Example #1
def create_gen_build_flavor_cmm ():
   common_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
   destn_dir  = join_paths(os.path.dirname(__file__), "app")
   if not os.path.exists(destn_dir):
   lg.log("update_common_info.py: Calling gen_cmm_data3 to create " + join_paths(destn_dir, "gen_buildflavor.cmm"))
   lg.log_exec( ["python", "app/gen_cmm_data3.py", os.path.dirname(common_dir), join_paths(destn_dir, "gen_buildflavor.cmm")] )
Example #2
def create_gen_build_flavor_cmm ():
   common_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
   destn_dir  = join_paths(os.path.dirname(__file__), "app")
   if not os.path.exists(destn_dir):
   lg.log("update_common_info.py: Calling gen_cmm_data3 to create " + join_paths(destn_dir, "gen_buildflavor.cmm"))
   lg.log_exec( ["python", "app/gen_cmm_data3.py", os.path.dirname(common_dir), join_paths(destn_dir, "gen_buildflavor.cmm")] )
Example #3
def  use_fatgen_toget_partitionsize ():
   lg.log("fatgen_tool path:" + fatgen_tool)
   if os.path.exists( fatgen_tool ):
      lg.log('fatgen tool exists, using it to create new NON-HLOS.bin')
         #get modem partition size from partition.xml
         modem_partition_size = getModemPartitionSize('../config/partition.xml')
         str_modem_partition_size = str( modem_partition_size )
         #print str_modem_partition_size
      except ModemPartitionSizeNotFoundException , ex:
         sys.exit('ModemPartitionSizeNotFoundException raised')
Example #4
def  use_fatgen_toget_partitionsize ():
   lg.log("fatgen_tool path:" + fatgen_tool)
   if os.path.exists( fatgen_tool ):
      lg.log('fatgen tool exists, using it to create new NON-HLOS.bin')
         #get modem partition size from partition.xml
         modem_partition_size = ml.getPartitionSize('../config/partition.xml','modem')
         str_modem_partition_size = str( modem_partition_size )
         #print str_modem_partition_size
      except ml.PartitionSizeNotFoundException , ex:
         sys.exit(ex.partition_name + ' PartitionSizeNotFoundException raised')
Example #5
def use_cpfatfs():
   for flavor in bin_file_dests:
      fat_file_dest = os.path.join(bin_file_dests[flavor], 'NON-HLOS.bin')
      #if NON-HLOS.bin exists delete it, a new NON-HLOS.bin will be created
      #if NON-HLOS.bin already exists, fatgen.py doesn't create it
      #deleting this file so that it is created each time
      if os.path.exists( fat_file_dest ):
         os.remove( fat_file_dest )
         lg.log("Existing " + fat_file_dest + " has been deleted.") 
      if (fatgen_build):
         # Create NON-HLOS.bin of container size as specified in partition.xml
         modem_partition_size = use_fatgen_toget_partitionsize ()
         ret_code_fatgen_tool = lg.log_exec(['python',fatgen_tool,'-f','-s',modem_partition_size,'-n',fat_file_dest],verbose=0)
         if ret_code_fatgen_tool != 0:
             err_msg = 'update_common_info.py:'+'python'+' '+fatgen_tool+' '+'-f'+' '+'-s'+' '+modem_partition_size+' '+'-n'+' '+fat_file_dest +':Faled'
             raise Exception(err_msg)
         # Copy fat.bin to our root directory.  Assume fat.bin is in same directory as cpfatfs.exe   
         shutil.copy(cpfatfs_path + fat_file_src, fat_file_dest)   
      os.chmod(fat_file_dest, stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IWOTH)
      fat_dest_dir = 'image'
      for fat_file in mi.get_files(attr = 'fat_file', flavor = flavor):
         lg.log('update_common_info.py:' + 'cpfatfs' + ' ' +  fat_file +  ' ' + fat_file_dest,verbose=0)
         ret_code_cpfatfs_tool = lg.log_exec([cpfatfs_tool, fat_file_dest, fat_dest_dir, fat_file],verbose=0)
         if ret_code_cpfatfs_tool != 0:
            err_msg = 'update_common_info.py:' + cpfatfs_tool +' '+ fat_file_dest +' '+ fat_dest_dir+' '+fat_file+':Failed'
            raise Exception(err_msg)
Example #6
def use_cpfatfs():
   for flavor in bin_file_dests:
      fat_file_dest = os.path.join(bin_file_dests[flavor], 'NON-HLOS.bin')
      #if NON-HLOS.bin exists delete it, a new NON-HLOS.bin will be created
      #if NON-HLOS.bin already exists, fatgen.py doesn't create it
      #deleting this file so that it is created each time
      if os.path.exists( fat_file_dest ):
         os.remove( fat_file_dest )
         lg.log("Existing " + fat_file_dest + " has been deleted.") 
      if (fatgen_build):
         # Create NON-HLOS.bin of container size as specified in partition.xml
         modem_partition_size = use_fatgen_toget_partitionsize ()
         ret_code_fatgen_tool = lg.log_exec(['python',fatgen_tool,'-f','-s',modem_partition_size,'-n',fat_file_dest],verbose=0)
         if ret_code_fatgen_tool != 0:
             err_msg = 'update_common_info.py:'+'python'+' '+fatgen_tool+' '+'-f'+' '+'-s'+' '+modem_partition_size+' '+'-n'+' '+fat_file_dest +':Faled'
             raise Exception(err_msg)
         # Copy fat.bin to our root directory.  Assume fat.bin is in same directory as cpfatfs.exe   
         shutil.copy(cpfatfs_path + fat_file_src, fat_file_dest)   
      os.chmod(fat_file_dest, stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IWOTH)
      fat_dest_dir = 'image'
      for fat_file in mi.get_files(attr = 'fat_file', flavor = flavor):
         lg.log('update_common_info.py:' + 'cpfatfs' + ' ' +  fat_file +  ' ' + fat_file_dest,verbose=0)
         ret_code_cpfatfs_tool = lg.log_exec([cpfatfs_tool, fat_file_dest, fat_dest_dir, fat_file],verbose=0)
         if ret_code_cpfatfs_tool != 0:
            err_msg = 'update_common_info.py:' + cpfatfs_tool +' '+ fat_file_dest +' '+ fat_dest_dir+' '+fat_file+':Failed'
            raise Exception(err_msg)
Example #7
def workflow_setenv(step_dict):
   # Preprocess the standard items in the step
   preprocess_step(step_dict, flavor)
   var       = step_dict["var"]
   new_value = ml.evaluate_params(step_dict, step_dict["value"])
   cur_value = "%"+var+"%"
   if cur_value in new_value:
      if var in os.environ:   # try fetching current value only when present
         new_value = new_value.replace(cur_value, os.environ[var], 1)   # only one
      else:                   # just keep the new value
   lg.log("Setting OS environment variable")
   lg.log(var + " = " + new_value)
   os.environ[var] = new_value
Example #8
def gen_product_json( flavor):
   bid_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'Product_Info.json')
   lg.log("Creating the file Product_Info.json to hold the buildID information at " + bid_file)
   Product_Info = {}
   Image_Info = {}
   BuildID = mi.get_build_id('common', 'builds_flat')
   Product_Info['Version'] = '1.0'
   Product_Info['Product_Build_ID'] = BuildID
   Product_Info['Product_Flavor'] = flavor
   build_ids = mi.get_build_list()
   build_ids = build_ids
   for  tag in build_ids:
      Image_Info[tag] = mi.get_build_id(tag)
	#Image_Info = OrderedDict(sorted(Image_Info.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
   Product_Info['Image_Build_IDs'] = Image_Info

