def test_file(self): """Function: test_file Description: Test file log. Arguments: """ self.argv_list.extend(["-f", self.log_file2, "-o", self.test_out]) cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) cmdline.argv = self.argv_list with gen_libs.no_std_out(): check_log.main() if os.path.isfile(self.test_out): with open(self.test_out) as f_hdlr: out_str = self.assertEqual( out_str, "This is the sixth line\nThis is the seventh line\n") else: self.assertTrue(False)
def test_initate_dump_i_option(self): """Function: test_initate_dump_i_option Description: Test initiate dump call -i option. Arguments: """ cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) els = elastic_class.ElasticSearchDump(, self.cfg.port) self.argv_list.append("-D") self.argv_list.append(self.cfg.repo_name) self.argv_list.append("-i") self.argv_list.append( str([x.split() for x in][0][2])) cmdline.argv = self.argv_list self.elr = elastic_class.ElasticSearchRepo(, self.cfg.port) _, _ = self.elr.create_repo( self.cfg.repo_name, os.path.join(self.cfg.repo_dir, self.cfg.repo_name)) elastic_db_dump.main() dir_path = os.path.join(self.cfg.phy_repo_dir, self.cfg.repo_name, "indices") # Count number of databases/indices dumped to repository. cnt = len([ name for name in os.listdir(dir_path) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dir_path, name)) ]) self.assertEqual(cnt, 1)
def test_main_repo_mongo(self, mock_date, mock_host, mock_data): """Function: test_main_repo_mongo Description: Test writing to Mongo database for repo option. Arguments: """ mock_date.datetime.strftime.return_value = self.time_str mock_data.return_value = self.repo_data mock_host.return_value = self.hostname cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) self.argv_list3.append("-R") cmdline.argv = self.argv_list3 package_admin.main() mongo = mongo_libs.crt_coll_inst(self.mongo_cfg, self.dbn, self.tbl) mongo.connect() status = \ True if mongo.coll_find1()["Server"] == self.hostname else False mongo_libs.disconnect([mongo]) self.assertTrue(status)
def run_program(args_array, func_dict, **kwargs): """Function: run_program Description: Creates class instance and controls flow of the program. Create a program lock to prevent other instantiations from running. Arguments: (input) args_array -> Dict of command line options and values. (input) func_dict -> Dictionary list of functions and options. """ cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) args_array = dict(args_array) func_dict = dict(func_dict) cfg = gen_libs.load_module(args_array["-c"], args_array["-d"]) hostname = socket.gethostname().strip().split(".")[0] try: prog_lock = gen_class.ProgramLock(cmdline.argv, hostname) # Find which functions to call. for opt in set(args_array.keys()) & set(func_dict.keys()): els = elastic_class.ElasticSearchRepo(, cfg.port, repo=args_array.get("-L")) func_dict[opt](els, args_array=args_array, **kwargs) del prog_lock except gen_class.SingleInstanceException: print("WARNING: elastic_db_repo lock in place for: %s" % (hostname))
def main(): """Function: main Description: Initializes program-wide used variables and processes command line arguments and values. Variables: opt_multi_list -> contains the options that will have multiple values. opt_req_list -> contains the options that are required for the program. opt_val_list -> contains options which require values. Arguments: (input) argv -> Arguments from the command line. """ cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) file_chk_list = ["-i"] opt_multi_list = ["-t", "-s"] opt_req_list = ["-s", "-t"] opt_val_list = ["-s", "-t", "-f", "-i"] # Process argument list from command line. args_array = arg_parser.arg_parse2(cmdline.argv, opt_val_list, multi_val=opt_multi_list) if not gen_libs.help_func(args_array, __version__, help_message) \ and not arg_parser.arg_require(args_array, opt_req_list) \ and not arg_parser.arg_file_chk(args_array, file_chk_list): run_program(args_array)
def main(): """Function: main Description: Initializes program-wide used variables and processes command line arguments and values. Variables: dir_chk_list -> contains options which will be directories. opt_req_list -> contains options that are required for the program. opt_val_list -> contains options which require values. Arguments: (input) argv -> Arguments from the command line. """ cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) dir_chk_list = ["-d"] opt_req_list = ["-c", "-d"] opt_val_list = ["-c", "-d"] # Process argument list from command line. args_array = arg_parser.arg_parse2(cmdline.argv, opt_val_list) if not gen_libs.help_func(args_array, __version__, help_message): if gen_libs.root_run(): if not arg_parser.arg_require(args_array, opt_req_list) \ and not arg_parser.arg_dir_chk_crt(args_array, dir_chk_list): run_program(args_array) else: print("Error: Must run program as root.")
