") as wwf: for word in wwf: fword = (word.replace("[", " ").replace( "]", " ").replace(",", " ")) for cms in cms_strings: if cms in fword: if len(whatweb_hostnames) != 0: for hn in whatweb_hostnames: if hn in i: if "WordPress" in cms: wpscan_cmd = c.getCmd( "web", "wpscanHttpHost", host=hn, httpPort= http_port) cms_commands.append( wpscan_cmd) if "Drupal" in cms: if not os.path.exists( c.getPath( "vuln", "vulnDir" )): os.makedirs( c.getPath( "vuln", "vulnDir" )) cms_commands.append( c.getCmd( "vuln", "searchsploit", strang=str( cms), name= "Drupal")) cms_commands.append( c.getCmd( "web", "droopescanHost", host=hn, httpPort= http_port)) if "Joomla" in cms: if not os.path.exists( c.getPath( "vuln", "vulnDir" )): os.makedirs( c.getPath( "vuln", "vulnDir" )) cms_commands.append( c.getCmd( "vuln", "searchsploit", strang=str( cms), name= "Joomla")) cms_commands.append( c.getCmd( "web", "joomscanHost", host=hn, httpPort= http_port)) cms_commands.append( c.getCmd( "web", "joomlavsHost", host=hn, httpPort= http_port)) if "Magento" in cms: if not os.path.exists( c.getPath( "vuln", "vulnDir" )): os.makedirs( c.getPath( "vuln", "vulnDir" )) cms_commands.append( c.getCmd( "vuln", "searchsploit", strang=str( cms), name= "Magento")) cms_commands.append( c.getCmd( "web", "magescanHost", host=hn, httpPort= http_port)) if "WebDAV" in cms or ( "Microsoft-IIS 6.0" in cms): if not os.path.exists( c.getPath( "vuln", "vulnDir" )): os.makedirs( c.getPath( "vuln", "vulnDir" )) cms_commands.append( c.getCmd( "vuln", "searchsploit", strang=str( cms), name= "WebDAV")) webdav_cmd = c.getCmd( "web", "davtestHost", host=hn) webdav_cmd2 = c.getCmd( "web", "webDavNmap", httpPort= http_port) cms_commands.append( webdav_cmd) cms_commands.append( webdav_cmd2) if "tomcat" in cms: if not os.path.exists( c.getPath( "vuln", "vulnDir" )): os.makedirs( c.getPath( "vuln", "vulnDir" )) cms_commands.append( c.getCmd( "vuln", "searchsploit", strang=str( cms), name= "tomcat")) cms_commands.append( c.getCmd( "web", "tomcatHydraHost", host=hn, httpPort= http_port)) if "Webmin" in cms: if not os.path.exists( c.getPath( "vuln", "vulnDir" )): os.makedirs( c.getPath( "vuln", "vulnDir" )) cms_commands.append( c.getCmd( "vuln", "searchsploit", strang=str( cms), name= "Webmin")) else: if "WordPress" in cms: wpscan_cmd = c.getCmd( "web", "wpscanHttpTarget", httpPort=http_port) cms_commands.append( wpscan_cmd) manual_brute_force_script = f"""#!/bin/bash if [[ -n $(grep -i "User(s) Identified" {c.getPath("web","wpscanHttpTarget", httpPort=http_port)}) ]]; then grep -w -A 100 "User(s)" {c.getPath("web","wpscanHttpTarget", httpPort=http_port)} | grep -w "[+]" | grep -v "WPVulnDB" | cut -d " " -f 2 | head -n -7 >{c.getPath("web", "wordpressUsers")} {c.getCmd("web", "CewlWeb", httpPort=http_port)} sleep 10 echo "Adding John Rules to Cewl Wordlist!" {c.getCmd("web", "cewl2John")} sleep 3 # brute force again with wpscan {c.getCmd("web", "wpscanCewlBrute", httpPort=http_port)} sleep 1 if grep -i "No Valid Passwords Found" {c.getPath("web", "wpscanCewlBrute")}; then if [[ -s {c.getPath("web", "johnCewlWordlist")} ]]; then {c.getCmd("web", "wpscanCewlJohnBrute", httpPort=http_port)} else echo "John wordlist is empty :(" fi sleep 1 if grep -i "No Valid Passwords Found" {c.getPath("web", "wordpressJohnCewlBrute")}; then {c.getCmd("web", "wpscanFastTrackBrute", httpPort=http_port)} fi fi fi """ try: with open( c.getPath( "web", "wpscanBashBruteScript" ), "w") as wpb: print( "Creating wordpress Brute Force Script..." ) wpb.write( manual_brute_force_script ) call( f"""chmod +x {c.getPath("web", "wpscanBashBruteScript")}""", shell=True) except FileNotFoundError as fnf_error: print(fnf_error) if "Drupal" in cms: if not os.path.exists( c.getPath( "vuln", "vulnDir")): os.makedirs( c.getPath( "vuln", "vulnDir")) cms_commands.append( c.getCmd( "vuln", "searchsploit", strang=str(cms), name="Drupal")) cms_commands.append( c.getCmd( "web", "droopescan", httpPort=http_port) ) if "Joomla" in cms: if not os.path.exists( c.getPath( "vuln", "vulnDir")): os.makedirs( c.getPath( "vuln", "vulnDir")) cms_commands.append( c.getCmd( "vuln", "searchsploit", strang=str(cms), name="Joomla")) cms_commands.append( c.getCmd( "web", "joomscan", httpPort=http_port) ) cms_commands.append( c.getCmd( "web", "joomlavsTarget", httpPort=http_port) ) if "Magento" in cms: if not os.path.exists( c.getPath( "vuln", "vulnDir")): os.makedirs( c.getPath( "vuln", "vulnDir")) cms_commands.append( c.getCmd( "vuln", "searchsploit", strang=str(cms), name="Magento")) cms_commands.append( c.getCmd( "web", "magescan", httpPort=http_port) ) if "WebDAV" in cms or ( "Microsoft-IIS 6.0" in cms): if not os.path.exists( c.getPath( "vuln", "vulnDir")): os.makedirs( c.getPath( "vuln", "vulnDir")) cms_commands.append( c.getCmd( "vuln", "searchsploit", strang=str(cms), name="WebDAV")) webdav_cmd = c.getCmd( "web", "davtest") webdav_cmd2 = c.getCmd( "web", "webDavNmap", httpPort=http_port) cms_commands.append( webdav_cmd) cms_commands.append( webdav_cmd2) if "tomcat" in cms: if not os.path.exists( c.getPath( "vuln", "vulnDir")): os.makedirs( c.getPath( "vuln", "vulnDir")) cms_commands.append( c.getCmd( "vuln", "searchsploit", strang=str(cms), name="tomcat")) cms_commands.append( c.getCmd( "web", "tomcatHydra", httpPort=http_port) ) if "Webmin" in cms: if not os.path.exists( c.getPath( "vuln", "vulnDir")): os.makedirs( c.getPath( "vuln", "vulnDir")) cms_commands.append( c.getCmd( "vuln", "searchsploit", strang=str(cms), name="Webmin")) except FileNotFoundError as fnf_error: print(fnf_error) continue sorted_commands = sorted(set(cms_commands)) commands_to_run = [i for i in sorted_commands] self.cms_processes = tuple(commands_to_run)