   with open(bid_file, 'w') as outfile:
      json.dump(Product_Info, outfile, sort_keys=True,indent = 4) 
Example #9
def gen_product_json( flavor):
   bid_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'Product_Info.json')
   lg.log("Creating the file Product_Info.json to hold the buildID information at " + bid_file)
   Product_Info = {}
   Image_Info = {}
   BuildID = mi.get_build_id('common', 'builds_flat')
   Product_Info['Version'] = '1.0'
   Product_Info['Product_Build_ID'] = BuildID
   Product_Info['Product_Flavor'] = flavor
   build_ids = mi.get_build_list()
   build_ids = build_ids
   for  tag in build_ids:
      Image_Info[tag] = mi.get_build_id(tag)
	#Image_Info = OrderedDict(sorted(Image_Info.items(), key=lambda t: t[0]))
   Product_Info['Image_Build_IDs'] = Image_Info

   with open(bid_file, 'w') as outfile:
      json.dump(Product_Info, outfile, sort_keys=True,indent = 4) 
Example #10
def workflow_delete(step_dict):
   for flavor in flavors:
      # Make a copy of step_dict for current flavor
      (step_dict_flavor, flavor_flag) = create_flavor_dict(step_dict, flavor)

      # Preprocess the standard items in the step
      preprocess_step(step_dict_flavor, flavor)
      # Once destination path is processed, try deleting it
      for key in step_dict_flavor:
         # Delete step should contain only keys of destinations to delete
         destn = ml.clean_wvars(step_dict_flavor[key])
            if os.path.isdir(destn):
               lg.log("update_common_info.py: Deleted the directory " + destn);
               lg.log("update_common_info.py: Deleted the file " + destn);
            lg.log("update_common_info.py: Unable to delete " + destn);

      # Don't have to repeat if the step doesn't contain flavor info
      if (len(flavors) > 0) and (not flavor_flag):
Example #11
def workflow_delete(step_dict):
   for flavor in flavors:
      # Make a copy of step_dict for current flavor
      (step_dict_flavor, flavor_flag) = create_flavor_dict(step_dict, flavor)

