Example #1
def drawPoints(x,color=None,alpha=1.0,size=None):
    """Draw a collection of points with default or given size and color.

    x is a (npoints,3) shaped array of coordinates.
    If size (float) is given, it specifies the point size.
    If color is given it is an (npoints,3) array of RGB values.
    x = x.astype(float32).reshape(-1,3)
    if color is not None:
        color = resize(color.astype(float32),x.shape)
    if size:
    x = x.reshape(-1,1,3)
Example #2
def multi_draw_polygons(x,n,color,t,alpha,objtype,nproc=-1):
    from multi import multitask,cpu_count
    if nproc < 1:
        nproc = cpu_count()

    print("MULTIDRAW %s" % nproc)

    if nproc == 1:

        xblocks = splitar(x,nproc)
        n = t = color = None
        print([xb.shape for xb in xblocks])
        #[ drawgl.draw_polygons(xb,n,color,t,alpha,objtype) for xb in xblocks]

        tasks = [(drawgl.draw_polygons,(xb,n,color,t,alpha,objtype)) for xb in xblocks]
Example #3
def drawPolygons(x,e,color=None,alpha=1.0,texture=None,t=None,normals=None,lighting=False,avgnormals=False,objtype=-1):
    """Draw a collection of polygons.

    The polygons can either be specified as a Formex model or as a Mesh model.


    - `x`: coordinates of the points. Shape is (nelems,nplex,3) for Formex
      model, of (nnodes,3) for Mesh model.
    - `e`: None for a Formex model, definition of the elements (nelems,nplex)
      for a Mesh model.
    - `color`: either None or an RGB color array with shape (3,), (nelems,3)
      or (nelems,nplex,3).
    - `objtype`: OpenGL drawing mode. The default (-1) will select the
      appropriate value depending on the plexitude of the elements:
      1: point, 2: line, 3: triangle, 4: quad, >4: polygon.
      This value can be set to GL.GL_LINE_LOOP to draw the element's
      circumference independent from the drawing mode.
    if e is None:
        nelems = x.shape[0]
        nelems = e.shape[0]
    n = None
    #print("LIGHTING %s, AVGNORMALS %s" % (lighting,avgnormals))
    if lighting and objtype==-1:
        if normals is None:
            pf.debug("Computing normals",pf.DEBUG.DRAW)
            if avgnormals and e is not None:
                n = geomtools.averageNormals(x,e,treshold=pf.cfg['render/avgnormaltreshold'])
                if e is None:
                    n = geomtools.polygonNormals(x)
                    n = geomtools.polygonNormals(x[e])
                #pf.debug("NORMALS:%s" % str(n.shape),pf.DEBUG.DRAW)
            #print("NORMALS=%s"% normals)
            n = checkArray(normals,(nelems,-1,3),'f')

    # Texture
    if texture is not None:
        if t is None:
            t = array([[0.,0.],[1.,0.],[1.,1.],[0.,1.]])
        t = None

    # Sanitize data before calling library function
    x = x.astype(float32)
    if e is not None:
        e = e.astype(int32)
    if n is not None:
        n = n.astype(float32)
    if color is not None:
        color = color.astype(float32)
        pf.debug("COLORS:%s" % str(color.shape),pf.DEBUG.DRAW)
        if color.shape[-1] != 3 or (
            color.ndim > 1 and color.shape[0] != nelems) :
            pf.debug("INCOMPATIBLE COLOR SHAPE: %s, while nelems=%s" % (str(color.shape),nelems),pf.DEBUG.DRAW)
            color = None
    if t is not None:
        t = t.astype(float32)

    # Call library function
    if e is None:
def drawPolygons(x, e, mode, color=None, alpha=1.0, normals=None, objtype=-1):
    """Draw a collection of polygon elements.

    This function is like drawPolygons, but the vertices of the polygons
    are specified by:
    coords (npts,3) : the coordinates of the points
    elems (nels,nplex): the connectivity of nels polygons of plexitude nplex

    color is either None or an RGB color array with shape (3,), (nels,3) or

    objtype sets the OpenGL drawing mode. The default (-1) will select the
    appropriate value depending on the plexitude of the elements:
    1: point, 2: line, 3: triangle, 4: quad, >4: polygon.
    The value can be set to GL.GL_LINE_LOOP to draw the element's circumference
    independent from the drawing mode.
    if e is None:
        nelems = x.shape[0]
        nelems = e.shape[0]
    n = None
    if mode.startswith("smooth") and objtype == -1:
        if normals is None:
            pf.debug("Computing normals")
            if mode == "smooth_avg" and e is not None:
                n = interpolateNormals(x, e, treshold=pf.cfg["render/avgnormaltreshold"])
                mode = "smooth"
                if e is None:
                    n = geomtools.polygonNormals(x)
                    n = geomtools.polygonNormals(x[e])
                pf.debug("NORMALS:%s" % str(n.shape))
                n = asarray(normals)
                if not (n.ndim in [2, 3] and n.shape[0] == nelems and n.shape[-1] == 3):
                raise ValueError, """Invalid normals specified"""

    # Sanitize data before calling library function
    x = x.astype(float32)
    if e is not None:
        e = e.astype(int32)
    if n is not None:
        n = n.astype(float32)
    if color is not None:
        color = color.astype(float32)
        pf.debug("COLORS:%s" % str(color.shape))
        if color.shape[-1] != 3 or (color.ndim > 1 and color.shape[0] != nelems):
            pf.debug("INCOMPATIBLE COLOR SHAPE: %s, while nelems=%s" % (str(color.shape), nelems))
            color = None

    # Call library function
    if e is None:
        drawgl.draw_polygons(x, n, color, alpha, objtype)
        drawgl.draw_polygon_elems(x, e, n, color, alpha, objtype)