Example #1
	def getflashinfo(self):
		flag = 0
		(tmpret,output) = saferun('lspci 2>/dev/null')
		for line in output:
			if line.find('Mass storage') >=0 and line.find('Altera') >= 0:
				flag = 2
			elif line.find('Mass storage') >=0 and line.find('Xilinx') >= 0:
				flag = 3
		(ret, output) = saferun('lsmod | grep ssd_adv')
		if ret == 0 and output != '' :
			self.exist = 1
			self.flashinfo['manu'] = 'HuaWei'
			self.flashinfo['model'] = 'NULL'
			self.flashinfo['mediatype'] = 'NULL'
			self.flashinfo['size'] = 'NULL'
			self.flashinfo['devicename'] = 'NULL'
			self.flashinfo['generation'] = 'NULL'
			self.flashinfo['version'] = 'NULL'
			if flag == 2:
				(ret, output) = saferun('%s -a'% gparas.ssdtool)
				if ret != 0:
					configinfo_log.logtofile('get_config_info:ssd_label error!')
				self.flashinfo['generation'] = '2g'
			elif flag == 3:
				(ret, output) = saferun('%s -a'% gparas.ssdtool_3g)
				if ret != 0:
					configinfo_log.logtofile('get_config_info:ssd_label_3g error!')
				self.flashinfo['generation'] = '3g'
			if ret == 0 and output != '':
				for line in output :
					if line.find('Name') >= 0:
						#self.flashinfo['model'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
						self.flashinfo['model'] = safe_split(line,':',1).strip()
					elif line.find('Size') >= 0:
						#self.flashinfo['size'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
						self.flashinfo['size'] = safe_split(line,':',1).strip()
					elif line.find('Type') >= 0:
						#self.flashinfo['mediatype'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
						self.flashinfo['mediatype'] = safe_split(line,':',1).strip()
					elif line.find('Devices') >= 0:
						#self.flashinfo['devicename'] = '_'.join(line.split(':')[1].split())
						self.flashinfo['devicename'] = '_'.join(safe_split(line,':',1).split())
					elif line.find('Controller FPGA VER')>=0 or line.find('Controller VER')>=0:
						tmp_str = safe_split(line,':',1).strip()
						if isinstance(tmp_str,str):
							tmp_int = int(tmp_str)
							if flag == 2:
								if tmp_int >30:
									self.flashinfo['version'] = '34NM'
									self.flashinfo['version'] = '50NM'
							elif flag == 3:
								if tmp_int >100:
									self.flashinfo['version'] = '25NM'
									self.flashinfo['version'] = '34NM'
Example #2
	def getconf(self):
		index = 0					# start with cpu1 cpu2 ....
		(tmpret, output) = saferun('%s -t processor'%gparas.dmidecode)
		for line in output:
			line = line.strip()
			if not line : 
			if line.find('DMI type') > 0:
				index += 1
				self.conf[index] = {}
				self.conf[index]['Temp'] = 0
				self.conf[index]['Manu'] = 'NULL'
				self.conf[index]['Mode'] = 'NULL'
				self.conf[index]['Frequency'] = 'NULL'
				self.conf[index]['Corepercpu'] = 'NULL'
			elif line.startswith('Manufacturer') :
				#self.conf[index]['Manu'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
				self.conf[index]['Manu'] = safe_split(line,':',1).strip()
			elif line.startswith('Version') :
				#self.conf[index]['Mode'] = '_'.join( line.split(':')[1].split() )
				self.conf[index]['Mode'] = '_'.join( safe_split(line, ":", 1).split() )
			elif line.startswith('Current Speed') :
				#self.conf[index]['Frequency'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
				self.conf[index]['Frequency'] = safe_split(line, ":", 1).strip()
			elif line.startswith('Core Count') :
				#self.conf[index]['Corepercpu'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
				self.conf[index]['Corepercpu'] = safe_split(line, ":", 1).strip()

		##   add for temperature read 
		(tmpret, output) = saferun('%s 2> /dev/null'%gparas.readtemperature)
		if tmpret == 0:
			for line in output:
				if not line: continue
					cpunum, temp = line.split(':')
					cpunum = cpunum.strip()
					temp = temp.strip()
					index = int(cpunum) + 1
				except ValueError:
					log.logtofile("Read temperature error!")
				if index <= self.num:
						temperature = int(temp)
					except ValueError:
						temperature = 0

