def _getData(fluid, keys, phase=True, unit=None, table=True): """Procedure to get values of properties in fluid Input: fluid: fluid instance to get values keys: array with desired parameter to get phase: boolean to get the properties values for both phases unit: unidades subclass table: boolean if the values are for a table, the none values are repr as text msg """ fila = [] for i, key in enumerate(keys): if not key: continue p = fluid.__getattribute__(key) if isinstance(p, list): p = p[0] if isinstance(p, str): txt = p # elif isinstance(p, list): # txt = repr(p) else: if unit and unit[i]: txt = p.__getattribute__(unit[i]) else: txt = p.config() fila.append(txt) # Add two phases properties is requested if phase and key in ThermoAdvanced.propertiesPhase(): # Liquid p = fluid.Liquido.__getattribute__(key) if isinstance(p, str): txt = p elif isinstance(p, unidades.unidad): if unit and unit[i]: txt = p.__getattribute__(unit[i]) else: txt = p.config() else: txt = p fila.append(txt) # Gas p = fluid.Gas.__getattribute__(key) if isinstance(p, str): txt = p elif isinstance(p, unidades.unidad): if unit and unit[i]: txt = p.__getattribute__(unit[i]) else: txt = p.config() else: txt = p fila.append(txt) return fila
def saveProperties(fluids): """Save all available properties of a list of fluids""" dat = {} for key in ThermoAdvanced.propertiesKey(): prop = [] for fluid in fluids: if fluid is not None and fluid.status in [1, 3]: p = fluid.__getattribute__(key) if key in ["fi", "f"]: p = p[0] prop.append(p) dat[key] = prop return dat
def plot3D(self): """Add a generic 3D plot to project""" dlg = Plot3D(self.parent()) if dlg.exec_(): i = dlg.ejeX.currentIndex() j = dlg.ejeY.currentIndex() k = dlg.ejeZ.currentIndex() if k >= i: k += 1 if k >= j: k += 1 if j >= i: j += 1 prop = ThermoAdvanced.propertiesKey() x = prop[i] y = prop[j] z = prop[k] self.plot(x, y, z=z)
def plot2D(self): """Add a generic 2D plot to project""" dlg = Plot2D(self.parent()) if dlg.exec_(): i = dlg.ejeX.currentIndex() j = dlg.ejeY.currentIndex() if j >= i: j += 1 prop = ThermoAdvanced.propertiesKey() x = prop[i] y = prop[j] if dlg.Xscale.isChecked(): xscale = "log" else: xscale = "linear" if dlg.Yscale.isChecked(): yscale = "log" else: yscale = "linear" self.plot(x, y, xscale, yscale)
def get_propiedades(config): """Procedure to get the properties to show in tables Input: config: configparser instance with mainwindow preferences Output: array with properties, key and units """ booleanos = config.get("MEoS", "properties") order = config.get("MEoS", "propertiesOrder") if isinstance(booleanos, str): booleanos = eval(booleanos) if isinstance(order, str): order = eval(order) propiedades = [] keys = [] units = [] for indice, bool in zip(order, booleanos): if bool: name, key, unit =[indice] propiedades.append(name) keys.append(key) units.append(unit) return propiedades, keys, units
def calculo(self): T = self.kwargs["T"] rho = self.kwargs["rho"] P = self.kwargs["P"] v = self.kwargs["v"] h = self.kwargs["h"] s = self.kwargs["s"] u = self.kwargs["u"] x = self.kwargs["x"] self.comp = [] for i in self.kwargs["componente"]: c = self.componentes[i](eq="GERG", **self.kwargs) self.comp.append(c) = self.kwargs["componente"] self.xi = self.kwargs["fraccion"] # Critic properties for mixture, # eq. 7.9, 7.10 pag.125, Tabla 7.10 pag 136 bt = self.Prop_c["beta_t"] bv = self.Prop_c["beta_v"] gt = self.Prop_c["gamma_t"] gv = self.Prop_c["gamma_v"] c_T = zeros((len(self.comp), len(self.comp))) c_rho = zeros((len(self.comp), len(self.comp))) for i, cmpi in enumerate(self.comp): for j, cmpj in enumerate(self.comp): c_T[i, j] = 2*bt[i][j]*gt[i][j]*(cmpi.Tc*cmpj.Tc)**0.5 c_rho[i, j] = 2*bv[i][j]*gv[i][j]/8. * \ (1./cmpi.rhoc**(1./3)+1./cmpj.rhoc**(1./3))**3 f_T = zeros((len(self.comp), len(self.comp))) f_rho = zeros((len(self.comp), len(self.comp))) dFT_ik = zeros((len(self.comp), len(self.comp))) dFT_ki = zeros((len(self.comp), len(self.comp))) dFrho_ik = zeros((len(self.comp), len(self.comp))) dFrho_ki = zeros((len(self.comp), len(self.comp))) for i, x_i in enumerate(self.xi): for j, x_j in enumerate(self.xi): f_T[i, j] = x_i*x_j*(x_i+x_j)/(bt[i][j]**2*x_i+x_j) f_rho[i, j] = x_i*x_j*(x_i+x_j)/(bv[i][j]**2*x_i+x_j) dFT_ik[i, j] = x_j*(x_j+x_i)/(bt[i][j]**2*x_i+x_j) + \ x_j*x_i/(bt[i][j]**2*x_i+x_j) * \ (1-bt[i][j]**2*(x_j+x_i)/(bt[i][j]**2*x_i+x_j)) dFrho_ik[i, j] = x_j*(x_j+x_i)/(bv[i][j]**2*x_i+x_j) + \ x_j*x_i/(bv[i][j]**2*x_i+x_j) * \ (1-bv[i][j]**2*(x_j+x_i)/(bv[i][j]**2*x_i+x_j)) dFT_ki[j, i] = x_j*(x_j+x_i)/(bt[i][j]**2*x_j+x_i)+x_j*x_i / \ (bt[i][j]**2*x_j+x_i)*(1-(x_j+x_i)/(bt[i][j]**2*x_j+x_i)) dFrho_ki[j, i] = x_j*(x_j+x_i)/(bv[i][j]**2*x_j+x_i)+x_j*x_i /\ (bv[i][j]**2*x_j+x_i)*(1-(x_j+x_i)/(bv[i][j]**2*x_j+x_i)) sumai_v = sumaij_v = sumai_T = sumaij_T = m = 0 for i, componentei in enumerate(self.comp): sumai_v += self.xi[i]**2/componentei.rhoc sumai_T += self.xi[i]**2*componentei.Tc m += self.xi[i]*componentei.M for j, componentej in enumerate(self.comp): if j > i: sumaij_v += c_rho[i, j]*f_rho[i, j] sumaij_T += c_T[i, j]*f_T[i, j] self.rhoc = unidades.Density(1./(sumai_v+sumaij_v)) self.Tc = unidades.Temperature(sumai_T+sumaij_T) self.M = m # g/mol self.R = unidades.SpecificHeat(R/self.M, "kJkgK") Tcxi = rhocxi = [] for i, componentei in enumerate(self.comp): sumav1 = sumat1 = 0 for k in range(i): sumav1 += c_rho[k, i]*dFrho_ki[k, i] sumat1 += c_T[k, i]*dFT_ki[k, i] sumav2 = sumat2 = 0 for k in range(i+1, len(self.xi)): sumav2 += c_rho[i, k]*dFrho_ik[i, k] sumat2 += c_T[i, k]*dFT_ik[i, k] Tcxi.append(2*self.xi[i]*componentei.Tc+sumat1+sumat2) rhocxi.append(2*self.xi[i]/componentei.rhoc+sumav1+sumav2) self.Tcxi = Tcxi self.rhocxi = rhocxi if v and not rho: rho = 1./v if T and x is not None: pass else: if T and P: rhoo = 2. rho = fsolve(lambda rho: self._solve(rho, T)["P"]-P*1e6, rhoo) elif T and rho: pass elif T and h is not None: rho = fsolve(lambda rho: self._solve(rho, T)["h"]-h, 200) elif T and s is not None: rho = fsolve(lambda rho: self._solve(rho, T)["s"]-s, 200) elif T and u is not None: rho = fsolve(lambda rho: self._solve(rho, T)["u"]-u, 200) elif P and rho: T = fsolve(lambda T: self._solve(rho, T)["P"]-P*1e6, 600) elif P and h is not None: rho, T = fsolve(lambda par: ( self._solve(par[0], par[1])["P"]-P*1e6, self._solve( par[0], par[1])["h"]-h), [200, 600]) elif P and s is not None: rho, T = fsolve(lambda par: ( self._solve(par[0], par[1])["P"]-P*1e6, self._solve( par[0], par[1])["s"]-s), [200, 600]) elif P and u is not None: rho, T = fsolve(lambda par: ( self._solve(par[0], par[1])["P"]-P*1e6, self._solve( par[0], par[1])["u"]-u), [200, 600]) elif rho and h is not None: T = fsolve(lambda T: self._solve(rho, T)["h"]-h, 600) elif rho and s is not None: T = fsolve(lambda T: self._solve(rho, T)["s"]-s, 600) elif rho and u is not None: T = fsolve(lambda T: self._solve(rho, T)["u"]-u, 600) elif h is not None and s is not None: rho, T = fsolve(lambda par: ( self._solve(par[0], par[1])["h"]-h, self._solve( par[0], par[1])["s"]-s), [200, 