Example #1
def mgh2nii(filename, path_output, out_type="nii"):
    This function converts a volume file from freesurfer mgh to nifti format.
        *filename: full path of the input file.
        *path_outupt: path where output is written.
        *out_type: target type of file.
    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 06-01-2020             
    Last modified: 24-07-2020
    import os
    from nipype.interfaces.freesurfer.preprocess import MRIConvert
    from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename

    # get filename
    path, name, ext = get_filename(filename)

    # convert volume to nifti format
    mc = MRIConvert()
    mc.inputs.in_file = filename
    mc.inputs.out_file = os.path.join(path_output, name + "." + out_type)
    mc.inputs.in_type = ext.replace('.', '')
    mc.inputs.out_type = out_type
Example #2
def smooth_surface(file_in, file_out, n_iter):
    This function smoothes a surface mesh using freesurfer.
        *file_in: filename of input surface.
        *file_out: filename of output surface.
        *n_iter: number of smoothing iterations.
    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 13-07-2019
    Last modified: 25-08-2020
    import os
    import sys
    import subprocess
    from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename

    # make output folder
    path_output, _, _ = get_filename(file_out)
    if not os.path.exists(path_output):

    # smooth surface
            ['mris_smooth', '-n',
             str(n_iter), '-nw', file_in, file_out],
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        sys.exit("Surface smoothing failed!")
Example #3
def upsample_surf_mesh(file_in, file_out, n_iter, method):
    The scripts takes generated FreeSurfer surfaces and upsamples them using Jon Polimeni's function 
        *file_in: filename of input surface.
        *file_out: filename of output surface.
        *n_iter: number of upsampling iterations.
        *method: upsampling method (linear, loop, butterfly).

    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 01-11-2018             
    Last modified: 26-08-2020
    import os
    import sys
    import subprocess
    from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename

    # make output folder
    path_output, _, _ = get_filename(file_out)
    if not os.path.exists(path_output):

    # subdivide surface
                        '--surf', file_in, 
                        '--out', file_out, 
                        '--method', method, 
                        '--iter', str(n_iter)], check = True)
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        sys.exit("Surface subdivision failed!")
Example #4
def inflate_surf_mesh(file_in, file_out, n_iter):
    The scripts takes a generated FreeSurfer surfaces and inflates it.
        *file_in: filename of input surface.
        *file_out: filename of output surface.
        *n_iter: number of inflating iterations.

    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 17-12-2019             
    Last modified: 26-08-2020
    import os
    import sys
    import subprocess
    from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename

    # make output folder
    path_output, _, _ = get_filename(file_out)
    if not os.path.exists(path_output):

    # inflate surface
            'mris_inflate', '-n',
            str(n_iter), '-no-save-sulc', file_in, file_out
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        sys.exit("Surface inflation failed!")
Example #5
def get_b0_orientation(surf_in,
    This function computes the angle between surface normals and B0-direction per vertex.
        *surf_in: input of surface mesh.
        *vol_in: input of corresponding nifti volume.
        *write output: write out to disk (boolean).
        *path_output: path where to save output.
        *name_output: basename of output file.
        *theta: angle in radians.
    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 31-07-2020 
    Last modified: 31-07-2020
    import os
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb
    from nibabel.affines import apply_affine
    from nibabel.freesurfer.io import read_geometry, write_morph_data
    from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename
    from lib.surface.vox2ras import vox2ras
    from lib_gbb.normal import get_normal

    # make subfolders
    if write_output and not os.path.exists(path_output):

    # get hemi from surface filename
    _, hemi, _ = get_filename(surf_in)

    # load surface
    vtx, fac = read_geometry(surf_in)

    # get transformation matrix
    _, r2v = vox2ras(vol_in)  # ras-tkr -> voxel
    v2s = nb.load(vol_in).affine  # voxel -> scanner-ras
    M = v2s.dot(r2v)

    # apply affine transformation
    vtx = apply_affine(M, vtx)

    # get surface normals
    n = get_normal(vtx, fac)

    # get angle between b0 and surface normals in radians
    theta = np.arccos(np.dot(n, [0, 0, 1]))

    # write output
    if write_output:
        write_morph_data(os.path.join(path_output, hemi + "." + name_output),

    return theta
def crop_coordinate_mapping(input,
    Crops a padded coordinate mapping. The output file can either overwrite the input file or a new
    file is created with a suffix in a defined output directory.
        *input: input file.
        *pad: image padding size.
        *overwrite_file: output file overwrites input file.
        *path_output: path where output is saved if input file is not overwritten.

    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 21-11-2018             
    Last modified: 22-01-2020
    import os
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb
    from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename

    # define output folder
    if path_output is not None:
        if not os.path.exists(path_output):

    # get input path and file name
    path, file, ext = get_filename(input)

    # load data
    data_img = nb.load(input)
    data_array = data_img.get_fdata()

    # get matrix size
    x_size = np.size(data_array, 0)
    y_size = np.size(data_array, 1)
    z_size = np.size(data_array, 2)

    # crop image matrix
    data_array = data_array[pad:x_size - pad, pad:y_size - pad,
                            pad:z_size - pad, :]

    # write cropped coordinate mapping
    output = nb.Nifti1Image(data_array, data_img.affine, data_img.header)

    # write coordinate mapping for each time point
    if overwrite_file is True:
        nb.save(output, input)
        fileOUT = os.path.join(path_output, file + '_crop' + ext)
        nb.save(output, fileOUT)
Example #7
def upsample_volume(file_in, file_out, dxyz=[0.4, 0.4, 0.4], rmode="Cu"):
    This function upsamples a nifti volume using the afni function 3dresample. Before running the
    function, set the afni environment by calling AFNI in the terminal. Output is an upsampled nifti
        *file_in: nifti input filename.
        *file_out: nifti output filename.
        *dxyz: array of target resolution in single dimensions.
        *rmode: interpolation methods (Linear, NN, Cu, Bk).
    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 16-12-2019        
    Last modified: 29-05-2020
    import os
    import numpy as np
    from sh import gunzip
    from shutil import copyfile
    from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename

    # get path and file extension of input file
    path_in, _, ext_in = get_filename(file_in)

    # make temporary copy of input file
    tmp = np.random.randint(0, 10, 5)
    tmp_string = ''.join(str(i) for i in tmp)
    file_tmp = os.path.join(path_in, "tmp_" + tmp_string + ext_in)
    copyfile(file_in, file_tmp)

    if os.path.splitext(file_tmp)[1] == ".gz":
        file_tmp = os.path.splitext(file_tmp)[0]

    # upsample volume
    os.system("3dresample " + \
              "-dxyz " + str(dxyz[0]) + " " + str(dxyz[1]) + " " + str(dxyz[2]) + " " +\
              "-rmode " + str(rmode) + " " + \
              "-inset " + file_tmp + " " + \
              "-prefix " + file_out)

    # remove temporary copy
Example #8
use_lowpass = False
TR = 3  # repetition time in s
cutoff_highpass = 270  # cutoff in s for baseline correction
cutoff_lowpass = 0
order_lowpass = 0
name_sess = "GE_EPI2"
name_output = ""

# path to SPM12 folder
pathSPM = "/data/pt_01880/source/spm12"
pathLIB1 = "/data/hu_haenelt/projects/scripts/lib/preprocessing"
pathLIB2 = "/data/hu_haenelt/projects/scripts/lib/processing"
""" do not edit below """

# get path from first entry
path_file, _, _ = get_filename(img_input[0])

# make output folder
path_output = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(path_file)),
                           "results", "raw", "native")
if not os.path.exists(path_output):

# get image header information
data_img = nb.load(img_input[0])
data_img.header["dim"][0] = 3
data_img.header["dim"][4] = 1
header = data_img.header
affine = data_img.affine

# get image dimension
Example #9
def skullstrip_refined(file_mask1, file_mask2):
    The purpose of the following function is to enhance the skullstrip mask in native space. It
    uses a second mask which was manually corrected during the freesurfer segmentation. This
    corrected brainmask is converted to native space and multiplied with the initial brainmask.
        *file_mask1: brainmask in original space.
        *file_mask2: manually corrected brainmask in freesurfer space (brain.finalsurfs.mgz).
        *file_out: filename of enhanced brainmask.
    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 31-01-2020            
    Last modified: 31-01-2020
    import os
    import nibabel as nb
    from nipype.interfaces.freesurfer import ApplyVolTransform
    from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename

    # get output path and basename
    path_output, name_output, _ = get_filename(file_mask1)

    # filename of temporary and enhanced brainmask
    file_temp = os.path.join(path_output, "temp.nii")
    file_out = os.path.join(path_output, name_output + "_enhanced.nii")

    # bring skullstrip_mask from conformed space into original space
    transmask = ApplyVolTransform()
    transmask.inputs.source_file = file_mask2
    transmask.inputs.target_file = file_mask1
    transmask.inputs.reg_header = True
    transmask.inputs.interp = "nearest"
    transmask.inputs.transformed_file = file_temp
    transmask.inputs.args = "--no-save-reg"

    # load first brainmask in original space
    mask1 = nb.load(file_mask1)
    mask1_array = mask1.get_fdata()

    # load second brainmask transformed into original space
    mask2 = nb.load(file_temp)
    mask2_array = mask2.get_fdata()