					if temperature >= 0:
						self.conf[index]['Temp'] = temperature
						self.conf[index]['Temp'] = 0
					log.logtofile("The information of dmidecode and readtemperature is not consistency!")
				for line in output:
					line = line.strip()
Example #3
	def _change_mcelogconf(self):
		# Change Mcelog configure file to the correct path
		lines = open( gparas.mcelogconf, 'r' ).readlines()
		fix = 0
		for ind in range( len(lines) ):
			if lines[ind].startswith('logfile'):
				#if gparas.mcelogfall != lines[ind].split('=')[1].strip():
				if gparas.mcelogfall != safe_split(lines[ind], '=', 1).strip():
					fix = 1
					lines[ind] = 'logfile = %s'%gparas.mcelogfall
			elif lines[ind].startswith('directory'):
				#if gparas.mcelogtrig != lines[ind].split('=')[1].strip():
				if gparas.mcelogtrig != safe_split(lines[ind], '=', 1).strip():
					fix = 1
					lines[ind] = 'directory = %s' %gparas.mcelogtrig
		if fix == 1:
			open( gparas.mcelogconf,'w').writelines(lines)
Example #4
	def getpdinfo(self):
		Kversion = 0
		# In 2.6.9,there may be some wrong 
		# ???
		(tmpret, kernel) = saferun('uname -r')
		for line in kernel:
			if line.find('2.6.32') >= 0:
				Kversion = 1

		(ret, output) = saferun('ls /dev/sd[a-z] | sort -u')
		if output != '':
			for line in output:
				line = line.strip()
				if not line : continue
				if line.startswith('/dev'):
					self.pdnum += 1
					self.pdinfo[self.pdnum] = {}
					self.pdinfo[self.pdnum]['name'] = line
					self.pdinfo[self.pdnum]['model'] = 'NULL'
					self.pdinfo[self.pdnum]['sn'] = 'NULL'
					self.pdinfo[self.pdnum]['size'] = 'NULL'
					self.pdinfo[self.pdnum]['temperature'] = -1
					if Kversion == 1:							
						(tmpret, smart) = saferun('%s -i %s'%(gparas.smarttool,line))
						if tmpret != 0:
							configinfo_log.logtofile('get_config_info:smartctrl tool error!')
							self.hbanum = 0
							self.pdnum = 0
						for inline in smart:
							inline = inline.strip()
							if inline.startswith('Device Model:'):
								#self.pdinfo[self.pdnum]['model'] = inline.split(':')[1].strip()
								self.pdinfo[self.pdnum]['model'] = safe_split(inline,':',1).strip()
							elif inline.startswith('Serial Number:'):
								#self.pdinfo[self.pdnum]['sn'] = inline.split(':')[1].strip()
								self.pdinfo[self.pdnum]['sn'] = safe_split(inline,':',1).strip()
							elif inline.startswith('User Capacity:'):
								#self.pdinfo[self.pdnum]['size'] = inline.split(':')[1].strip()
								self.pdinfo[self.pdnum]['size'] = safe_split(inline,':',1).strip()
Example #5
 def get_info(self):
     # Decide on the machine list support,just decide vm on this
     (ret, hout) = saferun('%s -t system' % gparas.dmidecode)
     if ret != 0:
         return ('NULL', 'vm')
         for line in hout:
             line = line.strip()
             if line.startswith('Manufacturer'):
                 #self.machinfo['Vendor'] = line.split(": ")[1]
                 self.machinfo['Vendor'] = safe_split(line, ": ", 1)
             elif line.startswith('Product Name'):
                 #self.machinfo['Model'] = '_'.join( line.split(': ')[1].split() )
                 self.machinfo['Model'] = '_'.join(
                     safe_split(line, ": ", 1).split())
             elif line.startswith('Serial Number'):
                 #self.machinfo['Sn'] = line.split(': ')[1]
                 self.machinfo['Sn'] = safe_split(line, ": ", 1)
         return (self.machinfo['Vendor'].lower(),
Example #6
	def getcardinfo(self):
		if os.path.exists('/proc/mpt/summary'):
			(ret, output) = saferun('cat /proc/mpt/summary')
			(ret, output) = saferun('lspci 2>/dev/null| grep -i scsi')
		if output != '':
			for line in output:
				line = line.strip()
				if not line : 
				if line.startswith('ioc') or line.find('LSI') >= 0 :
					self.hbanum += 1
					self.hbainfo[self.hbanum] = {}
				if line.find('LSI') > 0:
					self.hbainfo[self.hbanum]['Manu'] = 'lsi'
					#self.hbainfo[self.hbanum]['Model'] = line.split(':')[1].split(',')[0]
					tmp_str = safe_split(line,':',1)
					self.hbainfo[self.hbanum]['Model'] = safe_split(tmp_str,',',0)
					self.hbainfo['Manu'] = 'NULL'
					self.hbainfo['Mode'] = 'NULL'
Example #7
	def get_status(self):
		reboot_flag,update_flag = gparas.run_cur_time('cpu')

		for i in range( self.cpuinfo['CpuNumber'] ):
			self.cpuinfo[i+1]['CacheErr'] = 'OK'

		if os.path.isfile(gparas.cmstatus):
			f = file(gparas.cmstatus)
#			meminfo = cPickle.load(f)
#			cpuinfo = cPickle.load(f)
#			logfileline = cPickle.load(f)
#			f.close()
#			for i in range( self.meminfo['DimmNumber'] ):
#				self.meminfo[i+1]['UE'] = meminfo[i+1]['UE']
#				self.meminfo[i+1]['CE'] = meminfo[i+1]['CE']
#			for i in range( self.cpuinfo['CpuNumber'] ):
#				self.cpuinfo[i+1]['CacheErr'] = cpuinfo[i+1]['CacheErr']
#			self.logfileline = logfileline#caorui
#		else:
#			for i in range( self.cpuinfo['CpuNumber'] ):
#				self.cpuinfo[i+1]['CacheErr'] = 'OK'

