def authenticate(): i = ctx.request.input(remember='') phone = password = i.password user = RMS.find_first( 'where mobile = ? and crm is not null and stillwork = 1', phone) if user is None: error_code = ERROR_CODE['user_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code]) login_info = _login(phone, password) if login_info['errno'] != 0 or not login_info['data'] or not login_info[ 'data']['sessionToken']: error_code = ERROR_CODE['login_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) else: # 如果登录成功,查看ipPoolAdmin表,如果木有该用户,那么增加这个用户,否则更新下登录时间 count = IpPoolAdmin.count_by('where uid = ?', user.uid) if count < 1: IpPoolAdmin(uid=user.uid).insert() else: IpPoolAdmin(createAt=time.time()).update_by( 'where `uid` = ?', user.uid) max_age = 86400 cookie = make_signed_cookie(str(,, max_age) ctx.response.set_cookie(LOGIN_COOKIE_NAME, cookie, max_age=max_age) ctx.response.set_cookie('leancloud-token', login_info['data']['sessionToken'], max_age=max_age) return user
def vote(): result = int(ctx.request.get('result', None)) ip_id = int(ctx.request.get('ipId', 0)) reason = ctx.request.get('reason', '') if (result != 1 and result != 2) or ip_id <= 0 or (result == 1 and not reason): error_code = ERROR_CODE['param_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) if ctx.request.user.crm.find('4_1_8') == -1: error_code = ERROR_CODE['not_allow_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) admin_list = RMS.find_by('where `crm` like "%4_1_8%" and stillwork = 1') admins = admin_list[:] where = 'where ipId = ?' res = IPBlacklistVote.find_by(where, ip_id) pass_num, refuse_num, vote_turnout = 0, 0, 0.0 if result == 1: pass_num += 1 else: refuse_num += 1 for x in res: if x.voterId == ctx.request.user.uid: error_code = ERROR_CODE['not_allow_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) if x.result == 1: pass_num += 1 if x.result == 2: refuse_num += 1 for admin in admin_list: if admin.uid == x.voterId or admin.uid == ctx.request.user.uid: if admin in admins: admins.remove(admin) vote_end = 1 if len(admins) < 1 or len(admin_list) == 1 else 0 vote_turnout = float(pass_num) / (pass_num + refuse_num) IPBlacklist(voteTurnout=vote_turnout, voteEnd=vote_end).update_by('where id = ?', ip_id) res = IPBlacklistVote(ipId=ip_id, voterId=ctx.request.user.uid,, result=result, reason=reason, createAt=time.time(), updateAt=time.time()).insert() return res
def api_verify(): newwriter_id = ctx.request.get('newWriterId', None) story = int(ctx.request.get('story', 0)) structure = int(ctx.request.get('structure', 0)) character = int(ctx.request.get('character', 0)) market = int(ctx.request.get('market', 0)) if not newwriter_id: error_code = ERROR_CODE['param_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) args = [newwriter_id, ctx.request.user.uid] NewWriterVerifyRecord(status=0, story=story, structure=structure, character=character, market=market).update_by( 'where newWriterId = ? and uid = ?', *args) res = NewWriterVerifyRecord.find_by('where newWriterId = ? and uid != ?', *args) count, state = (story + structure + character + market), True for info in res: if info.status == -1: state = False break count += (info.story + info.structure + info.character + if state: count /= (len(res) + 1) NewWriterPool(id=newwriter_id, status=1, result=count).update() return dict(error=0)
def register_user(): i = ctx.request.input(name='', email='', password='') name = email = password = i.password if not name: raise APIValueError('name') if not email or not _RE_EMAIL.match(email): raise APIValueError('email') if not password or not _RE_MD5.match(password): raise APIValueError('password') user = Users.find_first('where email=?', email) if user: raise APIError('register:failed', 'email', 'Email is already in use.') user = Users(id=next_id(), name=name, email=email, password=password, image='' % hashlib.md5(email).hexdigest()) user.insert() # make session cookie: cookie = make_signed_cookie(, user.password, None) ctx.response.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, cookie) return user
