Example #1
def invoke_all(*args):
   Invoke a hook in all enabled plugins that implement it.
   @param hook
     The name of the hook to invoke.
   @param ...
     Arguments to pass to the hook.
     An array of return values of the hook implementations. If plugins return
     arrays from their implementations, those are merged into one array.
    global plugins
    args = list(args)
    hook = 'hook_%s' % args[0]
    del (args[0])
    return_ = []
    for plugin_ in implements(hook):
        if (lib_bootstrap.drupal_function_exists(hook, plugins[plugin_])):
            function = DrupyImport.getFunction(\
              plugins[plugin_], hook)
            result = php.call_user_func_array(function, args)
            if (result is not None and php.is_array(result)):
                return_ = p.array_merge_recursive(return_, result)
            elif (result is not None):
    return return_
Example #2
def drupal_load(type_, name):
   Includes a file with the provided type and name. This prevents
   including a theme, engine, plugin, etc., more than once.
   @param type
     The type of item to load (i.e. theme, theme_engine, plugin).
   @param name
     The name of the item to load.
     TRUE if the item is loaded or has already been loaded.
    php.static(drupal_load, 'files', {})
    if (not php.isset(drupal_load.files, type)):
        drupal_load.files[type_] = {}
    if (php.isset(drupal_load.files[type_], name)):
        return True
        filename = drupal_get_filename(type_, name)
        if (filename != False):
            lib_plugin.plugins[name] = DrupyImport.import_file(filename)
            drupal_load.files[type_][name] = True
            return True
            return False
Example #3
def drupal_load(type_, name):
   Includes a file with the provided type and name. This prevents
   including a theme, engine, plugin, etc., more than once.
   @param type
     The type of item to load (i.e. theme, theme_engine, plugin).
   @param name
     The name of the item to load.
     TRUE if the item is loaded or has already been loaded.
    php.static(drupal_load, "files", {})
    if not php.isset(drupal_load.files, type):
        drupal_load.files[type_] = {}
    if php.isset(drupal_load.files[type_], name):
        return True
        filename = drupal_get_filename(type_, name)
        if filename != False:
            lib_plugin.plugins[name] = DrupyImport.import_file(filename)
            drupal_load.files[type_][name] = True
            return True
            return False
Example #4
def invoke_all(*args):
   Invoke a hook in all enabled plugins that implement it.
   @param hook
     The name of the hook to invoke.
   @param ...
     Arguments to pass to the hook.
     An array of return values of the hook implementations. If plugins return
     arrays from their implementations, those are merged into one array.
  global plugins
  args = list(args)
  hook = 'hook_%s' % args[0]
  return_ = []
  for plugin_ in implements(hook):
    if (lib_bootstrap.drupal_function_exists(hook, plugins[plugin_])):
      function = DrupyImport.getFunction(\
        plugins[plugin_], hook)
      result = php.call_user_func_array(function, args);
      if (result is not None and php.is_array(result)):
        return_ = p.array_merge_recursive(return_, result);
      elif (result is not None):
        return_.append( result );
  return return_
Example #5
def list_(refresh = False, bootstrap = True, sort = False, \
    fixed_list = None):
   Collect a list of all loaded plugins. During the bootstrap, return only
   vital plugins. See bootstrap.inc
   @param refresh
     Whether to force the plugin list to be regenerated (such as after the
     administrator has changed the system settings).
   @param bootstrap
     Whether to return the reduced set of plugins loaded in "bootstrap mode"
     for cached pages. See bootstrap.inc.
   @param sort
     By default, plugins are ordered by weight and filename,
     settings this option
     to True, plugin list will be ordered by plugin name.
   @param fixed_list
     (Optional) Override the plugin list with the given plugins.
     Stays until the
     next call with refresh = True.
     An associative array whose keys and values are the names of all loaded
    php.static(list_, 'list_', {})
    php.static(list_, 'sorted_list')
    if (refresh or fixed_list):
        list_.sorted_list = None
        list_.list_ = {}
        if (fixed_list):
            for name, plugin in fixed_list.items():
                lib_bootstrap.drupal_get_filename('plugin', name,
                list_.list_[name] = name
            if (bootstrap):
                result = lib_database.query(\
                  "SELECT name, filename FROM {system} " + \
                  "WHERE type = 'plugin' AND status = 1 AND " + \
                  "bootstrap = 1 ORDER BY weight ASC, filename ASC")
                result = lib_database.query(\
                  "SELECT name, filename FROM {system} " + \
                  "WHERE type = 'plugin' AND status = 1 " + \
                  "ORDER BY weight ASC, filename ASC")
            while True:
                plugin_ = lib_database.fetch_object(result)
                if (plugin_ == None or plugin_ == False):
                if (DrupyImport.exists(plugin_.filename)):
                    lib_bootstrap.drupal_get_filename('plugin', \
                      plugin_.name, plugin_.filename)
                    list_.list_[plugin_.name] = plugin_.name
    if (sort):
        if (list_.sorted_list == None):
            list_.sorted_list = plugin_list.list_
        return list_.sorted_list
    return list_.list_
Example #6
def list_(refresh = False, bootstrap = True, sort = False, \
    fixed_list = None):
   Collect a list of all loaded plugins. During the bootstrap, return only
   vital plugins. See bootstrap.inc
   @param refresh
     Whether to force the plugin list to be regenerated (such as after the
     administrator has changed the system settings).
   @param bootstrap
     Whether to return the reduced set of plugins loaded in "bootstrap mode"
     for cached pages. See bootstrap.inc.
   @param sort
     By default, plugins are ordered by weight and filename,
     settings this option
     to True, plugin list will be ordered by plugin name.
   @param fixed_list
     (Optional) Override the plugin list with the given plugins.
     Stays until the
     next call with refresh = True.
     An associative array whose keys and values are the names of all loaded
  php.static(list_, 'list_', {})
  php.static(list_, 'sorted_list')
  if (refresh or fixed_list):
    list_.sorted_list = None
    list_.list_ = {}
    if (fixed_list):
      for name,plugin in fixed_list.items():
        lib_bootstrap.drupal_get_filename('plugin', name, plugin['filename'])
        list_.list_[name] = name
      if (bootstrap):
        result = lib_database.query(\
          "SELECT name, filename FROM {system} " + \
          "WHERE type = 'plugin' AND status = 1 AND " + \
          "bootstrap = 1 ORDER BY weight ASC, filename ASC")
        result = lib_database.query(\
          "SELECT name, filename FROM {system} " + \
          "WHERE type = 'plugin' AND status = 1 " + \
          "ORDER BY weight ASC, filename ASC")
      while True:
        plugin_ = lib_database.fetch_object(result)
        if (plugin_ == None or plugin_ == False):
        if (DrupyImport.exists(plugin_.filename)):
          lib_bootstrap.drupal_get_filename('plugin', \
            plugin_.name, plugin_.filename)
          list_.list_[plugin_.name] = plugin_.name
  if (sort):
    if (list_.sorted_list == None):
      list_.sorted_list = plugin_list.list_
    return list_.sorted_list
  return list_.list_
Example #7
def invoke(plugin_, hook_, *args):
   Invoke a hook in a particular plugin.
   @param plugin
     The name of the plugin (without the .plugin extension).
   @param hook
     The name of the hook to invoke.
   @param ...
     Arguments to pass to the hook implementation.
     The return value of the hook implementation.
  if (hook(plugin_, hook_)):
    function_name = 'hook_' + hook_
    function = DrupyImport.getFunction(plugins[plugin_], function_name)
    return php.call_user_func_array(function, args)
Example #8
def invoke(plugin_, hook_, *args):
   Invoke a hook in a particular plugin.
   @param plugin
     The name of the plugin (without the .plugin extension).
   @param hook
     The name of the hook to invoke.
   @param ...
     Arguments to pass to the hook implementation.
     The return value of the hook implementation.
    if (hook(plugin_, hook_)):
        function_name = 'hook_' + hook_
        function = DrupyImport.getFunction(plugins[plugin_], function_name)
        return php.call_user_func_array(function, args)
Example #9
out_plugins_html = php.htmlspecialchars(out_plugins)