    # make second brainmask binary
    mask2_array[mask2_array == 1] = 0
    mask2_array[mask2_array > 0] = 1

    # multiply both masks
    mask_enhanced_array = mask1_array * mask2_array

    # write enhancec brainmask
    mask_enhanced = nb.Nifti1Image(mask_enhanced_array, mask1.affine,
    nb.save(mask_enhanced, file_out)

    # remove temporary file

    return file_out
Example #10

# parameters
TR_old = 5  # effective TR of bold+vaso
TR_new = 3  # TR of upsampled bold corrected time series
vaso_shift = 2.8425  # start of vaso block (asymmetric TR)
vaso_threshold = 6
""" do not edit below """

for i in range(len(img_vaso)):

    # get filenames
    path_bold, name_bold, ext_bold = get_filename(img_bold[i])
    path_vaso, name_vaso, ext_vaso = get_filename(img_vaso[i])

    # upsample time series
    regrid_time_series(img_bold[i], path_bold, TR_old, TR_new, t_start=0)

    # new filenames
    file_bold = os.path.join(path_bold, name_bold + "_upsampled" + ext_bold)
    file_vaso = os.path.join(path_vaso, name_vaso + "_upsampled" + ext_vaso)
    file_vaso_corrected = os.path.join(
        path_vaso, name_vaso + "_upsampled_corrected" + ext_vaso)
Example #11
def expand_coordinate_mapping(cmap_in,
    This function removes black background in a coordinate mapping to omit interpolation problems
    at the edges of a coordinate slab within a larger volume. Based on the cmap, a transformation
    matrix is computed from randomly sampled data points within the slab. The transformation matrix 
    is then applied to all background voxels. Hence, this method is only really precise for
    coordinate mappings representing an affine transformation. However, this function can also be 
    applied to nonlinear coordinate mappings since the preliminary goal is to avoid problems at the 
    slab edges. Therefore, the actual data sampling should not be affected. The code snippet for
    computing the transformation matrix is taken from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56220626/
        *cmap_in: filename of coordinate mapping.
        *path_output: path where output is written.
        *name_output: basename of output volume.
        *write_output: write nifti volume.
        *nibabel object instance containing corrected cmap.
    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 18-06-2020
    Last modified: 18-06-2020
    import os
    import random
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb
    from nibabel.affines import apply_affine
    from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename
    from lib.cmap.generate_coordinate_mapping import generate_coordinate_mapping

    # get file extension of cmap
    _, _, ext_cmap = get_filename(cmap_in)

    # load target cmap and generate source cmap
    cmap_target = nb.load(cmap_in)
    cmap_source = generate_coordinate_mapping(cmap_in, pad=0)

    arr_cmap_target = cmap_target.get_fdata()
    arr_cmap_source = cmap_source.get_fdata()

    # get image dimensions
    xdim = cmap_source.header["dim"][1]
    ydim = cmap_source.header["dim"][2]
    zdim = cmap_source.header["dim"][3]

    # random selection of 4 data points
    s_coords = []
    t_coords = []

    pts = np.where(arr_cmap_target[:, :, :, 0] != 0)
    r = random.sample(np.arange(len(pts[0])).tolist(), len(pts[0]))[:4]

    s_coords.append([pts[0][r[0]], pts[1][r[0]], pts[2][r[0]]])
    s_coords.append([pts[0][r[1]], pts[1][r[1]], pts[2][r[1]]])
    s_coords.append([pts[0][r[2]], pts[1][r[2]], pts[2][r[2]]])
    s_coords.append([pts[0][r[3]], pts[1][r[3]], pts[2][r[3]]])

    t_coords.append(arr_cmap_target[s_coords[0][0], s_coords[0][1],
                                    s_coords[0][2], :].tolist())
    t_coords.append(arr_cmap_target[s_coords[1][0], s_coords[1][1],
                                    s_coords[1][2], :].tolist())
    t_coords.append(arr_cmap_target[s_coords[2][0], s_coords[2][1],
                                    s_coords[2][2], :].tolist())
    t_coords.append(arr_cmap_target[s_coords[3][0], s_coords[3][1],
                                    s_coords[3][2], :].tolist())

    # get transformation matrix (target -> source)
    l = len(t_coords)
    B = np.vstack([np.transpose(t_coords), np.ones(l)])
    D = 1.0 / np.linalg.det(B)

    entry = lambda r, d: np.linalg.det(
        np.delete(np.vstack([r, B]), (d + 1), axis=0))
    M = [[(-1)**i * D * entry(R, i) for i in range(l)]
         for R in np.transpose(s_coords)]
    A, t = np.hsplit(np.array(M), [l - 1])
    t = np.transpose(t)[0]

    # unittests
    print("Test cmap expansion:")
    for p, P in zip(np.array(t_coords), np.array(s_coords)):
        image_p = np.dot(A, p) + t
        result = "[OK]" if np.allclose(image_p, P) else "[ERROR]"
        print(p, " mapped to: ", image_p, " ; expected: ", P, result)

    # get affine transformation matrix by adding translation vector
    M = np.zeros((4, 4))
    M[:3, :3] = A
    M[:3, -1] = t
    M[-1, -1] = 1

    # get final transformation matrix (source -> target)
    M = np.linalg.inv(M)

    # transform source volume
    x = arr_cmap_source[:, :, :, 0].flatten()
    y = arr_cmap_source[:, :, :, 1].flatten()
    z = arr_cmap_source[:, :, :, 2].flatten()

    source_listed = np.array([x, y, z]).T
    source_transformed = apply_affine(M, source_listed)

    x_new = np.reshape(source_transformed[:, 0], (xdim, ydim, zdim))
    y_new = np.reshape(source_transformed[:, 1], (xdim, ydim, zdim))
    z_new = np.reshape(source_transformed[:, 2], (xdim, ydim, zdim))

    # overwrite new cmap with old coordinate mapping (so that only background remains)
    x_new[arr_cmap_target[:, :, :,
                          0] > 0] = arr_cmap_target[:, :, :,
                                                    0][arr_cmap_target[:, :, :,
                                                                       0] > 0]
    y_new[arr_cmap_target[:, :, :,
                          1] > 0] = arr_cmap_target[:, :, :,
                                                    1][arr_cmap_target[:, :, :,
                                                                       1] > 0]
    z_new[arr_cmap_target[:, :, :,
                          2] > 0] = arr_cmap_target[:, :, :,
                                                    2][arr_cmap_target[:, :, :,
                                                                       2] > 0]

    # overwrite input cmap array with final cmap array
    arr_cmap_target[:, :, :, 0] = x_new
    arr_cmap_target[:, :, :, 1] = y_new
    arr_cmap_target[:, :, :, 2] = z_new

    # nibabel instance of final cmap
    output = nb.Nifti1Image(arr_cmap_target, cmap_target.affine,

    # write output
    if write_output:
        nb.save(output, os.path.join(path_output, name_output + ext_cmap))

    return output
Example #12
The script applies the nighres t2s fitting module to a data set.

created by Daniel Haenelt
Date created: 22-05-2020
Last modified: 22-05-2020
import os
import nibabel as nb
from nighres.intensity import flash_t2s_fitting
from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename

# input
file_list = ["/data/pt_01880/Experiment1_ODC/p4/anatomy/flash3/S13_3D_GRE_3ech_iso0p5_slab_8.42.nii",
te_list = [8.42,16.03,25.00] # in ms
name_output = "3D_GRE_3ech_iso0p5_slab"

""" do not edit below """

# get output path from first input entry
path_output, _, _ = get_filename(file_list[0])

# t2s fitting
res = flash_t2s_fitting(file_list, te_list)

# write output
nb.save(res["t2s"], os.path.join(path_output,name_output+"_t2s.nii"))
nb.save(res["r2s"], os.path.join(path_output,name_output+"_r2s.nii"))
nb.save(res["s0"], os.path.join(path_output,name_output+"_s0.nii"))
nb.save(res["residuals"], os.path.join(path_output,name_output+"_residuals.nii"))
import numpy as np
from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename

# input
file_in = ["/data/pt_01880/Experiment1_ODC/p4/odc/VASO1/Run_3/outlier/outlier_regressor_merge.txt"]

# parameters
TR_old = 5 # effective TR of bold+vaso
TR_new = 3 # TR of upsampled bold corrected time series

""" do not edit below """

for i in range(len(file_in)):
    # set output path and filename
    path_output, _, _ = get_filename(file_in[i])
    name_output = "outlier_regressor_upsampled.txt"

    # load outlier textfile
    outlier = np.loadtxt(file_in[i])

    # merge bold and vaso outliers to one timepoint    
    outlier1 = outlier[::2]
    outlier2 = outlier[1::2]
    outlier_merge = outlier1 + outlier2
    outlier_merge[outlier_merge != 0] = 1

    # get time axes
    run_length = len(outlier_merge) * TR_old
    nt_old = int(run_length / TR_old)
Example #14
def clean_coordinate_mapping(cmap_source,
    Voxels in the target coordinate mapping are masked out based on found voxel displacements in the
    source coordinate mapping. This is done to remove smeared regions caused by interpolations with
    background values in the case of deforming a slab within a larger image array.
        *cmap_source: filename of source coordinate mapping.
        *cmap_target: filename of target coordinate mapping.
        *overwrite_file: overwrite target coordinate mapping (boolean).
        *save_mask: write out mask (boolean).
        *results: nibabel instances of cleaned cmap and corresponding mask (dict).

