def __init__(self): self.conf = Config() usage = \ """usage: %prog --match-tags t1,t2,... [--exclude-tags t3,t4,...] [-t RFA,O,...] [-f] [-v] %prog --batch-queries-file --dest-dir <dirname> %prog --list-valid-tags %prog --untagged-pkgs-only""" parser = OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option("-b", "--batch-queries-file", dest="batch_qfile", help="""in batch mode, read queries from this file (one query per line)""", default=None) parser.add_option("-d", "--dest-dir", dest="batch_dir", help="""in batch mode, create a result file for every query in this directory""", default=None) parser.add_option("-m", "--match-tags", dest="match_tags", help="""match packages having all these tags (comma-separated list; not to be used with -l or -u)""") parser.add_option("-x", "--exclude-tags", dest="excl_tags", help="""filter out packages having any of these tags (comma-separated list)""") parser.add_option("-t", "--bug-types", dest="bug_types", default="any", help="""query only against bugs of the types in this comma-separated list (valid types: any, O, RFA, RFH, ITP, being_adopted; default: any)""") parser.add_option("-l", "--list-valid-tags", action="store_true", dest="list_tags", help="""use this if you don't know what to query for (not to be used with -m or -u)""") parser.add_option("-u", "--untagged-pkgs-only", action="store_true", dest="show_untagged", help="""list only bugs for packages that haven't been tagged yet (not to be used with -m or -l)""") parser.add_option("-f", "--force-update", action="store_true", dest="force_update", default=False, help="""update bug and popcon data regardless of age (by default, bug data is updated when it's older than 7 days, and popcon data when it's older than 30 days)""") parser.add_option("--cache-dir", dest="cache_dir", default=os.path.expanduser("~/.devscripts_cache"), help="""cache directory for bug and popcon data (default: ~/.devscripts_cache""") parser.add_option("--debtags-file", dest="debtags_file", default="/var/lib/debtags/package-tags", help="""use an alternative debtags file (default: /var/lib/debtags/package-tags)""") parser.add_option("--vocabulary-file", dest="tags_file", default="/var/lib/debtags/vocabulary", help="""user-supplied tags for filtering are checked against this tag file (default: /var/lib/debtags/vocabulary)""") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False) parser.add_option("-V", "--version", action="store_true", dest="show_version", default=False, help="show version information") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if len(args) > 0: parser.error("Unknown argument %s") if options.show_version: print "wnpp-by-tags %s" % __version__ exit(0) options.match_tags or options.show_untagged or options.list_tags or \ options.batch_qfile or \ parser.error("Please specify at least either -m, -b, -u or -l") options.match_tags and options.show_untagged and \ parser.error("Please specify either -m or -u") if options.batch_qfile or options.batch_dir: options.batch_qfile and options.batch_dir or \ parser.error("In batch mode, you have to specify both -b and -d") if options.batch_qfile == "-": queries_fd = sys.stdin else: assert os.path.exists(options.batch_qfile) queries_fd = open(options.batch_qfile) self.batch_queries ="\n") ensure_dir_exists(options.batch_dir) self.batch_dir = options.batch_dir else: self.batch_queries = None self.batch_dir = None self.match_tags = set() self.excl_tags = set() if options.match_tags: # parse tags to match and tags to exclude self.match_tags = set(options.match_tags.split(",")) if options.excl_tags: self.excl_tags = set(options.excl_tags.split(",")) if options.bug_types == "any": # query against default bug types self.full_name_bug_types = self.conf.bug_types_to_query self.bug_types = [BugType.abbreviation_of(bt) \ for bt in self.full_name_bug_types] else: # convert any bug type acronyms to uppercase self.bug_types = [b.upper() if len(b) <= 3 else b \ for b in options.bug_types.split(",")] # check that the user-supplied bug types are valid self.full_name_bug_types = [BugType.full_name_of(bt) for bt in self.bug_types] invalid_bug_types = set(self.full_name_bug_types).difference(self.conf.known_bug_types) if invalid_bug_types: giveup("invalid bug type(s): %s" % ", ".join(list(invalid_bug_types))) self.bug_types = [BugType.abbreviation_of(bt) for bt in self.bug_types] self.bug_types = set(self.bug_types) self.force_update = options.force_update self.verbose = options.verbose self.list_tags = options.list_tags self.show_untagged = options.show_untagged self.debtags_file = os.path.abspath(options.debtags_file) self.cache_dir = os.path.abspath(options.cache_dir) self.tags_file = options.tags_file