      # Preprocess the standard items in the step
      preprocess_step(step_dict_flavor, flavor)
      # Once destination path is processed, try deleting it
      for key in step_dict_flavor:
         # Delete step should contain only keys of destinations to delete
         destn = clean_vars(step_dict_flavor[key])
            if os.path.isdir(destn):
               lg.log("update_common_info.py: Deleted the directory " + destn);
               lg.log("update_common_info.py: Deleted the file " + destn);
            lg.log("update_common_info.py: Unable to delete " + destn);

      # Don't have to repeat if the step doesn't contain flavor info
      if (len(flavors) > 0) and (not flavor_flag):
Example #12
import re
from glob import glob

print "build_main.py: Executing from", os.getcwd()

import lib.meta_log as lg 
import lib.meta_lib as ml
import lib.update_meta as um
import lib.validate_contents_template as vct
from xml.etree import ElementTree as et

# Find our parameters                                     #
lg.log("build_main.py:Finding Parameters")
param_file_fn = 'latest_args.txt'
params = sys.argv[1:]

#Flag to check if script needs to be exited after contents template validation
exit_after_vct = False
if len(params) > 0:
   # For script help: consider if '-help' is 1st argument 
   if params[0].startswith('-help'):
      print __doc__
   # Atleast 1 new argument is provided
   # Ignore latest_args.txt and overwrite
   param_file = open(param_file_fn, 'w')
   for p in params:
Example #13
def workflow_exec(step_dict):
   # Execution step should specify the tool name to run
   if not ('tool_name' in step_dict or 'params' in step_dict):
      lg.log("update_common_info.py: Invalid exec step! Tool name or command not specified")
      for flavor in flavors:
         # Make a copy of step_dict for current flavor
         (step_dict_flavor, flavor_flag) = create_flavor_dict(step_dict, flavor)
         # Preprocess the standard items in the step
         preprocess_step(step_dict_flavor, flavor)
         # After preprocess check if the tool is available and execute
         if step_dict_flavor['tool_name']:
            lg.log("build.py:  --------------------------------------------------")
            lg.log("build.py:   Calling " + step_dict_flavor['tool_name'].split('/')[-1] + " " + (flavor or ""))
            # Check if the step has file_vars or files and loop accordingly
            if ('src_file_vars' in step_dict_flavor.keys()) and (len(step_dict_flavor['src_file_vars']) > 0):
               src_file_vars = step_dict_flavor['src_file_vars']
               for key in src_file_vars.keys():
                  step_dict_flavor['src_file_var'] = key
                  for file in src_file_vars[key]:
                     step_dict_flavor['src_file'] = file
                     params = ml.evaluate_params(step_dict_flavor)
                     lg.log("build.py:  --------------------------------------------------\n")

                     return_code = lg.log_exec(params)
                     if (return_code != 0 and (('tool_name' in step_dict) and (step_dict['tool_name'] in  ("fatadd.py","fatgen.py","ptool.py","pil-splitter.py","checksparse.py","match_si_var.py","fat_creation.py","ext_tool_wrapper.py") ))):
                        err_msg = "build.py:  "+params+":Failed"
                        raise Exception(err_msg)
            elif ('src_files' in step_dict_flavor.keys()) and (len(step_dict_flavor['src_files']) > 0):
               src_files = step_dict_flavor['src_files']
               for src_file in src_files:      
                  step_dict_flavor['src_file'] = src_file
                  params = ml.evaluate_params(step_dict_flavor)
                  lg.log("build.py:  --------------------------------------------------\n")

                  return_code = lg.log_exec(params)
                  if (return_code != 0 and (('tool_name' in step_dict) and (step_dict['tool_name'] in  ("fatadd.py","fatgen.py","ptool.py","pil-splitter.py","checksparse.py","match_si_var.py","fat_creation.py","ext_tool_wrapper.py") ))):
                     err_msg = "build.py:  "+params+":Failed"
                     raise Exception(err_msg)
               params = ml.evaluate_params(step_dict_flavor)
               lg.log("build.py:  --------------------------------------------------\n")
               return_code =  lg.log_exec(params)