				ceinfo = cPickle.load(f)
				cacheinfo = cPickle.load(f)
				logfileline = cPickle.load(f)
				cesn = []
				for item in ceinfo.keys():
					if ceinfo[item][0] != 0:
				snvalid = 1
				for i in range(self.meminfo['DimmNumber']-1):
					if self.meminfo[i+1]['UE'] != 'OK':
					for j in range(i+1, self.meminfo['DimmNumber']):
						if self.meminfo[j+1]['UE'] != 'OK':
						if self.meminfo[i+1]['SN'] == self.meminfo[j+1]['SN']:
							snvalid = 0
				#if self.platform == ('hp','dl380'):
				if snvalid == 0:
					if reboot_flag != 1 and update_flag != 1:
						for i in range(self.meminfo['DimmNumber']):
							for item in ceinfo.keys():
								if ceinfo[item][0] != 0 and self.meminfo[i+1]['locator'] == item:
									self.meminfo[i+1]['CE'] = ceinfo[item][0]
					for i in range(self.meminfo['DimmNumber']):
						for item in ceinfo.keys():
							if ceinfo[item][0] != 0 and self.meminfo[i+1]['SN'] == ceinfo[item][1]:
								self.meminfo[i+1]['CE'] = ceinfo[item][0]
				if reboot_flag != 1 and update_flag != 1:
					for i in range( self.cpuinfo['CpuNumber'] ):
						self.cpuinfo[i+1]['CacheErr'] = cacheinfo[i]
				cpumemlog.logtofile('Read cmstatus error.', 1, 'CPU')
		Parse the latest log to get the current status
		#if not os.path.isfile(gparas.mcelogfile):
			#return True

		if self.platform not in [('ibm','x3650m5'), ('dell','r730'), ('sg','i630'),('sm','2u5')]:
			#(tmpret,tmp_file) = saferun("cat " + gparas.mcelogfall + " | wc -l ", 2 ,cpumemlog)#caorui
			#lineno = tmp_file[0]
			tmpfile = open(gparas.mcelogfall, 'r').readlines()
			lineno = len(tmpfile)
			#lineno = tmp_file.read().rstrip()#caorui
				parallax = lineno - int(self.logfileline)#caorui
				parallax = 0
			saferun("tail -"+ str(parallax) + " " + gparas.mcelogfall + " > " + gparas.mcelogfile)#caorui
			self.logfileline = lineno#caorui
			log_file = open( gparas.mcelogfile )
			while True:
				line = log_file.readline()
				if not line: break
				if "Trigger: " in line:
					if "CPU" in line:
					#	tmp_line0 = line.split("CPU")
					#	tmp_line1 = tmp_line0[1].split(" ")
					#	cpu_number = tmp_line1[1]
					#	tmp_line1 = safe_split(line, "CPU", 1)
						tmp_line1 = safe_split(line, "socket", 1)
						cpu_number = safe_split(tmp_line1, " ", 1)
						status = "Too Much Cache Err Exceed Threshold"
							self.cpuinfo[int(cpu_number)+1]['CacheErr'] = status
						if "Uncorrected" in line or "uncorrected" in line:
						#	tmp_line0 = line.split(" ")
						#	count = tmp_line0[-3]
							count = safe_split(line, " ", -3)
							line = log_file.readline()
							if "?" in line:
	 						if "Location" in line:
							#	tmp_line1 = line.split("SOCKET:")
							#	tmp_socket = tmp_line1[1].split(" ")
							#	socket = tmp_socket[0]
								tmp_socket = safe_split(line, "SOCKET:", 1)
								socket = safe_split(tmp_socket, " ", 0)
							#	tmp_line2 = line.split("CHANNEL:")
							#	tmp_channel = tmp_line2[1].split(" ")
							#	channel = tmp_channel[0]
								tmp_channel = safe_split(line, "CHANNEL:", 1)
								channel = safe_split(tmp_channel, " ", 0)
							#	tmp_line3 = line.split("DIMM:")
							#	tmp_dimm = tmp_line3[1].split(" ")
							#	dimm = tmp_dimm[0]
								tmp_dimm = safe_split(line, "DIMM:", 1)
								dimm = safe_split(tmp_dimm, " ", 0)
								location = socket + "/" + channel + "/" + dimm
								item = self._lookup_relation(location,self.platform)
								if item == "NULL":
									#print "the physical dimm %s (UE: %s) is not existed." %(location, count)
									cpumemlog.logtofile('the physical dimm %s (UE: %s) is not existed.' %(location, count), 1, 'CPU')
	   								#self.meminfo[item]['UE'] = count + " UEs"
										self.meminfo[item]['UE'] = 'This dimm has uce error'
							tmp_line0 = line.split(" ")
								count = int(tmp_line0[-3])
								count = 0
							if count >= 500:
								line = log_file.readline()
								if "?" in line:
								if "Location" in line:
								#	tmp_line1 = line.split("SOCKET:")
								#	tmp_socket = tmp_line1[1].split(" ")
								#	socket = tmp_socket[0]
									tmp_socket = safe_split(line, "SOCKET:", 1)
									socket = safe_split(tmp_socket, " ", 0)
								#	tmp_line2 = line.split("CHANNEL:")
								#	tmp_channel = tmp_line2[1].split(" ")
								#	channel = tmp_channel[0]
									tmp_channel = safe_split(line, "CHANNEL:", 1)
									channel = safe_split(tmp_channel, " ", 0)
								#	tmp_line3 = line.split("DIMM:")
								#	tmp_dimm = tmp_line3[1].split(" ")
								#	dimm = tmp_dimm[0]
									tmp_dimm = safe_split(line, "DIMM:", 1)
									dimm = safe_split(tmp_dimm, " ", 0)
									location = socket + "/" + channel + "/" + dimm
									item = self._lookup_relation(location,self.platform)
									if item == "NULL":
										#print "the physical dimm %s (CE: %d) is not existed." %(location, count)
										cpumemlog.logtofile('the physical dimm %s (CE: %d) is not existed.' %(location, count), 1, 'CPU')
										self.meminfo[item]['CE'] = count