    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 23-05-2020             
    Last modified: 23-05-2020
    import os
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb
    from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename

    # get filename
    path_file, _, _ = get_filename(cmap_target)

    # load data
    cmap1_img = nb.load(cmap_source)
    cmap1_array = cmap1_img.get_fdata()

    cmap2_img = nb.load(cmap_target)
    cmap2_array = cmap2_img.get_fdata()

    mask_img = nb.load(cmap_target)
    mask_img.header["dim"][0] = 3
    mask_img.header["dim"][4] = 1
    mask_array = np.zeros_like(mask_img.get_fdata()[:, :, :, 0])

    x_max = cmap2_img.header["dim"][1]
    y_max = cmap2_img.header["dim"][2]
    z_max = cmap2_img.header["dim"][3]

    # get nearest voxel coordinates
    x0 = np.floor(cmap1_array[:, :, :, 0].flatten()).astype(int)
    x1 = np.ceil(cmap1_array[:, :, :, 0].flatten()).astype(int)
    y0 = np.floor(cmap1_array[:, :, :, 1].flatten()).astype(int)
    y1 = np.ceil(cmap1_array[:, :, :, 1].flatten()).astype(int)
    z0 = np.floor(cmap1_array[:, :, :, 2].flatten()).astype(int)
    z1 = np.ceil(cmap1_array[:, :, :, 2].flatten()).astype(int)

    # exclude voxels which do not fit in the target array
    outlier = []
    outlier.extend(np.where(x0 < 0)[0])
    outlier.extend(np.where(x1 < 0)[0])
    outlier.extend(np.where(y0 < 0)[0])
    outlier.extend(np.where(y1 < 0)[0])
    outlier.extend(np.where(z0 < 0)[0])
    outlier.extend(np.where(z1 < 0)[0])
    outlier.extend(np.where(x0 >= x_max)[0])
    outlier.extend(np.where(x1 >= x_max)[0])
    outlier.extend(np.where(y0 >= y_max)[0])
    outlier.extend(np.where(y1 >= y_max)[0])
    outlier.extend(np.where(z0 >= z_max)[0])
    outlier.extend(np.where(z1 >= z_max)[0])
    outlier = list(np.unique(outlier))

    x0 = np.delete(x0, outlier)
    x1 = np.delete(x1, outlier)
    y0 = np.delete(y0, outlier)
    y1 = np.delete(y1, outlier)
    z0 = np.delete(z0, outlier)
    z1 = np.delete(z1, outlier)

    # get final mask
    mask_array[x0, y0, z0] = 1
    mask_array[x1, y1, z1] = 1
    mask_array[x1, y0, z0] = 1
    mask_array[x0, y1, z0] = 1
    mask_array[x0, y0, z1] = 1
    mask_array[x1, y1, z0] = 1
    mask_array[x0, y1, z1] = 1
    mask_array[x1, y0, z1] = 1

    # apply mask to cmap
    cmap2_array[:, :, :, 0] *= mask_array
    cmap2_array[:, :, :, 1] *= mask_array
    cmap2_array[:, :, :, 2] *= mask_array

    # get output
    results = dict()
    results["cmap"] = nb.Nifti1Image(cmap2_array, cmap2_img.affine,
    results["mask"] = nb.Nifti1Image(mask_array, mask_img.affine,

    # write output
    if overwrite_file:
        nb.save(results["cmap"], cmap_target)

    if save_mask:
        nb.save(results["mask"], os.path.join(path_file, "cmap_mask.nii"))

    return results
Example #15
def apply_registration(file_in,
                       r=[0.4, 0.4, 0.4]):
    This function applies a coordinate mapping to a volume. Optionally, the voxel size of the output
    volume can be changed. This is achieved by adjusting the coordinate mapping to the new voxel 
    size before application.
        *file_in: filename of input volume.
        *cmap_in: filename of coordinate mapping.
        *file_out: filename of output volume.
        *interpolation: interpolation type (linear or nearest).
        *r: destination voxel size after upsampling (performed if not None).
        *nibabel object instance of transformed input.
    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 30-05-2020
    Last modified: 02-06-2020
    import os
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb
    from nighres.registration import apply_coordinate_mappings
    from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename
    from lib.utils.upsample_volume import upsample_volume

    # make output folder
    path_output = os.path.dirname(file_out)
    if not os.path.exists(path_output):

    # filename for temporary cmap copy
    _, _, ext_cmap = get_filename(cmap_in)
    tmp = np.random.randint(0, 10, 5)
    tmp_string = ''.join(str(i) for i in tmp)
    file_tmp = os.path.join(path_output, "tmp_" + tmp_string + ext_cmap)
    file_tmp2 = os.path.join(path_output, "tmp2_" + tmp_string + ext_cmap)

    # adjust coordinate mapping
    if r:

        # upsample cmap
        upsample_volume(cmap_in, file_tmp, dxyz=r, rmode="Linear")
        upsample_volume(cmap_in, file_tmp2, dxyz=r, rmode="NN")

        # mask upsampled cmap
        cmap = nb.load(file_tmp)
        mask = nb.load(file_tmp2)

        cmap_array = cmap.get_fdata()
        mask_array = mask.get_fdata()

        mask_array = np.sum(mask_array, axis=3)
        mask_array[mask_array != 0] = 1

        cmap_array[:, :, :, 0][mask_array == 0] = 0
        cmap_array[:, :, :, 1][mask_array == 0] = 0
        cmap_array[:, :, :, 2][mask_array == 0] = 0

        cmap = nb.Nifti1Image(cmap_array, cmap.affine, cmap.header)


        cmap = nb.load(cmap_in)

    # apply coordinate mapping
    res = apply_coordinate_mappings(
        image=file_in,  # input 
        mapping1=cmap,  # cmap
        interpolation=interpolation,  # nearest or linear
        padding="zero",  # closest, zero or max
        save_data=False,  # save output data to file (boolean)
        overwrite=False,  # overwrite existing results (boolean)
        output_dir=None,  # output directory
        file_name=None,  # base name with file extension for output

    # write output
    nb.save(res["result"], file_out)

    # remove temporary files
    if r:

    return res["result"]
Example #16
Before running the script, login to queen via ssh and set the fsl environment by calling FSL in 
the terminal.

created by Daniel Haenelt
Date created: 10-01-2020
Last modified: 03-03-2020
from lib.preprocessing.gnl_correction import gnl_correction
from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename

# input
input = [

file_bash = "/data/hu_haenelt/projects/gradunwarp/apply_grad.sh"
file_coeff = "/data/hu_haenelt/projects/gradunwarp/7t_coeff.grad"
python3_env = "daniel"
python2_env = "daniel2"
cleanup = True
""" do not edit below """

for i in range(len(input)):

    # get filename
    path_output, _, _ = get_filename(input[i])

    # gnl correction
    gnl_correction(input[i], file_bash, file_coeff, python3_env, python2_env,
                   path_output, cleanup)
Example #17
path_bbr = os.path.join(path_sub, "bbr")


# change path to output folder

# copy surfaces
for i in range(len(input_white)):

    # white surface
    _, hemi, _ = get_filename(input_white[i])
    sh.copyfile(input_white[i], os.path.join(path_surf, hemi + ".white"))

# copy volumes
sh.copy(input_target, os.path.join(path_mri, "orig.nii"))
sh.copy(input_source, os.path.join(path_bbr, "source.nii"))
sh.copy(input_ana, os.path.join(path_t1, "T1.nii"))
sh.copy(input_mask, os.path.join(path_t1, "mask.nii"))

# remove nans
remove_nans(os.path.join(path_mri, "orig.nii"),
            os.path.join(path_mri, "orig.nii"))
remove_nans(os.path.join(path_bbr, "source.nii"),
            os.path.join(path_bbr, "source.nii"))
remove_nans(os.path.join(path_t1, "T1.nii"), os.path.join(path_t1, "T1.nii"))
remove_nans(os.path.join(path_t1, "mask.nii"),
Example #18
def make_sphere(file_in, file_out, n_inflate=100, radius=None):
    The scripts takes a generated FreeSurfer mesh and transformes it into
    a sphere with defined radius.
        *file_in: filename of input surface.
        *file_out: filename of output surface.
        *n_inflated: number of inflating iterations (if > 0).
        *radius: radius of final sphere in mm (if not None).

    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 26-08-2020       
    Last modified: 26-08-2020
    import os
    import sys
    import subprocess
    import numpy as np
    from shutil import copyfile
    from nibabel.freesurfer.io import read_geometry, write_geometry
    from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename
    from lib.surface.inflate_surf_mesh import inflate_surf_mesh

    def cart2pol(x, y, z):
        r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
        phi = np.arctan2(y, x)
        theta = np.arccos(z / r)
        return r, phi, theta

    def pol2cart(r, phi, theta):
        x = r * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi)
        y = r * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi)
        z = r * np.cos(theta)
        return x, y, z

    # make output folder
    path_output, _, _ = get_filename(file_out)
    if not os.path.exists(path_output):

    # temporary file
    tmp = np.random.randint(0, 10, 5)
    tmp_string = ''.join(str(i) for i in tmp)
    file_tmp = os.path.join(path_output, tmp_string)

    # inflate surface mesh
    if n_inflate:
        inflate_surf_mesh(file_in, file_tmp, n_inflate)
        copyfile(file_in, file_tmp)

    # inflate surface
        subprocess.run(['mris_sphere', '-q', file_tmp, file_out], check=True)
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        sys.exit("Sphere computation failed!")