               if (return_code != 0 and (('tool_name' in step_dict) and (step_dict['tool_name'] in  ("fatadd.py","fatgen.py","ptool.py","pil-splitter.py","checksparse.py","match_si_var.py","fat_creation.py","ext_tool_wrapper.py") ))):
                  err_msg = "build.py:  "+params+":Failed"
                  raise Exception(err_msg)
            if ('start_dir' in step_dict_flavor.keys()):
               # cd'd to exec_dir in preprocessing, so revert back
               del step_dict_flavor['start_dir']
         # Don't have to repeat if the step doesn't contain flavor info
         if (len(flavors) > 0) and (not flavor_flag):
Example #14
def workflow_copy(step_dict):
   # Execution step should specify the tool name to run
   if not ('destn_dir' in step_dict or 'src_files' in step_dict):
      lg.log("update_common_info.py: Invalid copy step! Source Files or Destination not specified")
      for flavor in flavors:
         # Make a copy of step_dict for current flavor
         (step_dict_flavor, flavor_flag) = create_flavor_dict(step_dict, flavor)
         # Preprocess the standard items in the step
         preprocess_step(step_dict_flavor, flavor)
         lg.log("build.py: --------------------------------------------------")
         lg.log("build.py:  Starting copy")
         if ('src_files' in step_dict_flavor.keys()):
            src_files = step_dict_flavor['src_files']
            destn_dir = step_dict_flavor['destn_dir']
            # Copy each file in the list
            for src_file in src_files:
               # Directory vs File
               if ('@' in src_file):
                  src_file = ml.evaluate_params(step_dict_flavor,src_file)
               if (os.path.isdir(src_file)):
                  lg.log("update_common_info: Copying directory tree " + src_file + " to " + destn_dir)
                  copytree(src_file, destn_dir)
                  for file in glob(src_file): # for wildcards
                     lg.log("Copying " + file + " to " + destn_dir)
                     shutil.copy(file, destn_dir)

         if ('src_file_vars' in step_dict_flavor.keys()) and (len(step_dict_flavor['src_file_vars']) > 0):
            src_file_vars = step_dict_flavor['src_file_vars']
            for key in src_file_vars.keys():
               destn_dir = step_dict_flavor['destn_dir']
               for src_file in src_file_vars[key]:
			      # Directory vs File
                  if (os.path.isfile(src_file)): # No wildcards
                     destloc = 	destn_dir			  
                     if(key.lower() != 'true'): # Rename file based on attribute value
                        destloc = os.path.join(destn_dir, key)
                        base_dir = os.path.dirname(destloc)
                        if os.path.exists(base_dir) is False:
                     lg.log("Copying " + src_file + " to " + destloc)
                     shutil.copy(src_file, destloc)
                  elif (os.path.isdir(src_file)):
                     lg.log("update_common_info: Copying directory tree " + src_file + " to " + destn_dir)
                     copytree(src_file, destn_dir)
                     for file in glob(src_file): # for wildcards
                        lg.log("Copying " + file + " to " + destn_dir)
                        shutil.copy(file, destn_dir)
            lg.log("build.py: --------------------------------------------------\n")
         # Don't have to repeat if the step doesn't contain flavor info
         if (len(flavors) > 0) and (not flavor_flag):
Example #15
def preprocess_step (step_dict_flavor, flavor):
   # If step is "exec" process the tool name to get path
   if ('tool_name' in step_dict_flavor):
      tool_name = step_dict['tool_name']
      tool_build = mi.get_tool_build(tool_name, 'workflow')
      if tool_build:
         # If valid build exists, get the full path to tool
         tool_pfn = join_paths(mi.get_build_path(tool_build), 
                               mi.get_tool_path(tool_name, 'workflow'), 
         step_dict_flavor['tool_name'] = tool_pfn
         step_dict_flavor['tool_name'] = None
         # The tool for this exec step is not present. Need not proceed...
   # If destination directory is specified, create if not found
   if ('destn_dir' in step_dict_flavor):
      destn_dir = ml.clean_wvars(step_dict_flavor['destn_dir'])
      if not os.path.exists(destn_dir):
         lg.log("update_common_info.py: Creating directory " + destn_dir)
      # After evaluating map it back to the dictionary
      step_dict_flavor['destn_dir'] = destn_dir
   # If execution directory is specified, create and cd to it
   if ('exec_dir' in step_dict_flavor):
      exec_dir = ml.clean_wvars(step_dict_flavor['exec_dir'])
      if not os.path.exists(exec_dir):
      # Save the current path and change to exec_dir
      start_dir = os.getcwd()
      step_dict_flavor['start_dir'] = start_dir
      step_dict_flavor['exec_dir'] = exec_dir
      lg.log("Changed working directory to " + step_dict_flavor['exec_dir']);
   for step_elem in step_dict_flavor.keys():
      if step_elem.startswith('root_dir'):
         build = ml.clean_wvars(step_dict_flavor[step_elem])
         root_dir_si = mi.get_build_path(build)
         step_dict_flavor[step_elem] = root_dir_si 
   # Get list of source files based on the given key
   src_files = []
   if ('src_files' in step_dict_flavor):
      src_files = step_dict_flavor['src_files']
      if '$' in src_files:     
         # If source_files is listed as var:value pair, use get_files and filter with provided attr
         # This will return a list of files filtered with flavor and attribute
         attr = ml.clean_wvars(src_files)
         src_files = mi.get_files(attr=attr, flavor=flavor)
         # Treat is just as a file or a directory path and make it a list
         src_files = [ml.clean_wvars(src_files)]
      step_dict_flavor['src_files'] = src_files
   src_file_vars = []
   if ('src_file_vars' in step_dict_flavor):
      # If source is listed as file_vars, use get_file_vars
      # This will return a dictionary with var:[file] pairs
      attr = ml.clean_wvars(step_dict_flavor['src_file_vars'])
      src_file_vars = mi.get_file_vars(attr, flavor = flavor)
      step_dict_flavor['src_file_vars'] = src_file_vars
Example #16
def preprocess_step (step_dict_flavor, flavor):
   # If step is "exec" process the tool name to get path
   if ('tool_name' in step_dict_flavor):
      tool_name = step_dict['tool_name']
      tool_build = mi.get_tool_build(tool_name, 'workflow')
      if tool_build:
         # If valid build exists, get the full path to tool
         tool_pfn = join_paths(mi.get_build_path(tool_build), 
                               mi.get_tool_path(tool_name, 'workflow'), 
         step_dict_flavor['tool_name'] = tool_pfn
         step_dict_flavor['tool_name'] = None
         # The tool for this exec step is not present. Need not proceed...
   # If destination directory is specified, create if not found
   if ('destn_dir' in step_dict_flavor):
      destn_dir = clean_vars(step_dict_flavor['destn_dir'])
      if not os.path.exists(destn_dir):
         lg.log("update_common_info.py: Creating directory " + destn_dir)
      # After evaluating map it back to the dictionary
      step_dict_flavor['destn_dir'] = destn_dir
   # If execution directory is specified, create and cd to it
   if ('exec_dir' in step_dict_flavor):
      exec_dir = clean_vars(step_dict_flavor['exec_dir'])
      if not os.path.exists(exec_dir):
      # Save the current path and change to exec_dir
      start_dir = os.getcwd()
      step_dict_flavor['start_dir'] = start_dir
      step_dict_flavor['exec_dir'] = exec_dir
      lg.log("Changed working directory to " + step_dict_flavor['exec_dir']);
   # If root directory is specified, get the root of that build
   if ('root_dir' in step_dict_flavor):
      if ('$[build' in step_dict_flavor['root_dir']):
         build = clean_vars(step_dict_flavor['root_dir'])
         root_dir = mi.get_build_path(build)
         step_dict_flavor['root_dir'] = root_dir
   # Get list of source files based on the given key
   src_files = []
   if ('src_files' in step_dict_flavor):
      src_files = step_dict_flavor['src_files']
      if '$' in src_files:     
         # If source_files is listed as var:value pair, use get_files and filter with provided attr
         # This will return a list of files filtered with flavor and attribute
         attr = clean_vars(src_files)
         src_files = mi.get_files(attr=attr, flavor=flavor)
         # Treat is just as a file or a directory path and make it a list
         src_files = [clean_vars(src_files)]
      step_dict_flavor['src_files'] = src_files
   src_file_vars = []
   if ('src_file_vars' in step_dict_flavor):
      # If source is listed as file_vars, use get_file_vars
      # This will return a dictionary with var:[file] pairs
      attr = clean_vars(step_dict_flavor['src_file_vars'])
      src_file_vars = mi.get_file_vars(attr, flavor = flavor)
      step_dict_flavor['src_file_vars'] = src_file_vars
Example #17
if options.clean_build:
# Create snapshot file list to track generated files list in build process.