def main(**kwargs): """Function: main Description: Initializes program-wide variables and processes command line arguments and values. Variables: dir_chk_list -> contains options which will be directories. func_dict -> dictionary list for the function calls or other options. opt_req_list -> contains options that are required for the program. opt_val_list -> contains options which require values. Arguments: (input) sys.argv -> Arguments from the command line. (input) **kwargs: argv_list -> List of arguments from another program. """ cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) cmdline.argv = list(kwargs.get("argv_list", cmdline.argv)) dir_chk_list = ["-d"] func_dict = {"-M": monitor_queue} opt_req_list = ["-c", "-d"] opt_val_list = ["-c", "-d"] # Process argument list from command line. args_array = arg_parser.arg_parse2(cmdline.argv, opt_val_list) if not gen_libs.help_func(args_array, __version__, help_message) \ and not arg_parser.arg_require(args_array, opt_req_list) \ and not arg_parser.arg_dir_chk_crt(args_array, dir_chk_list): run_program(args_array, func_dict)
def run_program(args_array, **kwargs): """Function: run_program Description: Creates class instance and controls flow of the program. Create a program lock to prevent other instantiations from running. Arguments: (input) args_array -> Dictionary of command line options and values. """ cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) args_array = dict(args_array) cfg = gen_libs.load_module(args_array["-c"], args_array["-d"]) server = gen_class.System() server.set_host_name() try: prog_lock = gen_class.ProgramLock(cmdline.argv, server.host_name) proc_data = get_svr_info(server) proc_data.update(get_svr_mem()) proc_data["processes"] = get_proc_mem(cfg.memory_threshold) post_process(proc_data, args_array, cfg) del prog_lock except gen_class.SingleInstanceException: print("WARNING: server_usage lock in place for: %s" % (server.host_name))
def main(): """Function: main Description: Initializes program-wide used variables and processes command line arguments and values. Variables: dir_chk_list -> contains options which will be directories. file_chk_list -> contains the options which will have files included. file_crt_list -> contains options which require files to be created. func_dict -> dictionary list for the function calls or other options. opt_con_req_list -> contains the options that require other options. opt_def_dict -> contains options with their default values. opt_or_dict_list -> contains list of options that are OR and required. opt_req_list -> contains the options that are required for the program. opt_val_list -> contains options which require values. Arguments: (input) argv -> Arguments from the command line. """ cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) dir_chk_list = ["-d", "-p"] file_chk_list = ["-o"] file_crt_list = ["-o"] func_dict = {"-A": ["-C", "-S", "-E", "-T", "-O"], "-B": rpt_mst_log, "-D": rpt_slv_log, "-C": chk_mst_log, "-S": chk_slv_thr, "-E": chk_slv_err, "-T": chk_slv_time, "-O": chk_slv_other} opt_con_req_list = {"-b": ["-m"], "-u": ["-t"], "-A": ["-s"], "-B": ["-c"], "-C": ["-c", "-s"], "-D": ["-s"], "-E": ["-s"], "-O": ["-s"], "-T": ["-c", "-s"]} opt_def_dict = {"-b": "sysmon:mysql_rep_lag"} opt_multi_list = ["-u", "-t"] opt_or_dict_list = {"-c": ["-s"]} opt_req_list = ["-d"] opt_val_list = ["-d", "-c", "-p", "-s", "-o", "-b", "-m", "-u", "-t", "-y"] # Process argument list from command line. args_array = arg_parser.arg_parse2(cmdline.argv, opt_val_list, opt_def_dict, multi_val=opt_multi_list) if not gen_libs.help_func(args_array, __version__, help_message) \ and arg_parser.arg_req_or_lst(args_array, opt_or_dict_list) \ and not arg_parser.arg_require(args_array, opt_req_list) \ and arg_parser.arg_cond_req(args_array, opt_con_req_list) \ and not arg_parser.arg_dir_chk_crt(args_array, dir_chk_list) \ and not arg_parser.arg_file_chk(args_array, file_chk_list, file_crt_list): try: proglock = gen_class.ProgramLock(cmdline.argv, args_array.get("-y", "")) run_program(args_array, func_dict) del proglock except gen_class.SingleInstanceException: print("WARNING: lock in place for mysql_rep_admin with id of: %s" % (args_array.get("-y", "")))