    # change radius
    if radius:
        vtx, fac = read_geometry(file_out)
        r, phi, theta = cart2pol(vtx[:, 0], vtx[:, 1], vtx[:, 2])
        r[:] = radius
        vtx[:, 0], vtx[:, 1], vtx[:, 2] = pol2cart(r, phi, theta)
        write_geometry(file_out, vtx, fac)

    # remove temporary file
Example #19
def mask_epi(file_epi, file_t1, file_mask, niter, sigma, file_reg=""):
    This function masks a mean epi image based on a skullstrip mask of the 
    corresponding anatomy. The mask is transformed to native epi space via an
    initial transformation or via scanner coordinates. A rigid registration is
    applied to ensure a match between mask and epi. Finally, holes in the mask 
    are filled, the mask is dilated and a Gaussian filter is applied. The masked 
    epi is saved in the same folder with the prefix p.
        *file_epi: input mean epi image.
        *file_t1: input of corresponding skullstripped anatomy.
        *file_mask: input of skullstrip mask of the corresponding anatomy.
        *niter: number of dilation iterations.
        *sigma: gaussian smoothing kernel.
        *file_reg: filename of ana -> epi coordinate mapping.
    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 13-02-2019
    Last modified: 10-09-2020
    import os
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb
    import shutil as sh
    from scipy.ndimage import binary_fill_holes, gaussian_filter
    from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_dilation
    from nighres.registration import embedded_antsreg, apply_coordinate_mappings
    from lib.registration.get_scanner_transform import get_scanner_transform
    from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename
    from lib.cmap.expand_coordinate_mapping import expand_coordinate_mapping

    # get paths and filenames
    path_t1, name_t1, _ = get_filename(file_t1)
    path_epi, name_epi, _ = get_filename(file_epi)

    if file_reg:
        _, _, ext_reg = get_filename(file_reg)
        ext_reg = '.nii.gz'

    # filenames
    file_cmap_reg = os.path.join(path_t1, "cmap_reg" + ext_reg)
    file_cmap_ants = os.path.join(path_t1, "cmap_ants.nii.gz")
    file_cmap_def = os.path.join(path_t1, "cmap_def.nii.gz")
    file_ana_reg = os.path.join(path_t1, "ana_reg.nii.gz")
    file_ana_def = os.path.join(path_t1, "ana_def.nii.gz")
    file_mask_def = os.path.join(path_t1, "mask_def.nii.gz")
    file_mask_def2 = os.path.join(path_t1, "mask_def2.nii.gz")

    # get initial ana -> epi transformation from existing cmap or header
    if file_reg:
        sh.copyfile(file_reg, file_cmap_reg)
        get_scanner_transform(file_t1, file_epi, path_t1, True)
                         name_t1 + "_2_" + name_epi + "_scanner.nii.gz"),

    # scanner transform peeled t1 to epi
    ana_reg = apply_coordinate_mappings(
        file_t1,  # input 
        file_cmap_reg,  # cmap
        interpolation="linear",  # nearest or linear
        padding="zero",  # closest, zero or max
    nb.save(ana_reg["result"], file_ana_reg)

    # rigid registration
        file_ana_reg,  # source image
        file_epi,  # target image 
        run_rigid=True,  # whether or not to run a rigid registration first 
        rigid_iterations=1000,  # number of iterations in the rigid step
        run_affine=False,  # whether or not to run an affine registration first
        affine_iterations=0,  # number of iterations in the affine step
        run_syn=False,  # whether or not to run a SyN registration
        coarse_iterations=0,  # number of iterations at the coarse level
        medium_iterations=0,  # number of iterations at the medium level
        fine_iterations=0,  # number of iterations at the fine level
        "CrossCorrelation",  # CrossCorrelation or MutualInformation
        "Linear",  # interpolation for registration result (NeareastNeighbor or Linear)
        1e-6,  # threshold for convergence (can make algorithm very slow)
        True,  # ignore the affine matrix information extracted from the image header 
        True,  # ignore the orientation information and affine matrix information extracted from the image header
        save_data=True,  # save output data to file
        overwrite=True,  # overwrite existing results 
        output_dir=path_t1,  # output directory
        file_name="syn",  # output basename

    # remove unnecessary files
    os.remove(os.path.join(path_t1, "syn_ants-def0.nii.gz"))
    os.remove(os.path.join(path_t1, "syn_ants-invmap.nii.gz"))

    # rename cmap
    os.rename(os.path.join(path_t1, "syn_ants-map.nii.gz"), file_cmap_ants)

    # remove outliers and expand
    cmap = nb.load(file_cmap_ants)
    arr_cmap = cmap.get_fdata()

    pts_cmap0 = arr_cmap[0, 0, 0, 0]
    pts_cmap1 = arr_cmap[0, 0, 0, 1]
    pts_cmap2 = arr_cmap[0, 0, 0, 2]

    arr_cmap[arr_cmap == 0] = 0
    arr_cmap[arr_cmap == pts_cmap0] = 0
    arr_cmap[arr_cmap == pts_cmap1] = 0
    arr_cmap[arr_cmap == pts_cmap2] = 0

    output = nb.Nifti1Image(arr_cmap, cmap.affine, cmap.header)
    nb.save(output, file_cmap_ants)


    # apply ants cmap to header transformation
    cmap_def = apply_coordinate_mappings(
        file_cmap_reg,  # input
        interpolation="linear",  # nearest or linear
        padding="zero",  # closest, zero or max
    nb.save(cmap_def["result"], file_cmap_def)

    # remove outliers and expand
    arr_cmap = cmap_def["result"].get_fdata()

    pts_cmap0 = arr_cmap[0, 0, 0, 0]
    pts_cmap1 = arr_cmap[0, 0, 0, 1]
    pts_cmap2 = arr_cmap[0, 0, 0, 2]

    arr_cmap[arr_cmap == 0] = 0
    arr_cmap[arr_cmap == pts_cmap0] = 0
    arr_cmap[arr_cmap == pts_cmap1] = 0
    arr_cmap[arr_cmap == pts_cmap2] = 0

    output = nb.Nifti1Image(arr_cmap, cmap_def["result"].affine,
    nb.save(output, file_cmap_def)


    # apply final cmap to t1 and mask
    ana_def = apply_coordinate_mappings(
        file_t1,  # input 
        interpolation="linear",  # nearest or linear
        padding="zero",  # closest, zero or max
    nb.save(ana_def["result"], file_ana_def)

    mask_def = apply_coordinate_mappings(
        file_mask,  # input 
        interpolation="nearest",  # nearest or linear
        padding="zero",  # closest, zero or max
    nb.save(mask_def["result"], file_mask_def)

    # finalise mask
    arr_mask = mask_def["result"].get_fdata()
    arr_mask = binary_fill_holes(arr_mask).astype(int)  # fill holes in mask
    arr_mask = binary_dilation(arr_mask, iterations=niter).astype(
        np.float)  # dilate mask
    arr_mask = gaussian_filter(arr_mask, sigma=sigma)  # apply gaussian filter

    # write final epi mask
    out_img = nb.Nifti1Image(arr_mask, mask_def["result"].affine,
    nb.save(out_img, file_mask_def2)

    # multiply epi and binary mask
    epi_img = nb.load(file_epi)
    arr_epi = epi_img.get_fdata()
    arr_epi *= arr_mask  # multiply epi and mask

    # write masked epi
    out_img = nb.Nifti1Image(arr_epi, epi_img.affine, epi_img.header)
    nb.save(out_img, os.path.join(path_epi, "p" + name_epi + ".nii"))
# input
file_in = [

file_bash = "/data/hu_haenelt/projects/gradunwarp/apply_grad.sh"
file_coeff = "/data/hu_haenelt/projects/gradunwarp/7t_coeff.grad"
python3_env = "daniel"
python2_env = "daniel2"
cleanup = True
""" do not edit below """

for i in range(len(file_in)):

    # get fileparts of input
    path_file, name_file, ext_file = get_filename(file_in[i])

    # filenames
    file_vol0 = os.path.join(path_file, name_file + "_vol0" + ext_file)
    file_out = os.path.join(path_file, name_file + "_gnlcorr" + ext_file)

    # extract first volume
    fslroi = ExtractROI()
    fslroi.inputs.in_file = file_in[i]
    fslroi.inputs.roi_file = file_vol0
    fslroi.inputs.output_type = "NIFTI"
    fslroi.inputs.t_min = 0
    fslroi.inputs.t_size = 1

    # exexute gnl correction
Example #21
def regrid_time_series(input, path_output, TR_old, TR_new, t_start=0):
    This function interpolates the time series onto a new time grid using cubic interpolation. Only 
    for writing the new TR in the header of the output time series, AFNI has to be included in the 
    search path.
        *input: time series filename.
        *path_output: path where output is written.
        *TR_old: TR of time series in s.
        *TR_new: TR of regridded time series in s.
        *t_start: shift time series in s (t_start >= 0 and <= TR_old).
    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 19-02-2020           
    Last modified: 12-03-2020
    import os
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb
    from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline as Interp
    from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename

    # get filename
    _, name_input, ext_input = get_filename(input)    
    # print to console
    print("time series regridding for: "+name_input)
    # load data
    data = nb.load(input)
    nx = data.header["dim"][1]
    ny = data.header["dim"][2]
    nz = data.header["dim"][3]
    nt = data.header["dim"][4]
    # get time grid
    TT = TR_old * nt # total acquisition time
    TR_append = np.floor(t_start/TR_old + 1).astype(int) * TR_old # number of appended TRs in input array
    # input grid
    t_old = np.arange(-TR_append, TT + TR_append, TR_old) + t_start
    # output grid
    t_new = np.arange(0, TT + TR_append, TR_new)
    t_new_append = np.flip(np.arange(0,-TR_append,-TR_new)[1:])
    if not len(t_new_append):
        t_new_append = -TR_new    
    t_new = np.append(t_new_append, t_new)
    # load array with appended volumes
    n_append = int(TR_append/TR_old)
    data_array = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz, nt+2*n_append))
    data_array[:,:,:,n_append:-n_append] = data.get_fdata()
    for i in range(n_append):
        data_array[:,:,:,i] = data.get_fdata()[:,:,:,0]
        data_array[:,:,:,-(i+1)] = data.get_fdata()[:,:,:,-1]
    # temporal interpolation
    data_array_regrid = np.zeros((nx,ny,nz,len(t_new)))
    for x in range(nx):
        for y in range(ny):
            for z in range(nz):
                cubic_interper = Interp(t_old, data_array[x,y,z,:], k=3)
                data_array_regrid[x,y,z,:] = cubic_interper(t_new)
    # delete appended volumes
    vols_keep1 = t_new >= 0
    vols_keep2 = t_new < TT
    vols_keep = vols_keep1 * vols_keep2
    data_array_regrid = data_array_regrid[:,:,:,vols_keep]
    # clean corrected array
    data_array_regrid[np.isnan(data_array_regrid)] = 0
    data_array_regrid[data_array_regrid < 0] = 0
    # update data header
    data.header["dim"][4] = np.shape(data_array_regrid)[3]
    data.header["datatype"] = 16
    # write output
    output = nb.Nifti1Image(data_array_regrid, data.affine, data.header)
    nb.save(output, os.path.join(path_output,name_input+"_upsampled"+ext_input))
    # change TR in header
    os.system("3drefit " + \
              "-TR " + str(TR_new) + " " + \
Example #22
def deform_surface(input_surf,
    This function deforms a surface mesh in freesurfer convention using a coordinate map containing
    voxel coordinates. The computation takes quite a while because in the case of removed vertices,
    i.e. if a mask is given as input, the remaining faces are reindexed.
        *input_surf: surface mesh to be transformed.
        *input_orig: freesurfer orig.mgz.
        *input_deform: deformation (coordinate mapping).
        *input_target: target volume.
        *hemi: hemisphere.
        *path_output: path where to save output.
        *input_mask: mask volume.
        *interp_method: interpolation method (nearest or trilinear).
        *smooth_iter: number of smoothing iterations applied to final image (if set > 0).
        *flip_faces: reverse normal direction of mesh.
        *cleanup: remove intermediate files.
    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 06-02-2019          
    Last modified: 20-06-2020
    import os
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb
    import shutil as sh
    from nibabel.freesurfer.io import write_geometry, read_geometry
    from nibabel.affines import apply_affine
    from nipype.interfaces.freesurfer import SampleToSurface
    from nipype.interfaces.freesurfer import SmoothTessellation
    from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename
    from lib.io.mgh2nii import mgh2nii
    from lib.surface.vox2ras import vox2ras

    # set freesurfer path environment
    os.environ["SUBJECTS_DIR"] = path_output

    # freesurfer subject
    tmp = np.random.randint(0, 10, 5)
    tmp_string = ''.join(str(i) for i in tmp)
    sub = "tmp_" + tmp_string

    # make output folder
    if not os.path.exists(path_output):

    # mimic freesurfer folder structure (with some additional folder for intermediate files)
    path_sub = os.path.join(path_output, sub)
    path_mri = os.path.join(path_sub, "mri")
    path_surf = os.path.join(path_sub, "surf")


    # get file extension of orig
    _, name_orig, ext_orig = get_filename(input_orig)

    # name of surface file
    name_surf = os.path.basename(input_surf)

    # copy orig, cmap and input surface to mimicked freesurfer folders
    sh.copyfile(input_surf, os.path.join(path_surf, hemi + ".source"))
    if ext_orig != ".mgz":
        mgh2nii(input_orig, path_mri, "mgz")
        os.rename(os.path.join(path_mri, name_orig + ".mgz"),
                  os.path.join(path_mri, "orig.mgz"))
        sh.copyfile(input_orig, os.path.join(path_mri, "orig.mgz"))

    # read surface geometry
    vtx, fac = read_geometry(input_surf)

    # get affine vox2ras-tkr transformation to target volume
    vox2ras_tkr, _ = vox2ras(input_target)

    # divide coordinate mapping into its x, y and z components
    cmap_img = nb.load(input_deform)
    cmap_img.header["dim"][0] = 3
    cmap_img.header["dim"][4] = 1

    # apply vox2ras transformation to coordinate mappings
    cmap_array = cmap_img.get_fdata()
    cmap_array = apply_affine(vox2ras_tkr, cmap_array)

    components = ["x", "y", "z"]
    vtx_new = np.zeros([len(vtx), 3])
    for i in range(len(components)):
        temp_array = cmap_array[:, :, :, i]
        temp_img = nb.Nifti1Image(temp_array, cmap_img.affine, cmap_img.header)
        nb.save(temp_img, os.path.join(path_mri,
                                       components[i] + "_deform.nii"))

        # mri_vol2surf
        sampler = SampleToSurface()
        sampler.inputs.subject_id = sub
        sampler.inputs.reg_header = True
        sampler.inputs.hemi = hemi
        sampler.inputs.source_file = os.path.join(
            path_mri, components[i] + "_deform.nii")
        sampler.inputs.surface = "source"
        sampler.inputs.sampling_method = "point"
        sampler.inputs.sampling_range = 0
        sampler.inputs.sampling_units = "mm"
        sampler.inputs.interp_method = interp_method
        sampler.inputs.out_type = "mgh"
        sampler.inputs.out_file = os.path.join(
            path_surf, hemi + "." + components[i] + "_sampled.mgh")

        data_img = nb.load(
                         hemi + "." + components[i] + "_sampled.mgh"))
        vtx_new[:, i] = np.squeeze(data_img.get_fdata())

    if input_mask:

        # mri_vol2surf (background)
        sampler = SampleToSurface()
        sampler.inputs.subject_id = sub
        sampler.inputs.reg_header = True
        sampler.inputs.hemi = hemi
        sampler.inputs.source_file = input_mask
        sampler.inputs.surface = "source"
        sampler.inputs.sampling_method = "point"
        sampler.inputs.sampling_range = 0
        sampler.inputs.sampling_units = "mm"
        sampler.inputs.interp_method = "nearest"
        sampler.inputs.out_type = "mgh"
        sampler.inputs.out_file = os.path.join(path_surf,
                                               hemi + ".background.mgh")

        # get new indices
        background_list = nb.load(
            os.path.join(path_surf, hemi + ".background.mgh")).get_fdata()
        background_list = np.squeeze(background_list).astype(int)

        # only keep vertex indices within the slab
        ind_keep = np.arange(0, len(vtx[:, 0]))
        ind_keep[background_list == 0] = -1
        ind_keep = ind_keep[ind_keep != -1]

        # get new vertices
        vtx_new = vtx_new[ind_keep, :]

        # get new faces
        fac_keep = np.zeros(len(fac[:, 0]))
        fac_keep += np.in1d(fac[:, 0], ind_keep)
        fac_keep += np.in1d(fac[:, 1], ind_keep)
        fac_keep += np.in1d(fac[:, 2], ind_keep)
        fac_temp = fac[fac_keep == 3, :]
        fac_new = fac[fac_keep == 3, :]

        # sort new faces
        c_step = 0
        n_step = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]
        for i in range(len(ind_keep)):
            temp = np.where(ind_keep[i] == fac_temp)
            fac_new[temp] = i

            # print status
            counter = np.floor(i / len(ind_keep) * 100).astype(int)
            if counter == n_step[c_step]:
                print("sort faces: " + str(counter) + " %")
                c_step += 1

        # remove singularities (vertices without faces)
        fac_counter = 0
        fac_old = fac_new.copy()
        n_singularity = np.zeros(len(vtx_new))
        c_step = 0
        for i in range(len(vtx_new)):
            row, col = np.where(fac_old == i)

            n_singularity[i] = len(row)
            if not n_singularity[i]:
                fac_temp = fac_new.copy()
                fac_temp[fac_temp >= fac_counter] = -1
                fac_temp[fac_temp != -1] = 0
                fac_new += fac_temp
                fac_counter -= 1

            # update face counter
            fac_counter += 1

            # print status
            counter = np.floor(i / len(vtx_new) * 100).astype(int)
            if counter == n_step[c_step]:
                print("clean vertices: " + str(counter) + " %")
                c_step += 1

        # vertices and indices without singularities
        vtx_new = vtx_new[n_singularity != 0]
        ind_keep = ind_keep[n_singularity != 0]

        # save index mapping between original and transformed surface
        np.savetxt(os.path.join(path_output, name_surf + "_ind.txt"),
        fac_new = fac

    # flip faces
    if flip_faces:
        fac_new = np.flip(fac_new, axis=1)

    # write new surface
    write_geometry(os.path.join(path_output, name_surf + "_def"), vtx_new,

    # smooth surface
    if smooth_iter:
        smooth = SmoothTessellation()
        smooth.inputs.in_file = os.path.join(path_output, name_surf + "_def")
        smooth.inputs.out_file = os.path.join(path_output,
                                              name_surf + "_def_smooth")
        smooth.inputs.smoothing_iterations = smooth_iter
        smooth.inputs.disable_estimates = True