# Get bearings                                            #
on_linux = sys.platform.startswith("linux")

# Initialize logger and print some diagnostic info        #
lg = lg.Logger('update_common')
lg.log("build.py: Platform is:" + sys.platform,verbose=0)
lg.log("build.py: Python Version is:" + sys.version,verbose=0)
lg.log("build.py: Current directory is:" + os.getcwd(),verbose=0)

# Check "common/config/" folder if multi-variant contents XML exist   #
contents_xml = '../../contents.xml'
var_contents_xml = '../config/contents.xml' #Default variant
if os.path.exists(var_contents_xml) or len(options.variant_contents_xml) > 0: #Might be support multi-variant
   if len(options.variant_contents_xml) > 0:
      var_contents_xml = '../config/contents_' + options.variant_contents_xml + '.xml'
   if not os.path.exists(var_contents_xml):
      lg.log("Error : " + var_contents_xml + " not found!!!")
   lg.log("Selected variant:  " + var_contents_xml)
Example #18
# Can all options be checked in single shot?
if not (options.cmm or options.non_hlos or options.hlos):
   options.cmm = True
   options.non_hlos = True
   options.hlos = True

# Get bearings                                            #
on_linux = sys.platform.startswith("linux")

# Initialize logger and print some diagnostic info        #
lg = lg.Logger('update_common')
lg.log("build.py: Platform is:" + sys.platform,verbose=0)
lg.log("build.py: Python Version is:" + sys.version,verbose=0)
lg.log("build.py: Current directory is:" + os.getcwd(),verbose=0)

