def add_to_grid(self, grid, row): for c in self._confmap.values(): c.setup_preference(self.get_prefpath()) outgrid = grid outrow = row if self.label is not None: self._expander = Gtk.Expander(label=self.label) self._expander.set_expanded(self.expanded) outgrid = Gtk.Grid() self._expander.add(outgrid) grid.attach(self._expander, 1, row, 1, 1) outrow = 0 row += 1 if self.removable: self._remove_btn = Gtk.Button(label="Remove") self._remove_btn.connect("clicked", self.remove) outgrid.attach(self._remove_btn, 0, outrow, 2, 1) outrow += 1 for c in self._confmap.values(): outrow = c.add_to_grid(outgrid, outrow) for sc in self._subconfigs: outrow = sc.add_to_grid(outgrid, outrow) if self.label is not None: return row return outrow
def init_specialized_widgets(self, row=0): curve = LineModeCurveWidget() curve.set_size_request(175, 125) self._curve = curve exp = Gtk.Expander() exp.set_label(_(u"Pressure variation…")) exp.set_use_markup(False) exp.add(curve) self.attach(exp, 0, row, 2, 1) row += 1 return row
def _info(exctyp, value, tb): global exception_dialog_active if exctyp is KeyboardInterrupt: return original_excepthook(exctyp, value, tb) sys.stderr.write(analyse_simple(exctyp, value, tb).getvalue()) if exception_dialog_active: return Gdk.pointer_ungrab(Gdk.CURRENT_TIME) Gdk.keyboard_ungrab(Gdk.CURRENT_TIME) exception_dialog_active = True # Create the dialog dialog = Gtk.MessageDialog(message_type=Gtk.MessageType.WARNING) dialog.set_title(_("Bug Detected")) primary = _( "<big><b>A programming error has been detected.</b></big>" ) secondary = _( "You may be able to ignore this error and carry on working, " "but you should probably save your work soon.\n\n" "Please tell the developers about this using the issue tracker " "if no-one else has reported it yet." ) dialog.set_markup(primary) dialog.format_secondary_text(secondary) dialog.add_button(_(u"Search Tracker…"), RESPONSE_SEARCH) if "-" in lib.meta.MYPAINT_VERSION: # only development and prereleases dialog.add_button(_("Report…"), RESPONSE_REPORT) dialog.set_response_sensitive(RESPONSE_REPORT, False) dialog.add_button(_("Ignore Error"), Gtk.ResponseType.CLOSE) dialog.add_button(_("Quit MyPaint"), RESPONSE_QUIT) # Add an expander with details of the problem to the dialog def expander_cb(expander, *ignore): # Ensures that on deactivating the expander, the dialog is resized down if expander.get_expanded(): dialog.set_resizable(True) else: dialog.set_resizable(False) details_expander = Gtk.Expander() details_expander.set_label(_(u"Details…")) details_expander.connect("notify::expanded", expander_cb) textview = Gtk.TextView() textview.set_editable(False) textview.modify_font(Pango.FontDescription("Monospace normal")) sw = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() sw.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC) sw.add(textview) # Set window sizing so that it's always at least 600 pixels wide, and # increases by 300 pixels in height once the details panel is open sw.set_size_request(0, 300) dialog.set_size_request(600, 0) details_expander.add(sw) details_expander.show_all() dialog.get_content_area().pack_start(details_expander, True, True, 0) # Get the traceback and set contents of the details try: trace = analyse(exctyp, value, tb).getvalue() except: try: trace = _("Exception while analyzing the exception.") + "\n" trace += analyse_simple(exctyp, value, tb).getvalue() except: trace = _("Exception while analyzing the exception.") buf = textview.get_buffer() trace = "\n".join(["```python", trace, "```"]) buf.set_text(trace) ## Would be nice to scroll to the bottom automatically, but @#&%*@ #first, last = buf.get_bounds() #buf.place_cursor(last) #mark = buf.get_insert() ##buf.scroll_mark_onscreen() ##textview.scroll_mark_onscreen(buf.get_insert(), 0) #textview.scroll_to_mark(mark, 0.0) # Connect callback and present the dialog dialog.connect('response', _dialog_response_cb, trace, exctyp, value) #dialog.set_modal(True) # this might actually be contra-productive...