		#os.system("cat %s >> %s" %(gparas.mcelogfile,gparas.mcelogfall) )
		#os.remove( gparas.mcelogfile )

Example #8
    def getmeminfo(self, monitorflag):
        #Get the DIMM info by dmidecode(SMBIOS)
        (ret, hout) = saferun('%s -t memory' % gparas.dmidecode)
        # dimflag: DMI type is 17 or not; dimnum: the number of dimm; mem_valid: the information of dimm is valid or not
        dimflag = 0
        dimnum = 0
        mem_valid = 0
        for line in hout:
            if not line: continue
            line = line.strip()
            if line.find('DMI type 17') >= 0:
                dimflag = 1
                dimnum += 1

                # Append the last dimm info to meminfo
                if mem_valid == 1:
                elif mem_valid == 2:
                    dimm_info['UE'] = 'uce err'
                    dimm_info['CE'] = 0

                # Init the dimm info for better output in abnomal situation
                dimm_info = {
                    'locator': 'NULL',
                    'Speed': 'NULL',
                    'Cap': 'NULL',
                    'Type': 'NULL',
                    'SN': 'NULL',
                    'Model': 'NULL',
                    'l_loc': 'NULL',
                    'UE': 'OK',
                    'CE': 0
                mem_valid = 0

            # Analyze the dimm information only when the section is type 17
            if dimflag == 1:
                # Break the analysis when the "Data width" or "Size" is invalid
                if line.startswith('Data Width'):
                        size = int(line.split()[2])
                    except ValueError:
                        dimflag = 0
                        dimnum -= 1
                    if size < 32:
                        dimflag = 0
                        dimnum -= 1
                elif line.startswith('Size'):
                        size = int(line.split()[1])
                    except ValueError:
                        dimflag = 0
                        dimnum -= 1
                    mem_valid = 1
                    dimm_info['Cap'] = size / 1024
                elif line.startswith('Locator'):
                    dimmlocator = safe_split(line, ": ", 1)
                    dimmkeys = dimmlocator.split(" ")
                    if len(dimmkeys) >= 1:
                        dimmlocator = dimmkeys[0].strip()
                        for i in range(1, len(dimmkeys)):
                            dimmlocator = dimmlocator + '_' + dimmkeys[
                    dimm_info['locator'] = dimmlocator
                    #print dimmlocator
                    #dimm_info['locator'] = line.split(": ")[1]
                elif line.startswith('Speed'):
                        size = int(line.split()[1])
                    except ValueError:
                        if mem_valid == 0:
                            dimflag = 0
                            dimnum -= 1
                    dimm_info['Speed'] = size
                    if mem_valid == 0:
                        mem_valid = 2
                elif line.startswith('Manufacturer'):
                        dimm_info['Type'] = line.split()[1]
                    except IndexError:
                elif line.startswith('Serial Number'):
                        dimm_info['SN'] = line.split()[2]
                    except IndexError:
                elif line.startswith('Part'):
                        dimm_info['Model'] = line.split()[2]
                    except IndexError:
                        dimflag = 0
                    dimflag = 0

        # Append the last dimm info to meminfo
        if mem_valid == 1:
        elif mem_valid == 2:
            dimm_info['UE'] = 'uce err'
            dimm_info['CE'] = 0

        (ret, hout) = saferun('free')
        for line in hout:
            if not line: continue
            line = line.strip()
            if line.startswith('Mem'):
                    os_cap = int(line.split()[1])
                except ValueError:
                    os_cap = 0
                self.meminfo['Os_Cap'] = (os_cap / 1024 / 1024 / 4 + 1) * 4