def _detail(): detail_type = ctx.request.get('type', '1') stored_id = ctx.request.get('id') data = {'data': {}} if stored_id: detail_api = _API_HOST + '/api/tools/whiteList?storedIp=%s&token=%s' % ( stored_id, ctx.request.cookies.get('leancloud-token')) res_data = urllib2.urlopen(detail_api) res = res_data.close() data = json.loads(res) if data['code'] != 0: error_code = ERROR_CODE['data_exception_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) params = { 'type': detail_type, 'apiHost': _API_HOST, 'token': ctx.request.cookies.get('leancloud-token'), 'storedIp': stored_id or '' } return dict(data=data['data'], param=params, user=ctx.request.user)
def authenticate(): i = ctx.request.input(remember='') email = password = i.password remember = i.remember user = Users.find_first('where email=?', email) if user is None: raise APIError('auth:failed', 'email', 'Invalid email.') elif user.password != password: raise APIError('auth:failed', 'password', 'Invalid password.') # make session cookie: max_age = 604800 if remember == 'true' else None cookie = make_signed_cookie(, user.password, max_age) ctx.response.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, cookie, max_age=max_age) user.password = '******' return user
def _get_list(api_url): pn = int(ctx.request.get('pn', 1)) rn = int(ctx.request.get('rn', 10)) list_type = ctx.request.get('type', 'open') list_api = _API_HOST + api_url + '?listType=%s&pn=%d&rn=%d&token=%s' % ( list_type, pn - 1, rn, ctx.request.cookies.get('leancloud-token')) res_data = urllib2.urlopen(list_api) res = res_data.close() data = json.loads(res) if data['code'] != 0: error_code = ERROR_CODE['data_exception_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) page = Page(data['count'], pn, rn) params = { 'type': list_type, 'apiHost': _API_HOST, 'token': ctx.request.cookies.get('leancloud-token') } return dict(data=data['data'], page=page.to_dict(), param=params, user=ctx.request.user)
def _blacklist_package(): ip_id = int(ctx.request.get('ipId', 0)) packager_id = ctx.request.get('packagerId', None) uptime = int(ctx.request.get('uptime', 0)) if ctx.request.user.crm.find('4_1_10') == -1: error_code = ERROR_CODE['not_allow_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) info = IPBlacklist.find_first('where id = ?', ip_id) if not info or info.status != 1: error_code = ERROR_CODE['error_operation'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) res = IPBlacklist(status=2, packagerId=packager_id, updateAt=time.time(), uptime=uptime).update_by('where id = ?', ip_id) return res
def _detail_api(): copy_id = ctx.request.get('copyId', False) if not copy_id: error_code = ERROR_CODE['param_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) detail_api = _API_HOST + '/copy/workdetail?copyId=%s&token=%s' % ( copy_id, ctx.request.cookies.get('leancloud-token'), ) res_data = urllib2.urlopen(detail_api) res = res_data.close() data = json.loads(res) if data['errno'] != 0: error_code = ERROR_CODE['data_exception_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) return dict(data=data['data'], user=ctx.request.user)
def api_allot(): if ctx.request.user.crm.find('4_1_7') == -1: error_code = ERROR_CODE['not_allow_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) ip_list = ctx.request.get('ipList', '') admin_list = ctx.request.get('adminList', '') everyone_num = int(ctx.request.get('everyoneNum', 0)) ip_list = ip_list.split(',') admin_list = admin_list.split(',') admins = _allot_method(ip_list, admin_list, everyone_num) try: for admin in admins: for newwriter_id in admin['verifyList']: field = { 'uid': admin['uid'], 'newWriterId': newwriter_id, 'createAt': time.time(), 'updateAt': time.time(), 'status': -1 } NewWriterVerifyRecord(**field).insert() except: error_code = ERROR_CODE['insert_sql_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) update_field = {'type': 1, 'status': 0} new_ip_list = [] for ip in ip_list: new_ip_list.append(str(int(ip))) NewWriterPool(**update_field).update_by('where id in (%s)' % (','.join(new_ip_list), )) return dict(error=0)
