Example #1
    def test_norm_hash_name(self):
        """test norm_hash_name()"""
        from itertools import chain
        from lib.passlib.utils.pbkdf2 import norm_hash_name, _nhn_hash_names

        # test formats
        for format in self.ndn_formats:
            norm_hash_name("md4", format)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, norm_hash_name, "md4", None)
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, norm_hash_name, "md4", "fake")

        # test types
        self.assertEqual(norm_hash_name(u("MD4")), "md4")
        self.assertEqual(norm_hash_name(b("MD4")), "md4")
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, norm_hash_name, None)

        # test selected results
        with catch_warnings():
            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", '.*unknown hash')
            for row in chain(_nhn_hash_names, self.ndn_values):
                for idx, format in enumerate(self.ndn_formats):
                    correct = row[idx]
                    for value in row:
                        result = norm_hash_name(value, format)
                            result, correct,
                            "name=%r, format=%r:" % (value, format))
Example #2
    def _norm_algs(self, algs):
        """normalize algs parameter"""
        # determine default algs value
        if algs is None:
            # derive algs list from checksum (if present).
            chk = self.checksum
            if chk is not None:
                return sorted(chk)
            elif self.use_defaults:
                return list(self.default_algs)
                raise TypeError("no algs list specified")
        elif self.checksum is not None:
            raise RuntimeError("checksum & algs kwds are mutually exclusive")

        # parse args value
        if isinstance(algs, native_string_types):
            algs = splitcomma(algs)
        algs = sorted(norm_hash_name(alg, 'iana') for alg in algs)
        if any(len(alg)>9 for alg in algs):
            raise ValueError("SCRAM limits alg names to max of 9 characters")
        if 'sha-1' not in algs:
            # NOTE: required because of SCRAM spec (rfc 5802)
            raise ValueError("sha-1 must be in algorithm list of scram hash")
        return algs
Example #3
    def derive_digest(cls, password, salt, rounds, alg):
        """helper to create SaltedPassword digest for SCRAM.

        This performs the step in the SCRAM protocol described as::

            SaltedPassword  := Hi(Normalize(password), salt, i)

        :type password: unicode or utf-8 bytes
        :arg password: password to run through digest

        :type salt: bytes
        :arg salt: raw salt data

        :type rounds: int
        :arg rounds: number of iterations.

        :type alg: str
        :arg alg: name of digest to use (e.g. ``"sha-1"``).

            raw bytes of ``SaltedPassword``
        if isinstance(password, bytes):
            password = password.decode("utf-8")
        password = saslprep(password).encode("utf-8")
        if not isinstance(salt, bytes):
            raise TypeError("salt must be bytes")
        if rounds < 1:
            raise ValueError("rounds must be >= 1")
        alg = norm_hash_name(alg, "hashlib")
        return pbkdf2(password, salt, rounds, None, "hmac-" + alg)
Example #4
    def extract_digest_algs(cls, hash, format="iana"):
        """Return names of all algorithms stored in a given hash.

        :type hash: str
        :arg hash:
            The :class:`!scram` hash to parse

        :type format: str
        :param format:
            This changes the naming convention used by the
            returned algorithm names. By default the names
            are IANA-compatible; see :func:`~passlib.utils.pbkdf2.norm_hash_name`
            for possible values.

            Returns a list of digest algorithms; e.g. ``["sha-1"]``
        # XXX: this could be sped up by writing custom parsing routine
        # that just picks out relevant names, and doesn't bother
        # with full structure validation each time it's called.
        algs = cls.from_string(hash).algs
        if format == "iana":
            return algs
            return [norm_hash_name(alg, format) for alg in algs]
Example #5
 def _norm_checksum(self, checksum):
     if checksum is None:
         return None
     for alg, digest in iteritems(checksum):
         if alg != norm_hash_name(alg, 'iana'):
             raise ValueError("malformed algorithm name in scram hash: %r" %
         if len(alg) > 9:
             raise ValueError("SCRAM limits algorithm names to "
                              "9 characters: %r" % (alg,))
         if not isinstance(digest, bytes):
             raise uh.exc.ExpectedTypeError(digest, "raw bytes", "digests")
         # TODO: verify digest size (if digest is known)
     if 'sha-1' not in checksum:
         # NOTE: required because of SCRAM spec.
         raise ValueError("sha-1 must be in algorithm list of scram hash")
     return checksum
Example #6
    def extract_digest_info(cls, hash, alg):
        """return (salt, rounds, digest) for specific hash algorithm.

        :type hash: str
        :arg hash:
            :class:`!scram` hash stored for desired user

        :type alg: str
        :arg alg:
            Name of digest algorithm (e.g. ``"sha-1"``) requested by client.

            This value is run through :func:`~passlib.utils.pbkdf2.norm_hash_name`,
            so it is case-insensitive, and can be the raw SCRAM
            mechanism name (e.g. ``"SCRAM-SHA-1"``), the IANA name,
            or the hashlib name.

        :raises KeyError:
            If the hash does not contain an entry for the requested digest

            A tuple containing ``(salt, rounds, digest)``,
            where *digest* matches the raw bytes returned by
            SCRAM's :func:`Hi` function for the stored password,
            the provided *salt*, and the iteration count (*rounds*).
            *salt* and *digest* are both raw (unencoded) bytes.
        # XXX: this could be sped up by writing custom parsing routine
        # that just picks out relevant digest, and doesn't bother
        # with full structure validation each time it's called.
        alg = norm_hash_name(alg, 'iana')
        self = cls.from_string(hash)
        chkmap = self.checksum
        if not chkmap:
            raise ValueError("scram hash contains no digests")
        return self.salt, self.rounds, chkmap[alg]