        (ret, hout) = saferun('%s -t processor' % gparas.dmidecode)
        cpu_num = 0
        for line in hout:
            if not line: continue
            line = line.strip()
            if line.startswith('Manufacturer'):
                #self.cpuinfo['Vendor'] = '_'.join( line.split(':')[1].split() )
                self.cpuinfo['Vendor'] = '_'.join(
                    safe_split(line, ":", 1).split())
            elif line.startswith('Version'):
                #self.cpuinfo['Model'] = '_'.join( line.split(':')[1].split() )
                self.cpuinfo['Model'] = '_'.join(
                    safe_split(line, ":", 1).split())
            elif line.startswith('Core Count'):
                #self.cpuinfo['Corepercpu'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
                self.cpuinfo['Corepercpu'] = safe_split(line, ":", 1).strip()
                cpu_num += 1
        self.cpuinfo['CpuNumber'] = cpu_num
        for i in range(cpu_num):
            self.cpuinfo[i + 1] = {}
        #Finish the dmidecode(SMBIOS) infomation Parse

        #DimmNumber is the Good memory number detected by dmidecode
        #Append the Bad Memory info to the Good ones
        #BadDimmNumber is the Bad memory number detected by dmidecode

        if monitorflag == 'false' or self.platvalid == 'false' or len(
                self.goodmeminfo) < 1:
            self.meminfo['Cap'] = 0
            self.meminfo['DimmNumber'] = len(self.goodmeminfo)
            for i in range(self.meminfo['DimmNumber']):
                self.meminfo[i + 1] = self.goodmeminfo[i]
                self.meminfo['Cap'] += self.goodmeminfo[i]['Cap']
            for i in range(len(self.goodmeminfo)):
                self.meminfo[i + 1] = self.goodmeminfo[i]
            return self.cpuinfo, self.meminfo

        #Could not get DIMM and CPU status if the machine is not supported
#		if self.platform[0] == 'unknow' or self.platform[1] == 'unknow':
#			#Fill the meminfo structure
#			self.meminfo['Cap'] = 0
#			self.meminfo['DimmNumber'] = len(self.goodmeminfo)
#			for i in range( self.meminfo['DimmNumber'] ):
#				self.meminfo[i+1] = self.goodmeminfo[i]
#				self.meminfo[i+1]['Status'] = 'NULL'
#				self.meminfo['Cap'] += self.goodmeminfo[i]['Cap']
#			for i in range( self.cpuinfo['CpuNumber'] ):
#				self.cpuinfo[i+1]['Status'] = 'NULL'
#			return self.cpuinfo, self.meminfo


        #Fill the Good Dimm Info
        self.meminfo['Cap'] = 0
        self.meminfo['DimmNumber'] = len(self.goodmeminfo)
        for i in range(self.meminfo['DimmNumber']):
            self.meminfo[i + 1] = self.goodmeminfo[i]
            self.meminfo[i + 1]['UE'] = 'OK'
            self.meminfo[i + 1]['CE'] = 0
            self.meminfo['Cap'] += self.goodmeminfo[i]['Cap']

        #Append Bad Dimm Info to Good Dimm Info
#		self.badmeminfo = []
#		if self.goodmeminfo_b:
#			self.meminfo['BadDimmNumber'] += len(self.goodmeminfo_b)
#			for meminfo in self.goodmeminfo_b:
#				meminfo['UE'] = 'has uce error'
#				self.badmeminfo.append(meminfo)

        if self.dimm_bad_diff:
            self.meminfo['BadDimmNumber'] += len(self.dimm_bad_diff)
            for l_loc in self.dimm_bad_diff:
                badmeminfo = {
                    'locator': 'NULL',
                    'Speed': 'NULL',
                    'Cap': 'NULL',
                    'Type': 'NULL',
                    'SN': 'NULL',
                    'Model': 'NULL',
                    'l_loc': 'NULL',
                    'UE': 'OK',
                    'CE': 0
                badmeminfo['locator'] = machine_map[self.platform][l_loc]
                badmeminfo['UE'] = 'uce err'
                badmeminfo['CE'] = 0

        if self.badmeminfo_dmi:
            for i in self.badmeminfo_dmi:
                flag = 0
                for loc in self.badmeminfo:
                    #if i['locator'] == loc['locator']:
                    if i['locator'].find(
                            loc['locator']) >= 0 or loc['locator'].find(
                                i['locator']) >= 0:
                        flag = 1
                if flag == 0:
                    self.meminfo['BadDimmNumber'] += 1

        if self.badmeminfo:
            ind = self.meminfo['DimmNumber']
            for i in range(len(self.badmeminfo)):
                self.meminfo[ind + i + 1] = self.badmeminfo[i]

        return self.cpuinfo, self.meminfo
Example #9
    def __init__(self):
        self.meminfo = {}
        self.badmeminfo = []
        self.badmeminfo_dmi = []
        self.goodmeminfo = []
        self.cpuinfo = {}
        self.dimm_diff = []
        self.logfileline = 0
        self.machinfo = machinfo()
        self.platform = self.machinfo.get_platform()
        self.platvalid = self.machinfo.check_platform_support('cpu')
        self.meminfo['BadDimmNumber'] = 0

