Example #1
 def test_nonblock(self, init):
     inst = UDPSocket()
     inst.sock = create_mock(["recvfrom"])
     # Call
     # Tests
Example #2
 def test_block(self, init):
     inst = UDPSocket()
     inst.sock = create_mock(["recvfrom"])
     # Call
     ntools.eq_(inst.recv(), inst.sock.recvfrom.return_value)
     # Tests
     inst.sock.recvfrom.assert_called_once_with(SCION_BUFLEN, 0)
Example #3
 def test_intr(self, init):
     inst = UDPSocket()
     inst.sock = create_mock(["recvfrom"])
     inst.sock.recvfrom.side_effect = (
         InterruptedError, InterruptedError, "data")
     # Call
     ntools.eq_(inst.recv(), "data")
     # Tests
     ntools.eq_(inst.sock.recvfrom.call_count, 3)
Example #4
class KnowledgeBaseLookupService(object):
    This class starts up a UDP server which binds to SERVICE_PORT and
    responds to incoming UDP datagrams which contain lookup requests.
    It pulls the stats from SocketKnowledgeBase object which is also
    the creator of this object.
    def __init__(self, kbase, topo_file, loc_file):
        Creates and initializes an instance of the lookup service.
        :param kbase: Socket knowledge-base object.
        :type kbase: SocketKnowledgeBase
        self.kbase = kbase
        self.topology_file = topo_file
        self.locations_file = loc_file
        # Create a UDP socket
        self.sock = UDPSocket(SERVER_ADDRESS, AddrType.IPV4)
        # Bind the socket to the port
        logging.debug("Socket stats service starting up on %s port %s",
                      SERVER_ADDRESS[0], SERVER_ADDRESS[1])
        # Print the disclaimer
        logging.info("DISCLAIMER: This stats gathering service is currently "
                     "used only as a demonstrative tool. If you wish to use "
                     "it in a production environment, then proper access "
                     "control mechanisms must be implemented.")
        self.service = threading.Thread(target=thread_safety_net,
                                        args=(self._run, ),

    def _run(self):
        Serves the incoming requests serially, one by one.
        This can be parallelized in the future, currently there is no
        need to process parallel as only one browser extension
        will talk to this service and send requests one by one.
        while True:
            except OSError:

    def _serve_query(self):
        Reads and parses a query, looks it up and returns the result.
        req_raw, addr = self._recv_data()
        if req_raw is None or len(req_raw) < 4 or addr is None:
        req_len = struct.unpack("!I", req_raw[:4])[0]
        if req_len != len(req_raw[4:]):
            logging.error('Request length does not match the data length')
            req_str = req_raw[4:].decode("utf-8")
            request = json.loads(req_str)
        except (UnicodeDecodeError, json.JSONDecodeError) as e:
            logging.error('Error decoding request: %s' % e)

        logging.debug('Length of the request = %d' % req_len)
        logging.debug('Received request %s' % req_raw[4:4 + req_len])
        assert (isinstance(request, dict))

            cmd = request['command']
        except KeyError as e:
            logging.error('Key error while parsing request: %s' % e)
        assert (isinstance(cmd, str))

        if cmd == 'LIST':
            resp = self.kbase.list()
        elif cmd == 'LOOKUP':
                conn_id = request['conn_id']
                req_type = request['req_type']
                res_name = request['res_name']
            except KeyError as e:
                logging.error('Key error while parsing LOOKUP req: %s' % e)
            assert (isinstance(req_type, str))
            resp = self.kbase.lookup(conn_id, req_type, res_name)
        elif cmd == 'CLEAR':
            resp = self.kbase.clear()
        elif cmd == 'TOPO':
            resp = self._get_topology()
        elif cmd == 'LOCATIONS':
            resp = self._get_locations()
        elif cmd == 'ISD_WHITELIST':
                isds = request['isds']
            except KeyError as e:
                logging.error('Key error in parsing ISD_WHITELIST req: %s' % e)
            assert (isinstance(isds, list))
            resp = self._handle_set_ISD_whitelist(isds)
        elif cmd == 'GET_ISD_WHITELIST':
            resp = self._handle_get_ISD_whitelist()
        elif cmd == 'GET_ISD_ENDPOINTS':
            resp = self._handle_get_ISD_endpoints()
            logging.error('Unsupported command: %s', cmd)

        assert ((isinstance(resp, dict) or isinstance(resp, list)))
        self._send_response(resp, addr)

    def _recv_data(self):
        Reads the data in from the socket.
            Tuple of (`bytes`, (`address`)) containing the data and
            remote address.
        logging.debug('Waiting to receive the request length')
            req_raw, addr = self.sock.recv()
        except OSError as e:
            logging.error('Error while reading from socket: %s' % e)
            raise OSError("Can't read from the socket: It is dead.")
        logging.debug('Request = %s' % req_raw)
        return req_raw, addr

    def _send_response(self, resp, addr):
        Encodes the response object (dict or list) into JSON and sends it to
        the given address
        :param resp: Response to be sent to the client.
        :type resp: dict or list
        :param addr: Address to send the response to.
        :type addr: AddrType.IPV4
        # prepare the response
        result = []
            resp_str = json.dumps(resp)
            resp_bytes = resp_str.encode('utf-8')
        except ValueError as e:
            logging.error('Error while encoding JSON: %s' % e)

        # the number of bytes contained in JSON response
        logging.debug("Response length is %d" % len(resp_bytes))
        resp_len = struct.pack("!I", len(resp_bytes))
            # send the response
            self.sock.send(b''.join(result), addr)
        except OSError as e:
            logging.error('Error while sending response: %s' % e)
            raise OSError("Can't write to the socket: It is dead.")

    def _get_topology(self):
        Reads in the topology file and serves the relevant part of that
        to the visualization extension.
        :returns: A list of links extracted from the topology file.
        :rtype: list
        with open(self.topology_file, 'r') as stream:
                topo_dict = yaml.load(stream)
                logging.debug('Topology: %s' % topo_dict)
                return topo_dict['links']
            except (yaml.YAMLError, KeyError) as e:
                logging.error('Error while reading the topology YAML: %s' % e)
                return []

    def _get_locations(self):
        Reads in the default locations file and serves the relevant part of that
        to the visualization extension.
        :returns: A dictionary of AS Name to Country Code matching.
        :rtype: dict
        with open(self.locations_file, 'r') as stream:
                locations_dict = yaml.load(stream)
                logging.debug('Locations: %s' % locations_dict)
                return locations_dict['locations']
            except (yaml.YAMLError, KeyError) as e:
                logging.error('Error while reading the locations YAML: %s' % e)
                return {}

    def _handle_set_ISD_whitelist(self, isds):
        Lets the kbase know of which ISDs should be whitelisted.
        :param isds: List of ISDs (numbers)
        :type isds: list
        :returns: A dictionary indicating the result.
        :rtype: dict
        return self.kbase.set_ISD_whitelist(isds)

    def _handle_get_ISD_whitelist(self):
        Queries the kbase and returns which ISDs are whitelisted.
        :returns: A list (potentially empty) containing the whitelisted ISDs.
        :rtype: list
        return self.kbase.get_ISD_whitelist()

    def _handle_get_ISD_endpoints(self):
        Gets the source and target ISD end-points and returns them as a
        :returns: a dictionary containing source_ISD_AS and target_ISD_AS
        :rtype: dict
        result = {}
        result["source_ISD_AS"] = list(self.kbase.source_ISD_AS)
        result["target_ISD_AS"] = list(self.kbase.target_ISD_AS)
        return result