# Load the Meta-Info file                                 #
lg.log("build.py: Loading the Meta-Info file",verbose=0)

mi = ml.meta_info(logger=lg)

# Get flavor information                                  #
flavors = mi.get_product_flavors()
# Returns empty list [] if no flavors found
Example #19
def workflow_copy(step_dict):
   # Execution step should specify the tool name to run
   if not ('destn_dir' in step_dict or 'src_files' in step_dict):
      lg.log("update_common_info.py: Invalid copy step! Source Files or Destination not specified")
      for flavor in flavors:
         # Make a copy of step_dict for current flavor
         (step_dict_flavor, flavor_flag) = create_flavor_dict(step_dict, flavor)
         # Preprocess the standard items in the step
         preprocess_step(step_dict_flavor, flavor)
         lg.log("build.py: --------------------------------------------------")
         lg.log("build.py:  Starting copy")
         if ('src_files' in step_dict_flavor.keys()):
            src_files = step_dict_flavor['src_files']
            destn_dir = step_dict_flavor['destn_dir']
            # Copy each file in the list
            for src_file in src_files:
               # Directory vs File
               if (os.path.isdir(src_file)):
                  lg.log("update_common_info: Copying directory tree " + src_file + " to " + destn_dir)
                  copytree(src_file, destn_dir)
                  for file in glob(src_file): # for wildcards
                     lg.log("Copying " + file + " to " + destn_dir)
                     shutil.copy(file, destn_dir)
            lg.log("build.py: --------------------------------------------------\n")
         # Don't have to repeat if the step doesn't contain flavor info
         if (len(flavors) > 0) and (not flavor_flag):
Example #20
def workflow_exec(step_dict):
   # Execution step should specify the tool name to run
   if not ('tool_name' in step_dict or 'params' in step_dict):
      lg.log("update_common_info.py: Invalid exec step! Tool name or command not specified")
      for flavor in flavors:
         # Make a copy of step_dict for current flavor
         (step_dict_flavor, flavor_flag) = create_flavor_dict(step_dict, flavor)
         # Preprocess the standard items in the step
         preprocess_step(step_dict_flavor, flavor)
         # After preprocess check if the tool is available and execute
         if step_dict_flavor['tool_name']:
            lg.log("build.py:  --------------------------------------------------")
            lg.log("build.py:   Calling " + step_dict_flavor['tool_name'].split('/')[-1] + " " + (flavor or ""))
            # Check if the step has file_vars or files and loop accordingly
            if ('src_file_vars' in step_dict_flavor.keys()) and (len(step_dict_flavor['src_file_vars']) > 0):
               src_file_vars = step_dict_flavor['src_file_vars']
               for key in src_file_vars.keys():
                  step_dict_flavor['src_file_var'] = key
                  for file in src_file_vars[key]:
                     step_dict_flavor['src_file'] = file
                     params = evaluate_params(step_dict_flavor)
                     lg.log("build.py:  --------------------------------------------------\n")

                     return_code = lg.log_exec(params)
                     if (return_code != 0 and (('tool_name' in step_dict) and (step_dict['tool_name'] in  ("fatadd.py","fatgen.py","ptool.py","pil-splitter.py","checksparse.py") ))):
                        err_msg = "build.py:  "+params+":Failed"
                        raise Exception(err_msg)
            elif ('src_files' in step_dict_flavor.keys()) and (len(step_dict_flavor['src_files']) > 0):
               src_files = step_dict_flavor['src_files']
               for src_file in src_files:
                  if (src_file.find('Product_Info.json') != -1) and (bool(options.product_json) == True): #Create Product_Info.json for each flavor
                  step_dict_flavor['src_file'] = src_file
                  params = evaluate_params(step_dict_flavor)
                  lg.log("build.py:  --------------------------------------------------\n")

                  return_code = lg.log_exec(params)
                  if (return_code != 0 and (('tool_name' in step_dict) and (step_dict['tool_name'] in  ("fatadd.py","fatgen.py","ptool.py","pil-splitter.py","checksparse.py") ))):
                     err_msg = "build.py:  "+params+":Failed"
                     raise Exception(err_msg)
               params = evaluate_params(step_dict_flavor)
               lg.log("build.py:  --------------------------------------------------\n")
               return_code =  lg.log_exec(params)

