Example #1
class DDRPi(object):
	The Main class - should load plugins and manage access to the DanceSurface object
	def __init__(self):
		Initialise the DDRPi Controller app.
		super(DDRPi, self).__init__()

		logging.info("DDRPi starting...")

		# Load the application config
		self.config = self.__load_config__()

		# Create the dance floor surface
		self.dance_surface = DanceSurface(self.config)
		# Set up plugin registry
		self.__registry__ = PluginRegistry()

		# Initialise pygame
		# Inititalise Controllers
		# Enter debug mode
		if self.config["system"]["debug_logging"]:
			logger = logging.getLogger()

	def __load_config__(self):
		Load the config file into a dictionary.

			The dictionary resulting from loading the YAML config file.
		f = open('config.yaml')
		data = yaml.load(f)
		return data

	def __register_plugins(self, plugin_folder):
		Find the loadable plugins in the given plugin folder.
		The located plugins are then loaded into the plugin registry.
		logging.info("Searching for plugins in %s" % plugin_folder)
		for root, dirs, files in os.walk(plugin_folder):
			for fname in files:
				if fname.endswith(".py") and not fname.startswith("__"):
					fpath = os.path.join(root, fname)
					mname = fpath.rsplit('.', 1)[0].replace('/', '.').replace('\\', '.')

			for plugin in DDRPiPlugin.__subclasses__():
				name = plugin.__name__
				logging.debug("DDRPi: plugin name: %s" % name)
				pinst = plugin()
				pinst.configure(self.config, self.dance_surface)
				self.__registry__.register(name, pinst)

	def __init_controllers__(self):
		Initialise the attached joypads
		num_c = pygame.joystick.get_count()
		self.__controllers__ = {}
		for c in range(0,num_c):
			self.__controllers__[c] = pygame.joystick.Joystick(c)
		logging.debug("DDRPi: Initialised %s controllers" % num_c)

	def changed_layout(self):
		Called on layout change to redefine the DanceFloor size/shape
		** Not currently used - we don't allow layout changes **
		# Get the new size and shape
		(x,y) = self.layout.calculate_floor_size()

		# Create a new dance surface
		self.dance_surface = DanceSurface(x, y)

		# TODO: Reconfigure the running plugin (or reload the running plugin)
		#	   Need to create a layout changed event

	def start(self):
		Enter main event loop and start drawing to the floor
		# TODO: Pick a display plugin from the registry
		#       (i.e. one of the games or visualisations)
		available_plugins = self.__registry__.get_names()
		if len(available_plugins) > 0:
			# Configure a default plugin
			# If there is a plugin specified on the command line
			if (self.get_requested_initial_plugin() == None):
				logging.info("DDRPi: Starting in menu mode")
				self.plugin_index = 0
				self.temporary_plugin_index = 0
				self.mode = "MENU"
				self.active_plugin = self.__registry__.get_plugin(available_plugins[0])
			else :
				# Start the active plugin
				self.temporary_plugin_index = 0
				self.mode = "RUNNING"
			logging.error("DDRPi: No display plugins found")

	def get_requested_initial_plugin(self):
		# Skip the name of this file (in 0), and iterate over the rest
		available_plugins = self.__registry__.get_names()
		for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
			if arg in available_plugins:
				# Find the plugin
				this_plugin_index = 0
				for plugin_name in available_plugins:
					if (plugin_name == arg):
						self.active_plugin = self.__registry__.get_plugin(plugin_name)
						self.plugin_index = this_plugin_index
						logging.info("Found command line requested plugin %s at index %d" % (arg, this_plugin_index))
						return plugin_name

		if (len(sys.argv[1:]) > 0):
			logging.error("Unable to load any requested plugins")
		return None

	def _main_loop(self):	
		Main event loop - each period handle events generated by the user 
		and send those events to the active display plugin to make the
		appropriate updates on the floor
				for e in pygame.event.get():
					# handle special events (e.g. plugin switch)
					bypass = self._handle(e)
					if bypass:
					# TODO: decide whether to ONLY pass gamepad events to plugins...
					# active plugin handle e
					#logging.debug("Active plugin handling event: %s" % e)
				# Update the display
				# We're just going as fast as the serial port will let us atm
				if self.mode == "RUNNING":
		except IOError as io_e:
			logging.error("The floor simulator was closed")
	def _preview_plugin(self, plugin_name):
		logging.debug("DDRPi: Switching to preview plugin %s" % plugin_name)
		preview_plugin = self.__registry__.get_plugin(plugin_name)
	def _handle(self, e):
		Handle events for controlling the main application
		returns: Boolean - does this event bypass the running/paused plugin
		if pygame.event.event_name(e.type) == "JoyButtonDown":
			if self.mode == "RUNNING":
				# 2 = B, 8 = SELECT, cancel, go back to running
				if e.button == 8:
					logging.debug("DDRPi: Entering menu")
					self.mode = "MENU"
					return True
					return False

			elif self.mode == "MENU":
				# 2 = B, 8 = SELECT, cancel, go back to running
				if (e.button == 2 or e.button == 8):
					logging.debug("DDRPi: Exiting menu")
					self.mode = "RUNNING"
					return True

				# 1 = A, 9 = START, accept, start this plugin
				elif (e.button == 1 or e.button == 9):
					available_plugins = self.__registry__.get_names()
					logging.debug("DDRPi: Selected plugin")
					self.mode = "RUNNING"
					self.active_plugin = self.__registry__.get_plugin(available_plugins[self.temporary_plugin_index])
					self.active_plugin.configure(self.config, self.dance_surface)
					self.plugin_index = self.temporary_plugin_index
					return True
				# 4 = LB, scroll left
				elif (e.button == 4):
					available_plugins = self.__registry__.get_names()
					self.temporary_plugin_index = (self.temporary_plugin_index + 1) % len(available_plugins)
					logging.debug("DDRPi: Switching to preview plugin %d/%d" % (self.temporary_plugin_index+1, len(available_plugins)))
					return True
				# 5 = RB, scroll right
				elif (e.button == 5):
					available_plugins = self.__registry__.get_names()
					self.temporary_plugin_index = (self.temporary_plugin_index - 1) % len(available_plugins)
					logging.debug("DDRPi: Switching to preview plugin %d/%d" % (self.temporary_plugin_index+1, len(available_plugins)))
					return True
				# 8 = SELECT, go into menu mode, pausing the current plugin
				elif (e.button == 8):
					available_plugins = self.__registry__.get_names()
					logging.debug("DDRPi: Entering menu, %d plugins available" % len(available_plugins))
					self.mode = "MENU"
					if (self.active_plugin != None):
						# We'll need this to pause the game
						self.active_plugin.display_preview(self.config, self.dance_surface)
					self.temporary_plugin_index = self.plugin_index

					return False
				return False
		return False