600]) elif h is not None and u is not None: rho, T = fsolve(lambda par: ( self._solve(par[0], par[1])["h"]-h, self._solve( par[0], par[1])["u"]-u), [200, 600]) elif s is not None and u is not None: rho, T = fsolve(lambda par: ( self._solve(par[0], par[1])["s"]-s, self._solve( par[0], par[1])["u"]-u), [200, 600]) else: raise IOError fio, fiot, fiott, fiod, fiodd, fiodt, fir, firt, firtt, fird, firdd,\ firdt, firdtt, nfioni, nfirni = self._eq(rho, T) # Tabla 7.1 pag 127 tau = self.Tc/T delta = rho/self.rhoc self.T = unidades.Temperature(T) self.rho = unidades.Density(rho) self.v = unidades.SpecificVolume(1./rho) self.P = unidades.Pressure((1+delta*fird)*self.R.JkgK*T*rho) self.Z = 1+delta*fird self.s = unidades.SpecificHeat(self.R.kJkgK*(tau*(fiot+firt)-fio-fir)) self.u = unidades.Enthalpy(self.R*T*tau*(fiot+firt)) self.h = unidades.Enthalpy(self.R*T*(1+tau*(fiot+firt)+delta*fird)) self.cp = unidades.SpecificHeat(self.R*( -tau**2*(fiott+firtt)+(1+delta*fird-delta*tau*firdt)**2 / (1+2*delta*fird+delta**2*firdd))) = unidades.SpecificHeat(-self.R*tau**2*(fiott+firtt)) self.g = unidades.Enthalpy(self.R*T*(1+fio+fir+delta*fird)) self.w = unidades.Speed((self.R*T*( 1+2*delta*fird+delta**2*firdd-(1+delta*fird-delta*tau*firdt)**2 / tau**2/(fiott+firtt)))**0.5) f, FI = self.fug(rho, T, nfirni) Ki, xi, yi, Q = self.flash() self.x = unidades.Dimensionless(Q) self.xl = xi self.xv = yi if self.kwargs["mezcla"]: self.Pc = self.kwargs["mezcla"].Pc self.Liquido = ThermoAdvanced() self.Gas = ThermoAdvanced()
def calculo(self): fluido = self._name() args = self.args() estado = CP.AbstractState("HEOS", fluido) if self._multicomponent: estado.set_mole_fractions(self.kwargs["fraccionMolar"]) estado.update(self._par, *args) self.M = unidades.Dimensionless(estado.molar_mass()*1000) if self._multicomponent: # Disabled CoolProp critical properties for multicomponent, # see issue #1087 # Calculate critical properties with mezcla method # Coolprop for mixtures can fail and it's slow Cmps = [Componente(int(i)) for i in self.kwargs["ids"]] # Calculate critic temperature, API procedure 4B1.1 pag 304 V = sum([xi*cmp.Vc for xi, cmp in zip(self.kwargs["fraccionMolar"], Cmps)]) k = [xi*cmp.Vc/V for xi, cmp in zip(self.kwargs["fraccionMolar"], Cmps)] Tcm = sum([ki*cmp.Tc for ki, cmp in zip(k, Cmps)]) self.Tc = unidades.Temperature(Tcm) # Calculate pseudocritic temperature tpc = sum([x*cmp.Tc for x, cmp in zip(self.kwargs["fraccionMolar"], Cmps)]) # Calculate pseudocritic pressure ppc = sum([x*cmp.Pc for x, cmp in zip(self.kwargs["fraccionMolar"], Cmps)]) # Calculate critic pressure, API procedure 4B2.1 pag 307 sumaw = 0 for xi, cmp in zip(self.kwargs["fraccionMolar"], Cmps): sumaw += xi*cmp.f_acent pc = ppc+ppc*(5.808+4.93*sumaw)*(self.Tc-tpc)/tpc self.Pc = unidades.Pressure(pc) # Calculate critic volume, API procedure 4B3.1 pag 314 sumaxvc23 = sum([xi*cmp.Vc**(2./3) for xi, cmp in zip(self.kwargs["fraccionMolar"], Cmps)]) k = [xi*cmp.Vc**(2./3)/sumaxvc23 for xi, cmp in zip(self.kwargs["fraccionMolar"], Cmps)] # TODO: Calculate C value from component type. # For now it suppose all are hidrycarbon (C=0) C = 0 V = [[-1.4684*abs((cmpi.Vc-cmpj.Vc)/(cmpi.Vc+cmpj.Vc))+C for cmpj in Cmps] for cmpi in Cmps] v = [[V[i][j]*(cmpi.Vc+cmpj.Vc)/2. for j, cmpj in enumerate( Cmps)] for i, cmpi in enumerate(Cmps)] suma1 = sum([ki*cmp.Vc for ki, cmp in zip(k, Cmps)]) suma2 = sum([ki*kj*v[i][j] for j, kj in enumerate(k) for i, ki in enumerate(k)]) self.rhoc = unidades.Density((suma1+suma2)*self.M) else: self.Tc = unidades.Temperature(estado.T_critical()) self.Pc = unidades.Pressure(estado.p_critical()) self.rhoc = unidades.Density(estado.rhomass_critical()) self.R = unidades.SpecificHeat(estado.gas_constant()/self.M) self.Tt = unidades.Temperature(estado.Ttriple()) estado2 = CP.AbstractState("HEOS", fluido) if self._multicomponent: estado2.set_mole_fractions(self.kwargs["fraccionMolar"]) estado2.update(CP.PQ_INPUTS, 101325, 1) self.Tb = unidades.Temperature(estado2.T()) self.f_accent = unidades.Dimensionless(estado.acentric_factor()) # Dipole moment only available for REFPROP backend # self.momentoDipolar(estado.keyed_output(CP.idipole_moment)) self.phase, x = self.getphase(estado) self.x = unidades.Dimensionless(x) if self._multicomponent: string = fluido.replace("&", " (%0.2f), ") string += " (%0.2f)" = string % tuple(self.kwargs["fraccionMolar"]) self.CAS = "" self.synonim = "" self.formula = "" else: = fluido self.CAS = estado.fluid_param_string("CAS") self.synonim = estado.fluid_param_string("aliases") self.formula = estado.fluid_param_string("formula") self.P = unidades.Pressure(estado.p()) self.T = unidades.Temperature(estado.T()) self.Tr = unidades.Dimensionless(self.T/self.Tc) self.Pr = unidades.Dimensionless(self.P/self.Pc) self.rho = unidades.Density(estado.rhomass()) self.v = unidades.SpecificVolume(1./self.rho) cp0 = self._prop0(estado) self._cp0(cp0) self.Liquido = ThermoAdvanced() self.Gas = ThermoAdvanced() if self.x == 0: # liquid phase self.fill(self.Liquido, estado) self.fill(self, estado) self.fillNone(self.Gas) elif self.x == 1: # vapor phase self.fill(self.Gas, estado) self.fill(self, estado) self.fillNone(self.Liquido) else: # Two phase liquido = CP.AbstractState("HEOS", fluido) if self._multicomponent: xi = estado.mole_fractions_liquid() liquido.set_mole_fractions(xi) liquido.specify_phase(CP.iphase_liquid) liquido.update(CP.QT_INPUTS, 0, self.T) self.fill(self.Liquido, liquido) vapor = CP.AbstractState("HEOS", fluido) if self._multicomponent: yi = estado.mole_fractions_vapor() vapor.set_mole_fractions(yi) vapor.specify_phase(CP.iphase_gas) vapor.update(CP.QT_INPUTS, 1, self.T) self.fill(self.Gas, vapor) self.fill(self, estado) # Calculate special properties useful only for one phase if self._multicomponent: self.sigma = unidades.Tension(None) elif x < 1 and self.Tt <= self.T <= self.Tc: self.sigma = unidades.Tension(estado.surface_tension()) else: self.sigma = unidades.Tension(None) self.virialB = unidades.SpecificVolume(estado.Bvirial()) self.virialC = unidades.SpecificVolume_square(estado.Cvirial()) self.invT = unidades.InvTemperature(-1/self.T) if 0 < self.x < 1: self.Hvap = unidades.Enthalpy(self.Gas.h-self.Liquido.h) self.Svap = unidades.SpecificHeat(self.Gas.s-self.Liquido.s) else: self.Hvap = unidades.Enthalpy(None) self.Svap = unidades.SpecificHeat(None)
def createTabla(config, title, fluidos=None, parent=None): """Create TablaMEoS to add to mainwindow config: configparser instance with project configuration title: title for the table fluidos: optional array with meos instances to fill de table parent: mainwindow pointer """ propiedades, keys, units = get_propiedades(config) # Add the unit suffix to properties title for i, unit in enumerate(units): sufx = unit.text() if not sufx: sufx = "[-]" propiedades[i] = propiedades[i] + os.linesep + sufx # Add two phases properties if requested if config.getboolean("MEoS", "phase"): for i in range(len(propiedades) - 1, -1, -1): if keys[i] in ThermoAdvanced.propertiesPhase(): txt = [propiedades[i]] prefix = QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("pychemqt", "Liquid") txt.append(prefix + os.linesep + propiedades[i]) prefix = QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("pychemqt", "Vapour") txt.append(prefix + os.linesep + propiedades[i]) propiedades[i:i + 1] = txt units[i:i + 1] = [units[i]] * 3 # Define common argument for TableMEoS kw = {} kw["horizontalHeader"] = propiedades kw["stretch"] = False kw["units"] = units kw["parent"] = parent kw["keys"] = keys if fluidos: # Generate a readOnly table filled of data tabla = TablaMEoS(len(propiedades), readOnly=True, **kw) data = [] for fluido in fluidos: fila = _getData(fluido, keys, config.getboolean("MEoS", "phase")) data.append(fila) tabla.setData(data) else: # Generate a dinamic table empty columnInput = [] for key in keys: if key in ["P", "T", "x", "rho", "v", "h", "s"]: columnInput.append(False) else: columnInput.append(True) if config.getboolean("MEoS", "phase") and \ key in ThermoAdvanced.propertiesPhase(): columnInput.append(True) columnInput.append(True) kw["columnReadOnly"] = columnInput kw["dinamica"] = True # Discard the keys from single phase state as input values if config.getboolean("MEoS", "phase"): for i in range(len(keys) - 1, -1, -1): if keys[i] in ThermoAdvanced.propertiesPhase(): keys[i:i + 1] = [keys[i], "", ""] tabla = TablaMEoS(len(propiedades), filas=1, **kw) prefix = QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("pychemqt", "Table") tabla.setWindowTitle(prefix + ": " + title) tabla.resizeColumnsToContents() return tabla
def add(self, row): """Add point to a table and to saved file""" pref = QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("pychemqt", "Table from ") if pref in self.windowTitle(): title = self.windowTitle().split(pref)[1] melting = title == QtWidgets.QApplication.translate( "pychemqt", "Melting Line") else: melting = False dlg = AddPoint(self.Point._new(), melting, self.parent) if dlg.exec_(): self.blockSignals(True) if dlg.checkBelow.isChecked(): row += 1 plot = self.Plot if plot is None: plot = self._getPlot() if plot is None: # If table has no associated plot, define as normal point units = [] for ui, order in zip(self.units, self.orderUnit): if ui is unidades.Dimensionless: units.append("") else: units.append(ui.__units__[order]) phase = self.parent.currentConfig.getboolean("MEoS", "phase") datatoTable = _getData(dlg.fluid, self.keys, phase, units) else: # If table has a associated plot, use the values of that datatoTable = [] datatoTable.append(dlg.fluid.__getattribute__(plot.x).config()) datatoTable.append(dlg.fluid.__getattribute__(plot.y).config()) # Add point to table self.addRow(index=row) self.setRow(row, datatoTable) # Update verticalHeader for row in range(self.rowCount()): self.setVHeader(row) # Add point to data plot if plot is None: return data = plot._getData() if title == QtWidgets.QApplication.translate( "pychemqt", "Melting Line"): for x in ThermoAdvanced.propertiesKey(): data["melting"][x].insert(row, dlg.fluid.__getattribute__(x)) elif title == QtWidgets.QApplication.translate( "pychemqt", "Sublimation Line"): for x in ThermoAdvanced.propertiesKey(): data["sublimation"][x].insert( row, dlg.fluid.__getattribute__(x)) elif title == QtWidgets.QApplication.translate( "pychemqt", "Saturation Line") or \ title == QtWidgets.QApplication.translate( "pychemqt", "Liquid Saturation Line"): for x in ThermoAdvanced.propertiesKey(): data["saturation_0"][x].insert( row, dlg.fluid.