def api_verify_result(): newwriter_id = ctx.request.get('newWriterId', None) if not newwriter_id: error_code = ERROR_CODE['param_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) res = _get_verify_result(newwriter_id) param = { 'newWriterId': newwriter_id, } return dict(list=res, param=param, user=ctx.request.user)
def _search_user_info(): key = ctx.request.get('key', None) if not key: error_code = ERROR_CODE['param_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) keys, i = [], 0 while i < 7: keys.append("%" + key + "%") i += 1 where = 'where `username` like ? or `desc` like ? or `company` like ? or `companyShortName` like ? or `person_name` like ? or `person_nickname` like ? or `person_desc` like ?' data = User.find_by(where, *keys) return dict(user=data)
def api_verify_result(): object_id = ctx.request.get('objectId') if not object_id: error_code = ERROR_CODE['param_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) first_res = IPVerify.find_by( 'where verifyType = 1 and objectId = ? order by updateAt ASC', object_id) second_res = IPVerify.find_by( 'where verifyType = 3 and objectId = ? order by updateAt ASC', object_id) third_res = IPVerify.find_by( 'where verifyType = 4 and objectId = ? order by updateAt ASC', object_id) _format_data(first_res), _format_data(second_res), _format_data(third_res) return dict(first=first_res, second=second_res, third=third_res)
def home(): pn = int(ctx.request.get('pn', 1)) rn = int(ctx.request.get('rn', 10)) list_api = _API_HOST + '/copy/workchecklist?pn=%d&rn=%d&token=%s' % ( pn - 1, rn, ctx.request.cookies.get('leancloud-token')) res_data = urllib2.urlopen(list_api) res = res_data.close() data = json.loads(res) if data['errno'] != 0: error_code = ERROR_CODE['data_exception_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) _format_data(data['data']['list']) page = Page(data['data']['count'], pn, rn) return dict(data=data['data'], page=page.to_dict(), user=ctx.request.user)
def _get_verify_list_by_page(verify_type='1', verify_result=None, title=None): page_index, page_size = get_page_info() join = 'as a left join %s as b on a.objectId = b.objectId' % ( IPPool.__table__, ) if title: args = ['%' + title + '%', ctx.request.user.uid] where = '%s where b.title like ? and a.verifyPerson = ?' % (join, ) elif verify_type == '1': if verify_result: args = [verify_result, ctx.request.user.uid] where = '%s where a.verifyType = 1 and a.verifyResult = ? and a.verifyPerson = ?' % ( join, ) else: args = [verify_type, ctx.request.user.uid] where = '%s where a.verifyType = ? and a.verifyPerson = ?' % ( join, ) elif verify_type == '3': if verify_result: args = [verify_result, ctx.request.user.uid] where = '%s where (a.verifyType = 3 or a.verifyType = 4) and a.verifyResult = ? and a.verifyPerson = ?' % ( join, ) else: args = [ctx.request.user.uid] where = '%s where (a.verifyType = 3 or a.verifyType = 4) and a.verifyPerson = ?' % ( join, ) else: error_code = ERROR_CODE['param_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) total = IPSamplingVerify.count_by_field(where, '', *args) page = Page(total, page_index, page_size) where = '%s order by updateAt limit ?,?' % (where, ) args.append(page.offset) args.append(page.limit) lists = IPSamplingVerify.select_by(where, args, [ 'a.*', 'b.verifyType as ipPoolType', 'status', 'b.title', 'b.hasOutline', '', 'b.createAt as publishTime' ]) return lists, page.to_dict()
