def add_all_movies(self): local_http = http.request('GET', self._movies_url) date = BeautifulSoup(, 'html.parser').find('a', attrs={ 'class': 'selected' }).text[:5] year = str(date) + "." + str(current_year) for movie in self.get_all_movies(): local_soup = BeautifulSoup(str(movie), 'html.parser') movie_name = local_soup.find('h5').text try: self._movies[movie_name]['projections'] except KeyError: if movie_name in Movie.all_movies: self._movies[movie_name] = Movie.all_movies[movie_name] else: time.sleep(10) movie = Movie(url=home + local_soup.a['href']) movie.load_movie(movie_name) self._movies[str(movie)] = movie.__dict__ row = local_soup.find_all('div', attrs={'class': 'row'}) for current in row: mini_soup = BeautifulSoup(str(current), 'html.parser') attributes = [] for image in mini_soup.find_all('img'): if image['alt']: attributes.append(image['alt']) if attributes: for item in current.find('div', attrs={ 'class': 'timelineSet' }).text.split(): try: self._movies[str(movie)]['projections'].append({ 'features': attributes, 'projection': item, 'date': year }) except KeyError: self._movies[movie_name]['projections'].append({ 'features': attributes, 'projection': item, 'date': year })
def parse_add(self, imdbID): print('Inform the database file name: ') db_filename = input() movie = Movie(http_get(imdbID)) pos = ms.writeAppend(db_filename, movie, keep_open=False) print('Inform the B Tree indexing fields: ') btree_fields = input().replace(' ', '').split(',') for field in btree_fields: node_element = BTreeNodeElement(movie.__dict__[field], pos, []) bt = BTree.load(field) bt.insert(node_element) print('Inform the Patricia Trie indexing fields: ') ptrie_fields = input().replace(' ', '').split(',') for field in ptrie_fields: pt = PatriciaTrie.load(field) pt.insert(movie, position=pos, db_filepath=db_filename, λ=lambda x: x.__dict__[field].lower()) print('Inform the Reversed File indexing fields: ') rf_fields = input().replace(' ', '').split(',') for field in rf_fields: rf.inc_reversed_file(db_filename, movie, field) return movie.title + ' was added to the database'
def read_json(self, json_file): ''' read the data from a json file to create the movie list keyword arguments: json_file (string) the path to the json file ''' def parse_params(json_element): ''' returns an array of objects to compose a media with ease keywords arguments: json_element (Object) -- a python object converted from a json element attributes: title (string) -- the media title summary (string) -- the media summary url (string) -- the media url featured (boolean) -- if the media is featured or not. Default false ''' def evaluate(param, else_value=None): ''' check if the given param has value to return or returns an optional value if it has not keyword arguments: param (string) -- the attribute name from the jsn_element else_value (variant) -- the value to be used if the attribute has no value. defautl None ''' if param not in json_element: return else_value return json_element[param] title = evaluate('title') summary = evaluate('description') url = evaluate('url') featured = evaluate('featured', False) return title, url, summary, featured json_file = json.load(open(json_file, 'r')) for json_nodes in json_file: movie = Movie(json_nodes['title'], json_nodes['sinopse'], json_nodes['year']) if 'trailers' in json_nodes: for trailer in json_nodes['trailers']: attr = parse_params(trailer) movie.add_trailer(attr[0], attr[1], attr[3]) if 'posters' in json_nodes: for poster in json_nodes['posters']: attr = parse_params(poster) movie.add_poster(attr[0], attr[1], attr[2]) self.add(movie)
def process(movie_path, record_dir_format, class_mapping): try: records = [] for label in class_mapping.items(): record = Record() record.dir_format = record_dir_format record.label = label record.threshold = config["threshold"] record.skip_frame_interval = config["skip_frame_interval"] record.prepare() records.append(record) model = keras.models.load_model(model_file_path, compile=False) predictor = Predictor(model, config["image_size_px"]) movie = Movie(movie_path, config["skip_frame_interval"], records, predictor) if movie.is_completed_clip(): return movie.capture() movie.write_period_to_file() except Exception as e: print("record ERROR: ", movie_path) print(e) print(traceback.format_exc())
import math from matplotlib import patches from lib.Interpolation import Interpolation from import Interval from import Options from import Property from import Movie from lib.scene import Scene from lib.shapes.animated_grid import AnimatedGrid from lib.animation_initializers.value_animation import ValueAnimation # Create a new movie with one scene movie = Movie() scene = Scene() movie.scenes.append(scene) # Create a grid with center (0, 0), with 30 points in each direction that are .05 apart grid = AnimatedGrid((0, 0), 30, .05) # Add the visible parts of the grid to the scene scene.add_artists(grid.artists) # Add a circle (the "unit circle") to the scene scene.add_artists([patches.Circle((0, 0), .5, facecolor='None')]) interpolation = Interpolation.quintic # Add an animation of the theta parameters of the points in the grid to the scene (rotate every point pi radians with # respect to the origin)
def step_set_movie_name(context, movie_name): = Movie()
def test_read_movies_from_file(self): Store.set_file(file_path) a = Movie.read_movies_from_file()[0] self.assertIsInstance(a, Movie)
def test_add_movie_into_file(self): Store.set_file(file_path) args = ["Super Man", "2013", "8.5"] self.assertTrue(Movie.add_movie_into_file(args))
def test_accessors_value(self): a = Movie("Iron Man3", "2013", "8.5") self.assertEqual("Iron Man3", a.get_movie() ) self.assertEqual("2013", a.get_date() ) self.assertEqual("8.5", a.get_rating())