Example #1
File: user.py Project: syslock/ems
	def update( self, **keyargs ):
		super().update( **keyargs )
		c = self.app.db.cursor()
		if "email" in keyargs:
			email = keyargs["email"]
			User.check_email( email )
			c.execute( """update users set email=? where object_id=?""", [email, self.id] )
		if "new_password" in keyargs:
			new_password = keyargs["new_password"]
			User.check_password( new_password )
			encrypted_new_password = password.encrypt( new_password )
			if self.app.user.id==self.id:
				# normal users have to authorize the change with their old password
				if not "old_password" in keyargs:
					raise errors.PrivilegeError( "You need to authorize the change request with your old password" )
				old_password = keyargs["old_password"]
				encrypted_old_password = c.execute( """select password from users where object_id=?""", [self.id] ).fetchone()[0]
				if not password.check( old_password, encrypted_old_password ):
					raise errors.PrivilegeError( "Invalid old password" )
			c.execute( """update users set password=? where object_id=?""", [encrypted_new_password, self.id] )
		if "avatar_id" in keyargs:
			avatar_id = int( keyargs["avatar_id"] )
			if self.app.user.can_read( avatar_id ):
				obj = db_object.DBObject( self.app, object_id=avatar_id )
				if files.File.supports(self.app, obj.media_type) and obj.media_type.startswith("image/"):
					file_obj = files.File( self.app, object_id=obj.id )
					size_limit = 100*2**10
					if file_obj.get_size() <= size_limit:
						c.execute( """update users set avatar_id=? where object_id=?""", [avatar_id, self.id] )
						raise errors.ParameterError( "Avatar object exeeds size limit of %d bytes" % (size_limit) )
					raise errors.ParameterError( "Unsupported media type for user avatars" )
				raise errors.PrivilegeError()
Example #2
File: user.py Project: syslock/ems
	def __init__( self, app, user_id=None, nick=None, plain_password=None, 
					email=None, parent_id=None ):
		if( user_id!=None ):
			super().__init__( app, object_id=user_id )
			self.check( app, nick, plain_password, email )
			super().__init__( app, media_type=self.media_type, parent_id=parent_id )
			encrypted_password = password.encrypt( plain_password )
				c = self.app.db.cursor()
				c.execute( """insert into users (object_id,nick,password,email)
								values (?,?,?,?)""",
							[self.id, nick, encrypted_password, email] )
				self.index( data=nick, source="nick", rank=2 )
			except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e:
				raise Exception( "Nick already in use" )