               if (return_code != 0 and (('tool_name' in step_dict) and (step_dict['tool_name'] in  ("fatadd.py","fatgen.py","ptool.py","pil-splitter.py","checksparse.py") ))):
                  err_msg = "build.py:  "+params+":Failed"
                  raise Exception(err_msg)
            if ('start_dir' in step_dict_flavor.keys()):
               # cd'd to exec_dir in preprocessing, so revert back
               del step_dict_flavor['start_dir']
         # Don't have to repeat if the step doesn't contain flavor info
         if (len(flavors) > 0) and (not flavor_flag):
Example #21
def workflow_copy(step_dict):
   # Execution step should specify the tool name to run
   if not ('destn_dir' in step_dict or 'src_files' in step_dict):
      lg.log("update_common_info.py: Invalid copy step! Source Files or Destination not specified")
      for flavor in flavors:
         # Make a copy of step_dict for current flavor
         (step_dict_flavor, flavor_flag) = create_flavor_dict(step_dict, flavor)
         # Preprocess the standard items in the step
         preprocess_step(step_dict_flavor, flavor)
         lg.log("build.py: --------------------------------------------------")
         lg.log("build.py:  Starting copy")
         if ('src_files' in step_dict_flavor.keys()):
            src_files = step_dict_flavor['src_files']
            destn_dir = step_dict_flavor['destn_dir']
            # Copy each file in the list
            for src_file in src_files:
               # Directory vs File
               if (os.path.isdir(src_file)):
                  lg.log("update_common_info: Copying directory tree " + src_file + " to " + destn_dir)
                  copytree(src_file, destn_dir)
                  for file in glob(src_file): # for wildcards
                     lg.log("Copying " + file + " to " + destn_dir)
                     shutil.copy(file, destn_dir)
            lg.log("build.py: --------------------------------------------------\n")
         # Don't have to repeat if the step doesn't contain flavor info
         if (len(flavors) > 0) and (not flavor_flag):
Example #22
def   use_fat_add ():
   for flavor in bin_file_dests:
      fat_file_dest = os.path.join(bin_file_dests[flavor], 'NON-HLOS.bin')

      #if NON-HLOS.bin exists delete it, a new NON-HLOS.bin will be created
      #if NON-HLOS.bin already exists, fatgen.py doesn't create it
      #deleting this file so that it is created each time
      if os.path.exists( fat_file_dest ):
         os.remove( fat_file_dest )
         lg.log("Existing " + fat_file_dest + " has been deleted.")
      if (fatgen_build):
         # Create NON-HLOS.bin of container size as specified in partition.xml
         modem_partition_size = use_fatgen_toget_partitionsize ()
         ret_code_fatgen_tool = lg.log_exec(['python',fatgen_tool,'-f','-s',modem_partition_size,'-n',fat_file_dest],verbose=0)
         if ret_code_fatgen_tool != 0:
             err_msg = 'update_common_info.py:'+'python'+' '+fatgen_tool+' '+'-f'+' '+'-s'+' '+modem_partition_size+' '+'-n'+' '+fat_file_dest +':Faled'
             raise Exception(err_msg)         
         # Copy fat.bin to our root directory.  Assume fat.bin is in same directory as cpfatfs.exe   
         shutil.copy(fatadd_path + fat_file_src, fat_file_dest)
      os.chmod(fat_file_dest, stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IWOTH)
      # Add each "fat_file" from contents.xml
      fatFiles = mi.get_files(attr = 'fat_file', flavor=flavor)
      # Create sub directories in NON-HLOS.bin for each "sub_dir" from contents.xml
      subDirFiles = mi.get_files(attr = 'sub_dir', flavor=flavor,abs=False)
      subDirFatFiles = {}
      if len(subDirFiles) > 0:
          for relfile in subDirFiles:
              for absfile in fatFiles:
                  tempabsfile = absfile
                  if on_linux == False:     
                      tempabsfile = absfile.replace('/','\\')
                  if tempabsfile.find(relfile) != -1:
                      subDirFatFiles[absfile] = os.path.dirname(relfile)

      for fat_file in fatFiles:
         fat_dest_dir = 'image'
         if fat_file in subDirFatFiles:
             fat_dest_dir = os.path.join(fat_dest_dir,subDirFatFiles[fat_file])
         lg.log('update_common_info.py:' + 'fatadd' + ' ' +  fat_file +  ' ' + fat_file_dest,verbose=0)
         ret_code_fatadd_tool = lg.log_exec(['python',fatadd_tool,'-n',fat_file_dest,'-f' + fat_file,'-d'+ fat_dest_dir],verbose=0)
         if ret_code_fatadd_tool != 0:
            err_msg = 'update_common_info.py:' + 'python'+' '+fatadd_tool+' '+'-n'+' '+fat_file_dest+' '+'-f' + ' '+fat_file+' '+'-d'+' '+ fat_dest_dir+':Failed'
            raise Exception(err_msg)
      # Add ver_info.txt
      fat_dest_dir = 'verinfo'
      bid_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'Ver_Info.txt')
      if os.path.exists(bid_file):
         lg.log('update_common_info.py:' + 'fatadd' + ' ' +  bid_file +  ' ' + fat_file_dest,verbose=0)
         ret_code_fatadd_tool = lg.log_exec(['python',fatadd_tool,'-n',fat_file_dest,'-f' + bid_file,'-d'+ fat_dest_dir],verbose=0) 
         if ret_code_fatadd_tool != 0:
             err_msg = 'update_common_info.py:' + 'python'+' '+fatadd_tool+' '+'-n'+' '+fat_file_dest+' '+'-f' + bid_file+' '+'-d'+ fat_dest_dir+':Failed'
             raise Exception(err_msg)
Example #23
# Can all options be checked in single shot?
if not (options.cmm or options.non_hlos or options.hlos):
   options.cmm = True
   options.non_hlos = True
   options.hlos = True