def test_stdin_marker_empty(self, mock_atty): """Function: test_stdin_marker_empty Description: Test with standard in with an empty marker file. Arguments: """ mock_atty.isatty.return_value = False self.argv_list.extend([ "-o", self.test_out, "-n", "-z", "-m", os.path.join(self.test_path, self.base_marker3) ]) cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) cmdline.argv = self.argv_list check_log.main() if os.path.isfile(self.test_out): with open(self.test_out) as f_hdlr: out_str = self.assertEqual(out_str, "Line one\nLine two") else: self.assertTrue(False)
def test_main_repo_mongo_file(self, mock_date, mock_host, mock_data, mock_distro): """Function: test_main_repo_mongo_file Description: Test writing to Mongo database and to a file for repo option. Arguments: """ mock_date.datetime.strftime.return_value = self.time_str mock_data.return_value = self.repo_data mock_host.return_value = self.hostname mock_distro.return_value = self.distro cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) self.argv_list.append("-R") cmdline.argv = self.argv_list package_admin.main() mongo = mongo_libs.crt_coll_inst(self.mongo_cfg, self.dbn, self.tbl) mongo.connect() if mongo.coll_find1()["Server"] == self.hostname: status = filecmp.cmp(self.out_file, self.repo_non_json_file) else: status = False mongo_libs.disconnect([mongo]) self.assertTrue(status)
def main(): """Function: main Description: Initializes program-wide used variables and processes command line arguments and values. Variables: dir_chk_list -> contains options which will be directories. func_dict -> dictionary list for the function calls or other options. opt_req_list -> contains options that are required for the program. opt_val_list -> contains options which require values. opt_xor_dict -> contains dict with key that is xor with it's values. Arguments: (input) argv -> Arguments from the command line. """ cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) dir_chk_list = ["-d"] func_dict = {"-M": process_message, "-C": check_nonprocess} opt_req_list = ["-c", "-d"] opt_val_list = ["-c", "-d", "-y"] opt_xor_dict = {"-M": ["-C"], "-C": ["-M"]} # Process argument list from command line. args_array = arg_parser.arg_parse2(cmdline.argv, opt_val_list) if not gen_libs.help_func(args_array, __version__, help_message) \ and not arg_parser.arg_require(args_array, opt_req_list) \ and arg_parser.arg_xor_dict(args_array, opt_xor_dict) \ and not arg_parser.arg_dir_chk_crt(args_array, dir_chk_list): run_program(args_array, func_dict)
def test_main_repo_file_json(self, mock_date, mock_host, mock_data, mock_distro): """Function: test_main_repo_file_json Description: Test writing to file in JSON format for repo option. Arguments: """ mock_date.datetime.strftime.return_value = self.time_str mock_data.return_value = self.repo_data mock_host.return_value = self.hostname mock_distro.return_value = self.distro cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) self.argv_list2.append("-R") self.argv_list2.append("-f") cmdline.argv = self.argv_list2 package_admin.main() status = filecmp.cmp(self.out_file, self.repo_json_file) self.assertTrue(status)
def run_program(args_array, func_dict, **kwargs): """Function: run_program Description: Creates class instance and controls flow of the program. Create a program lock to prevent other instantiations from running. Arguments: (input) args_array -> Dict of command line options and values. (input) func_dict -> Dictionary list of functions and options. (input) **kwargs: status_call -> Contains class method names for the '-D' option. check_call -> Contains class method names for the '-C' option. """ cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) args_array = dict(args_array) func_dict = dict(func_dict) cfg = gen_libs.load_module(args_array["-c"], args_array["-d"]) try: prog_lock = gen_class.ProgramLock(cmdline.argv, # Intersect args_array & func_dict to find which functions to call. for opt in set(args_array.keys()) & set(func_dict.keys()): els = elastic_class.ElasticSearchStatus(, cfg.port, **kwargs) func_dict[opt](els, args_array=args_array, cfg=cfg, **kwargs) del prog_lock except gen_class.SingleInstanceException: print("Warning: elastic_db_admin lock in place for: %s" % (
