def _zoomeye_api(search, page, z_type): """ app:"Drupal" country:"JP" curl -X POST -d ' { "username": "******", "password": "******" }' """ headers = {} url_login = '******' try: data = { 'username': conf['config']['zoomeye_api']['username'], 'password': conf['config']['zoomeye_api']['password'] } res = curl("post", url_login, json=data, headers=headers) if res == None: sys.exit(logger.error("Zoomeye api is not available.")) headers["Authorization"] = "JWT " + json.loads( res.text)['access_token'] except KeyError: sys.exit( logger.error( "Load tentacle config error: zoomeye_api, please check the config in tentacle.conf." )) except AttributeError as e: sys.exit(logger.error("Zoomeye api error: the response is none.")) except Exception as e: sys.exit(logger.error("Zoomeye api error: %s" % type(e).__name__)) if z_type.lower() == 'web': url_api = "" elif z_type.lower() == 'host': url_api = "" else: logger.error("Error zoomeye api with type {0}.".format(z_type)) return None logger.sysinfo("Using zoomeye api with type {0}.".format(z_type)) for n in range(1, page + 1): logger.debug("Find zoomeye url of %d page..." % int(n)) try: data = {'query': search, 'page': str(n)} res = curl("get", url_api, params=data, headers=headers) if int(res.status_code) == 422: sys.exit(logger.error("Error zoomeye api token.")) if z_type.lower() == 'web': result = re.compile('"url": "(.*?)"').findall(res.text) elif z_type.lower() == 'host': result = [ str(item['ip']) + ':' + str(item['portinfo']['port']) for item in json.loads(res.text)['matches'] ] logger.debug("Zoomeye Found: %s" % result) yield result except Exception: yield []
def _baidu(search, page): for n in range(0, page * 10, 10): base_url = '' + str( quote(search)) + '&oq=' + str( quote(search)) + '&ie=utf-8' + '&pn=' + str(n) try: r = curl('get', base_url) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser") for a in'div.c-container > h3 > a'): url = curl('get', a['href']).url logger.debug("Baidu Found: %s" % url) yield url except: yield None
def _360so(search, page): for n in range(1, page + 1): base_url = '' + str( quote(search)) + '&pn=' + str(n) + '&' try: r = curl('get', base_url) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser") for a in'li.res-list > h3 > a'): url1 = curl('get', a['href']) url = re.findall("URL='(.*?)'", url1.text)[0] if re.findall( "URL='(.*?)'", url1.text) else url1.url logger.debug("360so Found: %s" % url) yield url except: yield None
def _fofa_api_today_poc(page): target_list = [] url = "" res = curl('get', url) if res != None: poc_soup = BeautifulSoup(res.content, 'lxml') poc_result_name = 'body > div.fdo > div:nth-of-type(3) > div > div > ul > li:nth-of-type(1)' ) poc_result_raw = 'body > div.fdo > div:nth-of-type(3) > div > div > ul > li:nth-of-type(4) > a' ) for i in range(len(poc_result_name)): result_name = str(poc_result_name[i])[11:-5] result_raw = str( poc_result_raw[i])[str(poc_result_raw[i]).find(';">'):-4] result_raw = result_raw.replace(';">', '') logger.sysinfo("Search fofa api %s: %s" % (result_name, result_raw)) matchObj ='[a-zA-Z0-9]+', result_name) if matchObj: server = for z in _fofa_api(result_raw, page, False): target_list.append((z, server)) else: for z in _fofa_api(result_raw, page, False): target_list.append((z, None)) return target_list
def _bing(search, page): for n in range(1, (page * 10) + 1, 10): base_url = '' + str( quote(search)) + '&first=' + str(n) try: r = curl('get', base_url) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser") for a in'li.b_algo > div.b_algoheader > a'): url = a['href'] logger.debug("Bing Found: %s" % url) yield url except: yield None
def _google_api(search, page): ''' poc-t search_enging 011385053819762433240:ljmmw2mhhau ''' try: developer_key = conf['config']['google_api']['developer_key'] search_enging = conf['config']['google_api']['search_enging'] except KeyError: sys.exit( logger.error( "Load tentacle config error: google_api, please check the config in tentacle.conf." )) anslist = [] for p in range(0, page): base_url = '{0}&key={1}&num=10&start={2}&q={3}'.format( search_enging, developer_key, str(p * 10 + 1), search) try: # _proxies = None # if conf['config']['proxy']['proxy'].lower() == 'true': # try: # _proxies = { # 'http': conf['config']['proxy']['http_proxy'], # 'https': conf['config']['proxy']['https_proxy'] # } # except: # logger.error("Error http(s) proxy: %s or %s." % (conf['config']['proxy']['http_proxy'], conf['config']['proxy']['https_proxy'])) # res = curl('get',base_url, proxies=_proxies,timeout=5) res = curl('get', base_url, timeout=5) except: res = None if res != None: if int(res.status_code) == 200: res_json = json.loads(res.text) try: for item in res_json.get('items'): anslist.append(item.get('link')) except: break else: logger.error( "Error google api access, and api rate limit 100/day, maybe you should pay money and enjoy service." ) break return anslist
def _ceye_verify_api(filter, t='dns'): try: token = conf['config']['ceye_api']['token'] except KeyError: logger.error( "Load tentacle config error: ceye_api, please check the config in tentacle.conf." ) return False filter = filter.replace('http://', '')[0:20] url = "{token}&type={type}&filter={filter}".format( token=token, type=t, filter=filter) res = curl('get', url) if res == None: logger.error("The ceye api is unavailable.!") elif res.status_code == 503: logger.error( "The ceye api does not support such high frequency requests for the time being. Please reduce the thread to run again by --thread 5" ) elif filter in res.text: return True return False
def _fofa_api(search, page, flag=True): ''' ''' url_login = '******' result = [] try: email = conf['config']['fofa_api']['email'] key = conf['config']['fofa_api']['token'] except KeyError: sys.exit( logger.error( "Load tentacle config error: zfofa_api, please check the config in tentacle.conf." )) if flag: logger.sysinfo("Using fofa api...") search = str(base64encode(bytes(search, 'utf-8')), 'utf-8') for p in range(1, page + 1): logger.debug("Find fofa url of %d page..." % int(p)) res = curl( 'post', url_login + '?email={0}&key={1}&page={2}&qbase64={3}'.format( email, key, p, search)) if res != None: if int(res.status_code) == 401: sys.exit( logger.error( "Error fofa api access, maybe you should pay fofa coin and enjoy service." )) else: res_json = json.loads(res.text) if res_json["error"] is None: if len(res_json.get('results')) == 0: break for item in res_json.get('results'): logger.debug("Fofa Found: %s" % item[0]) result.append(item[0]) return result
def curl(self, method, url, **kwargs): return curl(method, url, **kwargs)