Example #1
File: nido.py Project: sizzles/nido
def api_schedule_modify_jobid(id):
    """Endpoint to modify the job parameters of a scheduled job.

    The 'id' value in the URL must be the ID of an existing
    scheduled job.
    The body must consist of a JSON object with the following
    valid keys depending on the job type:
        Job type:
            type -> "mode" or "temp"
        "mode" type:
            mode -> What mode should be triggered (off, heat, cool)
        "temp" type:
            temp -> What temperature should be triggered (float value)
            scale -> What temperature scale the temp is in ("C" or "F")

    resp = ns.JSONResponse()
    nds = NidoDaemonService(json=True)

    job_kwargs = request.get_json()
    del job_kwargs['secret']

        resp.data['job'] = nds.modify_scheduled_job(id, **job_kwargs)
    except NidoDaemonServiceError as e:
        resp.data['error'] = 'Error modifying job ID ({}): {}'.format(id, e)

    return resp.get_flask_response(app)
Example #2
File: nido.py Project: sizzles/nido
def login():
    # Intialize response object
    resp = ns.JSONResponse()
    # Get config
    cfg = config.get_config()

    if 'logged_in' in session:
        resp.data['message'] = 'User already logged in.'
        resp.data['username'] = session['username']
        resp.data['logged_in'] = True
        if (request.form['username'] != cfg['flask']['username']
                or request.form['password'] != cfg['flask']['password']):
            resp.data['error'] = 'Incorrect login credentials.'
            resp.data['logged_in'] = False
            # Set (implicit create) session cookie (HTTP only) which all
            # endpoints will check for
            session['logged_in'] = True
            session['username'] = request.form['username']
            # Default session lifetime is 31 days
            session.permanent = True
            resp.data['logged_in'] = True
            resp.data['message'] = 'User has been logged in.'

    return resp.get_flask_response(app)
Example #3
File: nido.py Project: sizzles/nido
def api_schedule_reschedule_jobid(id):
    """Endpoint to modify the schedule of a scheduled job.

    The 'id' value in the URL must be the ID of an existing
    scheduled job.
    The body must consist of a JSON object with the following
    valid keys depending on the job type:
        Combination of cron-style timing options (supplying at least
        one of the following is required):
            day_of_week -> Specify the day(s) of the week that the job
                           should be triggered
            hour -> Specify the hour(s) that the job should be triggered
            minute -> Specify the minute(s) that the job
                      should be triggered

    resp = ns.JSONResponse()
    nds = NidoDaemonService(json=True)

    job_kwargs = request.get_json()
    del job_kwargs['secret']

        resp.data['job'] = nds.reschedule_job(id, **job_kwargs)
    except NidoDaemonServiceError as e:
        resp.data['error'] = 'Error rescheduling job ID ({}): {}'.format(id, e)

    return resp.get_flask_response(app)
Example #4
File: nido.py Project: sizzles/nido
def get_state():
    # Initialize response object
    resp = ns.JSONResponse()
    resp.data['state'] = {}
    resp.data['error'] = []

        state = Controller().get_status()
    except ControllerError as e:
        err_msg = (
            'Exception getting current state from controller: {}'.format(
        # state = Heating / Cooling / Off
        nidoState = {'status': Status(state).name}

    # Returns a JSON dict with an 'error' key on error
    # On success, returns a JSON dict with a 'conditions' key
    sensor_data = Sensor().get_conditions()
    if 'error' in sensor_data:

    daemonState = {'daemon_running': Controller().daemon_running()}

    if len(resp.data['error']) == 0:
        del resp.data['error']
    return resp.get_flask_response(app)
Example #5
File: nido.py Project: sizzles/nido
def api_schedule_get_all():
    """Endpoint that returns all jobs in the scheduler."""

    resp = ns.JSONResponse()
    nds = NidoDaemonService(json=True)
    resp.data['jobs'] = nds.get_scheduled_jobs()
    return resp.get_flask_response(app)
Example #6
File: nido.py Project: sizzles/nido
def api_schedule_remove_jobid(id):
    resp = ns.JSONResponse()
    nds = NidoDaemonService(json=True)
        resp.data['job'] = nds.remove_scheduled_job(id)
    except NidoDaemonServiceError as e:
        resp.data['error'] = 'Error removing job: {}'.format(e)
    return resp.get_flask_response(app)
Example #7
File: nido.py Project: sizzles/nido
def api_set_mode(set_mode):
    """Endpoint to accept a new mode setting.

