Example #1
def generate_rpn_training_labels(pts_rect, gt_boxes3d):
    cls_label = np.zeros((pts_rect.shape[0]), dtype=np.int32)
    reg_label = np.zeros((pts_rect.shape[0], 7),
                         dtype=np.float32)  # dx, dy, dz, ry, h, w, l
    gt_corners = kitti_utils.boxes3d_to_corners3d(gt_boxes3d, rotate=True)
    extend_gt_boxes3d = kitti_utils.enlarge_box3d(gt_boxes3d, extra_width=0.2)
    extend_gt_corners = kitti_utils.boxes3d_to_corners3d(extend_gt_boxes3d,

    for k in range(gt_boxes3d.shape[0]):
        box_corners = gt_corners[k]
        fg_pt_flag = in_hull(pts_rect, box_corners)
        fg_pts_rect = pts_rect[fg_pt_flag]
        cls_label[fg_pt_flag] = 1

        # enlarge the bbox3d, ignore nearby points
        extend_box_corners = extend_gt_corners[k]
        fg_enlarge_flag = in_hull(pts_rect, extend_box_corners)
        ignore_flag = np.logical_xor(fg_pt_flag, fg_enlarge_flag)
        cls_label[ignore_flag] = -1

        # pixel offset of object center
        center3d = gt_boxes3d[k][0:3].copy()  # (x, y, z)
        center3d[1] -= gt_boxes3d[k][3] / 2
            fg_pt_flag, 0:
            3] = center3d - fg_pts_rect  # Now y is the true center of 3d box 20180928

        # size and angle encoding
        reg_label[fg_pt_flag, 3] = gt_boxes3d[k][3]  # h
        reg_label[fg_pt_flag, 4] = gt_boxes3d[k][4]  # w
        reg_label[fg_pt_flag, 5] = gt_boxes3d[k][5]  # l
        reg_label[fg_pt_flag, 6] = gt_boxes3d[k][6]  # ry

    return cls_label, reg_label
Example #2
def simple_roipool3d_gpu(pts,
    :param pts: (B, N, 3)
    :param pts_feature: (B, N, C)
    :param boxes3d: (B, M, 7)
    :param pool_extra_width: float
    :param sampled_pt_num: int
        pooled_features: (B, M, 512, 3 + C)
        pooled_empty_flag: (B, M)
    batch_size, boxes_num, feature_len = pts.shape[0], boxes3d.shape[
        1], pts_feature.shape[2]
    pooled_boxes3d = kitti_utils.enlarge_box3d(boxes3d.view(-1, 7),
                                                   batch_size, -1, 7)

    pts_idx = torch.cuda.IntTensor(
        torch.Size((batch_size, boxes_num, sampled_pt_num))).zero_()
    pooled_empty_flag = torch.cuda.IntTensor(
        torch.Size((batch_size, boxes_num))).zero_()

                                  pts_feature.contiguous(), pts_idx,

    return pts_idx, pooled_empty_flag
Example #3
def roipool3d_cpu(boxes3d,
    :param boxes3d: (N, 7)
    :param pts: (N, 3)
    :param pts_feature: (N, C)
    :param pts_extra_input: (N, C2)
    :param pool_extra_width: constant
    :param sampled_pt_num: constant
    pooled_boxes3d = kitti_utils.enlarge_box3d(boxes3d, pool_extra_width)

    pts_feature_all = np.concatenate((pts_extra_input, pts_feature), axis=1)

    #  Note: if pooled_empty_flag[i] > 0, the pooled_pts[i], pooled_features[i] will be zero
    pooled_pts, pooled_features, pooled_empty_flag = \
        roipool_pc_cpu(torch.from_numpy(pts), torch.from_numpy(pts_feature_all),
                       torch.from_numpy(pooled_boxes3d), sampled_pt_num)

    extra_input_len = pts_extra_input.shape[1]
    sampled_pts_input = torch.cat(
        (pooled_pts, pooled_features[:, :, 0:extra_input_len]), dim=2).numpy()
    sampled_pts_feature = pooled_features[:, :, extra_input_len:].numpy()

    if canonical_transform:
        # Translate to the roi coordinates
        roi_ry = boxes3d[:, 6] % (2 * np.pi)  # 0~2pi
        roi_center = boxes3d[:, 0:3]

        # shift to center
        sampled_pts_input[:, :,
                          0:3] = sampled_pts_input[:, :, 0:
                                                   3] - roi_center[:, np.
                                                                   newaxis, :]
        for k in range(sampled_pts_input.shape[0]):
            sampled_pts_input[k] = kitti_utils.rotate_pc_along_y(
                sampled_pts_input[k], roi_ry[k])

        return sampled_pts_input, sampled_pts_feature

    return sampled_pts_input, sampled_pts_feature, pooled_empty_flag.numpy()
    def get_rcnn_sample_info(self, roi_info):
        sample_id, gt_box3d = roi_info['sample_id'], roi_info['gt_box3d']
        rpn_xyz, rpn_features, rpn_intensity, seg_mask = self.rpn_feature_list[sample_id]