def setUp(self): """Function: setUp Description: Initialization for unit testing. Arguments: """ rem = gen_libs.get_inst(re) self.master = Server() self.slave = Slave() self.filehandler = ["binlog1"] self.binlog_files = [{"Log_name": "binlog1"}, {"Log_name": "binlog2"}] self.binlog_files2 = [{ "Log_name": "binlog1" }, { "Log_name": "binlog2" }, { "Log_name": "binlog3" }] self.opt_arg_list = ["--force-read", "--read-from-remote-server"] self.start_dt = "start_datetime_format" self.stop_dt = "end_datetime_format" self.fetch_log = ["data line here"] self.match1 = rem.match(r"(?P<type>\w+)\s+(?P<epos>\w+)", "Start line") self.match2 = rem.match(r"(?P<type>\w+)\s+(?P<epos>\w+)", "Query 123")
def test_create_repo(self): """Function: test_create_repo Description: Test create repo call. Arguments: """ cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) self.argv_list.append("-C") self.argv_list.append(self.repo_name) self.argv_list.append("-l") self.argv_list.append(self.repo_dir) cmdline.argv = self.argv_list elastic_db_repo.main() self.els = elastic_class.ElasticSearchRepo(, self.cfg.port, repo=self.repo_name) if self.repo_name in self.els.repo_dict: status = True else: status = False self.assertTrue(status)
def test_list_dumps(self): """Function: test_list_dumps Description: Test list dumps call. Arguments: """ global SKIP_PRINT global PRT_TEMPLATE global ERROR_PRINT cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) self.argv_list.append("-L") self.argv_list.append(self.repo_name) cmdline.argv = self.argv_list self.els = elastic_class.ElasticSearchRepo(, self.cfg.port) status, msg = self.els.create_repo(self.repo_name, self.repo_dir) if status: print(ERROR_PRINT) print(PRT_TEMPLATE % (msg)) self.skipTest(SKIP_PRINT) with gen_libs.no_std_out(): self.assertFalse(elastic_db_repo.main())
def test_disk_usage(self): """Function: test_disk_usage Description: Test disk usage call. Arguments: """ global SKIP_PRINT global PRT_TEMPLATE global ERROR_PRINT cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) self.argv_list.append("-U") cmdline.argv = self.argv_list self.els = elastic_class.ElasticSearchRepo(, self.cfg.port) status, msg = self.els.create_repo(self.repo_name, self.repo_dir) if status: print(ERROR_PRINT) print(PRT_TEMPLATE % (msg)) self.skipTest(SKIP_PRINT) # Wait until the repo dir has been created. while True: if not os.path.isdir(self.phy_repo_dir): time.sleep(1) else: break with gen_libs.no_std_out(): self.assertFalse(elastic_db_repo.main())
def main(): """Function: main Description: Initializes program-wide used variables and processes command line arguments and values. Variables: dir_chk_list -> contains options which will be directories. func_dict -> dictionary list for the function calls or other options. opt_con_req_list -> contains the options that require other options. xor_noreq_list -> contains options that are XOR, but are not required. ord_prec_array -> holds options in order of precedence to be executed. opt_req_list -> contains the options that are required for the program. opt_val_list -> contains options which require values. Arguments: (input) argv -> Arguments from the command line. """ cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) dir_chk_list = ["-d", "-l", "-o"] func_dict = { "-F": flush_log_bkp, "-K": missing_log, "-M": bkp_log_miss, "-A": bkp_log_all, "-S": purge_log_day, "-R": purge_log_name } opt_con_req_list = { "-F": ["-o", "-l"], "-M": ["-o", "-l"], "-A": ["-o", "-l"], "-K": ["-o"] } xor_noreq_list = {"-S": "-R", "-M": "-A"} ord_prec_list = ["-F", "-K", "-M", "-A", "-S", "-R"] opt_req_list = ["-c", "-d"] opt_val_list = ["-c", "-d", "-l", "-o", "-R", "-S", "-y"] # Process argument list from command line. args_array = arg_parser.arg_parse2(cmdline.argv, opt_val_list) if not gen_libs.help_func(args_array, __version__, help_message) \ and not arg_parser.arg_require(args_array, opt_req_list) \ and arg_parser.arg_noreq_xor(args_array, xor_noreq_list) \ and arg_parser.arg_cond_req(args_array, opt_con_req_list) \ and not arg_parser.arg_dir_chk_crt(args_array, dir_chk_list): try: prog_lock = gen_class.ProgramLock(cmdline.argv, args_array.get("-y", "")) run_program(args_array, func_dict, ord_prec_list) del prog_lock except gen_class.SingleInstanceException: print("WARNING: lock in place for mysql_binlog with id of: %s" % (args_array.get("-y", "")))
