Example #1
 def phdUpdate(self, observation_set):
     # Container for slam parent update
     slam_info = PARAMETERS()
     num_observations = observation_set.shape[0]
     if num_observations:
         z_dim = observation_set.shape[1]
         z_dim = 0
     if not self.weights.shape[0]:
         self._states_ = self.states.copy()
         self._weights_ = self.weights.copy()
     detection_probability = self.parameters.pd_fn.handle(self.states, 
     #clutter_pdf = [self.clutter_fn.handle(_observation_, 
     #                                      self.clutter_fn.parameters) \
     #               for _observation_ in observation_set]
     clutter_pdf = self.parameters.clutter_fn.handle(observation_set, 
     # Account for missed detection
     self._states_ = self.states.copy()
     self._weights_ = [self.weights*(1-detection_probability)]
     # SLAM,  step 1:
     slam_info.exp_sum__pd_predwt = np.exp(-self.weights.sum())
     # Split x and P out from the combined state vector
     detected_indices = detection_probability > 0.1
     detected_states = self.states[detected_indices]
     x = detected_states.state
     P = detected_states.covariance
     # Scale the weights by detection probability 
     weights = self.weights[detected_indices]*detection_probability[detected_indices]
     # SLAM, prep for step 2:
     slam_info.sum__clutter_with_pd_updwt = np.zeros(num_observations)
     if x.shape[0]:
         # Part of the Kalman update is common to all observation-updates
         x, P, kalman_info = kf_update(x, P, 
                             None, INPLACE=True)#USE_NP=0)
         # Container for the updated states
         new_gmstate = self.states.__class__(0)
         # Predicted observation from the current states
         pred_z = featuredetector.tf.relative(self.parameters.obs_fn.parameters.parent_state_xyz, 
         #print "PREDICTED Z:"
         #print pred_z
         # We need to update the states and find the updated weights
         for (_observation_, obs_count) in zip(observation_set, 
             #new_x = copy.deepcopy(x)
             # Apply the Kalman update to get the new state - update in-place
             # and return the residuals
             new_x, residuals = kf_update_x(x, pred_z, 
                                         _observation_, kalman_info.kalman_gain,
             # Calculate the weight of the Gaussians for this observation
             # Calculate term in the exponent
             x_pdf = np.exp(-0.5*np.power(
                 blas.dgemv(kalman_info.inv_sqrt_S, residuals), 2).sum(axis=1))/ \
             new_weight = weights*x_pdf
             # Normalise the weights
             normalisation_factor = clutter_pdf[obs_count] + new_weight.sum()
             new_weight /= normalisation_factor
             # SLAM, step 2:
             slam_info.sum__clutter_with_pd_updwt[obs_count] = \
             # Create new state with new_x and P to add to _states_
             new_gmstate.set(new_x, P)
             self._weights_ += [new_weight]
         slam_info.sum__clutter_with_pd_updwt = np.array(clutter_pdf)
     self._weights_ = np.concatenate(self._weights_)
     # SLAM, finalise:
     slam_info.likelihood = (slam_info.exp_sum__pd_predwt * 
     return slam_info
Example #2
def g500_slam_fn_defs():
    # Vehicle state prediction
    state_markov_predict_fn_handle = None
    state_markov_predict_fn_parameters = PARAMETERS()
    state_markov_predict_fn = fn_params(state_markov_predict_fn_handle,
    # Vehicle state to observation space
    state_obs_fn_handle = None
    state_obs_fn_parameters = PARAMETERS()
    state_obs_fn_parameters.gpsH = np.hstack(( np.eye(2), np.zeros((2,4)) ))
    state_obs_fn_parameters.dvlH = np.hstack(( np.zeros((3,3)), np.eye(3) ))
    state_obs_fn = fn_params(state_obs_fn_handle, state_obs_fn_parameters)