        savememinfo = []

        if not os.path.isfile(gparas.allmemfile) or os.path.getsize(
                gparas.allmemfile) == 0:
            # Save manu and model of the memory
            (ret, hout) = saferun('%s -t memory' % gparas.dmidecode)
            # dimflag: DMI type is 17 or not; dimnum: the number of dimm; mem_valid: the information of dimm is valid or not
            dimflag = 0
            dimnum = 0
            mem_valid = 0
            for line in hout:
                if not line: continue
                line = line.strip()
                if line.find('DMI type 17') >= 0:
                    dimflag = 1
                    dimnum += 1

                    # Append the last dimm info to meminfo
                    if mem_valid == 1:

                    # Init the dimm info for better output in abnomal situation
                    dimm_info = {
                        'locator': 'NULL',
                        'Type': 'NULL',
                        'Model': 'NULL'
                    mem_valid = 0

                # Analyze the dimm information only when the section is type 17
                if dimflag == 1:
                    # Break the analysis when the "Data width" or "Size" is invalid
                    if line.startswith('Locator'):
                        #dimmlocator = line.split(": ")[1]
                        dimmlocator = safe_split(line, ": ", 1)
                        dimmkeys = dimmlocator.split(" ")
                        if len(dimmkeys) >= 1:
                            dimmlocator = dimmkeys[0].strip()
                            for i in range(1, len(dimmkeys)):
                                dimmlocator = dimmlocator + '_' + dimmkeys[
                        dimm_info['locator'] = dimmlocator
                        #print dimmlocator
                        #dimm_info['locator'] = line.split(": ")[1]
                        mem_valid = 1
                    elif line.startswith('Manufacturer'):
                            dimm_info['Type'] = line.split()[1]
                        except IndexError:
                    elif line.startswith('Part'):
                            dimm_info['Model'] = line.split()[2]
                        except IndexError:
                            dimflag = 0
                        dimflag = 0