def main(): """Function: main Description: Initializes program-wide variables, processes command line arguments, sets up pidfile, and contols the running of the daemon. Variables: opt_req_list -> contains options that are required for the program. opt_val_list -> contains options which require values. Arguments: (input) sys.argv -> Arguments from the command line. """ cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) opt_val_list = ["-a", "-c", "-d"] opt_req_list = ["-a", "-c", "-d"] proc_name = "daemon_rmq_2_sy" # Process argument list from command line. args_array = arg_parser.arg_parse2(cmdline.argv, opt_val_list) f_name = "rmq2sysmon_daemon_" + args_array.get("-c", "") + ".pid" pid_file = os.path.join(gen_libs.get_base_dir(__file__), "tmp", f_name) daemon = Rmq2SysmonDaemon(pid_file, argv_list=cmdline.argv) if not arg_parser.arg_require(args_array, opt_req_list): if args_array["-a"] == "start": if os.path.isfile(pid_file) and is_active(pid_file, proc_name): print("Warning: Pidfile %s exists and process is running." % (pid_file)) elif os.path.isfile(pid_file): os.remove(pid_file) daemon.start() else: daemon.start() elif args_array["-a"] == "stop": daemon.stop() elif args_array["-a"] == "restart": daemon.restart() else: print("Unknown command") sys.exit(2) sys.exit(0) else: print("Usage: %s -a start|stop|restart -c module -d directory/config \ {rmq_2_sysmon options}" % cmdline.argv[0]) sys.exit(2)
def main(): """Function: main Description: Initializes program-wide used variables and processes command line arguments and values. Variables: dir_chk_list -> contains options which will be directories. ign_db_tbl -> contains list of databases and tables to be ignored. opt_con_req_list -> contains the options that require other options. opt_multi_list -> contains the options that will have multiple values. opt_req_list -> contains the options that are required for the program. opt_req_xor_list -> contains a list of options that are required XOR. opt_val_list -> contains options which require values. sys_ign_db -> contains a list of system databases to be ignored. Arguments: (input) argv -> Arguments from the command line. """ cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) dir_chk_list = ["-d"] ign_db_tbl = { "mysql": [ "innodb_index_stats", "innodb_table_stats", "slave_master_info", "slave_relay_log_info", "slave_worker_info" ] } opt_con_req_list = {"-t": ["-B"], "-s": ["-e"], "-u": ["-e"]} opt_multi_list = ["-B", "-e", "-s", "-t"] opt_req_list = ["-r", "-c", "-d"] opt_req_xor_list = {"-A": "-B"} opt_val_list = ["-r", "-c", "-d", "-e", "-s", "-y"] sys_ign_db = ["performance_schema", "information_schema"] # Process argument list from command line. args_array = arg_parser.arg_parse2(cmdline.argv, opt_val_list, multi_val=opt_multi_list) if not gen_libs.help_func(args_array, __version__, help_message) \ and arg_parser.arg_req_xor(args_array, opt_req_xor_list) \ and not arg_parser.arg_require(args_array, opt_req_list) \ and arg_parser.arg_cond_req(args_array, opt_con_req_list) \ and not arg_parser.arg_dir_chk_crt(args_array, dir_chk_list): try: prog_lock = gen_class.ProgramLock(cmdline.argv, args_array.get("-y", "")) run_program(args_array, sys_ign_db, ign_db_tbl=ign_db_tbl) del prog_lock except gen_class.SingleInstanceException: print("WARNING: lock in place for mysql_rep_cmp with id of: %s" % (args_array.get("-y", "")))
def fetch_binlog(server, start_dt=None, stop_dt=None, binlog_files=None, opt_arg_list=None, bin_path="", **kwargs): """Function: fetch_binlog Description: Returns a list of binary log entries based on the binary log file names passed and/or the start and/or stop datetimes. Returns the entries as a file. Arguments: (input) server -> Server instance. (input) start_dt -> Start datetime. (input) stop_dr -> Stop datetime. (input) binlog_files -> List of binary log names. (input) opt_arg_list -> Arguments to be added to command line. (input) bin_path -> Path to Mysql binary directory. (output) -> File handler to list of log entries. """ subp = gen_libs.get_inst(subprocess) if opt_arg_list is None: opt_arg_list = list() else: opt_arg_list = list(opt_arg_list) if binlog_files is None: # List of binary logs. binlog_files = [ row["Log_name"] for row in mysql_libs.fetch_logs(server) ] else: binlog_files = list(binlog_files) cmd = mysql_libs.crt_cmd(server, bin_path + "mysqlbinlog") if opt_arg_list: for arg in opt_arg_list: cmd = cmds_gen.add_cmd(cmd, arg=arg) if start_dt: cmd = cmds_gen.add_cmd(cmd, arg="--start-datetime=%s" % (start_dt)) if stop_dt: cmd = cmds_gen.add_cmd(cmd, arg="--stop-datetime=%s" % (stop_dt)) # Return a file handler with log entries. return iter(subp.Popen(cmd + binlog_files, stdout=subp.PIPE).stdout)
def main(): """Function: main Description: Initializes program-wide used variables and processes command line arguments and values. Variables: file_chk_list -> contains the options which will have files included. file_crt_list -> contains options which require files to be created. opt_con_req_dict -> contains options requiring other options. opt_multi_list -> contains the options that will have multiple values. opt_val_list -> contains options which require values. opt_valid_val -> contains options with their valid values. Arguments: (input) argv -> Arguments from the command line. """ file_chk_list = ["-f", "-i", "-m", "-F"] file_crt_list = ["-m"] opt_con_req_dict = {"-c": ["-m"], "-s": ["-t"]} opt_multi_list = ["-f", "-s", "-t", "-S"] opt_val_list = ["-i", "-m", "-o", "-s", "-t", "-y", "-F", "-S", "-k", "-g"] opt_valid_val = {"-k": ["and", "or"], "-g": ["a", "w"]} cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) # Process argument list from command line. args_array = arg_parser.arg_parse2(cmdline.argv, opt_val_list, multi_val=opt_multi_list) # Set default search logic. if "-S" in args_array.keys() and "-k" not in args_array.keys(): args_array["-k"] = "or" # Set default write file mode. if "-g" not in args_array.keys(): args_array["-g"] = "w" if not gen_libs.help_func(args_array, __version__, help_message) \ and arg_parser.arg_cond_req_or(args_array, opt_con_req_dict) \ and not arg_parser.arg_file_chk(args_array, file_chk_list, file_crt_list) \ and arg_parser.arg_valid_val(args_array, opt_valid_val): try: prog_lock = gen_class.ProgramLock(cmdline.argv, args_array.get("-y", "")) run_program(args_array) del prog_lock except gen_class.SingleInstanceException: print("WARNING: lock in place for check_log with id of: %s" % (args_array.get("-y", "")))
def run_program(args_array, func_dict, **kwargs): """Function: run_program Description: Creates class instance and controls flow of the program. Set a program lock to prevent other instantiations from running. Arguments: (input) args_array -> Dict of command line options and values. (input) func_dict -> Dict of function calls and associated options. """ cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) args_array = dict(args_array) func_dict = dict(func_dict) cfg = gen_libs.load_module(args_array["-c"], args_array["-d"]) cfg.mongo = gen_libs.load_module(cfg.mongo_cfg, args_array["-d"]) cfg, status_flag, err_msg = validate_create_settings(cfg) if status_flag: log = gen_class.Logger(cfg.log_file, cfg.log_file, "INFO", "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") str_val = "=" * 80 log.log_info("%s:%s Initialized" % (, cfg.exchange_name)) log.log_info("%s" % (str_val)) log.log_info("Exchange Name: %s" % (cfg.exchange_name)) log.log_info("Queue Configuration:") for queue in cfg.queue_list: log.log_info("\tQueue Name: %s, Routing Key: %s" % (queue["queue"], queue["routing_key"])) log.log_info("To Email: %s" % (cfg.to_line)) log.log_info("%s" % (str_val)) try: flavor_id = cfg.exchange_name prog_lock = gen_class.ProgramLock(cmdline.argv, flavor_id) # Intersect args_array & func_dict to find which functions to call. for opt in set(args_array.keys()) & set(func_dict.keys()): func_dict[opt](cfg, log, **kwargs) del prog_lock except gen_class.SingleInstanceException: log.log_warn("rmq_metadata lock in place for: %s" % (flavor_id)) log.log_close() else: print("Error: Problem in configuration file or directory setup.") print(err_msg)
def main(): """Function: main Description: Initializes program-wide used variables and processes command line arguments and values. Variables: dir_chk_list -> contains options which will be directories. func_dict -> dictionary list for the function calls or other options. opt_arg_list -> contains arguments to add to command line by default. opt_con_req_list -> contains the options that require other options. opt_req_list -> contains the options that are required for the program. opt_val_list -> contains options which require values. opt_valid_val -> contains list of types of values to be validated. opt_xor_dict -> contains options which are XOR with its values. Arguments: (input) argv -> Arguments from the command line. """ cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) dir_chk_list = ["-d", "-p"] func_dict = {"-L": fetch_log_pos, "-D": fetch_log_entries, "-R": load_log} opt_arg_list = ["--force-read", "--read-from-remote-server"] opt_con_req_list = {"-R": ["-e"]} opt_req_list = ["-c", "-d"] opt_val_list = ["-c", "-e", "-d", "-f", "-g", "-p", "-s", "-t", "-y"] opt_valid_val = { "-s": gen_libs.validate_date, "-t": gen_libs.validate_date } opt_xor_dict = {"-L": ["-D", "-R"], "-D": ["-L", "-R"], "-R": ["-D", "-L"]} # Process argument list from command line. args_array = arg_parser.arg_parse2(cmdline.argv, opt_val_list) if not gen_libs.help_func(args_array, __version__, help_message) \ and not arg_parser.arg_require(args_array, opt_req_list) \ and arg_parser.arg_xor_dict(args_array, opt_xor_dict) \ and not arg_parser.arg_dir_chk_crt(args_array, dir_chk_list) \ and arg_parser.arg_validate(args_array, opt_valid_val) \ and arg_parser.arg_cond_req(args_array, opt_con_req_list): try: prog_lock = gen_class.ProgramLock(cmdline.argv, args_array.get("-y", "")) run_program(args_array, func_dict, opt_arg_list) del prog_lock except gen_class.SingleInstanceException: print( "WARNING: lock in place for mysql_log_admin with id of: %s" % (args_array.get("-y", "")))
def main(): """Function: main Description: Initializes program-wide used variables and processes command line arguments and values. Variables: dir_chk_list -> contains options which will be directories. func_dict -> dictionary list for the function calls or other options. opt_req_list -> contains the options that are required for the program. opt_val_list -> contains options which require values. opt_xor_dict -> contains dict with key that is xor with it's values. Arguments: (input) argv -> Arguments from the command line. """ cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) dir_chk_list = ["-d"] func_dict = { "-B": show_best_slave, "-D": show_slave_delays, "-F": promote_best_slave, "-G": promote_designated_slave } opt_req_list = ["-d", "-s"] opt_val_list = ["-d", "-s", "-G", "-y"] opt_xor_dict = { "-B": ["-D", "-F", "-G"], "-D": ["-B", "-F", "-G"], "-F": ["-B", "-D", "-G"], "-G": ["-B", "-D", "-F"] } # Process argument list from command line. args_array = arg_parser.arg_parse2(cmdline.argv, opt_val_list) if not gen_libs.help_func(args_array, __version__, help_message) \ and not arg_parser.arg_require(args_array, opt_req_list) \ and arg_parser.arg_xor_dict(args_array, opt_xor_dict) \ and not arg_parser.arg_dir_chk_crt(args_array, dir_chk_list): try: prog_lock = gen_class.ProgramLock(cmdline.argv, args_array.get("-y", "")) run_program(args_array, func_dict) del prog_lock except gen_class.SingleInstanceException: print( "WARNING: Lock in place for mysql_rep_failover with id: %s" % (args_array.get("-y", "")))
def main(): """Function: main Description: Initializes program-wide used variables and processes command line arguments and values. Variables: dir_chk_list -> contains options which will be directories. func_dict -> dictionary list for the function calls or other options. opt_con_req_dict -> contains options requiring other options. opt_multi_list -> contains the options that will have multiple values. opt_req_list -> contains options that are required for the program. opt_val -> List of options that allow 0 or 1 value for option. opt_val_list -> contains options which require values. opt_xor_dict -> contains dict with key that is xor with it's values. Arguments: (input) argv -> Arguments from the command line. """ cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) dir_chk_list = ["-d"] func_dict = { "-C": create_repo, "-D": initate_dump, "-L": list_dumps, "-R": list_repos } opt_con_req_dict = {"-C": ["-l"], "-i": ["-D"]} opt_multi_list = ["-i"] opt_req_list = ["-c", "-d"] opt_val = ["-D", "-L"] opt_val_list = ["-c", "-d", "-i", "-l", "-C"] opt_xor_dict = { "-C": ["-D", "-L", "-R"], "-D": ["-C", "-L", "-R"], "-L": ["-C", "-D", "-R"], "-R": ["-C", "-D", "-L"] } # Process argument list from command line. args_array = arg_parser.arg_parse2(cmdline.argv, opt_val_list, opt_val=opt_val, multi_val=opt_multi_list) if not gen_libs.help_func(args_array, __version__, help_message) \ and not arg_parser.arg_require(args_array, opt_req_list) \ and arg_parser.arg_xor_dict(args_array, opt_xor_dict) \ and arg_parser.arg_cond_req_or(args_array, opt_con_req_dict) \ and not arg_parser.arg_dir_chk_crt(args_array, dir_chk_list): run_program(args_array, func_dict)