    # delete intermediate files
    if cleanup:
        sh.rmtree(path_sub, ignore_errors=True)
Example #23
def deweight_mask(file_in,
    This function computes a binary mask by pooling all voxels above a given threshold and replaces
    all image voxels by its gaussian filtered image voxels within this binary mask.
        *file_in: filename of input image.
        *mask_in: filename of input mask.
        *mask_max: cutoff threshold.
        *sigma_gaussian: sigma for gaussian filter.
        *write_output: write output image (boolean).
        *path_output: path where output is written.
        *data_array: image matrix with filtered voxels.
    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 20-04-2020 
    Last modified: 20-04-2020
    import os
    import nibabel as nb
    from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
    from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename

    # get basename of phase file
    _, name_file, ext_file = get_filename(file_in)

    # load unwrapped phase data
    data = nb.load(file_in)
    data_array = data.get_fdata()

    # load standard deviation data
    mask = nb.load(mask_in)
    mask_array = mask.get_fdata()

    # threshold standard deviation
    mask_array[mask_array < mask_max] = 0
    mask_array[mask_array != 0] = 1

    # apply gaussian filter to phase data
    data_array_gaussian = gaussian_filter(data_array,

    # replace data
    data_array[mask_array == 1] = data_array_gaussian[mask_array == 1]

    # write output
    if write_output:
        output = nb.Nifti1Image(data_array, data.affine, data.header)
                os.path.join(path_output, name_file + "_filtered" + ext_file))

    return data_array
Example #24
def gnl_correction(input,
    The purpose of the following function is to correct for gradient nonlinearities. A corrected
    file is written using spline interpolation. The function needs FSL to be included in the search
        *input: filename of input image.
        *file_bash: filename of bash script which calls the gradient unwarping toolbox.
        *file_coeff: filename of siemens coefficient file.
        *python3_env: name of python3 virtual environment.
        *python2_env: name of python2 virtual environment.
        *path_output: path where output is written.
        *cleanup: delete intermediate files.

    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 10-01-2020             
    Last modified: 10-01-2020  
    import os
    import shutil as sh
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb
    from nipype.interfaces.fsl import ConvertWarp, Merge
    from nipype.interfaces.fsl.maths import MeanImage
    from nipype.interfaces.fsl.preprocess import ApplyWarp
    from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename
    from lib.cmap.generate_coordinate_mapping import generate_coordinate_mapping

    # get fileparts
    path, name, ext = get_filename(input)

    # make subfolders
    path_grad = os.path.join(path_output, "grad")
    if not os.path.exists(path_grad):

    # parse arguments
    file_output = os.path.join(path_output, name + "_gnlcorr" + ext)
    file_warp = os.path.join(path_grad, "warp.nii.gz")
    file_jacobian = os.path.join(path_grad, "warp_jacobian.nii.gz")

    # run gradient unwarp
    os.system("bash " + file_bash  + \
              " " + python3_env + \
              " " + python2_env + \
              " " + path_grad + \
              " " + input + \
              " trilinear.nii.gz" + \
              " " + file_coeff)

    # now create an appropriate warpfield output (relative convention)
    convertwarp = ConvertWarp()
    convertwarp.inputs.reference = os.path.join(path_grad, "trilinear.nii.gz")
    convertwarp.inputs.warp1 = os.path.join(path_grad, "fullWarp_abs.nii.gz")
    convertwarp.inputs.abswarp = True
    convertwarp.inputs.out_relwarp = True
    convertwarp.inputs.out_file = file_warp
    convertwarp.inputs.args = "--jacobian=" + file_jacobian

    # convertwarp's jacobian output has 8 frames, each combination of one-sided differences, so average them
    calcmean = MeanImage()
    calcmean.inputs.in_file = file_jacobian
    calcmean.inputs.dimension = "T"
    calcmean.inputs.out_file = file_jacobian

    # apply warp to first volume
    applywarp = ApplyWarp()
    applywarp.inputs.in_file = input
    applywarp.inputs.ref_file = input
    applywarp.inputs.relwarp = True
    applywarp.inputs.field_file = file_warp
    applywarp.inputs.output_type = "NIFTI"
    applywarp.inputs.out_file = file_output
    applywarp.inputs.interp = "spline"

    # normalise warped output image to initial intensity range
    data_img = nb.load(input)
    data_array = data_img.get_fdata()
    max_data = np.max(data_array)
    min_data = np.min(data_array)

    data_img = nb.load(file_output)
    data_array = data_img.get_fdata()
    data_array[data_array < min_data] = 0
    data_array[data_array > max_data] = max_data

    output = nb.Nifti1Image(data_array, data_img.affine, data_img.header)
    nb.save(output, file_output)

    # calculate gradient deviations
    os.system("calc_grad_perc_dev" + \
              " --fullwarp=" + file_warp + \
              " -o " + os.path.join(path_grad,"grad_dev"))

    # merge directions
    merger = Merge()
    merger.inputs.in_files = [
        os.path.join(path_grad, "grad_dev_x.nii.gz"),
        os.path.join(path_grad, "grad_dev_y.nii.gz"),
        os.path.join(path_grad, "grad_dev_z.nii.gz")
    merger.inputs.dimension = 't'
    merger.inputs.merged_file = os.path.join(path_grad, "grad_dev.nii.gz")

    # convert from % deviation to absolute
    data_img = nb.load(os.path.join(path_grad, "grad_dev.nii.gz"))
    data_array = data_img.get_fdata()
    data_array = data_array / 100

    output = nb.Nifti1Image(data_array, data_img.affine, data_img.header)
    nb.save(output, os.path.join(path_grad, "grad_dev.nii.gz"))

    # warp coordinate mapping

    applywarp = ApplyWarp()
    applywarp.inputs.in_file = os.path.join(path_grad, "cmap_gnl.nii")
    applywarp.inputs.ref_file = input
    applywarp.inputs.relwarp = True
    applywarp.inputs.field_file = file_warp
    applywarp.inputs.out_file = os.path.join(path_grad, "cmap_gnl.nii")
    applywarp.inputs.interp = "trilinear"
    applywarp.inputs.output_type = "NIFTI"

    # clean intermediate files
    if cleanup:
        sh.rmtree(path_grad, ignore_errors=True)
Example #25
def get_alff(input, TR, path_output, hp_freq=0.01, lp_freq=0.08, cleanup=True):
    This function calculates ALFF and fALFF from a preprocessed (motion correction, nuisance 
    regression, etc.) resting-state time series. ALFF is computed by bandpass filtering the time 
    time series and computing the voxel-wise standard deviation of the filtered time series. fALFF
    is computed by dividing ALFF by the voxel-wise standard deviation of the unfiltered time series.
    Additionally, ALFF and fALFF are expressed in z-score. This function follows the script found in
        *input: input time series.
        *TR: repetition time in s.
        *hp_freq: highpass cutoff frequency in Hz.
        *lp_freq: lowpass cutoff frequency in Hz.
        *cleanup: delete intermediate files.

    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 27-02-2019        
    Last modified: 15-04-2020
    import os
    import nibabel as nb
    from scipy.stats import zscore
    from nipype.interfaces.afni.preprocess import Bandpass
    from nipype.interfaces.afni.utils import TStat, Calc
    from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename

    # make output folder
    if not os.path.exists(path_output):

    # get path and filename
    _, file, _ = get_filename(input)

    # filtering
    bandpass = Bandpass()
    bandpass.inputs.in_file = input
    bandpass.inputs.highpass = hp_freq
    bandpass.inputs.lowpass = lp_freq
    bandpass.inputs.tr = TR
    bandpass.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI'
    bandpass.inputs.out_file = os.path.join(path_output,
                                            file + "_filtered.nii")

    # standard deviation over frequency
    stddev_filtered = TStat()
    stddev_filtered.inputs.in_file = os.path.join(path_output,
                                                  file + "_filtered.nii")
    stddev_filtered.inputs.args = "-stdev"
    stddev_filtered.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI'
    stddev_filtered.inputs.out_file = os.path.join(path_output, 'alff.nii')

    # standard deviation of the unfiltered nuisance corrected image
    stddev_unfiltered = TStat()
    stddev_unfiltered.inputs.in_file = input
    stddev_unfiltered.inputs.args = "-stdev"
    stddev_unfiltered.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI'
    stddev_unfiltered.inputs.out_file = os.path.join(path_output, 'temp.nii')

    # falff calculations
    falff = Calc()
    falff.inputs.in_file_a = os.path.join(path_output, 'alff.nii')
    falff.inputs.in_file_b = os.path.join(path_output, 'temp.nii')
    falff.inputs.args = '-float'
    falff.inputs.expr = '(1.0*a)/(1.0*b)'
    falff.inputs.outputtype = 'NIFTI'
    falff.inputs.out_file = os.path.join(path_output, 'falff.nii')

    # alff in z-score
    alff_img = nb.load(os.path.join(path_output, "alff.nii"))
    alff_array = alff_img.get_fdata()
    alff_array = zscore(alff_array, axis=None)

    output = nb.Nifti1Image(alff_array, alff_img.affine, alff_img.header)
    nb.save(output, os.path.join(path_output, "alff_z.nii"))