            # Append the last dimm info to meminfo
            if mem_valid == 1:
            f = file(gparas.allmemfile, 'w')
            cPickle.dump(savememinfo, f)
Example #10
	def getpdinfo(self):
		#For every Physical disk, we get information about:	
		if self.raidinfo['manu'] != 'hba' and self.raidinfo['manu'] == 'pmc':
			index = 0
			count = 0 #this is for self.ldinfo[index]['pdnum']
			(ret, output) = saferun('%s ctrl slot=%s pd all show detail 2>/dev/null' % (gparas.pmctool,self.raidinfo['slot']))
			if ret != 0:
				configinfo_log.logtofile('get_config_info:hpacucli tool error!')
				self.raidinfo['ldnum'] = 0
				self.raidinfo['pdnum'] = 0
			for line in output:
				line = line.strip()
				if line.startswith('physicaldrive'):
					index += 1
					self.pdinfo[index] = {}
					#self.pdinfo[index]['slot'] = line.split()[1].strip()
					self.pdinfo[index]['slot'] = safe_split(line,'',1).strip()
					#count = int(self.pdinfo[index]['slot'].split(':')[1]) # This is the every ld's pd port id
					count = int(safe_split(self.pdinfo[index]['slot'],':',1)) 
					self.ldinfo[count]['pdnum'] += 1
					#self.pdinfo[index]['slot'] = self.pdinfo[index]['slot'].split(':')[2].strip() # revalue it
					self.pdinfo[index]['slot'] = safe_split(self.pdinfo[index]['slot'],':',2).strip()
					# manu:HP is correct or not ?
					self.pdinfo[index]['manuinfo'] = 'HP'
					self.pdinfo[index]['model'] = 'NULL'
					self.pdinfo[index]['media'] = 'NULL'
					self.pdinfo[index]['interface'] = 'NULL'
					self.pdinfo[index]['size'] = 'NULL'
					self.pdinfo[index]['sn'] = 'NULL'
					self.pdinfo[index]['temperature'] = -1
				elif line.startswith('Model'):           
					#self.pdinfo[index]['model'] = '_'.join(line.split(':')[1].split())
					#self.pdinfo[index]['model'] = '_'.join(safe_split(line,':',1).split())
						self.pdinfo[index]['model'] = safe_split(line,': ',1)[8:].strip()
						self.pdinfo[index]['model'] = '_'.join(safe_split(line,':',1).split())
				elif line.startswith('Interface Type'):
					#self.pdinfo[index]['interface'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
					self.pdinfo[index]['interface'] = safe_split(line,':',1).strip()
				elif line.startswith('Size'):
					#self.pdinfo[index]['size'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
					self.pdinfo[index]['size'] = safe_split(line,':',1).strip()
				elif line.startswith('Serial Number'):
					self.pdinfo[index]['sn'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
				elif line.startswith('Current Drive Temperature') or line.startswith('Current Temperature'):
					try :
						#temp = int(line.split(':')[1].split()[0].strip())
						tmp_str = safe_split(line,':',1)
						temp = int(safe_split(tmp_str,'',0).strip())
						temp = -1
					self.pdinfo[index]['temperature'] = temp
		elif self.raidinfo['manu'] != 'hba' and self.raidinfo['manu'] == 'lsi':
			index = 0
			(ret,output) = saferun('%s -pdlist -aall -NoLog 2>/dev/null' %gparas.lsitool)
			if ret != 0:
				configinfo_log.logtofile('get_config_info:megacli tool error!')
				self.raidinfo['ldnum'] = 0
				self.raidinfo['pdnum'] = 0
			for line in output:
				line = line.strip()
				if line.startswith('Enclosure Device ID'):
					index += 1
					self.pdinfo[index] = {}
					self.pdinfo[index]['manuinfo'] = 'NULL'
					self.pdinfo[index]['model'] = 'NULL'
					self.pdinfo[index]['media'] = 'NULL'
					self.pdinfo[index]['interface'] = 'NULL'
					self.pdinfo[index]['size'] = 'NULL'
					self.pdinfo[index]['sn'] = 'NULL'
					self.pdinfo[index]['temperature'] = -1
				elif line.startswith('Slot Number'):
					#self.pdinfo[index]['slot'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
					self.pdinfo[index]['slot'] = safe_split(line,':',1).strip()
				elif line.startswith('PD Type'):
					#self.pdinfo[index]['interface'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
					self.pdinfo[index]['interface'] = safe_split(line,':',1).strip()
				elif line.startswith('Media Type'):
					#self.pdinfo[index]['media'] = '_'.join(line.split(':')[1].split())
					tmp_str = safe_split(line,':',1)
					self.pdinfo[index]['media'] = '_'.join(tmp_str.split())
					if self.pdinfo[index]['media'] == "Solid_State_Device":
						if inquary.find("INTEL") >= 0:
							self.pdinfo[index]['manuinfo'] = "Intel"
							self.pdinfo[index]['manuinfo'] = "NULL"
				elif line.startswith('Raw Size'):
					#self.pdinfo[index]['size'] = line.split(':')[1].split()[0] + line.split(':')[1].split()[1]
					tmp_str = safe_split(line,':',1)
					self.pdinfo[index]['size'] = safe_split(tmp_str,'',0) + safe_split(tmp_str,'',1)
				elif line.startswith('Inquiry Data'):
					#inquary = line.split(': ')[1]
					inquary = safe_split(line,': ',1)
					if self.pdinfo[index]['interface'] == "SATA":
							self.pdinfo[index]['model'] = inquary[20:60:1].strip()
							self.pdinfo[index]['sn'] = inquary[0:20:1].strip()
							self.pdinfo[index]['model'] = "NULL"
							self.pdinfo[index]['sn'] = "NULL"
					elif self.pdinfo[index]['interface'] == "SAS":
						try :
							self.pdinfo[index]['manuinfo'] = inquary[0:8:1].strip()
							self.pdinfo[index]['model'] = inquary[8:24:1].strip()
							#sn only get 8 bytes
							#in fact sn is 12 bytes ????
							self.pdinfo[index]['sn'] = inquary[28:36:1].strip()
							self.pdinfo[index]['manuinfo'] = "NULL"
							self.pdinfo[index]['model'] = "NULL"
							self.pdinfo[index]['sn'] = "NULL"
				elif line.startswith('Drive Temperature'):
						#temp = int(line.split(':')[1].split('C')[0].strip())
						tmp_str = safe_split(line,':',1)
						temp = int(safe_split(tmp_str,'C',0).strip())
						temp = -1
					self.pdinfo[index]['temperature'] = temp
Example #11
	def getldinfo(self):
		# For every vitual disk, we get information about: 
		# Size, raidlevel,mountpoint(not supported by Megacli)
		if self.raidinfo['manu'] != 'hba' and self.raidinfo['manu'] == 'pmc':
			index = 0
			(ret, output) = saferun('%s ctrl slot=%s ld all show detail 2>/dev/null' % (gparas.pmctool,self.raidinfo['slot']))
			if ret != 0:
				configinfo_log.logtofile('get_config_info:hpacucli tool error!')
				self.raidinfo['ldnum'] = 0
				self.raidinfo['pdnum'] = 0
			for line in output:
				line = line.strip()
				if line.startswith('Logical Drive:'):
					index += 1
					self.ldinfo[index] = {}
					self.ldinfo[index]['size'] = 'NULL'
					self.ldinfo[index]['level'] = 'NULL'
					self.ldinfo[index]['diskname'] = 'NULL'
					self.ldinfo[index]['pdnum'] = 0 # This is count in next function
				if line.startswith('Size:'):
					#self.ldinfo[index]['size'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
					self.ldinfo[index]['size'] = safe_split(line,':',1).strip()
				elif line.startswith('Fault Tolerance:'):
					#self.ldinfo[index]['level'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
					self.ldinfo[index]['level'] = safe_split(line,':',1).strip()
				elif line.startswith('Disk Name'):
					#self.ldinfo[index]['diskname'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
					self.ldinfo[index]['diskname'] = safe_split(line,':',1).strip()
				elif line.startswith('Mount Points:'):
					#self.ldinfo[index]['mnt'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
					self.ldinfo[index]['mnt'] = safe_split(line,':',1).strip()

