def test_weedline(self): """ Test that a weedline graphic is added to the plot and that 0 padding doesn't change the bbox. """ plot = Plot(90*12,90*12*4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("arrow.svg"))) plot.set_rotation(90) plot.set_copies(7) bbox = plot.get_bounding_box() plot.set_weedline(True) f = open("out/plot_%s.svg"%sys._getframe().f_code.co_name,"w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close() assert len(plot._data) == 8, "len(plot._data) = %s, expect 8" %(len(plot._data)) assert map(lambda x: round(x,10),plot.get_bounding_box()) == map(lambda x: round(x,10),bbox), "bbox before %s != bbox after weedline %s" % (bbox,plot.get_bounding_box())
def test_weedline_padding(self): """ Test that a weedline graphic is added to the plot and that 35 padding only changes the width and height of the bbox by +=2*padding. """ plot = Plot(90*12,90*12*4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("arrow.svg"))) plot.set_rotation(90) plot.set_copies(6) bbox = plot.get_bounding_box() plot.set_weedline(True) pad = 35 plot.set_weedline_padding(pad) f = open("out/plot_%s.svg"%sys._getframe().f_code.co_name,"w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close() assert len(plot._data) == 7, "len(plot._data) = %s, expect 7" %(len(plot._data)) assert map(lambda x: round(x,10),plot.get_bounding_box()) == [0,bbox[1]+2*pad,35,bbox[3]+2*pad], "bbox before %s != bbox after weedline %s" % ([0,bbox[1]+35,35,bbox[3]+35],map(lambda x: round(x,10),plot.get_bounding_box()))
def test_weedline(self): """ Test that a weedline graphic is added to the plot and that 0 padding doesn't change the bbox. """ plot = Plot(90 * 12, 90 * 12 * 4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("arrow.svg"))) plot.set_rotation(90) plot.set_copies(7) bbox = plot.get_bounding_box() plot.set_weedline(True) f = open("out/plot_%s.svg" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, "w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close() assert len(plot._data) == 8, "len(plot._data) = %s, expect 8" % (len( plot._data)) assert map(lambda x: round(x, 10), plot.get_bounding_box()) == map( lambda x: round(x, 10), bbox), "bbox before %s != bbox after weedline %s" % ( bbox, plot.get_bounding_box())
def test_weedline_padding(self): """ Test that a weedline graphic is added to the plot and that 35 padding only changes the width and height of the bbox by +=2*padding. """ plot = Plot(90 * 12, 90 * 12 * 4) plot.set_graphic(etree.tostring(etree.parse("arrow.svg"))) plot.set_rotation(90) plot.set_copies(6) bbox = plot.get_bounding_box() plot.set_weedline(True) pad = 35 plot.set_weedline_padding(pad) f = open("out/plot_%s.svg" % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, "w") f.write(plot.get_preview_xml()) f.close() assert len(plot._data) == 7, "len(plot._data) = %s, expect 7" % (len( plot._data)) assert map(lambda x: round(x, 10), plot.get_bounding_box()) == [ 0, bbox[1] + 2 * pad, 35, bbox[3] + 2 * pad ], "bbox before %s != bbox after weedline %s" % ([ 0, bbox[1] + 35, 35, bbox[3] + 35 ], map(lambda x: round(x, 10), plot.get_bounding_box()))