Example #1
    def populate_topics_from_phantom_forms(cls):
        all_forms = phantom_on_the_capitol.retrieve_form_elements([x.bioguide_id for x in Legislator.query.all()])
        all_topics = {}
        for legislator, req in all_forms.iteritems():
            for key, val in req.iteritems():
                for step in val:
                    if step['value'] == '$TOPIC':
                        if type(step['options_hash']) is dict:
                            keys = step['options_hash'].keys()
                            keys = step['options_hash']
                        for k in keys:
                            k = k.strip()
                            if all_topics.has_key(k):
                                all_topics[k] += 1
                                all_topics[k] = 1

        failed_topics = []
        for topic, count in all_topics.iteritems():
            result = select_solver.choose('test', [topic.lower()])
            if result is None:
            elif result:
                db_first_or_create(Topic, name=topic.lower())

        all_topics = Topic.query.filter_by(wikipedia_parent=None)

        for f_topic in failed_topics:
                lowest = (None, None)
                for topic in all_topics:
                    print topic.name, f_topic
                    d = jellyfish.damerau_levenshtein_distance(unicode(str(topic.name)), unicode(str(f_topic)))
                    if lowest[0] is None or lowest[1] > d:
                        lowest = (topic, d)
                print 'Adding ' + f_topic + ' with parent ' + lowest[0].name
                db_first_or_create(Topic, name=f_topic, wikipedia_parent=lowest[0].id)
Example #2
    def send(self):
        Method that actually passes information to phantom of the capitol.

        @return: self
        @rtype: models.MessageLegislator
        if not self.is_sent():

            for bioguide_id, ra in phantom_on_the_capitol.retrieve_form_elements([self.legislator.bioguide_id]).iteritems():
                json_dict = self.map_to_contact_congress()

                for step in ra['required_actions']:
                    field = step.get('value')
                    options = step.get('options_hash')
                    if options is not None:
                        # convert first to dictionary for convenience
                        if type(options) is not dict:
                            options = {k: k for k in options}
                        if field == '$TOPIC':
                            # need lower case strings for select-solver
                            options = {k.lower(): v for k, v in options.items()}
                            try:  # try to determine best topic based off content of text
                                choice = Topic.topic_for_message(options.keys(), self.message)
                                json_dict['fields'][field] = choice
                                self.topic = Topic.query.filter_by(name=choice).first()
                            except:  # if failed, choose a random topic
                        if field not in json_dict['fields'] or json_dict['fields'][field] not in options.values():
                            json_dict['fields'][field] = random.choice(options.values())
                    if field not in json_dict['fields'].keys():
                        print 'What the heck is ' + step.get('value') + ' in ' + bioguide_id + '?'
                result = phantom_on_the_capitol.fill_out_form(json_dict)
                self.sent = result['status'] == 'success'
                self.send_status = json.dumps(result)
            return self