def _join_blacklist(): ip_id = int(ctx.request.get('ipId', 0)) object_id = ctx.request.get('objectId', None) title = ctx.request.get('title', None) shortcut = ctx.request.get('shortcut', None) if ip_id < 1: error_code = ERROR_CODE['param_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) if ctx.request.user.crm.find('4_1_10') == -1: error_code = ERROR_CODE['not_allow_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) info = IPBlacklist.find_first('where id = ?', ip_id) if info and info.status == -1: raise APIError('8888', "此作品已从黑名单下线,如需上线请联系管理员!", {}) if not shortcut: if not info or info.status != 0: error_code = ERROR_CODE['error_operation'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) return IPBlacklist(status=1, operatorId=ctx.request.user.uid, updateAt=time.time()).update_by( 'where id = ?', ip_id) else: if info: raise APIError('9999', "此作品已在黑名单候选流程中,无需单独添加!", {}) if not object_id or not title: error_code = ERROR_CODE['param_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) return IPBlacklist(id=ip_id, status=1, operatorId=ctx.request.user.uid, updateAt=time.time(), createAt=time.time(), isShortcut=1, title=title, objectId=object_id).insert()
def api_verify(): verify_type = ctx.request.get('verifyType', None) object_id = ctx.request.get('objectId', None) verify_result = ctx.request.get('verifyResult', None) if not ctx.request.user.uid: raise HttpError.seeother('/login') # 如果缺少verify_type,或者object_id,或者verifyResult不等于1或2或3那么抛出参数错误 if not verify_type or not object_id or (verify_result != '1' and verify_result != '2' and verify_result != '3'): error_code = ERROR_CODE['param_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) # 先查一次,看看这个ip是否有效,并且是否被评审过了,如果已经评审了,那么不能修改结果 where = 'where `objectId` = ? and `verifyPerson` = ? and `verifyType` = ?' verify_data = IPSamplingVerify.select_by( where, [object_id, ctx.request.user.uid, verify_type], ['verifyResult']) if not verify_data or 'verifyResult' not in verify_data[ 0] or verify_data[0].verifyResult != 0: error_code = ERROR_CODE['not_allow_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) # 重新修改选题会作品的状态 where = 'where objectId = ?' ip_info = IPPool.find_first(where, *[object_id]) # 一抽过 if verify_type == '1' and verify_result == '1': # 一审过(1,1)or 二审不过(3,2)or 二审复审不过(4,2) or 二评待审(3, 0 || 4, 0) if (ip_info.verifyType == 1 and ip_info.status == 1) or ( ip_info.verifyType == 3 and ip_info.status == 2) or (ip_info.verifyType == 4 and ip_info.status == 2) or ( ip_info.verifyType == 3 and ip_info.status == 1) or ( ip_info.verifyType == 4 and ip_info.status == 1) or (ip_info.verifyType == 3 and ip_info.status == 0) or (ip_info.verifyType == 4 and ip_info.status == 0): pass # 一审不过(1,2) elif ip_info.verifyType == 1 and ip_info.status == 2: IPPool(status=1).update_by(where, *[object_id]) else: raise APIError(99999991, '抽检数据存在异常!', {}) # 一抽不过 elif verify_type == '1' and verify_result == '2': # 一审过(1,1)or 二审不过(3,2)or 二审复审不过(4,2)or 二评待审(3, 0 || 4, 0) if (ip_info.verifyType == 1 and ip_info.status == 1) or ( ip_info.verifyType == 3 and ip_info.status == 2) or (ip_info.verifyType == 4 and ip_info.status == 2): IPPool(verifyType=1, status=2).update_by(where, *[object_id]) # 一审不过(1,2) elif (ip_info.verifyType == 1 and ip_info.status == 2) or (ip_info.verifyType == 3 and ip_info.status == 1) or ( ip_info.verifyType == 4 and ip_info.status == 1) or ( ip_info.verifyType == 3 and ip_info.status == 0) or (ip_info.verifyType == 4 and ip_info.status == 0): pass else: raise APIError(99999992, '抽检数据存在异常!', {}) # 二抽过 elif verify_type == '3' and verify_result == '1': # 一审不过(1,2)or 二审不过(3,2) if (ip_info.verifyType == 1 and ip_info.status == 2) or ( ip_info.verifyType == 3 and ip_info.status == 2) or (ip_info.verifyType == 4 and ip_info.status == 2): ip_verify_type = 4 if ip_info.thirdOldStatus > 0 else 3 IPPool(verifyType=ip_verify_type, status=1).update_by(where, *[object_id]) # 二审过(3,1) elif (ip_info.verifyType == 3 and ip_info.status == 1) or (ip_info.verifyType == 4 and ip_info.status == 1): pass else: raise