def before_request(): """Make sure we are connected to the database each request and look up the current user so that we know he's there. """ g.redis = app.redis g.user = None if request.path.startswith('/static/'): return ua = httpagentparser.detect(request.user_agent.string) g.useragent = ua g.using_html5 = False if 'dist' in ua and ua['dist'].get('name', '').lower() in ['iphone', 'ipad', 'macintosh'] \ and 'browser' in ua and ua['browser'].get('name', '').lower() in ['safari']: g.using_html5 = True if 'user_id' in session: g.user = f.load_user(session['user_id']) if g.user and 'guide_step' in g.user.extra and not request.path.startswith('/guide/') and not request.path.startswith('/m/'): p = None if request.referrer: parsedurl = urlparse(request.referrer) p = parsedurl.path if request.path == "/logout/": pass elif not p or not p.startswith('/guide/'): return redirect('/guide/')
def before_request(): """Make sure we are connected to the database each request and look up the current user so that we know he's there. """ g.redis = app.redis g.user = None if request.path.startswith('/static/'): return ua = httpagentparser.detect(request.user_agent.string) g.useragent = ua g.using_html5 = False if 'dist' in ua and ua['dist'].get('name', '').lower() in ['iphone', 'ipad', 'macintosh'] \ and 'browser' in ua and ua['browser'].get('name', '').lower() in ['safari']: g.using_html5 = True if 'user_id' in session: g.user = f.load_user(session['user_id']) if g.user and 'guide_step' in g.user.extra and not request.path.startswith( '/guide/') and not request.path.startswith('/m/'): p = None if request.referrer: parsedurl = urlparse(request.referrer) p = parsedurl.path if request.path == "/logout/": pass elif not p or not p.startswith('/guide/'): return redirect('/guide/')
def login_wrapped(*argt, **argd): if g.user is None: return redirect(url_for('mobile.m_login', next=request.url)) if g.user.isparent: return redirect(url_for('mobile.m_selectchild')) g.parent = None if 'parent_id' in session: import lib.functions as f g.parent = f.load_user(session['parent_id']) ret = fn(*argt, **argd) return ret