Example #1
 def _predict(self, batch):
     """ Just return the masker's predict function """
         return self.predict(batch)
     except tf_errors.ResourceExhaustedError as err:
         msg = (
             "You do not have enough GPU memory available to run detection at the "
             "selected batch size. You can try a number of things:"
             "\n1) Close any other application that is using your GPU (web browsers are "
             "particularly bad for this)."
             "\n2) Lower the batchsize (the amount of images fed into the model) by "
             "editing the plugin settings (GUI: Settings > Configure extract settings, "
             "CLI: Edit the file faceswap/config/extract.ini)."
             "\n3) Enable 'Single Process' mode.")
         raise FaceswapError(msg) from err
     except Exception as err:
         if get_backend() == "amd":
             # pylint:disable=import-outside-toplevel
             from lib.plaidml_utils import is_plaidml_error
             if (is_plaidml_error(err) and
                 ("CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE" in str(err).upper()
                  or "enough memory for the current schedule"
                  in str(err).lower())):
                 msg = (
                     "You do not have enough GPU memory available to run detection at "
                     "the selected batch size. You can try a number of things:"
                     "\n1) Close any other application that is using your GPU (web "
                     "browsers are particularly bad for this)."
                     "\n2) Lower the batchsize (the amount of images fed into the "
                     "model) by editing the plugin settings (GUI: Settings > Configure "
                     "extract settings, CLI: Edit the file "
                 raise FaceswapError(msg) from err
Example #2
    def _predict(self, batch):
        """ Wrap models predict function in rotations """
        batch["rotmat"] = [np.array([]) for _ in range(len(batch["feed"]))]
        found_faces = [np.array([]) for _ in range(len(batch["feed"]))]
        for angle in self.rotation:
            # Rotate the batch and insert placeholders for already found faces
            self._rotate_batch(batch, angle)
                batch = self.predict(batch)
            except tf_errors.ResourceExhaustedError as err:
                msg = (
                    "You do not have enough GPU memory available to run detection at the "
                    "selected batch size. You can try a number of things:"
                    "\n1) Close any other application that is using your GPU (web browsers are "
                    "particularly bad for this)."
                    "\n2) Lower the batchsize (the amount of images fed into the model) by "
                    "editing the plugin settings (GUI: Settings > Configure extract settings, "
                    "CLI: Edit the file faceswap/config/extract.ini)."
                    "\n3) Enable 'Single Process' mode.")
                raise FaceswapError(msg) from err
            except Exception as err:
                if get_backend() == "amd":
                    # pylint:disable=import-outside-toplevel
                    from lib.plaidml_utils import is_plaidml_error
                    if (is_plaidml_error(err)
                            and ("CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE"
                                 in str(err).upper()
                                 or "enough memory for the current schedule"
                                 in str(err).lower())):
                        msg = (
                            "You do not have enough GPU memory available to run detection at "
                            "the selected batch size. You can try a number of things:"
                            "\n1) Close any other application that is using your GPU (web "
                            "browsers are particularly bad for this)."
                            "\n2) Lower the batchsize (the amount of images fed into the "
                            "model) by editing the plugin settings (GUI: Settings > Configure "
                            "extract settings, CLI: Edit the file "
                        raise FaceswapError(msg) from err

            if angle != 0 and any([face.any()
                                   for face in batch["prediction"]]):
                logger.verbose("found face(s) by rotating image %s degrees",

            found_faces = [
                face if not found.any() else found
                for face, found in zip(batch["prediction"], found_faces)

            if all([face.any() for face in found_faces]):
                logger.trace("Faces found for all images")

        batch["prediction"] = found_faces
            "detect_prediction output: (filenames: %s, prediction: %s, rotmat: %s)",
            batch["filename"], batch["prediction"], batch["rotmat"])
        return batch
Example #3
    def train_one_step(self, viewer, timelapse_kwargs):
        """ Running training on a batch of images for each side.

        Triggered from the training cycle in :class:`scripts.train.Train`.

        * Runs a training batch through the model.

        * Outputs the iteration's loss values to the console

        * Logs loss to Tensorboard, if logging is requested.

        * If a preview or time-lapse has been requested, then pushes sample images through the \
        model to generate the previews

        * Creates a snapshot if the total iterations trained so far meet the requested snapshot \

        As every iteration is called explicitly, the Parameters defined should always be ``None``
        except on save iterations.

        viewer: :func:`scripts.train.Train._show`
            The function that will display the preview image
        timelapse_kwargs: dict
            The keyword arguments for generating time-lapse previews. If a time-lapse preview is
            not required then this should be ``None``. Otherwise all values should be full paths
            the keys being `input_a`, `input_b`, `output`.
        logger.trace("Training one step: (iteration: %s)",
        do_preview = viewer is not None
        do_timelapse = timelapse_kwargs is not None
        snapshot_interval = self._model.command_line_arguments.snapshot_interval
        do_snapshot = (snapshot_interval != 0
                       and self._model.iterations - 1 >= snapshot_interval and
                       (self._model.iterations - 1) % snapshot_interval == 0)

        model_inputs, model_targets = self._feeder.get_batch()
            loss = self._model.model.train_on_batch(model_inputs,
        except tf_errors.ResourceExhaustedError as err:
            msg = (
                "You do not have enough GPU memory available to train the selected model at "
                "the selected settings. You can try a number of things:"
                "\n1) Close any other application that is using your GPU (web browsers are "
                "particularly bad for this)."
                "\n2) Lower the batchsize (the amount of images fed into the model each "
                "\n3) Try enabling 'Mixed Precision' training."
                "\n4) Use a more lightweight model, or select the model's 'LowMem' option "
                "(in config) if it has one.")
            raise FaceswapError(msg) from err
        except Exception as err:
            if get_backend() == "amd":
                # pylint:disable=import-outside-toplevel
                from lib.plaidml_utils import is_plaidml_error
                if (is_plaidml_error(err) and
                    ("CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE" in str(err).upper()
                     or "enough memory for the current schedule"
                     in str(err).lower())):
                    msg = (
                        "You do not have enough GPU memory available to train the selected "
                        "model at the selected settings. You can try a number of things:"
                        "\n1) Close any other application that is using your GPU (web browsers "
                        "are particularly bad for this)."
                        "\n2) Lower the batchsize (the amount of images fed into the model "
                        "each iteration)."
                        "\n3) Use a more lightweight model, or select the model's 'LowMem' "
                        "option (in config) if it has one.")
                    raise FaceswapError(msg) from err
        loss = self._collate_and_store_loss(loss[1:])

        if do_snapshot:

        if do_preview:
            self._samples.images = self._feeder.compile_sample(None)
            samples = self._samples.show_sample()
            if samples is not None:
                    "Training - 'S': Save Now. 'R': Refresh Preview. 'M': Toggle Mask. "
                    "'ENTER': Save and Quit")

        if do_timelapse: