def do_get(self, args): '''Get variable value: get proto''' variable = args.split(" ")[0].lower() if variable.lower() in self.all_values: print(variable + ": " + str(self.all_values[variable])) else: print_error(variable + " is not valid")
def print_procs(self, ws): last = "" ws = sorted(ws, key=lambda x: x.get_proto()) for w in ws: if type(w) is int: print_error("An INT was found as a WARRIOR, TAKE A LOOK!") continue if last != w.get_proto(): print() print(colored(w.get_proto(), 'blue', attrs=['reverse', 'bold'])) last = w.get_proto() procs, ch = w.get_procs_info() procs = sorted(procs, key=lambda x: x["name"]) for p in procs: if p["proc"].is_alive(): print( colored(p["name"] + ": ", 'yellow', attrs=['blink', 'bold']) + p["cmd"]) else: print( colored(p["name"] + ": ", 'green', attrs=['bold']) + p["cmd"]) if ch: print( colored( "Command require sequencial object, waiting for execute next commnad...", 'red', attrs=['bold']))
def do_unset(self, args): '''Set variable to null''' if len(args.split(" ")) < 1: print_error("unset <variable>") else: variable = args.split(" ")[0].lower() if variable.lower() in self.all_values: self.all_values[variable] = "" print(colored(variable.capitalize(), "blue", attrs=['bold']) + ": " + colored("Null", "magenta", attrs=['bold'])) else: print_error(variable + " is not valid")
def do_run(self, _): '''Execute the confiured protocol attack''' self.priv_values["protohelp"] = False self.update_executed() warrior = self.initW() if warrior != -1: # If -1, then something went wrong creating the warrior thread = Thread( thread.start() else: print_error("Something went wrong, nothing is going to be executed")
def do_exec(self, args): '''Execute the indicated cmd''' if len(args.split(" ")) < 1: print_error("exec <CMDname>") cmd = args.split(" ")[0].lower() self.priv_values["exec"] = cmd warrior = self.initW() self.priv_values["exec"] = "" if warrior != -1: # If -1, then something went wrong creating the warrior thread = Thread( thread.start() else: print_error( "Something went wrong, nothing is going to be executed")
def do_set(self, args): '''Set variable value: set proto http''' if len(args.split(" ")) < 2: print_error("set <variable> <value>") else: variable = args.split(" ")[0].lower() value = args.split(" ")[1].strip() if variable == "proto" and value.lower() not in valid_protos: print_error("Not valid protocol: "+value) elif variable in ["port", "intensity"] and not value.isdigit(): print_error("Please set a number: "+value) elif variable in ["reexec", "verbose"] and not value.lower() in ["true", "false"]: print_error("Please set a boolean(true or false): "+value) elif variable.lower() in self.all_values: value = value if not value.lower() in ["true", "false"] else (True if value.lower() == "true" else False) self.all_values[variable] = value print(colored(variable.capitalize(), "blue", attrs=['bold']) + ": " + colored(str(value), "yellow", attrs=['bold'])) else: print_error(variable + " is not valid")
def do_set(self, args): '''Set variable value: set proto http''' if len(args.split(" ")) < 2: print_error("set <variable> <value>") else: variable = args.split(" ")[0].lower() value = args.split(" ")[1] if variable == "proto" and value.lower() not in valid_protos: print_error("Not valid protocol: "+value) elif variable.lower() in self.all_values: value = value if not value.lower() in ["true", "false"] else (True if value.lower() == "true" else False) self.all_values[variable] = value print(colored(variable.capitalize(), "blue", attrs=['bold']) + ": " + colored(str(value), "yellow", attrs=['bold'])) else: print_error(variable + " is not valid")