    # Likelihood function for importance sampling
    state_likelihood_fn_handle = None
    state_likelihood_fn_parameters = PARAMETERS()
    state_likelihood_fn = fn_params(state_likelihood_fn_handle, 
    # Update function for state
    state__state_update_fn_handle = None
    state__state_update_fn_parameters = PARAMETERS()
    state__state_update_fn = fn_params(state__state_update_fn_handle,
    # State estimation from particles
    state_estimate_fn_handle = None #misctools.sample_mn_cv
    state_estimate_fn_parameters = PARAMETERS()
    state_estimate_fn = fn_params(state_estimate_fn_handle,
    # Parameters for the filter
    # Roll, pitch, yaw + velocities is common to all particles - we assume
    # that the information from the imu is perfect
    # We only need to estimate x,y,z. The roll, pitch and yaw must be fed
    # externally
    state_parameters = {"nparticles":13,
    # Parameters for the PHD filter
    feature_parameters = {"max_terms":100, 
    ndims = feature_parameters["ndims"]
    # Landmark state-prediction
    feature_markov_predict_fn_handle = gmphdfilter.markov_predict
    feature_markov_predict_fn_parameters = PARAMETERS()
    feature_markov_predict_fn_parameters.F = np.eye(3)
    feature_markov_predict_fn_parameters.Q = np.zeros(ndims)
    feature_markov_predict_fn = fn_params(feature_markov_predict_fn_handle, 
    # Landmark state-to-observation function
    feature_obs_fn_handle = None
    feature_obs_fn_parameters = PARAMETERS()
    feature_obs_fn_parameters.H = np.eye(ndims)
    feature_obs_fn_parameters.R = 0.1*np.eye(ndims)
    feature_obs_fn_parameters.parent_state_xyz = np.zeros(3)
    feature_obs_fn_parameters.parent_state_rpy = np.zeros(3)
    feature_obs_fn = fn_params(feature_obs_fn_handle, 
    # Likelihood function - not used for the GM PHD filter
    feature_likelihood_fn = fn_params()
    # Landmark state update function - not used
    feature__state_update_fn = fn_params()
    # Clutter function
    clutter_fn_handle = None#gmphdfilter.uniform_clutter
    clutter_fn_parameters = PARAMETERS()
    clutter_fn_parameters.intensity = 0.01
    # Range should be the field of view of the sensor
    clutter_fn_parameters.range = [[-1, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, 1]]
    clutter_fn = fn_params(clutter_fn_handle, clutter_fn_parameters)
    # Birth function
    birth_fn_handle = camera_birth
    birth_fn_parameters = PARAMETERS()
    birth_fn_parameters.intensity = 0.001
    birth_fn_parameters.obs2state = lambda x: np.array(x)
    birth_fn_parameters.parent_state_xyz = np.zeros(3)
    birth_fn_parameters.parent_state_rpy = np.zeros(3)
    birth_fn_parameters.R = 0.1*np.eye(3)
    birth_fn = fn_params(birth_fn_handle, birth_fn_parameters)
    # Survival/detection probability
    ps_fn_handle = gmphdfilter.constant_survival
    ps_fn_parameters = PARAMETERS()
    ps_fn_parameters.ps = 1
    ps_fn = fn_params(ps_fn_handle, ps_fn_parameters)
    pd_fn_handle = None
    pd_fn_parameters = PARAMETERS()
    pd_fn_parameters.width = 2.0
    pd_fn_parameters.depth = 3.0
    pd_fn_parameters.height = 1.0
    pd_fn_parameters.pd = 0.98
    pd_fn_parameters.parent_state_xyz = np.zeros(3)
    pd_fn_parameters.parent_state_rpy = np.zeros(3)
    pd_fn = fn_params(pd_fn_handle, pd_fn_parameters)
    # Use default estimator
    feature_estimate_fn = fn_params()
    return SLAM_FN_DEFS(state_markov_predict_fn, state_obs_fn,
                        state_likelihood_fn, state__state_update_fn,
                        state_estimate_fn, state_parameters,
                        feature_markov_predict_fn, feature_obs_fn,
                        feature_likelihood_fn, feature__state_update_fn,
                        clutter_fn, birth_fn, ps_fn, pd_fn,
                        feature_estimate_fn, feature_parameters)