    # falff in z-score
    falff_img = nb.load(os.path.join(path_output, "falff.nii"))
    falff_array = falff_img.get_fdata()
    falff_array = zscore(falff_array, axis=None)

    output = nb.Nifti1Image(falff_array, falff_img.affine, falff_img.header)
    nb.save(output, os.path.join(path_output, "falff_z.nii"))

    # cleanup
    if cleanup:
        os.remove(os.path.join(path_output, "temp.nii"))
        os.remove(os.path.join(path_output, file + "_filtered.nii"))
Example #26
def apply_fieldmap(file_fmap_magn, file_fmap_phase, file_epi, file_epi_moco, file_surf,
                   delta_te=1.02, smooth=2.5, udir="y-", bw=16.304, nerode=1, cleanup=True):
    This function computes a deformation field from a fieldmap acquisition and applies the inverse
    transformation to the undistorted surface. The following steps are performed:
        1. get median time series
        2. skullstrip epi
        3. register fieldmap to epi
        4. mask fieldmap
        5. prepare field
        6. get deforamtion field
        7. apply inverse deformation to surfaces.
        8. remove intermediate files (optional).
    To run the script, FSL and Freesurfer have to be in the PATH environment. The basenames of the 
    surface files should be in freesurfer convention with the hemisphere indicated as prefix.
        *fiele_fmap_magn: fieldmap magnitude image.
        *file_fmap_phase: fieldmap phase difference image.
        *file_epi: filename of raw time series.
        *file_epi_moco: filname of motion corrected time series.
        *file_surf: list of surface filnames.
        *delta_te: echo time difference of fieldmap in ms.
        *smooth: smoothing kernel for fieldmap unmasking.
        *udir: direction for fieldmap unmasking.
        *bw: BandwidthPerPixelPhaseEncode in Hz/px.
        *nerode: number of skullstrip mask eroding iterations.
        *cleanup: removes temporary files at the end of the script (boolean).
    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 31-01-2020
    Last modified: 20-06-2020
    import os
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb
    from nipype.interfaces import fsl
    from lib.skullstrip.skullstrip_epi import skullstrip_epi
    from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename
    from lib.cmap.generate_coordinate_mapping import generate_coordinate_mapping
    from lib.surface.deform_surface import deform_surface
    # prepare path and filename
    path_fmap0, name_fmap0, ext_fmap0 = get_filename(file_fmap_magn)
    path_fmap1, name_fmap1, ext_fmap1 = get_filename(file_fmap_phase)
    path_data, name_data, ext_data = get_filename(file_epi)
    path_udata, name_udata, ext_udata = get_filename(file_epi_moco)
    # filename with file extension
    name_fmap0 += ext_fmap0
    name_fmap1 += ext_fmap1
    name_data += ext_data
    name_udata += ext_udata
    # change directory to fieldmap directory
    # get matrix size in phase encoding direction from uncorrected epi
    data = nb.load(file_epi)
    phase_encode = data.header.get_dim_info()[1]
    ImageMatrixPhaseEncode = data.header["dim"][phase_encode+1]
    # calculate median epi
    udata = nb.load(file_epi_moco)
    arr_udata = udata.get_fdata()
    arr_udata_median = np.median(arr_udata, axis=3)
    udata_median = nb.Nifti1Image(arr_udata_median, udata.affine, udata.header)
    udata_median.header["dim"][0] = 3
    udata_median.header["dim"][4] = 1
    nb.save(udata_median, os.path.join(path_udata, "median_"+name_udata))
    # calculate skullstrip mask of that image
    skullstrip_epi(os.path.join(path_udata, "median_"+name_udata),
    # erode skullstrip mask
    for j in range(nerode):
        erode = fsl.ErodeImage()
        erode.inputs.in_file = os.path.join(path_udata, "mask_median_"+name_udata)
        erode.inputs.output_type = "NIFTI"
        erode.inputs.out_file = os.path.join(path_udata, "mask_median_"+name_udata)
    # register fmap1 to median epi (fsl.FLIRT)
    flirt = fsl.FLIRT()
    flirt.inputs.cost_func = "mutualinfo"
    flirt.inputs.dof = 6
    flirt.inputs.interp = "trilinear" # trlinear, nearestneighbour, sinc or spline
    flirt.inputs.in_file = file_fmap_magn
    flirt.inputs.reference = os.path.join(path_udata, "median_"+name_udata)
    flirt.inputs.output_type = "NIFTI"
    flirt.inputs.out_file = os.path.join(path_fmap0, "r"+name_fmap0)
    flirt.inputs.out_matrix_file = os.path.join(path_fmap0, "fmap2epi.txt")
    # apply registration to fmap2
    applyxfm = fsl.preprocess.ApplyXFM()
    applyxfm.inputs.in_file = file_fmap_phase
    applyxfm.inputs.reference = os.path.join(path_udata, "median_"+name_udata)
    applyxfm.inputs.in_matrix_file = os.path.join(path_fmap0, "fmap2epi.txt")
    applyxfm.inputs.interp = "trilinear"
    applyxfm.inputs.output_type = "NIFTI"
    applyxfm.inputs.out_file = os.path.join(path_fmap1, "r"+name_fmap1)
    applyxfm.inputs.apply_xfm = True
    # apply skullstrip mask to fmap1 and fmap2 and save with same header information
    fmap1_img = nb.load(os.path.join(path_fmap0, "r"+name_fmap0))
    arr_fmap1 = fmap1_img.get_fdata()
    fmap2_img = nb.load(os.path.join(path_fmap1, "r"+name_fmap1))
    arr_fmap2 = fmap2_img.get_fdata()
    mask_img = nb.load(os.path.join(path_udata, "mask_median_"+name_udata))
    arr_mask = mask_img.get_fdata()
    arr_fmap1 = arr_fmap1 * arr_mask
    arr_fmap2 = (arr_fmap2 * arr_mask) 
    arr_fmap2 = arr_fmap2 + np.abs(np.min(arr_fmap2))
    arr_fmap2 = arr_fmap2 / np.max(arr_fmap2) * 4095 # rescale phase image to be within 0-4095
    fmap1_img = nb.Nifti1Image(arr_fmap1, fmap1_img.affine, fmap1_img.header)
    nb.save(fmap1_img, os.path.join(path_fmap0, "pr"+name_fmap0))
    fmap2_img = nb.Nifti1Image(arr_fmap2, fmap1_img.affine, fmap1_img.header)
    nb.save(fmap2_img, os.path.join(path_fmap1, "pr"+name_fmap1))
    # prepare fieldmap (saves fieldmap in rad/s)
    prepare = fsl.PrepareFieldmap()
    prepare.inputs.in_magnitude = os.path.join(path_fmap0, "pr"+name_fmap0)
    prepare.inputs.in_phase = os.path.join(path_fmap1, "pr"+name_fmap1)
    prepare.inputs.out_fieldmap = os.path.join(path_fmap0, "fieldmap.nii")
    prepare.inputs.delta_TE = delta_te
    prepare.inputs.scanner = "SIEMENS"
    prepare.inputs.output_type = "NIFTI" 
    # effective echo spacing in s
    dwell_time = 1/(bw * ImageMatrixPhaseEncode)
    # unmask fieldmap (fsl.FUGUE)
    fugue = fsl.preprocess.FUGUE()
    fugue.inputs.in_file = os.path.join(path_udata, name_udata)
    fugue.inputs.dwell_time = dwell_time
    fugue.inputs.fmap_in_file = os.path.join(path_fmap0, "fieldmap.nii")
    fugue.inputs.smooth3d = smooth
    fugue.inputs.unwarp_direction = udir
    fugue.inputs.save_shift = True
    fugue.inputs.shift_out_file = os.path.join(path_fmap0, "vdm.nii")
    fugue.inputs.output_type = "NIFTI"
    # warp coordinate mapping
    # apply inverse fieldmap to coordinate mapping
    fugue = fsl.preprocess.FUGUE()
    fugue.inputs.in_file = os.path.join(path_fmap0, "cmap_fmap.nii")
    fugue.inputs.shift_in_file = os.path.join(path_fmap0, "vdm.nii")
    fugue.inputs.forward_warping = False
    fugue.inputs.unwarp_direction = udir
    fugue.inputs.output_type = "NIFTI"
    # apply cmap to surface
    for i in range(len(file_surf)): 
        path_surf, hemi, name_surf = get_filename(file_surf[i])
                       input_orig=os.path.join(path_udata, "median_"+name_udata), 
                       input_deform=os.path.join(path_fmap0, "cmap_fmap_unwarped.nii"), 
                       input_target=os.path.join(path_udata, "median_"+name_udata), 
    # delete created files
    if cleanup:
        os.remove(os.path.join(path_fmap0, "cmap_fmap.nii"))
        os.remove(os.path.join(path_fmap0, "cmap_fmap_unwarped.nii"))
        os.remove(os.path.join(path_fmap0, "fieldmap.nii"))
        os.remove(os.path.join(path_fmap0, "fmap2epi.txt"))
        os.remove(os.path.join(path_fmap1, os.path.splitext(name_fmap1)[0]+"_flirt.mat"))
        os.remove(os.path.join(path_fmap0, "r"+name_fmap0))
        os.remove(os.path.join(path_fmap0, "pr"+name_fmap0))
        os.remove(os.path.join(path_fmap1, "r"+name_fmap1))
        os.remove(os.path.join(path_fmap1, "pr"+name_fmap1))
        os.remove(os.path.join(path_fmap0, os.path.splitext(name_udata)[0])+"_unwarped.nii")
        os.remove(os.path.join(path_fmap0, "vdm.nii"))
        os.remove(os.path.join(path_udata, "mask_median_"+name_udata))
        os.remove(os.path.join(path_udata, "median_"+name_udata))
        os.remove(os.path.join(path_udata, "pmedian_"+name_udata))
Example #27
 # apply deformation    
 if deformation_in1 is not None:
 # get filename of deformed file
 if deformation_in1 is not None:
     _, name_file, _ = get_filename(file_in[i])
     filename_def = os.path.join(path_def, name_file+"_def-img.nii") 
     filename_def = file_in[i]
 # map to ana
 for j in range(len(surf_in)):
     # hemisphere
     hemi = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(surf_in[j]))[0]
     # sample on surface
Example #28
from scipy.stats import pearsonr, shapiro
from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename

input = [
input_ref = "/data/pt_01880/Experiment1_ODC/p4/retinotopy3/diagnosis/mean_uadata.nii"
input_mask_ref = ""
r_threshold = 0.95
""" do not edit below """

