Example #1
    def load_world_pointcloud(self, filename):
        def _transform(xyz, intrinsic, extrinsic):
            camera = Camera(intrinsic)
            xyz[:, 1:3] *= -1
            xyz = camera.camera2world(extrinsic, xyz)
            xyz[:, 1:3] *= -1
            return xyz

        filesep = filename.split(os.sep)
        seqname = filesep[0]
        fileidx = os.path.splitext(filesep[2])[0]

        camera_path = self.camera_path % seqname
        intrinsic_file = camera_path + self.camera_intrinsic_file
        intrinsic = SynthiaDataset.load_intrinsics(intrinsic_file)
        extrinsic_file = camera_path + self.camera_extrinsics_file % fileidx
        extrinsic = SynthiaDataset.load_extrinsics(extrinsic_file)

        ptc = read_plyfile(self.data_root / filename)
        xyz, rgbc = ptc[:, :3], ptc[:, 3:]
        xyz = _transform(xyz, intrinsic, extrinsic)
        ptc = np.hstack((xyz, rgbc))
        center = np.zeros((1, 3))
        center = _transform(center, intrinsic, extrinsic)[0]

        return ptc, center
Example #2
 def load_ply(self, index):
   if not self.load_whole:
       filepath = self.data_root / self.data_paths[index]
       return read_plyfile(filepath), None
   # readply get 7 chs: xyz-rgb-label
       feats = self.data_dict['data'][index]
       label = self.data_dict['label'][index]
       return np.concatenate([feats, label.reshape(-1,1)], axis=-1), None
Example #3
def handle_process(path):
    f = Path(path.split(',')[0])
    phase_out_path = Path(path.split(',')[1])
    pointcloud = read_plyfile(f)
    # Make sure alpha value is meaningless.
    assert np.unique(pointcloud[:, -1]).size == 1
    # Load label file.
    label_f = f.parent / (f.stem + '.labels' + f.suffix)
    if label_f.is_file():
        label = read_plyfile(label_f)
        # Sanity check that the pointcloud and its label has same vertices.
        assert pointcloud.shape[0] == label.shape[0]
        assert np.allclose(pointcloud[:, :3], label[:, :3])
    else:  # Label may not exist in test case.
        label = np.zeros_like(pointcloud)
    out_f = phase_out_path / (f.name[:-len(POINTCLOUD_FILE)] + f.suffix)
    processed = np.hstack((pointcloud[:, :6], np.array([label[:, -1]]).T))
    save_point_cloud(processed, out_f, with_label=True, verbose=False)
Example #4
def generate_meta(voxels_path,
    train_file_list = []
    val_file_list = []
    test_file_list = []
    for pointcloud_file in tqdm(glob.glob(osp.join(data_root, voxels_path))):
        area = get_area_fn(pointcloud_file)
        if area in trainarea:
            file_list = train_file_list
        elif area in valarea:
            file_list = val_file_list
        elif area in testarea:
            file_list = test_file_list
            raise ValueError('Area %s not in the split' % area)

        # Skip label files.
        if pointcloud_file.endswith('_label_voxel.ply'):

        # Parse and check if the corresponding label file exists.
        file_stem, file_ext = osp.splitext(pointcloud_file)
        file_stem_split = file_stem.split('_')
        file_stem_split.insert(-1, 'label')

        pointcloud_label_file = '_'.join(file_stem_split) + file_ext
        if not osp.isfile(pointcloud_label_file):
            raise ValueError('Lable file missing for: ' + pointcloud_file)

        # Check if the pointcloud is empty.
        if check_pc:
            pointcloud_data = read_plyfile(pointcloud_file)
            if not pointcloud_data:
                print('Skipping empty point cloud: %s.')

        pointcloud_file = osp.relpath(pointcloud_file, data_root)
        pointcloud_label_file = osp.relpath(pointcloud_label_file, data_root)

        # Append metadata.
        file_list.append([pointcloud_file, pointcloud_label_file])

    with open(split_path % 'train', 'w') as f:
        f.write('\n'.join([' '.join(pair) for pair in train_file_list]))
    with open(split_path % 'val', 'w') as f:
        f.write('\n'.join([' '.join(pair) for pair in val_file_list]))
    with open(split_path % 'test', 'w') as f:
        f.write('\n'.join([' '.join(pair) for pair in test_file_list]))
Example #5
 def load_datafile(self, index):
     filepath = self.data_root / self.data_paths[index]
     scene_id = os.path.splitext(self.data_paths[index].split(
     scene_f = self.config.scannet_alignment_path % (scene_id, scene_id)
     ptc = read_plyfile(filepath)
     if os.path.isfile(scene_f):
         alignment_txt = [
             l for l in read_txt(scene_f)
             if l.startswith('axisAlignment = ')
         rot = np.array([float(x) for x in alignment_txt[16:].split()
                         ]).reshape(4, 4)
         xyz1 = np.hstack((ptc[:, :3], np.ones((ptc.shape[0], 1))))
         ptc[:, :3] = (xyz1 @ rot.T)[:, :3]
     return ptc, None, None
    def test_pointcloud(self, pred_dir):
        print('Running full pointcloud evaluation.')
        eval_path = os.path.join(pred_dir, 'fulleval')
        os.makedirs(eval_path, exist_ok=True)
        # Join room by their area and room id.
        # Test independently for each room.
        sys.setrecursionlimit(100000)  # Increase recursion limit for k-d tree.
        hist = np.zeros((self.NUM_LABELS, self.NUM_LABELS))
        for i, data_path in enumerate(self.data_paths):
            room_id = self.get_output_id(i)
            pred = np.load(
                os.path.join(pred_dir, 'pred_%04d_%02d.npy' % (i, 0)))

