Example #1
 def gennop(size, NOPS=None):
     genNOP is used to create an arbitrary length NOP sled using characters of your choosing.
     Perhaps you prefer \x90, perhaps you like the defaults. Given a list of NOP characters,
     genNOP will randomize and spit out something not easily recognized by the average human/rev engineer.
     Still, while you are working a vulnerability, you may prefer to specify one byte such as "A" or
     "\x90" as they are easily identified while searching memory.
         # inc eax       @       \x40
         # inc ecx       A       \x41
         # inc edx       B       \x42
         # inc ebx       C       \x43
         # inc esp       D       \x44
         # inc ebp       E       \x45
         # inc esi       F       \x46
         # inc edi       G       \x47
         # dec eax       H       \x48
         # dec esx       J       \x4a
         # daa           '       \x27
         # das           /       \x2f
         # nop                   \x90
         # xor eax,eax           \x33\xc0
     source: atlasutils
     if (not NOPS):
     sled = ""
     for i in range(size, 0, -1):
         N = random.randint(0, len(NOPS) - 1)
         sled += NOPS[N]
     return sled
Example #2
    def db(t, p):
        if len(sequence) == maxlen:

        if t > n:
            if n % p == 0:
                for j in range(1, p + 1):
                    if len(sequence) == maxlen:
            a[t] = a[t - p]
            db(t + 1, p)
            for j in range(a[t - p] + 1, k):
                a[t] = j
                db(t + 1, t)
Example #3
def str2intlist(data, intsize=4):
    Convert a string to list of int
    result = []
    data = decode_string_escape(data)[::-1]
    l = len(data)
    data = ("\x00" * (intsize - l % intsize) +
            data) if l % intsize != 0 else data
    for i in range(0, l, intsize):
        if intsize == 8:
            val = struct.unpack(">Q", data[i:i + intsize])[0]
            val = struct.unpack(">L", data[i:i + intsize])[0]
        result = [val] + result
    return result
Example #4
def normalize_argv(args, size=0):
    Normalize argv to list with predefined length
    args = list(args)
    for (idx, val) in enumerate(args):
        if to_int(val) is not None:
            args[idx] = to_int(val)
        if size and idx == size:
            return args[:idx]

    if size == 0:
        return args
    for i in range(len(args), size):
        args += [None]
    return args
Example #5
def cyclic_pattern_charset(charset_type=None):
    Generate charset for cyclic pattern

        - charset_type: charset type
            0: basic (0-9A-za-z)
            1: extended (default)
            2: maximum (almost printable chars)

        - list of charset

    charset = []
    charset += ["ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"]  # string.uppercase
    charset += ["abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"]  # string.lowercase
    charset += ["0123456789"]  # string.digits

    if not charset_type:
        charset_type = config.Option.get("pattern")

    if charset_type == 1:  # extended type
        charset[1] = "%$-;" + charset[1]
        charset[2] = "sn()" + charset[2]

    if charset_type == 2:  # maximum type
        charset += ['!"#$%&\()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_{|}~']  # string.punctuation

    mixed_charset = mixed = ''
    k = 0
    while True:
        for i in range(0, len(charset)):
            mixed += charset[i][k:k + 1]
        if not mixed: break
        mixed_charset += mixed
        mixed = ''
        k += 1

    return mixed_charset