def mode(self, user, line): if utilities.validate(line, 2): self.trigger("not_enough_params", user, "MODE") return if not utilities.validate(line, 3): modes = " ".join(line[2:]) else: modes = "" if line[1].startswith("#"): self.trigger("channels_mode", user, line[1][:30], modes) else: self.trigger("user_modes", user, line[1], "")
def nick(self, user, line): connected = user.connected() if utilities.validate(line, 2): self.trigger('no_nickname', user) return nick = line[1][:15].lstrip(':') if not utilities.nick_re.match(nick): self.trigger('bad_nick', user, nick) return if self.trigger('find_user', nick): self.trigger('nick_in_use', user, nick) return if not user.connected(): self.trigger('send_ping', user) if connected: self.trigger('user_nicked', user, nick)['nick'] = nick if not connected and user.connected(): self.trigger('user_registered', user)
def privmsg(self, user, line): if utilities.validate(line, 2): self.trigger('no_recip', user) return if utilities.validate(line, 3): self.trigger('no_text', user) return message = utilities.join_msg(line[2:]) if utilities.ctcp_re.match(message): self.trigger('attempted_ctcp', user) return if line[1].startswith('#'): self.trigger('channels_privmsg', user, line[1][:30], message) else: self.trigger('user_privmsg', user, line[1][:15], message)
def topic(self, user, line): if utilities.validate(line, 2): self.trigger('not_enough_params', user, 'TOPIC') return if not utilities.validate(line, 3): new_topic = utilities.join_msg(line[2:]) else: new_topic = None if not line[1].startswith('#'): channel = '#' + line[1] else: channel = line[1] channel = channel[:30] if utilities.chan_re.match(channel): self.trigger('channels_topic', user, channel, new_topic)
def notice(self, user, line): if utilities.validate(line, 2): self.trigger("no_recip", user) return if utilities.validate(line, 3): self.trigger("no_text", user) return message = utilities.join_msg(line[2:]) if utilities.ctcp_re.match(message): self.trigger("attempted_ctcp", user) return if line[1].startswith("#"): pass else: self.trigger("user_notice", user, line[1][:15], message)
def names(self, user, line): if utilities.validate(line, 2): self.trigger('not_enough_params', user, 'NAMES') return if not line[1].startswith('#'): line[1] = '#' + line[1] chan = line[1][:30] self.trigger('channels_names', user, chan)
def vhost(self, user, line): if utilities.validate(line, 2): self.trigger('not_enough_params', user, 'VHOST') return if not utilities.host_re.match(line[1]): self.trigger('bad_host', user, line[1]) return['hostname'] = line[1][:30]
def setuser(self, user, line): if utilities.validate(line, 2): self.trigger('not_enough_params', user, 'SETUSER') return if not utilities.nick_re.match(line[1]): self.trigger('bad_nick', user, line[1]) return['user'] = line[1][:15]
def kick(self, user, line): if utilities.validate(line, 3): self.trigger('not_enough_params', user, 'KICK') return if not utilities.validate(line, 4): message = utilities.join_msg(line[3:]) else: message = 'kicked' if not line[1].startswith('#'): chan = '#' + line[1] else: chan = line[1] chan = chan[:30] if not utilities.chan_re.match(chan): return self.trigger('channels_kick', user, chan, line[2][:15], message)
def who(self, user, line): if utilities.validate(line, 2): self.trigger('not_enough_params', user, 'WHO') return if not line[1].startswith('#'): self.trigger('user_who', user, line[1][:15], line[1][:15]) else: chan = line[1][:30] if utilities.chan_re.match(chan): self.trigger('channels_who', user, chan) self.trigger('end_who', user, line[1])
def part(self, user, line): if utilities.validate(line, 2): self.trigger("not_enough_params", user, "PART") return if len(line) > 2 and line[2]: message = utilities.join_msg(line[2:]) else: message = "" chans = line[1].split(",") for chan in chans: if not chan.startswith("#"): chan = "#" + chan chan = chan[:30] if utilities.chan_re.match(chan): self.trigger("channels_part", user, chan, message)
def list_chans(self, user, line): if not config.get(user, 'oper') or utilities.validate(line, 2): return allow_chans = config.get(line[1], 'chan_allow', True) or [] deny_chans = config.get(line[1], 'chan_deny', True) or [] for chan in allow_chans: if chan in deny_chans: deny_chans.remove(chan) user.srv_notice('%s : [*] Allowed channels:' % (['nick'])) for chan in allow_chans: user.srv_notice('%s : - %s' % (['nick'], chan)) user.srv_notice('%s : [*] Denied channels:' % (['nick'])) for chan in deny_chans: user.srv_notice('%s : - %s' % (['nick'], chan))
def manage_chan(self, user, line, deny=True): if not config.get(user, 'oper') or utilities.validate(line, 2): return allow_chans = Set([]) deny_chans = Set([]) blocks = [] for listen in config.get(None, 'listen'): if 'user' in listen and listen['user'] == line[1]: blocks.append(listen) if not blocks: user.srv_notice('%s: [!] User not found: %s' % (['nick'], line[1])) return action = 'Allow' if deny: action = 'Deny' user.srv_notice('%s : [*] %sing channel: %s' % (['nick'], action, line[2])) for block in blocks: def merge(elem, chans): if elem not in block: return chans.update(block[elem]) merge('chan_allow', allow_chans) merge('chan_deny', deny_chans) if deny: allow_chans.discard(line[2]) deny_chans.add(line[2]) else: allow_chans.add(line[2]) deny_chans.discard(line[2]) for block in blocks: block['chan_allow'] = list(allow_chans) block['chan_deny'] = list(deny_chans) config.write_config()
def spawn(self, user, line): if not config.get(user, "oper") or utilities.validate(line, 2): return def _spawn(): user.srv_notice("%s : [*] Spawning onion for %s" % (["nick"], line[1])) u = GetUser(line[1]) if not u.exists: u.create() user.srv_notice("%s : - Added user %s onion: %s" % (["nick"], line[1], u.onion())) else: user.srv_notice("%s : - User %s already exists!" % (["nick"], line[1])) self.thread = None if hasattr(self, "thread") and self.thread: user.srv_notice("%s : [!] Spawn or banish already in progress." %["nick"]) else: self.thread = threading.Thread(target=_spawn) self.thread.start()
def banish(self, user, line): if not config.get(user, "oper") or utilities.validate(line, 2): return def _banish(): user.srv_notice("%s : [*] Banishing %s!" % (["nick"], line[1])) u = GetUser(line[1]) if u.exists: for port in u.banish(): self.trigger("close_server_sock", port[0], port[1]) user.srv_notice("%s : - Banished %s!" % (["nick"], line[1])) else: user.srv_notice("%s : - User %s does not exist!" % (["nick"], line[1])) self.thread = None if hasattr(self, "thread") and self.thread: user.srv_notice("%s : [!] Spawn or banish already in progress." %["nick"]) else: user.thread = threading.Thread(target=_banish) user.thread.start()
def whois(self, user, line): if utilities.validate(line, 2): self.trigger('no_nickname', user) return self.trigger('user_whois', user, line[1][:15])