def test_delete_dump(self): """Function: test_delete_dump Description: Test delete dump call. Arguments: """ global SKIP_PRINT global PRT_TEMPLATE global ERROR_PRINT cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) self.els = elastic_class.ElasticSearchRepo(, self.cfg.port) status, msg = self.els.create_repo(self.repo_name, self.repo_dir) if status: print(ERROR_PRINT) print(PRT_TEMPLATE % (msg)) self.skipTest(SKIP_PRINT) els = elastic_class.ElasticSearchDump(, repo=self.repo_name) els.dump_name = self.dump_name status, msg = els.dump_db() if status: print("Error detected for dump in repository: %s" % (self.repo_name)) print(PRT_TEMPLATE % (msg)) self.skipTest("Dump failed") self.argv_list.append("-S") self.argv_list.append(self.dump_name) self.argv_list.append("-r") self.argv_list.append(self.repo_name) cmdline.argv = self.argv_list elastic_db_repo.main() self.els = elastic_class.ElasticSearchRepo(, self.cfg.port, repo=self.repo_name) if self.dump_name not in elastic_class.get_dump_list( self.els.els, self.repo_name): status = True else: status = False self.assertTrue(status)
def main(): """Function: main Description: Initializes program-wide used variables and processes command line arguments and values. Variables: dir_chk_list -> contains options which will be directories. file_chk_list -> contains the options which will have files included. file_crt_list -> contains options which require files to be created. func_dict -> dictionary list for the function calls or other options. opt_con_req_list -> contains the options that require other options. opt_def_dict -> contains options with their default values. opt_req_list -> contains the options that are required for the program. opt_val_list -> contains options which require values. Arguments: (input) argv -> Arguments from the command line. """ cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) dir_chk_list = ["-d"] file_chk_list = ["-o"] file_crt_list = ["-o"] func_dict = { "-L": chk_rep_lag, "-M": fetch_members, "-S": chk_rep_stat, "-P": fetch_priority, "-T": prt_rep_stat, "-N": node_chk } opt_con_req_list = {"-i": ["-m"], "-s": ["-e"]} opt_def_dict = {"-j": False, "-i": "sysmon:mongo_rep_lag"} opt_multi_list = ["-e", "-s"] opt_req_list = ["-c", "-d"] opt_val_list = ["-c", "-d", "-i", "-m", "-o", "-e", "-s"] # Process argument list from command line. args_array = arg_parser.arg_parse2(cmdline.argv, opt_val_list, opt_def_dict, multi_val=opt_multi_list) if not gen_libs.help_func(args_array, __version__, help_message) \ and not arg_parser.arg_require(args_array, opt_req_list) \ and arg_parser.arg_cond_req(args_array, opt_con_req_list) \ and not arg_parser.arg_dir_chk_crt(args_array, dir_chk_list) \ and not arg_parser.arg_file_chk(args_array, file_chk_list, file_crt_list): run_program(args_array, func_dict)
def main(): """Function: main Description: Initializes program-wide used variables and processes command line arguments and values. Variables: dir_chk_list -> contains options which will be directories. file_chk_list -> contains the options which will have files included. file_crt_list -> contains options which require files to be created. func_dict -> dictionary list for the function calls or other options. opt_def_dict -> contains options with their default values. opt_con_req_list -> contains the options that require other options. opt_multi_list -> contains the options that will have multiple values. opt_val_list -> contains options which require values. Arguments: (input) argv -> Arguments from the command line. """ cmdline = gen_libs.get_inst(sys) dir_chk_list = ["-d"] file_chk_list = ["-o"] file_crt_list = ["-o"] func_dict = {"-L": list_ins_pkg, "-U": list_upd_pkg, "-R": list_repo} opt_def_dict = {"-i": "sysmon:server_pkgs"} opt_con_req_list = {"-i": ["-c", "-d"], "-s": ["-e"], "-u": ["-e"]} opt_multi_list = ["-e", "-s"] opt_val_list = ["-c", "-d", "-i", "-o", "-e", "-s", "-y"] # Process argument list from command line. args_array = arg_parser.arg_parse2(cmdline.argv, opt_val_list, opt_def_dict, multi_val=opt_multi_list) if not gen_libs.help_func(args_array, __version__, help_message) \ and arg_parser.arg_cond_req(args_array, opt_con_req_list) \ and not arg_parser.arg_dir_chk_crt(args_array, dir_chk_list) \ and not arg_parser.arg_file_chk(args_array, file_chk_list, file_crt_list): try: proglock = gen_class.ProgramLock(cmdline.argv, args_array.get("-y", "")) run_program(args_array, func_dict) del proglock except gen_class.SingleInstanceException: print("WARNING: Lock in place for package_admin with id of: %s" % (args_array.get("-y", "")))