out_themes = php.print_r(lib_theme.processors, True)
out_themes_html = php.htmlspecialchars(out_themes)

out_users = php.print_r(lib_database.query(\
  'SELECT * FROM users WHERE users.uid > 0'), True)
out_users_html = php.htmlspecialchars(out_users)

out_vars = php.print_r(vars(), True)
out_vars = re.sub('[a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]+@.+?\.[a-zA-Z]+', '********', out_vars)
out_vars = re.sub('[a-zA-Z0-9]{32}', \
                  '********************************', out_vars)
out_vars = php.htmlspecialchars(out_vars)

out_mods = php.print_r(DrupyImport.modules(), True)
out_mods = php.htmlspecialchars(out_mods)

# Executed from Web
if php.SERVER['WEB']:
  print "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
  print "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' " + \
  print "<html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>"
  print "<head>"
  print "<title>Drupy: Drupal in Python</title>"
  print "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' />"
  print "<meta name='revised' content='DrupyStatus, %s' />" % revised
  print "</head>"
Example #10
def hook_init(template):
  file = php.dirname(template.filename) + '/template.py'
  if (php.file_exists(file)):
    lib_theme.processors['template'] = DrupyImport.import_file(file)
Example #11
out_plugins_html = php.htmlspecialchars(out_plugins)

out_themes = php.print_r(lib_theme.processors, True)
out_themes_html = php.htmlspecialchars(out_themes)

out_users = php.print_r(lib_database.query(\
  'SELECT * FROM users WHERE users.uid > 0'), True)
out_users_html = php.htmlspecialchars(out_users)

out_vars = php.print_r(vars(), True)
out_vars = re.sub('[a-zA-Z0-9_\.-]+@.+?\.[a-zA-Z]+', '********', out_vars)
out_vars = re.sub('[a-zA-Z0-9]{32}', \
                  '********************************', out_vars)
out_vars = php.htmlspecialchars(out_vars)

out_mods = php.print_r(DrupyImport.modules(), True)
out_mods = php.htmlspecialchars(out_mods)

# Executed from Web
if php.SERVER['WEB']:
    print "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"
    print "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' " + \
    print "<html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'>"
    print "<head>"
    print "<title>Drupy: Drupal in Python</title>"
    print "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' />"
    print "<meta name='revised' content='DrupyStatus, %s' />" % revised
    print "</head>"