# get filename from first input entry
_, name_file, _ = get_filename(input[0])

# create output folder
if len(input) < 2:
    path_output = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(input[0]), "correlation")
    path_output = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(input[0])),

if not os.path.exists(path_output):

# load reference volume
data_0 = nb.load(input_ref).get_fdata()

if len(input_mask_ref) > 0:
Example #29
def mesh_sampling_layer(surf_in,
                        r=[0.4, 0.4, 0.4],
    This function samples data from an image volume to a surface mesh from specific layers defined 
    by a levelset image. If average_layer is true, the parameter layer should contain only two 
    integers which denote the start and ending layer.
        *surf_in: filename of input surface mesh.
        *file_in: filename of input volume from which data is sampled.
        *boundaries_in: filename of 4D levelset image.
        *path_output: path where output is written.
        *layer: which layers to sample (array of integers).
        *r: destination voxel size after upsampling (performed if not None).
        *interpolation: interpolation method for upsampling of file from whic data is sampled.
        *average_layer: average across cortex.
        *write_profile: write sampled profile.
        *write_upsampled: write upsampled file.
    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 18-12-2019
    Last modified: 24-07-2020
    import os
    import sys
    import shutil as sh
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb
    from os.path import join, exists, basename, splitext
    from nighres.laminar import profile_sampling
    from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename
    from lib.utils.upsample_volume import upsample_volume
    from lib.mapping import map2surface

    # make output folder
    if not exists(path_output):

    # filenames
    _, name_file, ext_file = get_filename(file_in)
    _, hemi, name_surf = get_filename(surf_in)

    name_surf = name_surf[1:]
    name_profile = splitext(basename(file_in))[0] + "_profile"

    # check hemi
    if not hemi == "lh" and not hemi == "rh":
        sys.exit("Could not identify hemi from filename!")

    # upsample volume
    if not r == None:
        name_file = name_file + "_upsampled"
        upsample_volume(file_in, join(path_output, name_file + ext_file), r,
        if file_in != join(path_output, name_file + ext_file):
            sh.copyfile(file_in, join(path_output, name_file + ext_file))

    # get profile sampling
    tmp = np.random.randint(0, 10, 5)
    tmp_string = ''.join(str(i) for i in tmp)
    profile = profile_sampling(boundaries_in,
                               join(path_output, name_file + ext_file),
                               file_name="profile_" + tmp_string)

    # rename profile sampling output
    if write_profile:
            join(path_output, "profile_" + tmp_string + "_lps-data.nii.gz"),
            join(path_output, name_profile + ".nii.gz"))

    # load profile
    if write_profile:
        data = nb.load(join(path_output, name_profile + ".nii.gz"))
        data = profile["result"]
    data.header["dim"][0] = 3

    # do mapping
    tmp2 = np.random.randint(0, 10, 5)
    tmp2_string = ''.join(str(i) for i in tmp2)
    if not average_layer:

        for i in range(len(layer)):
            data_array = data.get_fdata()[:, :, :, layer[i]]
            out = nb.Nifti1Image(data_array, data.affine, data.header)
            nb.save(out, join(path_output, "temp_" + tmp2_string + ".nii"))

            # do the mapping
                        join(path_output, "temp_" + tmp2_string + ".nii"),

            # rename mapping file
                    path_output, hemi + ".temp_" + tmp2_string + "_" +
                    name_surf + "_def.mgh"),
                    path_output, hemi + "." + name_file + "_layer" +
                    str(layer[i]) + ".mgh"))


        if len(layer) != 2:
            sys.exit("For averaging, layer should only contain two elements!")

        data_array = data.get_fdata()[:, :, :, layer[0]:layer[1]]
        data_array = np.mean(data_array, axis=3)
        out = nb.Nifti1Image(data_array, data.affine, data.header)
        nb.save(out, join(path_output, "temp_" + tmp2_string + ".nii"))

        # do the mapping
                    join(path_output, "temp_" + tmp2_string + ".nii"),

        # rename mapping file
                 hemi + ".temp_" + tmp2_string + "_" + name_surf + "_def.mgh"),
                path_output, hemi + "." + name_file + "_avg_layer" +
                str(layer[0]) + "_" + str(layer[1]) + ".mgh"))

    # clean temp
    os.remove(join(path_output, "temp_" + tmp2_string + ".nii"))

    # clean file
    if not write_upsampled:
        os.remove(join(path_output, name_file + ext_file))
Example #30
def slice_timing_correction(input, TR_old, TR_new, order, prefix="a"):    
    This function performs slice timing correction of a nifti time series. For interleaved slice 
    ordering, interleaved ascending is assumed. The correction is done by temporal interpolation of
    single voxel time series using cubic interpolation. To omit extrapolation errors at the edges,
    the first and last volumes of the time series are appended at the beginning and at the end,
    respectively. These time points are removed again after the interpolation step. The interpolated
    time series is sampled onto a regular grid with a defined new TR. Therefore, the reference slice 
    is always the first slice acquired at t = 0. Only for writing the new TR in the header of the
    output time series, AFNI has to be included in the search path.
        *input: filename of nifti time series.
        *TR_old: TR of time series in seconds.
        *TR_new: TR of slice timing corrected time series in s.
        *order: slice ordering (ascending, descending, interleaved).
        *prefix: prefix of output time series basename.
    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 11-03-2019
    Last modified: 18-03-2019
    import os
    import sys
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb
    from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline as Interp
    from lib.io.get_filename import get_filename

    # get filename
    path_file, name_file, ext_file = get_filename(input)

    # load data
    data = nb.load(input)
    nx = data.header["dim"][1]
    ny = data.header["dim"][2]
    nz = data.header["dim"][3]
    nt = data.header["dim"][4]

    # load array with appended volumes
    data_array = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz, nt+2))
    data_array[:,:,:,0] = data.get_fdata()[:,:,:,0]
    data_array[:,:,:,-1] = data.get_fdata()[:,:,:,-1]
    data_array[:,:,:,1:-1] = data.get_fdata()

    # get slice order
    if order is "ascending":
        slice_order = np.arange(0, nz)
    elif order is "descending":
        slice_order = np.arange(nz-1,-1,-1)
    elif order is "interleaved" and np.mod(nz,2): # odd slice number
        slice_order = np.arange(0,nz,2)
        slice_order = np.append(slice_order, np.arange(1,nz,2))
    elif order is "interleaved" and not np.mod(nz,2): # even slice number
        slice_order = np.arange(1,nz,2)
        slice_order = np.append(slice_order, np.arange(0,nz,2))    
        sys.exit("Choose a valid slice ordering!")

    # some parameters  
    TA = TR_old / nz # acquisition time needed for one slice
    TT = TR_old * nt # total acquisition time
    TR_append = np.floor(TR_old/TR_new).astype(int) * TR_new # number of appended TRs in output array
    t_new = np.arange(-TR_append, TT+TR_append, TR_new) # grid points of output array

    # temporal interpolation
    data_array_corrected = np.zeros((nx,ny,nz,len(t_new)))
    for z in range(nz):
        print("Slice timing correction for slice: "+str(z+1)+"/"+str(nz))
        for x in range(nx):
            for y in range(ny):
                t = np.arange(z*TA-TR_old, z*TA+(nt+1)*TR_old, TR_old)
                cubic_interper = Interp(t, data_array[x,y,slice_order[z],:], k=3)
                data_array_corrected[x,y,slice_order[z],:] = cubic_interper(t_new)

    # delete appended volumes
    vols_keep1 = t_new >= 0
    vols_keep2 = t_new < TT
    vols_keep = vols_keep1 * vols_keep2
    data_array_corrected = data_array_corrected[:,:,:,vols_keep]

    # clean corrected array
    data_min = np.min(data.get_fdata())
    data_max = np.max(data.get_fdata())    
    data_array_corrected[np.isnan(data_array_corrected)] = 0
    data_array_corrected[data_array_corrected < data_min] = data_min
    data_array_corrected[data_array_corrected > data_max] = data_max

    # update data header
    data.header["dim"][4] = np.shape(data_array_corrected)[3]
    data.header["datatype"] = 16

    # write output
    output = nb.Nifti1Image(data_array_corrected, data.affine, data.header)
    nb.save(output, os.path.join(path_file,prefix+name_file+ext_file))
    # change TR in header
    os.system("3drefit " + \
              "-TR " + str(TR_new) + " " + \