Example #1
    def test_data_provider_int(self):
        # Full integrity Test including flask
        self.dp = data_provider.DataProvider(self.provider)
        str_backend = StorageServer(test_dir)
        with self.str_app.app_context():
            for r in self.sr:
                # check that bloom filter is empty
                b = str_backend.bloom
                self.assertNotIn(to_base64(r.get_long_hash()), b)
            # Check that DB empty
            res = str_backend.batch_get_records(
                [to_base64(r.get_long_hash()) for r in self.sr], "client")
        # Decrypt
        result = [
            Record.from_ciphertext(json.loads(r), self.enc_keys[0])
            for h, r in res
        self.assertEqual([], result)

        s = Session(True)
        with patch("requests.get", s.get), \
             patch("requests.post", s.post), \
             patch.object(self.dp, "_receive_ots",

        str_backend = StorageServer(test_dir)
        with self.str_app.app_context():
            for r in self.sr:
                # check that records are in bloom filter
                b = str_backend.bloom
                self.assertIn(to_base64(r.get_long_hash()), b)
            # Check records in db
            res = str_backend.batch_get_records(
                [to_base64(r.get_long_hash()) for r in self.sr], "client")
        # Decrypt
        result = [
            Record.from_ciphertext(json.loads(r), self.enc_keys[0])
            for h, r in res
        for m in self.sr:
            self.assertIn(m, result)
        for r in result:
            self.assertIn(r, self.sr)
Example #2
    def batch_get_records(self, candidates: List[Record]) -> List[Record]:
        Retrieve the records for all hashes in the list

        :param candidates: Record objects for all candidates (hash_set)
        :return: List of retrieved records (decyrpted)
        log.info("4.1 Retrieve encryption keys.")
        start = time.monotonic()
        ot_indices = []
        # No duplicates
        for r in candidates:
            if r.get_ot_index() not in ot_indices:

        enc_keys = self._get_enc_keys(ot_indices)
        # Create mapping
        enc_keys = dict(zip(ot_indices, enc_keys))
        self.eval['key_retrieve_time'] = time.monotonic()
            f"4.1 - Retrieve keys took: {print_time(time.monotonic() - start)}"
        log.info("4.2 Retrieve encrypted records.")
        start = time.monotonic()
        hash_list = [to_base64(r.get_long_hash()) for r in candidates]
        records = self._batch_get_encrpyted_records(hash_list)
        if not records:
            self.eval['record_retrieve_time'] = time.monotonic()
            self.eval['decryption_time'] = time.monotonic()
            return []
        res_list = []
        self.eval['record_retrieve_time'] = time.monotonic()
            f"4.2 - Retrieve records: {print_time(time.monotonic() - start)}")
        log.info("4.3 Decrypting.")
        start = time.monotonic()
        for h, c in records:
            c = json.loads(c)
            key = enc_keys[hash_to_index(from_base64(h), config.OT_INDEX_LEN)]
            log.debug(f"Using key {key} for record {h}.")
            res_list.append(Record.from_ciphertext(c, key))
        self.eval['decryption_time'] = time.monotonic()
            f"4.3 - Decryption took: {print_time(time.monotonic() - start)}")
        return res_list