def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2 or '-h' in sys.argv or '--help' in sys.argv: syntax() src_dir = sys.argv[1] dst_dir = sys.argv[2] try: if not os.path.isfile(sys.argv[3]): giveup("\"%s\" does not exist or is not a file" % sys.argv[3]) index_page_msg = open(sys.argv[3]).read() except IndexError: index_page_msg = "" if not os.path.isdir(src_dir): giveup("\"%s\" does not exist or is not a directory" % src_dir) facets = [] timestamp = "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d" % time.gmtime()[:5] for src_facet_dir in glob("%s/*" % src_dir): if not os.path.isdir(src_facet_dir): continue facet = src_facet_dir.split("/")[-1] facet_values = [] facets.append(facet) for src_tag_file in glob("%s/*" % src_facet_dir): facet_value = os.path.basename(src_tag_file) dst_facet_dir = "%s/%s" % (dst_dir, facet) ensure_dir_exists(dst_facet_dir) bug_table_rows = [] for line in open(src_tag_file).readlines(): # the columns are: bug type, bug number, package, popcon, dust cols = line.rstrip().split(" ") _, bug_no, package_name, popcon = cols[:4] if len(cols) != 5: sys.stderr.write("skipping invalid line \"%s\"" % line) continue # add link for bug number and package cols[1] = '<a href="">%s</a>' \ % (bug_no, bug_no) cols[2] = '<a href="">%s</a>' \ % (package_name[0], package_name, package_name) cols[3] = '<a href="">%s</a>' \ % (package_name, popcon) cols = "</td><td>".join(cols) bug_table_rows.append("<tr><td>%s</td></tr>" % cols) nbugs = len(bug_table_rows) if nbugs > 0: row = "<tr><td><a href=\"./%s.html\">%s</a></td><td>%d</td></tr>" \ % (facet_value, facet_value, nbugs) else: row = "<tr><td>%s</td><td>%d</td></tr>" % (facet_value, nbugs) facet_values.append(row) dst_tag_file = "%s/%s.html" % (dst_facet_dir, facet_value) # FIXME: use newstyle dicts instead tag = "%s::%s" % (facet, facet_value) html_doc = bugs_html_template % (tag, tag, "\n".join(bug_table_rows), facet, timestamp) create_file(dst_tag_file, html_doc) content = facet_values_html_template % \ (facet, facet, facet, "\n".join(sorted(facet_values)), timestamp) create_file("%s/index.html" % dst_facet_dir, content) formated_facets = ["<li><a href=\"./%s/index.html\">%s</a></li>" % (f, f) for f in facets] create_file("%s/index.html" % dst_dir, main_page_template % ("\n".join(sorted(formated_facets)), index_page_msg, timestamp))
def main(): # parse user-supplied arguments args = Arguments() # sanity checks if not os.path.exists(args.debtags_file): giveup("The debtags file %s doesn't exist" % args.debtags_file) if not os.path.exists(args.tags_file): giveup("The tag vocabulary file %s doesn't exist" % args.tags_file) if args.match_tags or args.list_tags or args.batch_queries: vocabulary = TagVocabulary(args.tags_file) if args.list_tags: print vocabulary exit(0) invalid_tags = vocabulary.invalid_tags(args.match_tags.union(args.excl_tags)) if invalid_tags: giveup("The following tags are not listed in %s:\n%s" % \ (args.tags_file, "\n".join(list(invalid_tags)))) # misc initialisations bugs_dir = "%s/wnpp" % args.cache_dir popcon_dir = "%s/popcon" % args.cache_dir ensure_dir_exists(bugs_dir) ensure_dir_exists(popcon_dir) update_bug_data(args.force_update, bugs_dir, args.full_name_bug_types, args.conf.bugs_update_period_in_days, args.verbose) update_popcon_data(args.force_update, popcon_dir, args.conf.popcon_update_period_in_days, args.verbose) debtags = Debtags(open(args.debtags_file)) popcon_file = "%s/%s" % (popcon_dir, POPCON_FNAME) assert os.path.isfile(popcon_file) popcon = Popcon(open(popcon_file, "r")) Package.init_sources(debtags.tags_of_pkg, popcon.inst_of_pkg) # build dict of package objects, indexed by package name, using the HTML # BTS pages pkgs_by_name = {} for bug_page in glob("%s/*.html" % bugs_dir): bug_type = BugType.abbreviation_of(os.path.basename(bug_page)[:-5]) if bug_type in args.bug_types: pkgs_by_name = extract_bugs(open(bug_page, "r"), pkgs_by_name, bug_type) if args.show_untagged: # select only packages without tags pkg_objs = [p for p in pkgs_by_name.itervalues() if not p.tags] print format_matches(pkg_objs, args) exit(0) if args.verbose: nbugs = sum([len(p.bugs) for p in pkgs_by_name.itervalues()]) print "loaded %d bugs in %s packages" % (nbugs, len(pkgs_by_name)) # filter packages using user-supplied tags tag_db = StringIO("\n".join([str(p) for p in pkgs_by_name.itervalues()])) if not args.batch_queries: pkg_objs = gen_matches(tag_db, pkgs_by_name, args) print format_matches(pkg_objs, args) exit(0) # else we're in batch mode for facet in args.batch_queries: if args.verbose: print "processing \"%s\" tags" % facet facet_dir = "%s/%s" % (args.batch_dir, facet) ensure_dir_exists(facet_dir) for tag in vocabulary.tags_of_facet(facet): args.match_tags = set([tag]) pkg_objs = gen_matches(tag_db, pkgs_by_name, args) try: tag_value = tag.split("::")[1] except ValueError: warn("skipping invalid tag \"%s\"" % tag) continue filename = "%s/%s" % (facet_dir, tag_value) matches = format_matches(pkg_objs, args) create_file(filename, matches)