        # augmentation original roi by adding noise
        roi_box3d = self.aug_roi_by_noise(roi_info)

        # point cloud pooling based on roi_box3d
        pooled_boxes3d = kitti_utils.enlarge_box3d(roi_box3d.reshape(1, 7), cfg.RCNN.POOL_EXTRA_WIDTH)

        boxes_pts_mask_list = roipool3d_utils.pts_in_boxes3d_cpu(torch.from_numpy(rpn_xyz),
        pt_mask_flag = (boxes_pts_mask_list[0].numpy() == 1)
        cur_pts = rpn_xyz[pt_mask_flag].astype(np.float32)

        # data augmentation
        aug_pts = cur_pts.copy()
        aug_gt_box3d = gt_box3d.copy().astype(np.float32)
        aug_roi_box3d = roi_box3d.copy()
        if cfg.AUG_DATA and self.mode == 'TRAIN':
            # calculate alpha by ry
            temp_boxes3d = np.concatenate([aug_roi_box3d.reshape(1, 7), aug_gt_box3d.reshape(1, 7)], axis=0)
            temp_x, temp_z, temp_ry = temp_boxes3d[:, 0], temp_boxes3d[:, 2], temp_boxes3d[:, 6]
            temp_beta = np.arctan2(temp_z, temp_x).astype(np.float64)
            temp_alpha = -np.sign(temp_beta) * np.pi / 2 + temp_beta + temp_ry

            # data augmentation
            aug_pts, aug_boxes3d, aug_method = self.data_augmentation(aug_pts, temp_boxes3d, temp_alpha, mustaug=True, stage=2)
            aug_roi_box3d, aug_gt_box3d = aug_boxes3d[0], aug_boxes3d[1]
            aug_gt_box3d = aug_gt_box3d.astype(gt_box3d.dtype)

        # Pool input points
        valid_mask = 1  # whether the input is valid

        if aug_pts.shape[0] == 0:
            pts_features = np.zeros((1, 128), dtype=np.float32)
            input_channel = 3 + int(cfg.RCNN.USE_INTENSITY) + int(cfg.RCNN.USE_MASK) + int(cfg.RCNN.USE_DEPTH)
            pts_input = np.zeros((1, input_channel), dtype=np.float32)
            valid_mask = 0
            pts_features = rpn_features[pt_mask_flag].astype(np.float32)
            pts_intensity = rpn_intensity[pt_mask_flag].astype(np.float32)

            pts_input_list = [aug_pts, pts_intensity.reshape(-1, 1)]
            if cfg.RCNN.USE_INTENSITY:
                pts_input_list = [aug_pts, pts_intensity.reshape(-1, 1)]
                pts_input_list = [aug_pts]

            if cfg.RCNN.USE_MASK:
                if cfg.RCNN.MASK_TYPE == 'seg':
                    pts_mask = seg_mask[pt_mask_flag].astype(np.float32)
                elif cfg.RCNN.MASK_TYPE == 'roi':
                    pts_mask = roipool3d_utils.pts_in_boxes3d_cpu(torch.from_numpy(aug_pts),
                                                                  torch.from_numpy(aug_roi_box3d.reshape(1, 7)))
                    pts_mask = (pts_mask[0].numpy() == 1).astype(np.float32)
                    raise NotImplementedError

                pts_input_list.append(pts_mask.reshape(-1, 1))

            if cfg.RCNN.USE_DEPTH:
                pts_depth = np.linalg.norm(aug_pts, axis=1, ord=2)
                pts_depth_norm = (pts_depth / 70.0) - 0.5
                pts_input_list.append(pts_depth_norm.reshape(-1, 1))

            pts_input = np.concatenate(pts_input_list, axis=1)  # (N, C)

        aug_gt_corners = kitti_utils.boxes3d_to_corners3d(aug_gt_box3d.reshape(-1, 7))
        aug_roi_corners = kitti_utils.boxes3d_to_corners3d(aug_roi_box3d.reshape(-1, 7))
        iou3d = kitti_utils.get_iou3d(aug_roi_corners, aug_gt_corners)
        cur_iou = iou3d[0][0]

        # regression valid mask
        reg_valid_mask = 1 if cur_iou >= cfg.RCNN.REG_FG_THRESH and valid_mask == 1 else 0

        # classification label
        cls_label = 1 if cur_iou > cfg.RCNN.CLS_FG_THRESH else 0
        if cfg.RCNN.CLS_BG_THRESH < cur_iou < cfg.RCNN.CLS_FG_THRESH or valid_mask == 0:
            cls_label = -1

        # canonical transform and sampling
        pts_input_ct, gt_box3d_ct = self.canonical_transform(pts_input, aug_roi_box3d, aug_gt_box3d)
        pts_input_ct, pts_features = self.rcnn_input_sample(pts_input_ct, pts_features)

        sample_info = {'sample_id': sample_id,
                       'pts_input': pts_input_ct,
                       'pts_features': pts_features,
                       'cls_label': cls_label,
                       'reg_valid_mask': reg_valid_mask,
                       'gt_boxes3d_ct': gt_box3d_ct,
                       'roi_boxes3d': aug_roi_box3d,
                       'roi_size': aug_roi_box3d[3:6],
                       'gt_boxes3d': aug_gt_box3d}

        return sample_info