    Only setting one of the valid configured modes is possible.

    resp = ns.JSONResponse()
    resp = ns.set_config_helper(resp, mode=set_mode)
    return resp.get_flask_response(app)
Example #8
File: nido.py Project: sizzles/nido
def api_schedule_get_jobid(id):
    """Endpoint that returns a scheduled job with a specific id."""

    resp = ns.JSONResponse()
    nds = NidoDaemonService(json=True)
        resp.data['job'] = nds.get_scheduled_job(id)
    except NidoDaemonServiceError as e:
        resp.data['error'] = 'Error getting job: {}'.format(e)
    return resp.get_flask_response(app)
Example #9
File: nido.py Project: sizzles/nido
def api_set_temp(temp, scale):
    """Endpoint to accept a new set temperature in either
    Celsius or Fahrenheit.

    The first regex accepts either integer or floating point numbers.

    resp = ns.JSONResponse()
    temp = float("{:.1f}".format(float(temp)))
    resp = ns.set_config_helper(resp, temp_scale=[temp, scale])
    return resp.get_flask_response(app)
Example #10
File: nido.py Project: sizzles/nido
def get_weather():
    resp = ns.JSONResponse()
    # Any errors will be passed through
    # The receiving application should note the retrieval_age value
    # as necessary.
    # TODO: Support caching built into the LocalWeather() object by
    #       storing the object in the session.
    #       Needs to be a serializable object (see Flask documentation).
    resp.data = LocalWeather().get_conditions()

    return resp.get_flask_response(app)
Example #11
File: nido.py Project: sizzles/nido
def logout():
    # Initialize response object
    resp = ns.JSONResponse()
    if 'logged_in' in session:
        resp.data['message'] = 'User has been logged out.'
        resp.data['username'] = session['username']
        resp.data['logged_in'] = False
        # Note that clear() removes every key from the session dict,
        # which causes the cookie to be destroyed
        resp.data['error'] = 'User not logged in.'
        resp.data['logged_in'] = False
    return resp.get_flask_response(app)
Example #12
File: nido.py Project: sizzles/nido
def set_config():
    resp = ns.JSONResponse()
    new_cfg = request.get_json()

    # Expect to receive a json dict with
    # one or more of the following pairs
    validation = {
        'location': list,
        'celsius': bool,
        'modes_available': list,
        'mode_set': basestring,
        'set_temperature': Number

    # Update local configuration with user data
    if ns.validate_json_req(new_cfg, validation):
        resp = ns.set_config_helper(resp, cfg=new_cfg)
        resp.data['error'] = 'JSON in request was invalid.'
        resp.status = 400

    return resp.get_flask_response(app)
Example #13
File: nido.py Project: sizzles/nido
def api_schedule_add_job(type):
    """Endpoint to add a new, persistent scheduled job.

    The 'type' value in the URL must be either "temp" or "mode".
    The body must consist of a JSON object with the following
    valid keys:
        Job type-specific:
            mode -> What mode should be triggered (off, heat, cool)
            temp -> What temperature should be triggered (float value)
            scale -> What temperature scale the temp is in ("C" or "F")
        Combination of cron-style timing options (supplying at least
        one of the following is required):
            day_of_week -> Specify the day(s) of the week that the job
                           should be triggered
            hour -> Specify the hour(s) that the job should be triggered
            minute -> Specify the minute(s) that the job
                      should be triggered
            job_id -> Specify a job ID for the job

    resp = ns.JSONResponse()
    nds = NidoDaemonService(json=True)

    job_kwargs = request.get_json()
    del job_kwargs['secret']

    if type.lower() == 'mode' or type.lower() == 'temp':
            resp.data['job'] = nds.add_scheduled_job(type, **job_kwargs)
        except NidoDaemonServiceError as e:
            resp.data['error'] = 'Error adding job: {}'.format(e)
        resp.data['error'] = 'Invalid mode specified.'
        resp.status = 400

    return resp.get_flask_response(app)
Example #14
File: nido.py Project: sizzles/nido
def get_config():
    resp = ns.JSONResponse()
    cfg = config.get_config()
    resp.data['config'] = cfg['config']
    return resp.get_flask_response(app)