# Get bearings                                            #
on_linux = sys.platform.startswith("linux")

# Initialize logger and print some diagnostic info        #
lg = lg.Logger('update_common')
lg.log("build.py: Platform is:" + sys.platform,verbose=0)
lg.log("build.py: Python Version is:" + sys.version,verbose=0)
lg.log("build.py: Current directory is:" + os.getcwd(),verbose=0)

# Load the Meta-Info file                                 #
lg.log("build.py: Loading the Meta-Info file",verbose=0)

mi = ml.meta_info(logger=lg)

# Get flavor information                                  #
flavors = mi.get_product_flavors()
# Returns empty list [] if no flavors found
Example #24
def   use_fat_add ():
   for flavor in bin_file_dests:
      fat_file_dest = os.path.join(bin_file_dests[flavor], 'NON-HLOS.bin')

      #if NON-HLOS.bin exists delete it, a new NON-HLOS.bin will be created
      #if NON-HLOS.bin already exists, fatgen.py doesn't create it
      #deleting this file so that it is created each time
      if os.path.exists( fat_file_dest ):
         os.remove( fat_file_dest )
         lg.log("Existing " + fat_file_dest + " has been deleted.")
      if (fatgen_build):
         # Create NON-HLOS.bin of container size as specified in partition.xml
         modem_partition_size = use_fatgen_toget_partitionsize ()
         ret_code_fatgen_tool = lg.log_exec(['python',fatgen_tool,'-f','-s',modem_partition_size,'-n',fat_file_dest],verbose=0)
         if ret_code_fatgen_tool != 0:
             err_msg = 'update_common_info.py:'+'python'+' '+fatgen_tool+' '+'-f'+' '+'-s'+' '+modem_partition_size+' '+'-n'+' '+fat_file_dest +':Faled'
             raise Exception(err_msg)         
         # Copy fat.bin to our root directory.  Assume fat.bin is in same directory as cpfatfs.exe   
         shutil.copy(fatadd_path + fat_file_src, fat_file_dest)
      os.chmod(fat_file_dest, stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IWOTH)
      # Add each "fat_file" from contents.xml
      fatFiles = mi.get_files(attr = 'fat_file', flavor=flavor)
      # Create sub directories in NON-HLOS.bin for each "sub_dir" from contents.xml
      subDirFiles = mi.get_files(attr = 'sub_dir', flavor=flavor,abs=False)
      subDirFatFiles = {}
      if len(subDirFiles) > 0:
          for relfile in subDirFiles:
              for absfile in fatFiles:
                  tempabsfile = absfile
                  if on_linux == False:		
                      tempabsfile = absfile.replace('/','\\')
                  if tempabsfile.find(relfile) != -1:
                      subDirFatFiles[absfile] = os.path.dirname(relfile)

      for fat_file in fatFiles:
         fat_dest_dir = 'image'
         print fat_file
         if fat_file in subDirFatFiles:
             fat_dest_dir = os.path.join(fat_dest_dir,subDirFatFiles[fat_file])
         lg.log('update_common_info.py:' + 'fatadd' + ' ' +  fat_file +  ' ' + fat_file_dest,verbose=0)
         ret_code_fatadd_tool = lg.log_exec(['python',fatadd_tool,'-n',fat_file_dest,'-f' + fat_file,'-d'+ fat_dest_dir],verbose=0)
         if ret_code_fatadd_tool != 0:
            err_msg = 'update_common_info.py:' + 'python'+' '+fatadd_tool+' '+'-n'+' '+fat_file_dest+' '+'-f' + ' '+fat_file+' '+'-d'+' '+ fat_dest_dir+':Failed'
            raise Exception(err_msg)
      # Add ver_info.txt
      fat_dest_dir = 'verinfo'
      bid_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'Ver_Info.txt')
      if os.path.exists(bid_file):
         lg.log('update_common_info.py:' + 'fatadd' + ' ' +  bid_file +  ' ' + fat_file_dest,verbose=0)
         ret_code_fatadd_tool = lg.log_exec(['python',fatadd_tool,'-n',fat_file_dest,'-f' + bid_file,'-d'+ fat_dest_dir],verbose=0) 
         if ret_code_fatadd_tool != 0:
             err_msg = 'update_common_info.py:' + 'python'+' '+fatadd_tool+' '+'-n'+' '+fat_file_dest+' '+'-f' + bid_file+' '+'-d'+ fat_dest_dir+':Failed'
             raise Exception(err_msg)