__getattribute__(x)) elif title == QtWidgets.QApplication.translate( "pychemqt", "Vapor Saturation Line"): for x in ThermoAdvanced.propertiesKey(): data["saturation_1"][x].insert( row, dlg.fluid.__getattribute__(x)) else: units = { "P": unidades.Pressure, "T": unidades.Temperature, "h": unidades.Enthalpy, "s": unidades.Enthalpy, "v": unidades.SpecificVolume, "rho": unidades.Density } var = str(title.split(" = ")[0]) txt = title.split(" = ")[1] unit = units[var] value = float(txt.split(" ")[0]) stdValue = str(unit(value, "conf")) for x in ThermoAdvanced.propertiesKey(): data[var][stdValue][x].insert( row, dlg.fluid.__getattribute__(x)) plot._saveData(data) # Add point to data for line in if str(line.get_label()) == str(title): xdata = insert(line._x, row, datatoTable[0]) ydata = insert(line._y, row, datatoTable[1]) line.set_xdata(xdata) line.set_ydata(ydata) plot.plot.draw() break self.blockSignals(False)
def delete(self, rows): """Delete rows from table and for saved data""" self.parent.statusbar.showMessage( QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("pychemqt", "Deleting point...")) QtWidgets.QApplication.processEvents() # Delete point from table for row in rows: self.removeRow(row) delete(, row) # Update verticalHeader for row in range(self.rowCount()): self.setVHeader(row) # Delete point from data plot plot = self._getPlot() if plot: data = plot._getData() pref = QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("pychemqt", "Table from") title = self.windowTitle().split(pref)[1][1:] for row in rows: if title == QtWidgets.QApplication.translate( "pychemqt", "Melting Line"): for x in ThermoAdvanced.propertiesKey(): del data["melting"][x][row] elif title == QtWidgets.QApplication.translate( "pychemqt", "Sublimation Line"): for x in ThermoAdvanced.propertiesKey(): del data["sublimation"][x][row] elif title == QtWidgets.QApplication.translate( "pychemqt", "Saturation Line") or \ title == QtWidgets.QApplication.translate( "pychemqt", "Liquid Saturation Line"): for x in ThermoAdvanced.propertiesKey(): del data["saturation_0"][x][row] elif title == QtWidgets.QApplication.translate( "pychemqt", "Vapor Saturation Line"): for x in ThermoAdvanced.propertiesKey(): del data["saturation_1"][x][row] else: units = { "P": unidades.Pressure, "T": unidades.Temperature, "h": unidades.Enthalpy, "s": unidades.Enthalpy, "v": unidades.SpecificVolume, "rho": unidades.Density } var = str(title.split(" = ")[0]) txt = title.split(" = ")[1] unit = units[var] value = float(txt.split(" ")[0]) stdValue = str(unit(value, "conf")) for x in ThermoAdvanced.propertiesKey(): del data[var][stdValue][x][row] plot._saveData(data) # Delete point from data for line in if str(line.get_label()) == str(title): xdata = line._x ydata = line._y for row in rows: xdata = delete(xdata, row) ydata = delete(ydata, row) line.set_xdata(xdata) line.set_ydata(ydata) plot.plot.draw() break self.parent.statusbar.clearMessage()
def __init__(self, config=None, parent=None): super(Ui_Properties, self).__init__(parent) if config and config.has_option("MEoS", "properties"): values = config.get("MEoS", "properties") if isinstance(values, str): values = eval(values) fase = config.getboolean("MEoS", "phase") self.order = config.get("MEoS", "propertiesOrder") if isinstance(self.order, str): self.order = eval(self.order) else: values = self._default fase = False self.order = list(range(N_PROP)) self.setWindowTitle( QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("pychemqt", "Select Properties")) layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self) self.prop = QtWidgets.QTableWidget(len(, 2) self.prop.verticalHeader().hide() self.prop.horizontalHeader().hide() self.prop.