def parse_nzb(contents): return nzb_parser.parse(contents)
def start(self, args, config): """ 1. Verify any files that exist in the destination that are sourced in the NZB. 2. Queue segments for files that are remaining. 3. Spin up download threads and allow them to empty the job queue. """ # Init thread safe structures stat = Event() jobs = Queue() # For fancy printing. term = Terminal() # Parse specified segments out of NZB file. needed = set() with open(args.nzb) as fp: parsed = nzb_parser.parse( subject = parsed.subject or args.nzb for file in parsed.files: for segment in file.segments: needed.add(NZBSegment(segment)) # Check to see if destination exists, if not create. destination = args.dest if not destination: destination = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(args.nzb)), subject) if not os.path.isdir(destination): os.makedirs(destination) print 'Files will be downloaded to "{}"'.format(destination) print 'There are {} parts required for "{}"'.format(len(needed), args.nzb) # Scan destination directory for files we are looking for from the NZB. existing = ( set([FileSegment(f) for f in os.listdir(destination)]) & needed ) # Adding the union of needed filters to just what we want. existing_count = len(existing) print "{} of these parts exist in the destination.".format(existing_count) if args.verify: failed = set() loop_count = 1 for segment in existing: with term.location(): print "Checking {:<50} [{:05d}/{:05d}]{}".format(, loop_count, existing_count, term.clear_eol ) try: header, part, body, trail = read_segment(os.path.join(destination, except InvalidSegmentException: failed.add(segment) # print # raise if not check_crc(trail, body): print "failed" failed.add(segment) loop_count += 1 print "{} of the existing parts are invalid and will be retried".format(len(failed)) existing -= failed segments_to_fetch = needed - existing # Add files to fetch into the queue. # jobs.put(FetchJob(segments_to_fetch.pop(), destination)) for segment in segments_to_fetch: jobs.put(FetchJob(segment, destination)) master = TaskMaster(jobs, FetchWorker, max_threads=args.connections, status=stat, config=config["USENET"]) thread = Thread(name="Task Master", target=master) thread.start() def status_output_control(): # It's nice to have the total bytes. total_bytes = sum([s.bytes for s in segments_to_fetch]) total_jobs = jobs.qsize() while thread.is_alive(): stat.wait(timeout=1) self.print_status(master.threads, total_jobs, jobs.qsize(), total_bytes) stat.clear() print "Stat Exit" status = Thread(name="Status Printer", target=status_output_control) status.start() while jobs.qsize() > 0: try: thread.join(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Waiting on Threads to Exit" master.stop() thread.join() break print "All Exiting"
def start(self, args, config): """ 1. Verify any files that exist in the destination that are sourced in the NZB. 2. Queue segments for files that are remaining. 3. Spin up download threads and allow them to empty the job queue. """ # Init thread safe structures stat = Event() jobs = Queue() # For fancy printing. term = Terminal() # Parse specified segments out of NZB file. needed = set() with open(args.nzb) as fp: parsed = nzb_parser.parse( subject = parsed.subject or args.nzb for file in parsed.files: for segment in file.segments: needed.add(NZBSegment(segment)) # Check to see if destination exists, if not create. destination = args.dest if not destination: destination = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(args.nzb)), subject) if not os.path.isdir(destination): os.makedirs(destination) print 'Files will be downloaded to "{}"'.format(destination) print 'There are {} parts required for "{}"'.format( len(needed), args.nzb) # Scan destination directory for files we are looking for from the NZB. existing = set([ FileSegment(f) for f in os.listdir(destination) ]) & needed # Adding the union of needed filters to just what we want. existing_count = len(existing) print '{} of these parts exist in the destination.'.format( existing_count) if args.verify: failed = set() loop_count = 1 for segment in existing: with term.location(): print 'Checking {:<50} [{:05d}/{:05d}]{}'.format(, loop_count, existing_count, term.clear_eol) try: header, part, body, trail = read_segment( os.path.join(destination, except InvalidSegmentException: failed.add(segment) #print #raise if not check_crc(trail, body): print 'failed' failed.add(segment) loop_count += 1 print '{} of the existing parts are invalid and will be retried'.format( len(failed)) existing -= failed segments_to_fetch = needed - existing # Add files to fetch into the queue. #jobs.put(FetchJob(segments_to_fetch.pop(), destination)) for segment in segments_to_fetch: jobs.put(FetchJob(segment, destination)) master = TaskMaster(jobs, FetchWorker, max_threads=args.connections, status=stat, config=config['USENET']) thread = Thread(name='Task Master', target=master) thread.start() def status_output_control(): # It's nice to have the total bytes. total_bytes = sum([s.bytes for s in segments_to_fetch]) total_jobs = jobs.qsize() while thread.is_alive(): stat.wait(timeout=1) self.print_status(master.threads, total_jobs, jobs.qsize(), total_bytes) stat.clear() print 'Stat Exit' status = Thread(name='Status Printer', target=status_output_control) status.start() while jobs.qsize() > 0: try: thread.join(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print 'Waiting on Threads to Exit' master.stop() thread.join() break print 'All Exiting'