Example #1
def get_changes_filter(args):
    :type args: TestConfig
    :rtype: list[str]
    paths = detect_changes(args)

    if not args.metadata.change_description:
        if paths:
            changes = categorize_changes(args, paths, args.command)
            changes = ChangeDescription()

        args.metadata.change_description = changes

    if paths is None:
        return []  # change detection not enabled, do not filter targets

    if not paths:
        raise NoChangesDetected()

    if args.metadata.change_description.targets is None:
        raise NoTestsForChanges()

    return args.metadata.change_description.targets
def categorize_changes(args, paths, verbose_command=None):
    :type args: TestConfig
    :type paths: list[str]
    :type verbose_command: str
    :rtype: ChangeDescription
    mapper = PathMapper(args)

    commands = {
        'sanity': set(),
        'units': set(),
        'integration': set(),
        'windows-integration': set(),
        'network-integration': set(),

    focused_commands = collections.defaultdict(set)

    deleted_paths = set()
    original_paths = set()
    additional_paths = set()
    no_integration_paths = set()

    for path in paths:
        if not os.path.exists(path):


        dependent_paths = mapper.get_dependent_paths(path)

        if not dependent_paths:

        display.info('Expanded "%s" to %d dependent file(s):' % (path, len(dependent_paths)), verbosity=1)

        for dependent_path in dependent_paths:
            display.info(dependent_path, verbosity=1)

    additional_paths -= set(paths)  # don't count changed paths as additional paths

    if additional_paths:
        display.info('Expanded %d changed file(s) into %d additional dependent file(s).' % (len(paths), len(additional_paths)))
        paths = sorted(set(paths) | additional_paths)

    display.info('Mapping %d changed file(s) to tests.' % len(paths))

    for path in paths:
        tests = mapper.classify(path)

        if tests is None:
            focused_target = False

            display.info('%s -> all' % path, verbosity=1)
            tests = all_tests(args)  # not categorized, run all tests
            display.warning('Path not categorized: %s' % path)
            focused_target = tests.pop(FOCUSED_TARGET, False) and path in original_paths

            tests = dict((key, value) for key, value in tests.items() if value)

            if focused_target and not any('integration' in command for command in tests):
                no_integration_paths.add(path)  # path triggers no integration tests

            if verbose_command:
                result = '%s: %s' % (verbose_command, tests.get(verbose_command) or 'none')

                # identify targeted integration tests (those which only target a single integration command)
                if 'integration' in verbose_command and tests.get(verbose_command):
                    if not any('integration' in command for command in tests if command != verbose_command):
                        if focused_target:
                            result += ' (focused)'

                        result += ' (targeted)'
                result = '%s' % tests

            display.info('%s -> %s' % (path, result), verbosity=1)

        for command, target in tests.items():

            if focused_target:

    for command in commands:

        if any(t == 'all' for t in commands[command]):
            commands[command] = set(['all'])

    commands = dict((c, sorted(commands[c])) for c in commands if commands[c])
    focused_commands = dict((c, sorted(focused_commands[c])) for c in focused_commands)

    for command in commands:
        if commands[command] == ['all']:
            commands[command] = []  # changes require testing all targets, do not filter targets

    changes = ChangeDescription()
    changes.command = verbose_command
    changes.changed_paths = sorted(original_paths)
    changes.deleted_paths = sorted(deleted_paths)
    changes.regular_command_targets = commands
    changes.focused_command_targets = focused_commands
    changes.no_integration_paths = sorted(no_integration_paths)

    return changes
Example #3
def categorize_changes(args, paths, verbose_command=None):
    :type args: TestConfig
    :type paths: list[str]
    :type verbose_command: str
    :rtype: ChangeDescription
    mapper = PathMapper(args)

    commands = {
        'sanity': set(),
        'units': set(),
        'integration': set(),
        'windows-integration': set(),
        'network-integration': set(),

    focused_commands = collections.defaultdict(set)

    deleted_paths = set()
    original_paths = set()
    additional_paths = set()
    no_integration_paths = set()

    for path in paths:
        if not os.path.exists(path):


        dependent_paths = mapper.get_dependent_paths(path)

        if not dependent_paths:

        display.info('Expanded "%s" to %d dependent file(s):' % (path, len(dependent_paths)), verbosity=1)

        for dependent_path in dependent_paths:
            display.info(dependent_path, verbosity=1)

    additional_paths -= set(paths)  # don't count changed paths as additional paths

    if additional_paths:
        display.info('Expanded %d changed file(s) into %d additional dependent file(s).' % (len(paths), len(additional_paths)))
        paths = sorted(set(paths) | additional_paths)

    display.info('Mapping %d changed file(s) to tests.' % len(paths))

    for path in paths:
        tests = mapper.classify(path)

        if tests is None:
            focused_target = False

            display.info('%s -> all' % path, verbosity=1)
            tests = all_tests(args)  # not categorized, run all tests
            display.warning('Path not categorized: %s' % path)
            focused_target = tests.pop(FOCUSED_TARGET, False) and path in original_paths

            tests = dict((key, value) for key, value in tests.items() if value)

            if focused_target and not any('integration' in command for command in tests):
                no_integration_paths.add(path)  # path triggers no integration tests

            if verbose_command:
                result = '%s: %s' % (verbose_command, tests.get(verbose_command) or 'none')

                # identify targeted integration tests (those which only target a single integration command)
                if 'integration' in verbose_command and tests.get(verbose_command):
                    if not any('integration' in command for command in tests if command != verbose_command):
                        if focused_target:
                            result += ' (focused)'

                        result += ' (targeted)'
                result = '%s' % tests

            display.info('%s -> %s' % (path, result), verbosity=1)

        for command, target in tests.items():

            if focused_target:

    for command in commands:

        if any(t == 'all' for t in commands[command]):
            commands[command] = set(['all'])

    commands = dict((c, sorted(commands[c])) for c in commands if commands[c])
    focused_commands = dict((c, sorted(focused_commands[c])) for c in focused_commands)

    for command in commands:
        if commands[command] == ['all']:
            commands[command] = []  # changes require testing all targets, do not filter targets

    changes = ChangeDescription()
    changes.command = verbose_command
    changes.changed_paths = sorted(original_paths)
    changes.deleted_paths = sorted(deleted_paths)
    changes.regular_command_targets = commands
    changes.focused_command_targets = focused_commands
    changes.no_integration_paths = sorted(no_integration_paths)

    return changes