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True) self.prop.setGridStyle(QtCore.Qt.NoPen) self.prop.setColumnWidth(0, 18) self.prop.setSelectionBehavior(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.SelectRows) self.prop.setEditTriggers(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) self.prop.setItemDelegateForColumn(0, CheckEditor(self)) for i, value in enumerate(values): if value == 1: val = "1" else: val = "" self.prop.setItem(i, 0, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(val)) name = ThermoAdvanced.propertiesName()[self.order[i]] self.prop.setItem(i, 1, QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(name)) self.prop.setRowHeight(i, 20) self.prop.openPersistentEditor(self.prop.item(i, 0)) self.prop.currentCellChanged.connect(self.comprobarBotones) self.prop.cellDoubleClicked.connect(self.toggleCheck) layout.addWidget(self.prop, 1, 1, 6, 1) self.ButtonArriba = QtWidgets.QToolButton() self.ButtonArriba.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap( os.environ["pychemqt"] + os.path.join("images", "button", "arrow-up.png")))) self.ButtonArriba.clicked.connect(self.Up) layout.addWidget(self.ButtonArriba, 3, 2, 1, 1) self.ButtonAbajo = QtWidgets.QToolButton() self.ButtonAbajo.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(QtGui.QPixmap( os.environ["pychemqt"] + os.path.join("images", "button", "arrow-down.png")))) self.ButtonAbajo.clicked.connect(self.Down) layout.addWidget(self.ButtonAbajo, 4, 2, 1, 1) self.checkFase = QtWidgets.QCheckBox(QtWidgets.QApplication.translate( "pychemqt", "Show bulk, liquid and vapor properties")) self.checkFase.setChecked(fase) layout.addWidget(self.checkFase, 7, 1, 1, 2) self.buttonBox = QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox( QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Reset | QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) self.buttonBox.addButton( QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("pychemqt", "Mark all"), QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.ResetRole) self.buttonBox.addButton( QtWidgets.QApplication.translate("pychemqt", "No Mark"), QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.ResetRole) self.btYes = QtWidgets.QPushButton self.buttonBox.clicked.connect(self.buttonClicked) layout.addWidget(self.buttonBox, 8, 1, 1, 2)
############################################################################### # Library function for plugin # - getMethod: Return the thermo method name to use # - getClassFluid: Return the thermo class to calculate # - calcPoint: Calculate point state and check state in P-T range of eq # - get_propiedades: Get the properties to show in tables # - _getData: Get values of properties in fluid ############################################################################### from configparser import ConfigParser from lib import mEoS, coolProp, refProp, config, unidades from lib.thermo import ThermoAdvanced N_PROP = len( KEYS = ThermoAdvanced.propertiesKey() UNITS = ThermoAdvanced.propertiesUnit() def getMethod(pref=None): """Return the thermo method name to use""" if pref is None: pref = ConfigParser() + "pychemqtrc") if pref.getboolean("MEOS", 'coolprop') and \ pref.getboolean("MEOS", 'refprop'): txt = "refprop" elif pref.getboolean("MEOS", 'coolprop'): txt = "coolprop"