            # save voxelized pointcloud predictions
                (pred[:, :3],
                 np.array([SCANNET_COLOR_MAP[i] for i in pred[:, -1]]))),

            fullply_f = self.data_root / data_path
            query_pointcloud = read_plyfile(fullply_f)
            query_xyz = query_pointcloud[:, :3]
            query_label = query_pointcloud[:, -1]
            # Run test for each room.
            pred_tree = spatial.KDTree(pred[:, :3], leafsize=500)
            _, result = pred_tree.query(query_xyz)
            ptc_pred = pred[result, 3].astype(int)
            # Save prediciton in txt format for submission.
            np.savetxt(f'{eval_path}/{room_id}.txt', ptc_pred, fmt='%i')
            # Save prediciton in colored pointcloud for visualization.
                (query_xyz, np.array([SCANNET_COLOR_MAP[i]
                                      for i in ptc_pred]))),
            # Evaluate IoU.
            if self.IGNORE_LABELS is not None:
                ptc_pred = np.array([self.label_map[x] for x in ptc_pred],
                query_label = np.array(
                    [self.label_map[x] for x in query_label], dtype=np.int)
            hist += fast_hist(ptc_pred, query_label, self.NUM_LABELS)
        ious = per_class_iu(hist) * 100
        print('mIoU: ' + str(np.nanmean(ious)) + '\n'
              'Class names: ' + ', '.join(CLASS_LABELS) + '\n'
              'IoU: ' + ', '.join(np.round(ious, 2).astype(str)))
Example #7
 def load_ply(self, index):
     filepath = self.data_root / self.data_paths[index]
     return read_plyfile(filepath), None
POINTCLOUD_FILE = '_vh_clean_2.ply'
BUGS = {
    'train/scene0270_00_*.ply': 50,
    'train/scene0270_02_*.ply': 50,
    'train/scene0384_00_*.ply': 149,

# Preprocess data.
for out_path, in_path in SUBSETS.items():
  phase_out_path = SCANNET_OUT_PATH / out_path
  phase_out_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
  for f in (SCANNET_RAW_PATH / in_path).glob('*/*' + POINTCLOUD_FILE):
    # Load pointcloud file.
    pointcloud = read_plyfile(f)
    # Make sure alpha value is meaningless.
    assert np.unique(pointcloud[:, -1]).size == 1
    # Load label file.
    label_f = f.parent / (f.stem + '.labels' + f.suffix)
    if label_f.is_file():
      label = read_plyfile(label_f)
      # Sanity check that the pointcloud and its label has same vertices.
      assert pointcloud.shape[0] == label.shape[0]
      assert np.allclose(pointcloud[:, :3], label[:, :3])
    else:  # Label may not exist in test case.
      label = np.zeros_like(pointcloud)
    xyz = pointcloud[:, :3]
    if CROP_SIZE > 0:
      xyz_range = xyz.max(0) - xyz.min(0)
      crop_half = CROP_SIZE / 2
Example #9
        xyz = pointcloud[:, :3]
        pool = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=9)
        all_points = np.empty((0, 3))
        out_f = k / (f.name[:-len(POINTCLOUD_FILE)] + f.suffix)
        processed = np.hstack((pointcloud[:, :6], np.array([label[:, -1]]).T))
        save_point_cloud(processed, out_f, with_label=True, verbose=False)
for out_path, in_path in SUBSETS.items():
    phase_out_path = SCANNET_OUT_PATH / out_path
    phase_out_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    for f in (SCANNET_RAW_PATH / in_path).glob('*/*' + POINTCLOUD_FILE):
pool = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=20)
result = list(pool.map(handle_process,path_list))
for i in result:


# Fix bug in the data.
for files, bug_index in BUGS.items():

    for f in SCANNET_OUT_PATH.glob(files):
        pointcloud = read_plyfile(f)
        bug_mask = pointcloud[:, -1] == bug_index
        print(f'Fixing {f} bugged label {bug_index} x {bug_mask.sum()}')
        pointcloud[bug_mask, -1] = 0
        save_point_cloud(pointcloud, f, with_label=True, verbose=False)
Example #10
                dtype(point) for dtype, point in zip(python_types, cur_point)))
    vertices_array = np.array(vertices, dtype=npy_types)
    el = PlyElement.describe(vertices_array, 'vertex')

    # Write

# Preprocess data.
for out_path, in_path in SUBSETS.items():
    phase_out_path = SCANNET_OUT_PATH / out_path
    phase_out_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    for f in (SCANNET_RAW_PATH / in_path).glob('*/*' + POINTCLOUD_FILE):
        # Load pointcloud file.
        out_f = phase_out_path / (f.name[:-len(POINTCLOUD_FILE)] + f.suffix)
        pointcloud = read_plyfile(f)
        num_points = pointcloud.shape[0]
        # Make sure alpha value is meaningless.
        assert np.unique(pointcloud[:, -1]).size == 1

        # Load label.
        segment_f = f.with_suffix('.0.010000.segs.json')
        segment_group_f = (
            f.parent /
        semantic_f = f.parent / (f.stem + '.labels' + f.suffix)
        if semantic_f.is_file():
            # Load semantic label.
            semantic_label = read_plyfile(semantic_f)
            # Sanity check that the pointcloud and its label has same vertices.
            assert num_points == semantic_label.shape[0]