APIError(99999993, '抽检数据存在异常!', {}) # 二抽不过 elif verify_type == '3' and verify_result == '2': # 一审不过(1,2)or 二审不过(3,2) if (ip_info.verifyType == 1 and ip_info.status == 2) or ( ip_info.verifyType == 3 and ip_info.status == 2) or (ip_info.verifyType == 4 and ip_info.status == 2): pass # 二审过(2,1) elif (ip_info.verifyType == 3 and ip_info.status == 1) or (ip_info.verifyType == 4 and ip_info.status == 1): IPPool(status=2).update_by(where, *[object_id]) else: raise APIError(99999994, '抽检数据存在异常!', {}) # 复审二抽过 elif verify_type == '4' and verify_result == '1': # 一审不过(1,2)or 二审复审不过(4,2) if (ip_info.verifyType == 1 and ip_info.status == 2) or (ip_info.verifyType == 4 and ip_info.status == 2): IPPool(verifyType=4, status=1).update_by(where, *[object_id]) # 二审复审过(4,1) elif ip_info.verifyType == 4 and ip_info.status == 1: pass else: raise APIError(99999995, '抽检数据存在异常!', {}) # 复审二抽不过 elif verify_type == '4' and verify_result == '2': # 一审不过(1,2)or 二审复审不过(4,2) if (ip_info.verifyType == 1 and ip_info.status == 2) or (ip_info.verifyType == 4 and ip_info.status == 2): pass # 二审复审过(3,1) elif ip_info.verifyType == 4 and ip_info.status == 1: IPPool(status=2).update_by(where, *[object_id]) else: raise APIError(99999996, '抽检数据存在异常!', {}) where = 'where `objectId` = ? and `verifyPerson` = ? and `verifyType` = ?' ip_verify = IPSamplingVerify(verifyResult=verify_result, updateAt=time.time()) res = ip_verify.update_by(where, object_id, ctx.request.user.uid, verify_type) # 判断下返回的结果是不是存在问题 if not hasattr(res, 'verifyResult') or res.verifyResult != verify_result: IPPool(verifyType=ip_info.verifyType, status=ip_info.status).update_by(where, *[object_id]) error_code = ERROR_CODE['update_sql_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) return res
def api_verify(): verify_type = ctx.request.get('verifyType', None) object_id = ctx.request.get('objectId', None) verify_result = ctx.request.get('verifyResult', None) if not ctx.request.user.uid: raise HttpError.seeother('/login') # 如果缺少verify_type,或者object_id,或者verifyResult不等于1或2那么抛出参数错误 if not verify_type or not object_id or (verify_result != '1' and verify_result != '2'): error_code = ERROR_CODE['param_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) # 先查一次,看看这个ip是否有效,并且是否被评审过了,如果已经评审了,那么不能修改结果 where = 'where `objectId` = ? and `adminId` = ? and `verifyType` = ?' verify_data = IPVerify.select_by( where, [object_id, ctx.request.user.uid, verify_type], ['verifyResult']) if not verify_data or 'verifyResult' not in verify_data[ 0] or verify_data[0].verifyResult != 0: error_code = ERROR_CODE['not_allow_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) # 如果是未评审过的,那么可以放心大胆的修改状态了 ip_verify = IPVerify(verifyResult=verify_result, updateAt=time.time()) res = ip_verify.update_by(where, object_id, ctx.request.user.uid, verify_type) # 判断下返回的结果是不是存在问题,好安心执行下面的操作 if not hasattr(res, 'verifyResult') or res.verifyResult != verify_result: error_code = ERROR_CODE['update_sql_error'] raise APIError(error_code, ERROR_MESSAGE[error_code], {}) # 获取其他人的评审记录 select_where = 'where `objectId` = ? and `adminId` != ? and `verifyType` = ?' verify_list = IPVerify.find_by(select_where, object_id, ctx.request.user.uid, verify_type) pass_count, not_pass_count = 0, 0 if verify_result == '1': pass_count += 1 else: not_pass_count += 1 for item in verify_list: if item.verifyResult == 0: # 如果有没评审完的人,那么停止操作,返回上面的更新结果 return res elif item.verifyResult == 1: pass_count += 1 else: not_pass_count += 1 # 计算下多人的评审结果,顺便将ipPools表的状态也改一下 old_status_field = { '1': 'firstOldStatus', '3': 'secondOldStatus', '4': 'thirdOldStatus' }[verify_type] final_result = 1 if pass_count > not_pass_count else 2 field = { 'status': final_result, old_status_field: final_result, 'updateAt': time.time() } where = 'where objectId = ? and verifyType = ?' update_info = IPPool(**field).update_by(where, object_id, verify_type) res.ipPoolsInfo = update_info return res