		elif self.raidinfo['manu'] != 'hba' and self.raidinfo['manu'] == 'lsi':
			index = 0
			(ret, output) = saferun('%s -LDInfo -lall -aAll 2>/dev/null'%gparas.lsitool)
			if ret != 0:
				configinfo_log.logtofile('get_config_info:megacli tool error!')
				self.raidinfo['ldnum'] = 0
				self.raidinfo['pdnum'] = 0
			for line in output:
				line =line.strip()
				if line.startswith('Virtual Drive') or line.startswith('Virtual Disk'):
					index += 1
					self.ldinfo[index] = {}
					#self.ldinfo[index]['num'] = int(line.split(':')[1].split()[0].strip())
					tmp_str = safe_split(line,':',1).strip()
					self.ldinfo[index]['num'] = int(safe_split(tmp_str,'',0).strip())
					self.ldinfo[index]['size'] = 'NULL'
					self.ldinfo[index]['level'] = 'NULL'
					self.ldinfo[index]['mnt'] = 'NULL'
				elif line.startswith('RAID Level'):
					#self.ldinfo[index]['level'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
					self.ldinfo[index]['level'] = safe_split(line,':',1).strip()
				elif line.startswith('Size'):
					#self.ldinfo[index]['size'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
					self.ldinfo[index]['size'] = safe_split(line,':',1).strip()
			for i in range(1,index):
				(ret, output) = saferun('%s -LdPdInfo -a%d | grep "Enclosure Device ID" | wc -l'%(gparas.lsitool,self.ldinfo[i]['num']))
				if ret != 0:
					configinfo_log.logtofile('get_config_info:megacli tool error!')
					self.raidinfo['ldnum'] = 0
					self.raidinfo['pdnum'] = 0
				self.ldinfo[i]['pdnum'] = int(output[0])
Example #12
	def getraidinfo(self):
		self.raidinfo['sn'] = 'NULL'
		self.raidinfo['slot'] = 'NULL'
		self.raidinfo['ldnum'] = 0
		self.raidinfo['pdnum'] = 0
		if self.raidinfo['manu'] != 'hba' and self.raidinfo['manu'] == 'pmc':
			(ret, output) = saferun('%s ctrl all show detail 2>/dev/null' %gparas.pmctool)
			if ret != 0:
				configinfo_log.logtofile('get_config_info:hpacucli tool error!')
			for line in output:
				line = line.strip()
				if line.startswith('Slot'):
					#self.raidinfo['slot'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
					self.raidinfo['slot'] = safe_split(line,':',1).strip()
				elif line.startswith('Serial Number:'):
					#self.raidinfo['sn'] = line.split(':')[1].strip()
					self.raidinfo['sn'] = safe_split(line,':',1).strip()
			(ret, output) = saferun('%s ctrl slot=%s ld all show detail | grep -i "logical drive label" | wc -l ' % (gparas.pmctool,self.raidinfo['slot']))
			if ret != 0:
				configinfo_log.logtofile('get_config_info:hpacucli tool error!')
			if output:
				try :
					number = int(output[0])
				except :
					number = 0
				self.raidinfo['ldnum'] = number

			(ret, output) = saferun('%s ctrl slot=%s pd all show detail | grep -i "physicaldrive" | wc -l ' % (gparas.pmctool,self.raidinfo['slot']))
			if ret != 0:
				configinfo_log.logtofile('get_config_info:hpacucli tool error!')
			if output:
				try :
					number = int(output[0])
				except :
					number = 0
				self.raidinfo['pdnum'] = number

		elif self.raidinfo['manu'] != 'hba' and self.raidinfo['manu'] == 'lsi':
			(ret, output) = saferun('%s -LDGetNum -aAll 2>/dev/null | grep -iv "exit code"'%gparas.lsitool)
			if ret != 0:
				configinfo_log.logtofile('get_config_info:megacli tool error!')
			for line in output:
				line = line.strip()
				if not line :
					try :
						#num = int(line.split(':')[1].strip())
						num = int(safe_split(line,':',1).strip())
					except : 
						num = 0
					if num :
						self.raidinfo['ldnum'] += num

			(ret, output) = saferun('%s -PDGetNum -aAll | grep -iv "exit code"'%gparas.lsitool)
			if ret != 0:
				configinfo_log.logtofile('get_config_info:megacli tool error!')
			for line in output:
				line = line.strip()
				if not line :
					try :
						#num = int(line.split(':')[1].strip())
						num = int(safe_split(line,':',1).strip())
						num = 0
					if num :
						self.raidinfo['pdnum'] += int(num)