if os.path.isdir(totDirName):
				# Move to the directory 
				print "\t\- Results Folder: {0}".format(totDirName)				
				# Analysis of the initial structures 
				conf = readfiles.readConfFile(totDirName) #ÊConfiguration file upload
				foodList = range(0,args.lastFluxID+1)
				# Initial Analysis are turned ON (RAF ANALYSIS)
				print "\t\t|- LOADING init structures..."
				rcts = readfiles.loadAllData(totDirName,'_acsreactions.csv') # reaction file upload
				cats = readfiles.loadAllData(totDirName,'_acscatalysis.csv') #Êcatalysis file upload

				raf, sccstat, sccg = network.net_analysis_of_static_graphs(fid_initRafRes, fid_initRafResALL, fid_initRafResLIST, tmpDir, conf[9], 1, rcts, cats, foodList, args.maxDim)
				grf.plotBipartiteGraph(rcts, cats, sccstat[0], newdirAllResults, "completebipartitegraph.net", "completebipartitegraph.png", True, 50, 6)

				if len(raf[2]) > 0:
					# Filter graf network
					rafcats = cats[np.in1d(cats[:,1], raf[3])]
					rafrcts = rcts[np.in1d(rcts[:,0], raf[2])]
					grf.plotBipartiteGraph(rafrcts, rafcats, None, newdirAllResults, "bipartiteRAFgraph.net", "bipartiteRAFgraph.png", True, par_font_size=10)
					grf.plotGraph(sccg, sccstat[0], newdirAllResults, "chemistry_cat_prod_graph.net", "chemistry_cat_prod_graph.png", True, 50, 6)

	print "\n|- *** ANALYSIS ENDED, see you next time and get life!!!\n"

				pars = [0]*35
				timeNetCreation = time()
				rcts, cats, speciesList, rcts_no_rev, cats_no_rev = network.create_chemistry(args, originalSpeciesList, pars, rctToCat, totCleavage, totCond, averageConn, args.autocat)
				#print timeCreatinVector
				# Create food list
				lastSpeciesID = 2**(args.lastFood+1)-2
				foodList = range(lastSpeciesID)
				#print "\t\t|- RAF searching step..."
				timeAnalysis = time()
				netouts = network.net_analysis_of_static_graphs(fid_initRafRes, fid_initRafResALL, fid_initRafResLIST, 'tmpDir', prob, averageConn, rcts, cats, foodList, maxlength)
				timeAnalysisVector.append(time() - timeAnalysis)
				#print timeAnalysisVector

				# If RAFs are present, the presence of possible SCCs in RAF is assessed
				if len(netouts[0][2]) > 0: 
					raffound += 1
					rctsRAF = rcts[np.any(rcts[:, 0] == np.expand_dims(netouts[0][2],1), 0), :]
					scc_in_raf = network.return_scc_in_raf(rctsRAF, netouts[0][0], cats)
					if scc_in_raf[1] > 0:
						sccinraffound += 1
					if scc_in_raf[2] > 0:
						self_sccinraffound += 1
				if netouts[1][4] > 0: scctotfound += 1
				if netouts[1][1] > 0: sccfound += 1
				if netouts[1][2] > 0: sccselffound += 1
Example #3
				# Analysis of the initial structures 
				conf = readfiles.readConfFile(totDirName) # Configuration file upload
				# System type recognition
				if (conf[6] == 0) & (conf[7] > 0): sysType = _PROTO_
				elif (conf[6] > 0) & (conf[7] == 0): sysType = _CSTR_
				elif (conf[6] == 0) & (conf[7] == 0): sysType = _CLOSE_
				foodList = dm.generateFluxList(totDirName, sysType)
				# Initial Analysis are turned ON (RAF ANALYSIS)
				if args.initanal == 1:
					print "   |- LOADING init structures..."
					rcts = readfiles.loadAllData(totDirName,'_acsreactions.csv') # reaction file upload
					cats = readfiles.loadAllData(totDirName,'_acscatalysis.csv') # catalysis file upload
					# REAL RAF COMPUTATION (!!!!!! 1 is average connectivity)
					network.net_analysis_of_static_graphs(fid_initRafRes, fid_initRafResALL, fid_initRafResLIST, tmpDir, conf[9], 1, rcts, cats, foodList, args.maxDim, debug=args.debug)
				print "    \-Outcomes Folder ", resDirPath
				# Find the number of generations
				numberOfGen = len(glob.glob(os.path.join(resDirPath,'times_*')))
				# For each generation
				# Analysis of the dynamics
				if args.exhaustive | (args.decay > 0):
					print "\t|- Analysis of the dynamics..."
					for ngen in range(1,numberOfGen+1):
						print "\t|-Generation ", ngen
						strZeros = readfiles.zeroBeforeStrNum(ngen, numberOfGen)